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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1910)
it 4 J THE PABIS HAIB: STORE 209 FIR ST. PHONE EIAIN 731 Mrs. I. A. Palmer Prop. A new line of hair Switches now on sale for the next ten day ending Nov. 5, I PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. PHYSICIAXS AXP STJBQEOSS. & JiOLlTOR, M. D.fnyBician and Surgeon. Corner Adams Ave. and Depot street Office, Main 68; Resi dence 69. ; cTTl'PTON, Ph. O. M. Physician and Burgeon. Special attention to Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat. . Office In La Grande' NattMnai Bank Build log. Phones:' Office Main 2, Resi dence Main 32." A. L. RICHARDSON Physician and surgeon. Office Hours: z to o p. m Qnnrittv hv nnrvolnt.. ments. rewBuouee: .. vuu.-, 1362; Ind. 353;" residence," Mala 65; Ilid, 3U. tr. m ... t St fXl Tl .. 1 . GEO. W. ZIMMERMAN Osteopath Physician; ' Sonuner Bids; Rooms T. 8, 9 and 19.. "Phones? Hose -1332, pacific, Main Mi Residence phone, Black 951. Successor'" Dr. G. E Moore. DR. M. P. MENDESLSOHN Docttr of Optics.' Spectacles and Eye Glasses Fitted "and" made' to order.' All er rors of Refraction Corrected. 1105 Adams Ave. Foley Hotel Bldg. La Grande. Oregon. ' i r V ..-.' DR. H. L. UNDERWOOD and DR. DORA J. UNDERWOOD Office v. er Wright Drug store. Special at tention paid to diseases and surgery of the eye. Phones Office Main 22; residence, Main 728. ' . - . J. C. PRICE, D. M. D. Dentist Room 23, La Grande National Bank Build ing. Phone Black. DR. R. R. LINCOLN, DENTIST First class service given. Office over Lil ly's Hardware store. Phone Red 1131 DR. P. A. CHARLTON .Veterinary Sur geon. Office at Hill's Drug Store, La Grande. Residence phone, Red 701; Office phone, Black 1361; Inde pendent phone 53 ; both phones at residence. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. COCHRAN & COCHRAN Attorneys: ChaB. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Coch ran. La Grande National Bank ' Bldg., La Grande, Oregon. . , ; . T. H. CRAWFORD Attorney at Law. Practices in al lthe courts of the State and United' States. ' Office in La Grande National Bank Bldg., La Grande, Oregon. D. W. C. NELSON, Mining Engineer. Baker City, Oregon. Professional Elocutionist - . Miss Katherine P. Mitchell,' giadu ate and post graduate In Oratory and English, .Cumnock school, Northwest ern university, Chicago, 111., Private and doss work. Elocution, Oratory, Dramatic work. Physical Culture, Tu tor ana Critic, English Literature and Composition. Phone Black 331. 1403 'N. Avenue. If your liver Is slnggiin and out of tone, and you feel dull, bilious, constipated, take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets tonight before retiring and you vrill feel all right in the morning, r.- .- , New Transfer Line . M. L. Leader PROPRIETOR PHONE RED 3762 Drayingofallkinds BACHELORS ABE SCBPEISED. Local People Alto to ImWer to Bar. lrle Bachelor Orchardlsts. Messrs. Sawyer and Greene, pro prietors of the Hardscrabble orchard at Imbler, were surprised at their bachelor, parties at Imbler laBt night by a party of La Grande people who planned a surprise on the twc gentlemen from Harvard. The guests were taken to Imbler In automobiles and enjoyed an old fashioned lunch eon. The men report having had a very enjoyable time. Those who made the trip were: J. J. Adams, J. Ormond, C. Galloway, J. Jones. M. Kirtley, W. C. Hess, P. Brown, Mr. Stllwell, Mr. Crlsswell. A. Curtlss F. Boch and C. Jackson. ueorge nan nas received a car of M b . . fruit trees from the Oregon Nursery Company. Part of the trees were ; transferred here and the car re-8hlppedr Jo Weiser. Idaho. FIRST-CLASS S LAUNDRY WORK ..If you are not a customer of - Cherry's New Laundry we urge you to give us a trial. We guar antee all work to be satlsfac-, tory and will ro-laiinrtrir nv article not bo found or cheerful ly refund your money. , We want to build up a homo, .laundry employing. American, labor, which will be a credit to the town. We merely ask a (Chance to prove that we can sat isfy you. Can't you irant that " much? All work called for and promptly delivered. There Is enough laundry work Ju,La,, A.gooi. sized force busy and keep the money at home. Are you a .booster for home Industry T , We are now , comfortably . housed in our new, building. Just a few steps from Fir st We arc, safe from dust and dirt and are easily found If you want to carry a bundle down town. But we'll gladly call in our wagon. Cherry's New Laundry BOTH PHOXIS. John Melville 1H28 Adams An : LAGRAHDeA - i ORE x SAUER Fresh from the country Ty " ' .j j ii. ' . Terra Cotta Well Casing Call or write for Estimates and Prices KRAUT I '- ' ii Z . o I . j! j Royal Grocery I Bakery I M mSQS EteSKo OESESYKli. HlIDAr,X)VEUBEn4,1910. if..