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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1910)
! in- THE ISIS TDHIEHT'S PHOERRM Mirth and Sorrow Pathe. Trading In Bombay. A Close Shave S. & A. A Flirty Affliction. The Artlslan Vrban. -Song Meet Me Tonight In Dreamland. Beautiful dishes given to lady patrons of the matlne. See da play In lobby. -AMISSION 10c- LOCALS i Vacuum carpet cleaning, taking up, sewing and laying. L. F. BUlinger, phones Red 662 and Red 141. Read Oregon The last call of the West, by Walter V. Woehlke. Beayti fully Illustrated In four eolors In Nov ember Sunset magazine. Now on sale, all news stands, IS cents. , All patent medicines advertised in this paper are for sale by the Wright Drug Co. One of the most novel show win dows seen in the city is Just put In by the Wright Drug Company. Waters Stanchflehi Produce compa have received a car of the famous Snow-Drift flour. This is the flour that makes the nice flaky biscuits. Latest reports are that the Green eyed monster will be in La Grande by next Saturday. Keep your eyes op en. It is worth seeing. Watch for it. Rooms and board, heat and batfr furnished, 1325 T. Ave. Notice to Public. Mrs. Edith G. Rogers having Baw fit to leave my bed and board I will not be responsible for ' any debts con tracted by her, dated this the 4th day of November, 1910. ROY C.ROGERS. 4 PERSONALS. . X 4 . - ; . X . C T. Daniel of Wallowa is stopping at the Sommer today. C. T. McDanlel of Wallowa is stop ping at the Sommer today. ! . C. L. Ruse and family of Prairie City ! are aommer hotel guests. Frank Le Blonde, a Seattle com mercial man is at the Foley. Mrs. Dela Crone of Kellog, Idaho, is here visiting her sister, Mrs. R. W. Lo Attorney C. E. Cochran is in Bak er City today transacting legal bus iness. 1 Mr. and Mrs. H. S." Massee spent today in Elgin visiting the apple show. J. B. Wilson in the contest depart ment of the Spokesman, is stopping at the Foley today. Jack Well, representing Leo Wal lenstein & Harris of San Francisco, is at the Foley today. Mrs. Hattle Bartemess and Eva New man of Union were Sommer hotel guests this morning. Jerry McKennon errived home to day from Portland where he has been transacting business. C. A. Barret came over from Ath ent today and MnA th dpUrottm; Vf politicians at Imbler. H. F. Gaylord, representing the Bell & Co., wholesale commission -merchants of Portland, ,1s registered at the Foley. , . Roy Currey and Joe Whitby were the rooters who accompanied the foot ball team 'to Spokane thiB afternoon, Ed. Conley is attending the apple show in Elgin today.' W. J. Church, Mac Wood and C. S. Dunn arrived home yesterday from, a hunting trip into the wilds of the Snake river country. They brought two deer home with them. C. G. Osbourne, formerly local man ager of the Pacific Telephone & Tel egraph Co., and who is now officiated with the Portland office of the same company is in the city looking after business and visiting with friends. Deputy Sherlf George Herbert of Baker City, returned last evening to his home town with a man named Joe Jensen who is accused of obtaining money under false pretenses at Baker and who was arrested at Wallowa and brought out by Sherif Marvin of that county. He was held in the Jail yes terday afternoon pending the arrival of the train. He's a good of the right to wear, Mr Swell Dresser. mm MH, SWELL DUESSEH:- TO D7KESSWELLyOU MUST "BECIf AT THE BOTTOM. THE S ANT) S3 SHOES WE SELL HAVEICOOD BQ7TOOjWJpJ fAJNTP "GO TOTS. IOJf MADE SHOES THAT HAVE A nETUTATIOJt Clothiers and Ashros..S2E; ?FospFOMs Colors aid. party! " - - . . . -T ' : PROSPEROUS COLORS AND PROS- PERITY have much in common and are Ire- quently synonomous. The up-to-dateness of shade, cut and style of your suit or overcoat certainly does much to recommend you to favorable notice. GOOD TASTE, GOOD STYLE AND PROSPEROUS COLORS ALL COMBINE IN CAMPUS CLOTHES. They are author itive and exclusive, made by specialists in New York City where the best styles orig inate, noticeably different, but not freaky, showing smartness and individuality with out offense to reasonable conservatism. IDEAL CLOTHES FOR YOUNG MEN AND OLDER MEN WHO WISH TO LOOK YOUNG. ' PROSPEROUS COLORS are light and cneertui erays, pleasant combinations of black and white, warm rich and' ruddy brown, and the always - dependable oiue shades; all are represented in our FALL t SHOWING OF CAMPUS