La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, November 04, 1910, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    .Flee line of
Don't forget that we are the home of the
Y? T7T7"
ii ii 1 1 1 1
Try a Sack of , 'SNOW DRIFT ' e ,nBESTnFf;0UR m "?
r Northwest Snow Drift was award
ed a GOLD MEDAL for HIGHEST QUALITY at the A.-Y.-P. Exposition
mm 607, bulphohe Waters-Stanchfield Produce Co.
I i
Boy wanted to carry water, $1.50 J. L. Overton, one of Union's prom-i Mrs. F. T. Mlttauer and children, of
per day. Apply to Rlenn Smith, ditch lnent citizens, 1b over today In his I Baker City are in the city visiting
foreman cn Bewer construction. automobile, Mrs. Lindsay, sister of Mrs.. Mlttauer.
Which means you are
The greatest good ac
corded children of Ore
gon comes from the
Normal Schools
By attending them young
people are educated to fight
life's battles in a practical
Ladd Canyon, Nov. 2 (Special) The
I Hallowe'en party which was given at
j the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Pee
bler was a complete success in ev
ery respect The evening was spent
In games and music and at a late
hour a supper was served the guests
departing soon after for home, a good
many Laving to hunt for their bug
gy wheels, snaps and saddles be
fore they could start for home. Those
who helped to make an enjoyable ev
ening were: Misses Kittle Mulhol
land , Lulu Counsell, Verdle Gra
ham, Helen LInebarger, Kate Bra
den, Mary Banton, Nellie Bull, Irene
Mulholland, Katie Counsell, Minnie
LInebarger, Maud ' Banton, Murriel
. Mulholland, Christina LInebarger,
,Mrs. Dora Geiger, Retta Allen, Mr.
and Mrs. Chas-Grandy, Mrs. Lucy
Graham, Messrs. Randel Pressllgih,
Luther Geiger, Ralph LInebarger,
Frank Braden, Eugene Banton, Ed
ward Graham, Henry Counsell.
Mrs. Arthur Van Fleet is here from
La Grande visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. James McClure.
Dysentery is a dangerous disease but car
be cured. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy lias len successfully
used in nine epidemics of dvNentery; It has
never been known to fail. Jt is equally val
uable for children and adults, ana when re
duced with water ai.d 6wei-teuel i; L pleas
ant to t!.-e. ,
Help the boys and girls
by VOTING FOR the Monmouth Normal
Franklin Would
Have Been
If his v'sion could have extend
ed far enough into the hazeof
evolution to foresee the ultimate
triumph of incandesant electric
lighting the GENERAL ELEC
The sage old philosopher flew
his kite during a thunder storm,
and by means of a key attracted
and discovered electricity, but
evolution decreed that modern
inventive genius should discover
an incandescant lamp that is
revolutionizing artificial light.
MADZA LAMP gives nearly
three times the light of the or
dinary arbon incandescant
and costs no more to operate. In
addition to this It gives light of
a vastly superior qualit.w a
clear white light like the sun's
Everywhere people are having
their houses wired for electric
light, since the inveution of the
LAMP. It has made electricity
as cheap as It is convenient.
Come in for a moment today and
let us prove to your entire sat
isfaction that there is no longer
a possible excuse for you to be
, without the greatest of all
household conveniences elec
tric light.
Light and Power
A Rotable Cure.
A Plea for Hajorlty Bale.
Justls Warner, LaFayette, Ind.. was
completely cured after two years of
suffering. "My kidneys and bladder
bothered me severely for two years,
making me Buffer Intensely. My kid
neys were weak and sluggish hllo In
my bladder there was constant :si3
ery. I was run down, tired very easily
and appetite poor. Four bottles ot Fo
ley Kidney Pills cured me completely.
My appetitie is restored, I sleep .'est
fully and feel stronger and health
ier than ever before. I gladly r'com
men Foley Kdney Pills." HiH's Drug
Flies Cured In ft to 14 Days.
PA20 OINTMENT is guaranteed to
cure any case of Itching, Blind or Pro
truding Piles In 6 to 14 days or money
refunded. 50 c.
In bujing a cough medicine, don't he
afraid to get Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
There is no danger from it, and relief is sure
to follow. Especially recommended for
coughs, colds and whooping cough.
E. E. Fisher, ex-mayor of Eeaverton;
T. E. Hills, ex-state commander G. A.
R.; Hon. J. R. C. Thompsln of Tuala
tin, Theo. Pointer, Georg9 Stltt and
500 other legal "voters and residents
of the portion of Washington countv
proposed to be annexed K Muknoman
have signed a remonstrance and a&k
that the boundary lines not chang
ed. Less than 300 votis within the
strip signed the petit'oa and the re
mainder of the county Is practically a
unit against it. Let the majority rule.
All county divisions should be decid
ed by the wishes of the people offected.
By cot voting at all you give half a
vote for the measure. Multnomah, all
powerful, does not need one-fourth of
Washington county to further increase
her power in the state. The loss of the
territory will practically ruin Wash
ington, which is already small in area.
We ask you to vote 339 X No. W. D.
Wood, Chairman Anti-Annexation
Committee, Hillsboro, Oregon.
Fruits, Cigars, Can
dies, Tobacco
Tom Kapellas, Prop.
Next Door to Electric Light Office
The George Palmer
'LUMffl EB2 (CQDo
We solicit your orders for Shingles, Rubberoid ' RooVng
Deadening Felt, Building Paper.
We are prepared to furnish and deliver material,
promptly. Phone Main 8.
Is now on the
This will be the most sightly addition of La rande. .
The only addition to La Grande wild building restrictions.
The lots are large nearly a full acre in each lot.
We are going to set out some nice apple and cherry trees
, on each lot.
W are going to mak e the prices reasonable, and most fav
orable terms. No Interest No taxes.
Come to our office a nd look at the plat, then get Into our
ftutnmnblU i.n1 an ma a tfca .mm,
La Grande Investment Co
Owners, La Grande. Oregon