PAGliTWO LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1910. M m9 aurad. e Jo .noes, 3S aim! .r Its the (Greatest Triumpli m Clotyig SelMi It's a complete surrender of values; an unmerciful cut in prices, where costs or values are not reckoned. The time is opportune five months of winter weather in which you will need seasonable clothes. This is worthy products of the world's foremost Manufacturers. The EV ENT OF THE YEAR The great savings will make everyone so happy and pleased that they will boost the sale by telling their friends and so the good ews will taWao IHOOMS ssioms ON EVERYT iMi TLJT JLk JUL .0 TP3 EXTRA SPECIAL NO. 1. MEN'S ODD SUITS. $10.00 to $15.00 Values, Now $7.50 LOT NO. 2. $17.50 to $22.50 Values, now $10.00 EXTRA SPECIAL NO. 2. MEN'S UNDERWEAR BROKEN LINES.1 Regular $2.50 Suit, Now $1.45 Regular $3.00 Suit, Now $L90 Regular $4.50 Suit, Now .$2.45 EXTRA SPECIAL NO. 3. MEN'S ODD PANTS-BROKEN LINES LOT NO. 1. $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 Values $1.25 $3.25, $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 values ........ $2.00 Be on Hand. EXTRA SPECIAL NO. 4 HATS. LOT NO. 1. ODDS AND ENDS, GOOD SHAPES. , Regular $3.00 values $1.85 LOT NO. 2. Regular $2.00 Values $1.00 Regular $1.50 Values 75c and secure the this urea: ale ! I MEN'S SHOES. SEVERAL LOTS TO CLOSE OUT. $3.00 values, Now. . $1.85 $3.25 values, Now $2.00 $3.50 and $3.75 values, Now $2.35 $4.00 values. Now $2.60 $4.25 and $4.50 vnlusi, Now $2.90 BOYS SUITS. AT A FRACTION OF THEIR REAL WORTH Regular $10.00 values, Now.. $5.50 Regular $9.00 values, Now $4.86 Regular $8.00 values, Now $4.50 Regular $4.00 values, now $2.35 Regular $3.50 values, Now $2.10 EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS IN MEN'S FURNISHINGS. MEN'S WORK SHIRTS. Regular 50c Values ... 35c Regular $1.00 Values G3c Regular $1.25 Values 75c Regular $1.50 Values . . i : .95c HATS. Regular $3.00 Values .7 $2.45 THESE HATS ARE ALL NEW FALL BLOCKS. Every price and every value will be found exactly as represented. We would rather have you find the goods better and the values greater than you anticipate than to have you disappointed when you come. Remember space will not permit us to quote prices on everything that will be sacrificed at these prices. We would rather have what the goods wiU brmg than to carry them ovjr. MET Successors to Penington & Co.