- - - ' 11 -.. , ' Xetlce to Trespassers, Positively so hunting allowed on our premises. Do not ask for permis sion. Blockland Bros. lft-Acre tract on Adsma avpmi ren n front of proiwrty. ctty f the city crosses roll length of and Investment. Price IC300.00 A 5-room modern brick house, 2 , fruit and lawn, barn, wood shed. etc.. on corner of 2nd and Spring j street for the remarkable low price of 11800.00. Easy terms. This ! property has been held at $2100.00 but the owner must have money 5 hence the great reduction la price. Let me show you. ' 5 C; J. BLACK Jhe Real Estate! 7 For sale planing mill and box factory in running condition, 1 acre ground will sell at half price. Apply JJ. M. Hirslir Union. Ore. t"H 1 H i! HH I f t 1 Got Good to Eat? i Vegetablse Cauliflower BrusselU Sprout Egg Plant Cabbage, ! Fruits Grapes . Apples ' Oranges " Figs 4. .. Kraut, Celerj; Pickles, Mince Meat A full I line of Bakery Goods. Pattison Bros. I Use either phone "1892" Buiipe i Will Not Rust, Crack, V , , Cheapest B H ERE, at made from Pure Only a few of the "1892" Pure Aluminum Cooking Utensils are shown here. Complete line will he found at JVJ. H. BOHNENKAMP COMPANY 1 1,111 1 i . , T Cure Cell la On Day. Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money If It fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signa ture la on each box. 2Dc . v vVt. ... . 9 I . . v .. .- .i u (r.i.B r.iT":. ir.r.ritr.tirrt s water on wjor i t unr proj,erti a-. :.rS a W,,L K ! l - J cbsh. balance on terms. . ' & lots .124x120 feet, nice shade' tree i European Plan Only Rooms 60c to $1.50 First class Throughout ? AM, D. G. BRIGHOUX. Proprietor' ONE BLOCK FROM DEPOt . La Grande, Oiegon Hot Drinks M0UV IMP. II III! I) M H IS 51 ecauseBest last, is the ideal kitchen and cooking utensil -"THE WARE THAT WEARS Spun Aluminum, and guaranteed by the makers to last 25 years with average usage. "Spun" Aluminum, mmd you, not cast Aluminum, which will sometimes crack and scale. Spun Alumi num Ware will never crack, peel, scale or brtak. j Costs a trifle more than ordinary enamel ware, but is 'many times cheaper in the long run, because of its wonderful dura bility and fuel saving. Enamel ware is iron coated with colored glass. Iron ex pands with heat Colored glass does not, but chips off into the food with dangerous results to those who eat it That the use of enamel kitchen ware causes cancer is a view held by some eminent medical authorities. Dr. William H. Diefanbach of New York, in a paper en titled "Observations on the Etiology of Cancer." read before the Bureau of Sanitary Science and Public Health during the session of the International Homeopathic Congress it Atlantic City, discussed this subject j According to a special dispatch to the Philadelphia North American, Dr. Diefan-, bach advanced the argument that chipping iietMdT It toJy the txst t novrn med- dm tot ti rtlUJ and cur of bowi AcpialnK, rt eare gnink, diarrhoe, kwuurr. and should be taken at the fintt annaiural Iomcocm of the bowels. It U eonally valuable for children and adults. J aiwayscorea I . Setlfe to tTedlters. Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern, that Henrietta Day has been appointed by the County Court of Union County Oregon, executor of the ThaVs What If you'd avoid a foolish fate, Drink "Sam-O" and vote 3-2-8 If you'd see Oregon stay free, I link and vote 3-f-3 lty.r d have business grow and thrive, Drine "San?-0" and vote "3-4-5 '.' IfsXlodd ForlThat &ls You Complete equipment for rubber buggy tires.; l-fr LA GRAN0E D, PtlZQERALD, Proprietor Complete ..Machine Oyster Cocktails Cocoa Beef Tea Clam Boullion Tomato Flip v NEXT mum Break, Scorch or Burn Will Last of the hard -coated dishes used in preparation of meals allowed minute but dangerous particles of foreign matter to become mixed with the food, these being taken into the stomach; where the cancerous growth is caused by abrasions which they make in the walls of the organ. "1892" Pure Aluminum Ware saves doctors' bills. It enables you to bake bread, pies, pan cakes, etc., without grease, which is the great cause of dyspepsia and indigestion. Aluminum griddles require no grease; hence are smokeless and odorless. "1892" Pure Aluminum Ware will not scorch or burn, is easily cleaned, will not rust, or corrode. Handsome in appearance.' Looks like silver, but weighs only about one-fourth as much, and is light and con venient to handle. - The original and onljg genuine Spun Aluminum Ware is made by the Illinois Pure Aluminum Co. at Lemont, III Every piece bearing their trade-mark, the Maltese Cross, and marked "1892" Pure hygienic, and guaranteed for 25 See that you get .the right accept no substitute. last will and testament of Edwin Por tei Day, deceased. " ' ' i All persons' having claims against the estate of said deceased Edwin Por ter Day are required to present them with the proper vouchers within six months from the data hereof, to the Executor at her home No. 103 Green wood Street, La' Grande, Oregon. Dated October 14th. 1910. , . HENRIETTA DAT, Executor of the last will and testa ment of Edwin Porter Day, deceased. Oct. 14. 21. 28 Nov. 4. 1L They All Say jcU" resetting' 'and repairing ' IRON' WORKS j ShopalsaadLEfiiindtx. DOOR TO POST OFFICE - a Lifetime Aluminum years. goods and 1 dm 3Hf i I .i' f t n r i