CLOTHES. Every CAMPUS garment is warranted for fit, style and wear by the Manufacturers. Let us show you the new PROSPERITY SHADES. CAMPUS styles will suit you. Our reasonable prices for such good mer chandise will please. TBtE (SCDtLOBEN BULK (MMIPAfcrcf TEAM GOES TO SPOKANE. Though Delayed, Trip to Spokane Will Be Made as First Outlined. At midnight last night obstacles Btandlng in the way of the La Grande football team going to Spokane to meet the Power City aggregation to morrow, -was removed and as a re sult ihe team will leave late this' af ternoon, bringing them into Spokane tomorrow forenoon some time. Effort was made to round up the players at midnight but all could not be found. Grimmet, Reynolds, Rush and Rals ton were substitutes who accompanied the regular team, consisting of Cap tain Irwon, Manager Currey, Grout Gauntt, Bangs, Watson, Bohnenkamp, Garrity, Rice, Bolton and Lottes. Prof. Carruth accompanied the squad. POLITICIANS TOUR COUNTY. Three Automobile Parties go to Var ious Precincts of County. With the Intention of visiting "the various tosvns and precincts In the county, three automobile- loads of lo cal and county, politicians left this morning for a swing around the val ley. They will confer with Republi can leaders in the different precincts and further the candidacy of the Re publican ticket from top to bottom. There were in the party, Cecil Gal loway of Elgin, Claude Mackey, W. J. Church, F. S. Ivanhoe in one party; Judge J. C. Henry and J. H. Peare in another; Dr. Blggers, Jerry Rusk of Joseph, Chet Bidwell from Island City and Playle of Alicel. public and start their career in La Grande with a live, snappy Bpecial sale on certain articles. This firm has purchased the Pnington stock and location and has already added a large shipment of clothing and fur nishings to it. They are modern bus iness men and have chosen La Grande aa their home because they have im plicit confidence in the great growth that the Grande Ronde vaHey is now enjoying. . COUNTY COURT ADJOURNS. Little Business Outside of Routine Matters Transacted. The November term of the county court adjourned last evening, having been in session two days. But little outside of the routine was transact ed. A surveyor's report regarding the proposed road on the Spain place at Telocaset was accepted and the road ordered in. Classwed 230 1-2 Yamhell st, Portland, Ore. ' Oct 20-21. , , v ; FOR TtENT !x rooms unfurnish ed. Phone Main 89. 6t FOR RENT -Furnished room, cozy, with bath. For one or two gentlemen. Inquire Red 3C81. tf WANTED Four or five ironers and mangle girls at once. A. B. C. Laundry. WANTED Position by a man as cook and wife as helper. Camp pre ferred. Call at Observer office. tf WANTED Responsible party to take the agency of Union and Wallowa counties for the Phelps Carbide Feed Acetylene .Generator for Individual home lighting. For further particulars write Ore gon Acetylene Lighting Co., Inc. Room ' and Board-rFurnished and unfurnished rooms. Table board: 2003. Fir street ' .; Notice to Publishers. ' Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of: the City Recorder until Wednesday" evening November 9th, 1910 for the printing and binding of five hundred city Charters, also give price on 1,000, the size and style of binding to be as certained at the hecorder'a office. By orders of the City Council, Nov ember 2nd, 1910. hi D. E. COX, Recorder. Nov. 3 to 9. J 'THIESEN ROME" DAMAGED. Fire Breaks Out But Damage Sustain ed Is Not Serious In Extent Fire, Iriglnatlng from a defective flue, ignited the Pete Thlesen resi dence on First street today noon, do ing some damage to the property.4 Water used In extinguishing the blaze added to the damage to Interior fur nishings. House furniture was has tily removed and the department .put the fire out before any damage of any great amount had been inflicted. Mr. Thlesen Is In a Portland hospital. WILL OPEN TOMORROW A. X Toney & Scranton Ready for Business A Hustling Firm. Tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock the firm of Toney ft Scranton will throw open the doors of their Btore to tho Steward's OpemWome NOV. 7 Miss LAURA WINSTON IN HIGH CLASS REPERTOIRE MONDAXThe Grey Dove." TUEDAY--"The Mansion of Aching Hearts." - WEDNES.- -"Princess of the Patches." v . THURSDAY."The Circus Girl." FRIDAY --"CamUle." SATURDAY-'The Green-Eyed Monster." Prices: 25c-35c-50c. Seats on Sale Saturday