PAGE EIGHT EX G235D2 EVEKTTG 02SZHVE2- EAXUEDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1910. I FORD ME Model 7 5 passenger, 25 H. P fourfsf car $700. VJith fop, storm curtains, 5 lamps, Gas Generator, horn, wind shield and speedometer $780 F. 0. 8. Detroit. 5 passenger roadster same as above $600 The car you see every day. The car that makes good on the hardest roads. The car that climbed Fox hill. The car that climbed Harris mountain. The car that climbed to Morgan Lake. The car that climbed Fly Valley hill near the head of the Ronde River. The car that mastered the hardest hills in Union and Wa.lowa counties The car that took three people from La Grande to Enterprise in 3 hours andko minutes. Is the car we offer you for $700. The car built of Vanadium steel forging not iron casting. The car that gives from 7000 to 10000 miles on one set of tires. The car that averages 20 miles on every gallon of gasoline. The car thals costs less to operate than any tourist car built. It is the car we offer you for $700 Call at the garage and let us tell you more about it. Smith's :'Garage I in nnrtfie . . - I no nrn AMOMCES W PRICE Hot Drinks a Snowdrift: Monti bid ii Basitistedotj sold By Vjater-Stanchfield Produce Co. H25Jefietsaa Arecze HH'S DEFY GOES BEGGING rescue op orkwts teim WHICH HIS ST1KTIXD F153w enmrr z i uiqcity era uuuui iu n iniiuiu -uiiuip' Or' Serf? 3fah!ie TTri4 University of Ontm, Ejjgeae. Or Sot. J. IScii'i Tie profcka ? -tii&g tie Northwest - chajspS&aiJupr witioet a football battle tetweea tie Universities of Washington and Ore gon will be a difleult matter to do. yet ft Took as If th two team wis b onaile to clash. Th Oregon maa atemeat ha offered every reasonable Inducement for a game wJrJt Wajhiag too la either ct it two opea date, let to the present time, no aa- ? fr in ia -rttefreii. It looia a f li'.tl lik WaMa?toa !a afraid :o St Oregon" grsat icor:c? Bcaeh-Ias. j Caca DoJ.i an.! Coirh U"arBr, tl I Lire me before in tie east. ar.i a rscx-r La fai'! cat tiat ti pi: ii tean against ta on coaihe! b tie baoaj Corieir nia. prefer ring to let ti rp'ita:!oa of Lis faaa'l re-st oa past laurel. Waahtegto-a . fca a g:tat te-ira tf-, ytar and if a ears. fcal-i fc arrant a. it voa!4 t the greatest b'.l t5-?j North"' est ias tver -n. Ores.a's Uckf.-ll. Cay.. Tajlor. L.' twr'j. Main tad VaIJtr. ari cu s:ir; as3e1 la any fol!?e for srif aa.I Cghriag ability. b'it the W-iic-Tci line is more eirera'.eI. try corciparatire frf.-or9 t'ae ' u'ver aity raa da:s tie c -baaipl r.tb: over Waahfngtoa. provi'IIng she Iffc."s ') A, C-. aa in tie two collegfati arac- played this year with Idabo and Pajtt Soand U.. the locals ran -p i'or.3 2i to 0, and 111 to 0. resirectivelr. Den Grout, a La Grande boy. Is one of Oregon's star linemen this season. Grout is playing great ball, and his fierce tackling and line-bnekin? was a feature of the Idaho game last Sat urday. Undoubtedly he will play his guard postion throuhonit the sea son. The husky farmer lad has made good in every sense of the word. - Coach Warner's Cornell system is quite a contrast to that of Coach Forbes Yale Idea, which consisted of developing two teams of individual stars of equal ability. Warner's idea is to use eleven men throughout the game, without change except through Injury. In practice he works his men very hard, and personally looks after each player in the first eleven. He has developed one of the greatest ma chines Oregon or the Northwest has ever seen, and the interference is per fect, so Northwest critics declare. . The annual O. A. C. game takes place a week from today. Undoubtedly it will be the hardest game of the sea son, as it Ib to be played at Corvallis. Practically the whole student body from Oregon will be on hand to see the game, and it is estimated that 10, 00 enthusiasts will be in Corvallis on that date. Secret practice is being held at the University, and will con tinue all during the coming week. Vote for X 101 Against Prohibi tion in Union County, which means a I vote for the strict and permanent reg ulation of the liquor traffic In the county. Adr Oyster Corttafls Cccs& Beef Tea CUnBcdlicn Tcnato Flip Flour The THE linOI IX1DK. Lat pbDtsrraph f (hllders the Usual CaptAia, a he appeared when he wa at hi prime and plajinz on itt kigfa schvwl ttUr. Ijit Grande, like all Oregon, is agog cer tie graellicg race in California. Portland lost yesterday while Oakland broke even. a!I of which means that Portland must win one game of the two doable hea lers, tenia v and to-1 morrow, while Oakland on the other hind must wia four of ihem. Regard less of what Oakland may do. Port land still has the requirement to meot in its oae game feature. Nothing is impossible in baseball, and Vernon, tie most erratic team of the league may slip something over on Port land today and tomorrow. Next to politics, La Grande is cen tering its Interest on the series. This is the first game in many years that it remained for the next to the last day. and perchance the very last day. of the series to determine the win- PiT N I T M 1 1RE f If you want to talk GUNS, FISHING UCKLE Come in and See me The Shot Gun Shells that I eery will fill the bag with game if prop erly handled. Try 26 grains infallible on ducks. F.LULLEV NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE Best to be had ?t any Price. 15 OBJECT IS TO PUT HIGH SCHOOL TEAS THAJISGimC. CHILDERS HAL1ED CAPTAIN 014 Timer Win Beet tie Pment Tiiiter fa Sew FeettalL ' For tie Erst time la several years. La Grande alamal is to meet the present team from tie high school. The alumni organized Ial night and elected Jlerril Childeri. the premier back fielder and panter a captain and the meeting was attended by prac tically eaoagh oil timer to insure the fall lineup. The old gratis have been negotiating with tie nanag? ment of tie high school teaa f ir some time over this game and ecoaraged by the chaaces for.a game on the big Turkey day, tiey perfected the orga nization last night. The Erst practice will be held to morrow afternoon when all the alum ni are requested to rfleet at the ball park at 2:20. After tomorrow the practices will be held uader arc lights. Interest is keen in the outcome and the game will likely be oae of the biggest drawing cards of the year. - The probable lineup, which is likely tn change, however is. Ormcnd Faulk, center. Dun Scott quarter, Merril Childers left half. Stanley Carpy and Frank Earls right . half, Geddes full back, Grady and Peare ends. Ingle and Graady tackles. Elystoae right guard. Left guard position is still un filled. SPORTING COMMENT.ASD KINDRED SUBJECTS Whitman college reserves, the sec ond team, is playing at Baker City this afternoon. La Grande to a man gazes Spo kaneward this afternoon. The score is anxiously awaited. After having played a tie game wi'h Elgin at Cove two weeks ago. Cove (Continued oa page nine) onra l ; : ' it