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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1910)
L& GRASPS EVENING OBSERVER. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1910. PAGE three: Brtlrons of Curing the Drink Habit re are honestly desirous of curing . wh0 are addicted to drink, and If a are Interested In any one needing Lne. we Invite you to write us. correspondence Is confidential and our repU re 8ent ln plaln sealed .nvelopes. Orrlne No. 1. Is the secret fltatment d No- 2- for tno8e who wish the ol'UUry treatment, $1 per t, Write for free booklet on "How to' Cure Drunkenness." The Orrlne Co, 274 Orrlne Building, Washington, n C. The leading druggists endorse Orrlne. Sold In this city by Silrer tborne's Family Drug Store. Oct 31. Nov. M- Both Speedy and Effective. This Indicates the action of Foley Kidney Piles as S. Parsons. E:t Creek. Mich., illuatrates: "I tare been affilcted with a severe case of kidney and bladder trouble for which I found no relief until I used Foley Kidney Pills, i waa troubled with backaches and severe shooting pains In the sides with annoying urinary Irregularities and a sense of Incom pleteness In the act The ready use 6f Foley Kidney Pill, rid me entirely of all my troubles. They hare my highest recommendation." Hill's Drug Store. SYRUP AND PANCAKE FLOURS Log Cabin Cane Maple Syrup gallons, half gallons and pints. Top and Circus Syrup, Top Sorghum, Pelican molasses. Tea Garden Drips For Cooking---Little Coon mo lasses in small cans. Pure Sap Log Cabin Maple Syrup in half gallon cans. CITY GROCERY and BAKERY Te rmme fimti. St Pod, MIna, Xot. 4 Recent ciiastrous forest ires la Minnesota and the Northwest, caoaing terrible leases of li.'e ani prs;rty. tare arwued tie forestry o"ciii to a de termination to prevent nch conflag rations n tie futare. A caU'haa bees iuieA tor a meeting cf the foresters oT this state. Michigan and WUcotsin la this city oc rx. Beit ani n Dee. 1 of the Northern Minnesota De velopment Aaaorfition. meeting at Brainerd, wni also take up tie sub ject of form protection. A bU for the prevention and control cf forest firea will be agreed upon at the conventions ani will be presented at the text zeuioa of the state legislature. Want lit iaj. one cent a word. 1lihr Rent?, Vie loan yoa " money to 'build, and you pay us as yon would rest. J. R. OUVER. 'or the Ambitions 113 a ft!mhrrdh ) - - - - (. wuijiaiiuii H A CK A Nil Uptown office Main 720 nlx "Ai Residence phone Main 25 AMBULANCE . L bussey 7 ? Iust Received Mewl i Patterns in Room! 0 SizeRugsl B-faQ-6 Axminsters, Tapes-$ rys, ALL WOOL, 1-2 IVovef $and Union Pitt Square, 9x9 i Siie Carpet Rugs at $3.75 land exceptional values at if. $22.50 1 Save $5 Here on Your Rugs. jF. Da Haistenj r , fc fin W koa m TUX. Tm toacW wk i'iiw 4 CCSLLD TO STAY. CTCED. Haw La Grant CUiiee Caa .FIsd Ceapfete rrtedesa.Fresa Kidney Trestles. If you taler from backache From Brinary disorders From any disease of the kidneys, Be cured to atay cured. Doan's Kidney Pais make lasting cure. Grateful people testify. Her a one ease of ft: Mr. Winiam Eeirneanx. 2130 Colo rado, St, Eaker City. Ore, Bays. "My kidneys were badly disordered as the result of cold I contracted and I suffered from an almost constant backache. To go up or down stairs caused serere pains throughout my body and I was also annoyed by headaches and dkxy spells. Reading of Doan's Kidney Pais, my husband procured a supply and the rontents of two boxes cured me. I shall always gire Doan'a Kidney Pills my endorse ment. (Statement giTea NoTember 3, A LASTING EFFECT. On May 25. 