La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, November 08, 1910, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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' 1 1 " i
Notice to Trespassers.
Positively no hunting allowed on
our premises. Do not ask for permis
sion. Blockland Bros.
I. H.
When In need of anything in watches, clocks, Jewelry, 1
cut glass, hand painted China, or any other article carried 2
by a first clasB jewelry store, investigate our prices before 7
buying and you will s ave money, and be sure of securing 4
m a. i .
If your eyes trouble you, bare them fitted by an op
OuDostte the IT. S, Land Office Adam Aft
ilust Received New i
in Room
Watch for it! wait for it!
First Time in La Grande
Wednesday's Paper Will Tell You
Size Rugsi
08-6x10-6 Axminsters, Tapes-
Union Att
jSize Carpet Rugs at
, 9x9$
$3.7 5 $
i and exceptional values at
f Save $5 Here on
Your Rugs. I
f, .'""""!,r.u"yTBi7i7rr
D. Haisien?
(Continued from page 2)
now has nine Democrats and one Re
publican in the House of Representa
tives, and today's election will prob
ably retain this partisan proportion.
The Ninth dlstrct s certain to remain
Republican, and leaders of the party
have hop&j of carrying the Fifth dis
trict. Washington.
Seattle, Wash., Nov. 8. With the
certainty of the election of all three
Republican candidates for Congress,
the great battle in Washington today
rages over a constitutional amend
ment granting to women the right to
vote. For months the suffragists of
the nation have been centering their
attention on this state, and they are
Jubilant today at what they assert to
be the certain victory for the cause.
Representative Miles Polndexter, Re
publican Insurgent, will be chosen for
the United States Senator by the next
state legislature. Secretary Balling
er, aided by President Taft, fought
bitterly to defeat Polndexter, but In
the recent primary he won an easy
victory, thus repudiating Ballinger fa
his own state.
West Virginia.
Wheeling, W. Va., Nov. 8. Of the
five Congressional districts of this
state, now all Republican, fouV are
placed in the doubtful list by politi
cal wiseacres, and this opinion seems
tc be confirmed by the reports that
are coming In from over the state. The
Republicans claim all five districts,
but admit that the majority of two
years ago will be reduced in at least
two of them.
Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 8. A sjate
t'eket, eleven congressmen and a com
plete legislature, except for sixteen
hold-over senators, are being voted on
in Wisconsin today. The Republican
state ticket is headed by Francis E.
McGovern for governor, with a plat
form perhaps the most radical that
has been formulated by a Republican
convention in a score of years.
Through the Influence of Senator La
Fcilette the convention condemned the
.tariff bill, and went on record as fav
oring the initiative, referendum and
recall, physical valuation and string
ent regulation of railroads, employers'
liability laws and other radical meas
ures. The Democrats nominated Ad
olph J. Schmitz for governor, and he
has received the support of many Re
publicans. The Socialists are polling
a big vote, especially In this city, and
the election of Victor L. Berger, a na
tional leader among the Socialists,
as the representative of the Fifth dis
trict In Congress, seems very likely.
If successful, Berger will be the first
Socialist to be sent to the United
Sttes Congress. With the exception of
Berger and possibly one Democratic
candidate, the state's Republican rep
resentation in the House will contin-
e unbroken.
Cheyenne, Wyo., Nov. 8. W. C. Mirra
len, Republican candidate for govern
or, will probably be victorious In to
day's election In Wyoming over John
M. Carey, the Democratic nominee.
The state's one representative in the
lower House of Congress will probab
ly continue to count on the Republican
Des Moines, la., Not. 8. The elec
tion of Gov. B. F. Carroll for another
era and of certainly nine and prob
- bly all eleven congressmen is claimed
y the Republican campaign manag-
ersjthis afternoon. Little interest has
been manifested in the campaign and
the total. vote is likely to be compur
nuveiy Hgnu ine Democrats ' are
ter, gubernatorial nominee, by frcm
2C.000 to 30,000 majority, and the suc
cess of Democratic candidates !rc at
least three congressional districts.
Kansas. '
Topeka, Kan., Nov. 8. Demy:iits
this afternoon claim the election of F.
C. Rockefeller, a couBln of John D.
Rockefeller, who Is running for Con
gress in the Sixth district against I. D.
Young, progressive. The remaining
five districts are almost certain!-,- Re
publican. D. R. Anthony, of Leaven
worth, and P. P. Campbell, of Pitts
burg; both representing industrial and
mining districts, are the only Repub
lican "standpatters" running for re
election, all of the agricultural dltt
tricta having chosen progressive Re
publican candidates. Got. Walte- R.
