TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1910. PAGE TWO M GRANDE EVENING 0BSEBVER. la, . i 1 1 - tl II 'II II - ...... ., 1 MM M I . N K. . U I 1 i r t w x - j . u n m. n a m mm a a mm. a i m II II II MWm I M All lfCI IV MM M W m I I El I I . V -. -. J M II t M X. 1. V V. ? mT JT J iT" I I F I ii ' ' ' ' - - ti - I to LA GRANDE The most magiiifi- cent niece of oilsd ever placed on the market in any city of the Norlteest Five Blocks from the Busi ness Center of the City The ground lies beautifully and every lot is level and smooth. All lots to be improved with CEMENT Sidewalks, Curbing and Parking and All Streets Will Be Graded Positively the choicest bargains in CLOSE-IN property that can ever be offered in La Grande. The time to buy a Homesite is N o w and Let it Grow In Value !! Prices will Advance November 1st Special inducements offered to the Quick Buyer and EASY TERMS will be given. This is a purely Restricted Residence District and is destined to be the fut ure fligh Class residential portion of the city. FISAL B0CB HIS COM. (Continued from page one) New. Haven and Middlesex counties, ir ihe'scene of & pitched battle, with tlu odds pnly slightly favoring the Repub lican nominee, Col.-Andrew Shepard who is opposed by Mayor Thomas L Riley, of Moriden. Deleware. . Vyjlmlngton, Del., Nov. 8. As in the past, Deleware is a hard fought poli tical field today. Congressman Wil liam H. Heald, Republican, is a can didate for re-election, and Is a slight favorite in the betting over former AN torney General Robert C.r White. A state treasurer and auditor of ac count are the only state officials to be chosen today. , Florid. .Jacksonville, Fla., Nov, 8.. Florida, will, as usual, return three Democrat- to. Congress today. The battle between "wets" and "drys? which has agitated the state for years, has occupied the attention of the voters of the state to the exclusion of nearly all other issues. Georgia. Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 8. Georgia has already elected her governor this year and this has detracted from the inter est in today's congressional fight Ten of the eleven districts are assuredly Democratic. A factional split hat cuu irouuie in tne Eighth district, but the selection of a Democrat is rea sonably certain. " - ' Idaho. Boise, Idaho, Nov. 8.-Indicationg point to Republican success in today's election, both for governor, and ' rep resentative. The liquor question has been one of the principal Issues of the ccmpaign, both parties being divided between adherents of local option and statewide prohibition. Illinois. Chicago, Nov. 8. Indications are that the Chicago vote today will be the largest ever cast in an off year, although falling below the total of two years ago. Managers of the state con gressional campaign naturally make varying claims today, the Democrats asserting that their representation will be increased from six to at least eight, while the Republicans allege that all the present Republican dis tricts are safe and that the Fourth, Fifth and Twenty-third districts, now Democratic, may be captured by the G. 0. P. Reports from Speaker Can non b district, tne Eighteenth, say that a heavy vote is being cast and that "Uncle Joe" will have a larger plurality than two years ago, when he carried the Danville district by ov er 7,000. Indiana. Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 8. Hoosier voters got into the game with a vim this morning and the prospects are that a big vote will be rolled up. The legislature is the bone of the conten tion, since it will decide whether Sen ator Beverldge will continue to wear a toga or be succeeded by John W. Kern, the Democratic aspirant for a seat In the United States Senate. Ind iana now has eleven Democrats and two Republicans in the lower house of Congress. The personal popularity of Beveridge may not only carry the legislature, but swing two or three of the 'Democratic districts into-, the Republican column. Both Democrat ic and Republican leaders declare to day that victory is certain. Rhode Island. Providence, R. I., Nov. 8. Gov. Ar am J. Pothier, Republican, will be re elected by a reduced majority over Lewis A. Waterman, Republican, ac cording to early indications. Republi can candidates in both Republican dis tricts are considered safe, although It Is admitted that the unexpected may happen. South Carolina. Charleston. S. C, Nov. 8. Coleman L. Blease, Democrat, will be chosen governor of JJouth Carolina today wnnoui opposition. All sevn con gressional districts will remain Demo cratic. Tennessee. Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 8.- United States Senator Robert I Taylor will probably be the next governor of Ten nessee, succeeding Gov. Malcolm R. Patterson, who was forced to retire from the contest for re-election by op position in the Democratic ranks., Capt. B. W. Hooper, the Republican gubernatorial candidate, received the endorsement of the anti-Patterson Democrats and at one time appeared to be almost certain of victory, but the personal popularity of Senator I Taylor has greatly reduced Hooper's chances of election. The congresslon ! al representation of the Btate will like ly remain as at present, with two Re publicans and eight Democrats In the lower bouse at Washington. ' v : -. Texas. -V' ' ; Houston, Tex., Nov. 8. Effort Of the Republicans to put Texas ln-the O. 0. n,.:- aare again been futile, according to reports from today's elec tion received this afternoon. ' . - There is nothing to indicate that the Lone Star state has changed Its polit ical opinions, and the entire Demo cratic state tcket and sixteen repre sentatives to Congress are certainly elected. Utah. Salt Lake City, Utah. Not. 8. Mor monism vs. "Americanism1 is agn the issue In Utah today. . A legislature will be elected that will choose a suc sessor to United States Senator Geo. Sutherland, who is a candidate for re election. The American or anti-Mormon party, which is In political con trol of this city, is opposed to the Re publican nominees and will throw its strength v on the Democratic side in the senatorial fight. Representative Joseph Howell is standing for re-election, and the Republicans claim for hhn a majority of at least 10,000 over Ferdinand Erickson. A large number of women are voting today and their ballots and Influence will count large ly in the result - - Ylrginla, Richmond, Va., NovT 8. Virginia (ContlnnoT on Page Tbree.1 J ; xaxgeb nr delat. Kidney Diseases are Too Danger,,, for La Grande People to Xeglect The gTeat danger of kidney, trou bles is that they get a firm hold be fore the sufferer recognizes them. Health is gradually- undermined. Backache, headache, nqrvousness lameness, soreness, lumbago, urinary trouble, dropsy, diabetes and Brighfi disease follow in merciless succes sicn. Don't neglect your kidneys. Cure the kidneys with the certain safe remedy, Doan's Kidney pni which has cured people right " here in this locality. O. W, Knight, 513 Franklin St, Pendleton. Orel, says: "Doan's Kid ney Pills benefitted me so greatly that I do not hesitate to recommend them. , For eight or ten years I was troubled by pains across my back and kidneys and at times my loins and sides were affected. I had to get up several times at -night to pass the kidney secretions and often noticed sediment la them. , Doan's Kidney Pills relieved my aches and pains In a short time and corrected the trou ble with the kidney secretions." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co. Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. . . Remember th rri Dc"-'s -u 7 take no other. ', Nov. 7-9-11 50c..YOUii:RD50c 1 Present and Future Reduced Prices for Days Only!! 8 ''''' As a matter of advertisement, MADAME DEL MAR, The fa ' mous palmlgt, will read your palm for the small fee of 50c. Come Now Don't Delay Find out what the future has in M store for you. Madame Delmar guarantees to reveal every Incident of your life, past, present and future. Office hours, 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. ii 1423 Adams Avenue li iji srni-ini-lsrtsjr'ijr-sii 'O f -.-y ,fiVTry'ii--,itlti' That's What They All Say If you'd avoid a foolish fate, Drink "Sam-0" and vote 3-2-8 If you'd see Oregon stay free, Dunk "Sam-OJKtyoc 3-4-3 Ifyci d hate business grow and thrive, Urine "Sam-0" and vote 3-4-5 It's Good ForWhat Ails You TO . 10-Acre tract on Adams avenue. New 9-room brick house, macadam street In front of property. City water on corner of property. Sewer A - - . . 14V J of toe city crosses lull length oi property, ana nave a contract wuu city to tap sewer on every 60 foot lot without cost A splendid home and Investment Price $0300.00 1-2 cash, balance on terms. U A 6-room modern brick house, 2 lots 124x120 feet, nice shade trees S fruit and lawn) barn, wood shed, etc., on corner of 2nd and Spring 5 street for the remarkable low price of $1800.00. Easy terms. This A 5 0 property has been held at $2100.00 but the owner must have money, f A hence the great reduction In pr ice. Let me show you. C. J. Rl . AHC The Real Estate Man j kskVAivwk'wk4kiSiaiSk' ABjls?ax7siBiSisw.Sk