THE PARISH HAIR - STORE 209 FIR ST. PHONE MAIN 731 Mrs. I. A. Palmer Prop. A new line of hair switches now on sale for the next ten days ending Nov. 5, PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOKt. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. - N. MOUTOR, M. D. rhysiclan anu Surgeon. Corner Adams Ave. and Depot street , Office, Main 68; Resi dence 69. C H. UPTON. Ph. Q. M. iX Physician and surgeon. Special attention to Eye, Bar, Nobs and Throat. Office in La Grande'Natiwnal Bank Build ing. Phones': Office Main 2, Rest ! dence Main 32. A. L." R1OURD60N Physician and Siirfeevu. vim) lawuii; Z iw 5 J. except Sunday. Sunday by appoint ments. Telephones! 1 Office, Black 1362: Ind. 353; residence,' Mate 65;' Ind. 312. " GEO. W. ZIMMERMAN Osteopath Physician. ' Somaer BJdg; Rooms 7 8, 9 and 10. Fionas: Horns 1332, Pacific, Main 63," Residence ; phones Black 961. Successor te Dr. C EL Moore. ' . i DR. M. P. MENDKL80HN Doctor of Optics. Spectacles and Eye Glasses. Fitted and made to order. All er rors of Refraotien' Corrected. HOB Adams Ave. Foley" Hotel Bldg. La Grande, Oregon. DR. H. L. UNDERWOOD and DR DORA J. UNDERWOOD Office ov er Wright Drug store. Special at tentlon paid to diseases and surgery of the eye. . Phones Office Main 22; residence, Main 728. J. C. PRICE, D. M. D. Dentist. Room 23, La Grande National Bank Build log. Phone Black 399. DR. R. R. LINCOLN, DENTIST First ( class services given. Office over Lil ly's Hardware store. Phone Red 1131 DR. P. A. CHARLTON .Veterinary Sur geon. Office attHlll's Drug Store, La Grande. Residence phone, Red 761; Office phone, Black 1361; Inde pendent phsie 63; both phones at residence. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. COCHRAN & COCHRAN Attorneys: Chas. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Coch ran. La Grande National Bank Bldg., La Grande, Oregon. T. H. CRAWFORD Attorney at Law. Practices in al lthe courts of the State and United States. Office in La Grande National Bank Bldg., La Grande, Oregon. , ') D. W. C. NELSON Mining Engineer. Baker City, Oregon. Professional Elocutionist Miss Katherine P. Mitchell; gradu ate and post graduate in Oratory and English. Cumnock school. Northwest' era university, .Chicago, III, Private and closs work. Elocution, Oratory, Dramatic work. Physical Culture, Tu tor and Critic, English Literature and Composition. Phone Black 33L--1403 N. Avenue. If your liver Is slnggttn and out of tone, nd you feel dull, bilious, constipated, take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets tonight before retiring and you will feel all right in the morning. New Transfer Line M. L Leader PROPRIETOR PHONE RED 3762 Drayingof all kinds HffiffP? rr; '-? i i 111 ' . - v 1 Tho only baking powder . mstfa front Royal Grzpo Cream of Tartar FIRST-CLASS . LAUNDRY WORK If you are not a customer of Cherry's New Laundry we urge you to give us a trial. We guar" antes all work to be satisfac tory and will ' re-laundry any article not so found or' cheerful ly refund your money. " ; We want to build up a home Jaundry employing American 'labor, which will be a credit to the town. We merely "ask! a' chance to prove that we can sat-, Msfy you. Cant you grant thaf much? ' All work celled. v for and promptly delivered. " There Is enough laundry work in La Grande to keep a good sized force busy and keep the money at home. Are you a booster for home industry? We are now comfortably housed in our new building, Just a few steps from Fir st. We arc safe .from dust and dirt and are easily found if you want to carry a bundle down town. But we'll gladly call in our wagon. Cherry's New Laundry BOTH PHONES. Terra Cotta Well Casing Call or write for Estimates and Prices """" " -3&r John Melville U28 Adams An. LA GRANDE, - QBE ilSAUER Fresh from the country Royal Grocery j and RafAMi I KRAUT 0B3EBVKU. SPORTING COXXENT. (Continued from page eight) broke the deadlock last Saturday by defeating Elgin ten to 0 at Cove. ' " ' Elgin is playing Island City at El gin this afternoon. The Island City, team was defeated by La Grander second team a few weeks ago. Harry Walters was held out of tlie blf game at Portland last Saturdav. presumably, so that he could pl&yi with the 0. A. C. freshmen agaiuvt Oregon's freshmen today. , - ; Reynolds engineererd the 0. A. C team when they overcame W. S. C last Saturday at Portland and the task is no small one to do right, for Ostboff's men are noted for their in trigue and generalship. " Will Rush, the coming half back for the La Grande team, was not a. sub? stltute with the La Grande team, yes terday as announced in the' Observer. His presence was eliminated by the fact that Principal Mansager Joined the delegation and consequently