1910 Mrs. Beardseaaz said: "The cure Doan's Kidney Pills made in my case has been perma sent. Wnenerer I hare the oppor tunity I recommend this remedy.'' For &! by all dealer. Fric 59 cents. Foster-MUbnra Co, Buffalo. New Tork, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take ao other. Oct 31 Nor 2-4 NOW IS THE- TIME TO Look After That EveTrough Rainy weather will set, in soon. We have .plumbing fixtures of all kinds, . "ird - I BM 6 ZVJEIFEL 4 TTben the digetdoa ball right, ike tatfaa ef the bowels regubr, then U a Batural crar ificaodnluh for food. Whea this k lack ing you Bay know that yon need a 4cm of Ctamberiain' Stomach sod LiTr TaUeU, They stieegthen the digtlre orgrnoa, Ln prort the petite aod gulate the bowels. FOR SUNDAY Jersey Cranbenries, Bsoianais, Grapes, Oranges Celery, Sweet Patatoes, Cauliflower, Lettuce, Radishes, Cabbage Snodgrass Grocery l ft St it 4 ii mirf n .iff ef ii 9 50c-YOUR PALM READ -50c Past, Present and Future Reduced Prices For 3 Days Only !! As a matter of advertisement. JIAD1ME DEL MIS, The fa mous palmist, win read your palm for the small fee of 50c COME NOW DON'T DELAY Find ont what the future has la store for your. Madame Delmar guarantee to rereal eTery Incident of your life, past, present and future. Office hour. 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. 1423 Adams Avenue Settle It Nov Settle It Right For constitutional amendment ehrins to cities and towns exclusive power to license, regulate, control, suppress, or prohibit the sale of intox icating liquors within the municipality. 32 V Vm ENDORSED BY 40,000 OREGON CTIIZEXKI Mahaifey Building .Depot street t IV CLEAN AHYIMHG, FROM A NECKTIE TO A H0RSEBLANKET. Work called tor aai delmred Elite Dying and Cleaning VJorks PH0NEmiN6 , Directory of the Fraternal, Orders of La Grande, Oregon A. F. 4 A. M. I Grande Lodge No, 41. A. F. ft A. 1L holds regular meet ings first ani third Saturdays at 7:30 p. m- JOHN S. HODGDf. W. U. A. C WILLIAMS. Secretary. a P. O. E. La Grande Lodge No. 433 meet each Thuraday erening at o'clock Is Elk's club, corner of De pot street and Washington arenue. VlalUng brothers are cordially In Tited to attend. DR. G. L. BIGGERS, Ex RuL HUGH McCALL. Rec See. RESEKAHS Crystal Lodge No- It meets eTery ereai&c ta Che LO.Q F. balL All rialtlng mamtytrs art tnrited to attead.' M1S3 ANNA ALSXANDES, N. a VCRS. JEXNIE JL SiTITII. See. KNIGHTS OF PTTHIAS Red Cros Lodge No. 27 meets trery Vamtsj sight la Castle ball, (old Elk's halL) A Pythlaa welcome to all riatUng Knights. JES3PAUUaC R. L. LINCOLN. 1L of R. sV 8. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD La Grande Lodge NaIt5W. O. W. meets erery second and fourth Tues day in the month. All risitlng mem bers welcome. NERI ACKLES. C C J. H. KEENET. Clerk. M. W. A. La Grande Camp No. 7703 meets erery Monday tn the month at the L O. O. F. ban. All risitlng neighbors are cordially inrlted to attend. L R. SNOOK. C D. E. COX Clerk. O. E. S. Hope Chapter Na 13. a E. C holds stated conamuilcsMnKS the second aai fourth Wedaesdays of each month, latting members cor dially InrKed. MART A. WASNICK. See. PAULINE SDESLES. W. V. WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT Grande Ronde Circle No. 47 meets eTtry first and third Thursday e Tunings In the month at the L O. O. F. balL All risitng members are welcesM. CHLOE ROBINSON. G. M. UZZIE ELLSWORTH. Clerk. SEE J. H. PEME LA CRANDES LEADING JEWELER anything ln watches, clocks. Jewelry, ted China, or any other article carried X ry store, lares Mgate our prices before are money, and be sure of securing t 4 When ln need of cut glass, hand pain by s first class Jewel buying and you will a first quality goods. If your eyes tro uble yoe, hare there fitted by an opt- t V Oppestte the V. S. Laid Office leasts In. oiii f ivl5 jl'Ljll n C1. !t .( f 11 '" "nil