Stubba, & leading Insurgent, is cer
tain of re-election.
Loulsvill", Ky. Nov. 8. Kentucky
present representation in the House
Is composed of eight Democrats and
three Republicans, and it is likely tha
this will be maintained by today's el-
election. The Republicans are claim
ing two additional districts, while the
Democratic leaders assert that they
will gain one. Caleb Powers, who was
tried three times for the murdetr' of
Gov. Goebel, is the Republican nom
inee for Congress in the Eleventh dfs
trict, and Is practically certain of go
ing to Washington.
' Louisiana.
New Orleans, Nov. 8. Election day
In Louisiana is passing quietly. The
Democratic candidates In all seven dis
tricts will be elected without Impor
tant opposition. The voters will to
day pass on a bond measure providing
for an issue of $3,5,500,000 for the pro
rosed Panama Exposition.
Baltimore, Md., Nov. 8. Early re
turns indicate a very close contest In
the Fifth and Sixth districts, now held
ty the Republicans. The First, Sec
ond and Fourth districts appear to be
safely Democratic. Th tmm Am.
ti let in the city of Baltimore, carried
two years ago by John Kronmlller,
Republican, by a plurality of 2i2, Is
in doubt
Boston, Nov. 8. Eben L. Draper,
Republican, is certainly, re-elected
governor today over Congressman Eli
gene N. Fobs, the Democratic nominee.
The present representation in the
House, ten Republicans and four Dem
ocrats, Is likely to remain unchanged.
Although the Democrats entered the
election with party -harmony restored,
the recent fight over candidates has
had the effect of reducing the party's
(Continued on Page 6)
Quickly Cared by a Pleasant Gerav
Kllling Antiseptic
' The little Hyomel (pronounce It
Hlgh-o-me) Inhaler is made of hard
rubber, and can easily be carried in.
tbe pocket or purse. It will last so
metime. . Into this inhaler your pour a- few -drops
of magical HYOMEI.
This is absorbed by the antiseptic
gauze within, and now you are ready
to breathe it in over the germ In
fested membrane, where ft will
speedily begin its work of killing
catarrh germs. HYOMEI la made of
Australian eucalyptus combined with
other antiseptics, and Is very pleas
ant to .breathe.
It is guaranteed to cure catarrh,
bronchitis, sore throat, croup, coughs
and colds,' or money back. It cleans
out a stnffed-up head In two minutes.
... Sold by the Newlln Drug Co. and
druggiBts everywhere. Complete out
fit Including indestructible pocket in
haler and one bottle of HYOMEI,
$1.00.-And remember, If you need a
second bottle of HYOMEI it will cost
only 60 cents. Free 'trial bottle of HY
OMEI from Booth's Hyomel Co., Buf
falo, N. Y., Nov. 7, 18, 28. .
Both Speedy and Effective.
TV! I-... ........
m.....w M.Q (M.UWU A' JiX3Jf
Kidney Piles aa S. Parsone, Battle
Creek, Mich., 'illustrates: "I have
been afflicted with a severe case of
kidney and bladder trouble for which
I found no relief until I used Foley
Kidney Pills. I was troubled with
backaches and severe shooting palna
in the sides with annoying urinary
Irregularities and a sense of incom
pleteness in the aot. The steady use
of Foley Kidney Pills rid me entirely
of all my troubles. They 'have my
highest recommendation." Hill's Drug
Store.1 . '
Want ads pay, one cent a word.
Want ads pay, one cent a word.
u y
L3i U
IVe will sell at Public Auction at our farm 2 miles
north of Summerville, on
Commencing at Ten 0 clock A. M.
Two five year old.
Three 3 year old.
Two 2 year old.
One yearling.
Five work horses.
One Disc.
One Drill.
One Mower.
One Rake.
One Binder.
One Gang Plow
Two Buggies.
One two-seated
Three Cows.
Three two-year-old One Harrow.
Steers. One Cultivator
One registered Po-
land China Boar. Two Wagons.
Other things too numerous to mention.
Five Sets Har
ness. Two Saddles.
One Bob-sled.
25 Tons Good
T..,. C Ctl AH sumi under $10 cash.
l erms or oaie 0f 8 to 12 months win be
Over that amount a credit
given purchaser giving bank
able notes bearing 8 per cent interest 5 per cent discount for cash.