Rush was crowded out at the last minute. - . .wviLwit luiiuwers will be Interested to read the. success of Ben Grout at the university of Oregon where is is one of the Yost-ilke scor ing machine. Grout 1b a brother of the youngt man of the swne name who is with La Grande at Spokane today. Ben waj out "of the university for a year but entered' on the' senor work this fall.' " , The alumni:hlgh school game on Thanksgiving" dsy should be a hum mer drawing card if it actually takes place. The funds thus accumulating of course,, are not to be redistribut ed as is often the case, to bring an outside team here at great expense The teams would be a real live wire drawing card. ' ' During the coming basketball sea son the M. I. A. team will be taken on a tour by Manager Geddes, and it is likely that such teanw as Pendleton, Weston, Milton College, Walla Walla and Hermiston will be encountered during the Junket.' Before this tour, however, it is probable that a game here and a game at Imbler with the Imbler club will be played off. tern Tale Fears Defeat New Haven, Conn., Nor. 5 Sons of Old Eli are oppressed with the feart that the blue banner will be trailed in the dust today by the football squad from Brown university. The game with Brown Is looked upon as a test of the relative strength of Jhe Yale and Harvard elevens, but this year such a test Is hardly needed. Harvard de feated the Providence aggregation by the score of 12 to 0, but unless the Blues show a remarkable Improve ment in form, "Twill be surprising if tho invaders do not take them into camp, or at least hold the Yales ev ea.l,ln such event, Yale, jaiiadmlt, USspJOPtball season for tha-JEtfe will l .all orer but. the weepten ic' Harvard vs. CernelL Boston, Not. 5 Harvard vs. Cornell is an attraction which has caused the football fans of Boston to set out this morning for Boston to set out this morning for Cambridge In the hope of seeing one of the snappiest games of the present season. The betting fav ors Harvard, as the Ithaca eleven has made none too good a showing' against the minor teams it has played. Football In West Chicago, Not. 6 Purdue will be the attraction on the University of Chicago gridiron this afternoon, and will probably prove easy victims to the prowess of the Windy City boys. Next Saturday Chicago will meet Cor nell at Ithaca In the first big Inter gan and Notre Dame play today at sectional contest of the season. Mlchl Ann Arbor, and the Michigan eleven will have to fight hard to prevent de feat ' Vote for X 101 Against Prohibi tion In Union County, which' means a vote for the strict and permanent reg ulation of the liquor traffic In the county. Adv. Vote for X 101 Against Prohibi tion In Union County, which means a vote for the strict and permanent reg ulation of the liquor traffic In the county! Adv. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER t, 1910. Vote -for X 101 Against Prohibi tion In Union County, which means a vote" for the strict and permanent reg ulation of the liquor traffic In the county. Adv.- Soo- Spokane Route THE SHORT LINE TO Minneapolis, StPaul AND ALL POINTS EAST , EQUIPMENT t Electric-lighted Observation Cars and Standard Sleepers, the moat ' up-to-date , TouristCarjs and. through dra- " era." ": Through tickets to all ponts ' mmm -;'.. . ' agent at' lowest current fares, to Details Berths LlteraUre , .. . , ' , . . . O. ' M. Jackson, Geo. A Walton. Trav; Pass. Agt ' Gen. Agt, 14 WaU St, Syetase, ; NORMAL SCHOO at MONMOUTH, OR. The greatest good ac? corded children of Ore- gon comes from the Normal Schools By attending them young people are educated to fight life's battles in a practical . way. Help the boys and girk, by VOTING FOR the Monmouth Normal Thas What They All Say If you'd avoid a foolish fate, . Drink "Sam-O" and vote 3-2-8 v If you'd seeOregon stay free, Clink "Sam-0". andvote 3-4-3 Ifyc d have business grow and thrive, Drlne "Sam-0" and vote 34-5 . It's Good ForWhat Ails You m 0 10-Acre tract on Adams avenue. street In front of property. City d ": of the city crosses full length of d ' city to Up sewer on every 60 foot lot without cost A splendid home S 4 and - bvestment Price $6300.00 1-2 cash, balance on terms. A k B-room modern brick house, 2 lots 124x120 feet, nice shade trees 8 TA M,l4 a. . ... fi 0 inuana lawn, barn, wood shi. a nreet ior us remarkable low p d property has been held at $2100.00 but the owner must nave money. S , , hence the great reduction in price. Let me show yon. jCJLACKTcft Real Estate Man 2C Which means you are VOTING FOR THE PAGE NINE j New 9-room brick house, macadam 5 water on corner of property. Sewer Dronertv. and ha nntrrt with B rice of 11809.00. , Easy terms. . This ii! H 1 I, ! - ' !--(t Is &