CURED TU bi-ai tlKJSl. oW u Grande Citizens Can Find .foBplete Freedom From Kidney Jf ;: Troubles. If you suffer, from backache jTom urinary disorders from ao7 disease of the kidneys, Be cured to stay cured. ' Doan's Kidney Pills make lasting cures. - Grateful people testify. ; Here" one case of it: . ' Mrs. William Beirneaux, 2130 Colo rado, St, Baker City, Ore., says. "My kidneys were badly disordered as the 'result of a cold I contracted and I Buffered from an almost constant backache. To go up or down stairs caused severe pains throughout my Market Quotations. .; SUGAR Cash. Price Sugar $6.40; beet sugar $6.20. VEGETABLES New dry onions, 4c lb; green onions three bunches for 10 c tomatoes 19c lb.; cabbage 4c; green peppers 15c lb. FRUIT Oranges, 60s pr dosen; lemons 40c per dozen; bananas 40c per doi; - U. Cantaloupe, 10c and 15c; peaches 85c per doz; peaches 85c per box. plums 2c lb. Grapes, 2 lbs for 25c MEATS Hogs, lire weight, well finished, $9 cwf; cows, 3 1-2 to 4c; . veal 4 to 4 l-2c ; mutton 4 to 5; chick ens, 12c i fries, 17c. BARLEY Producers price: rolled, $26; brewing, $25. Wheat, $33 per ton. MILLSTUFFS Brand $23; shorts ' $24. HAPIf ANn V w, . 1 AMBULANCE Just Received Newt 1 8-6x1 0-6 Axminsters, Tapes- ALL WOOL, t-2 Wove Union Art Square, 9x9 and Fc D. land exceptional values at I $22,501 i s S 'A body and I was also annnr, w headaches and dizzy spells. Reading of Doan's Kidney pmB, my husband procured a supply and the contents of two boxes cured me. I shall always give .Doan's Kidney puis .ninm. Kidney Pills my endorse ment (Statement given November 3, 1907.) A LASTING EFFECT. On May 26, 1910 Mrs. Beardneaux said: "The cure Doan's Kidney Pills made la my case has been perma nent Whenever J have the oppor tunity. I recommend this remedy." Tor cats by an dealers. Prfca 60 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Oct 31 Nov 2-4 HAY Alfalfa, baled, $J6; timothy baled, $20; mixed $18. FLDUR High patent, 6.60; fanlly patent, $5.20; straight $4.80. Portland Markets. BUTTER Extra creamery, S5c; tore 22 1-2024 1-2. BUTTER FAT Deniver t . b. at Portland aw cream SI l-l; soar 10. EuGa Local, candled, 30 029. POULTRY Mix chickens 16c 8c; fancy 19 cents; turkeys, alive 20 ft 21 j pigeons squabs, $2.50; d?es sed chickens, 1 to 2" nlher than olive. BARLEY Prodscers arte, 1110; Feed 23.50; rolled 25.60 26.80, brew ing 25." WHEAT Nominal track, club 81 and 88; bluestem 96; William Val ley 90. Valley 97. MILLSTUFFS Selling priceBran $22; mldllng, 30; shorts, $24. chop 19 025. . FLOUR Old crop Daunts. 5.St Uptown office Main 720 Residence phone Main 25 . L bussey Patterns inRoomi SzzRugs w W Haisteef f?imc at M 7 Hi s Your Rugs, i - i ' w. 4 E5 M l TO COUNTY CHAIRMAN GIVES REAS ONS FOR SITFOBTISG JAY BOWERJIAN OF COXDON. IS Says Primary Settled the Question of Candidates and He Is for the Party Nominees Ticket That all Can Sup. port with a Good Clear Conscience, says the Chairman. - To Republican Voters: Republicans of Union County are In receipt of a manifesto purporting to come from the Hon. Johnathan Bourne, ordering them to desert their party and vote for the Democratic Nominees for several offices within the gift of the people on the 8th day of November as per His agreement with Senator Chamberlain and for the con tinuance in office of himself; this is not what he tells the Voter Is his rea son, but everyone who gives the sub ject a moment's thought will readily see it is his only reason. He, who has always claimed to be a strong upholder of the primary law and an advocate of the right of the people to rule and under which law he with just a small plurality succeeded in winning the nomination and election an United States Senator now orders that the same law be thrown to the winds and that you rote for his boy Friday principally for what use he can make of him later on, not that he would make a better governor which the all Important question with you as a good citizen, for anyone who Jm ever met the two candidates could nev er rip up courage enough to say that, not even a good portion of the Demo crate party itself, as Bowerman is head and shoulders over West not only In statue but in every qualification neces sary to make a good governor. I was a Btrong Anti-Assembly Re publican before the primary and in clined to support the Senator for re election if he made good from now on, and also did all in my power to bring about the nomination of Judge Dlm mlck in opposition to my friends who supported Bowerman, but a large plu rality of the Republicans who voted at the primaries said by their votes that Bowerman was the proper man even though he was handicapped by the endorsement of the Assembly which fact killed practically every candidate who had opposition ; I bow to the wish of the majority expressed as is the duty of every Republican voter who would sustain the primary law and I' am now doing and will continue to do all in my power for the Republican voters1' choice for Governor, Jay Bow erman. The Republicans of Union county should beware of the deceptive arguments of the Bourne-Chamberlain , machine, they scream Assembly not particularly for the reason that they are earnestly opposed to It (for the real Father of the Assembly Is the Honorable Senator George), this issue was settled at the primaries but the machine is endeavoring or would like to bring it into the election to be de cided next Tuesday for their own bene fit as It is the only method they know of to catch some of the weak-kneed Republicans. Jay Bowerman has always been a ' supporter of the primary law Including Statement No. One, and never in any way tried to interfere with its action though he was In a position to do so on various occasions and has openly stated that he would never Btand for any interference with the primary law nr with nnv rther law mnrlfi hv th . j - people unless by the people themselves and I would trust his word of honor much before I would trust the state ments for political purposes only of the Bourne-Chamberlain machine. All I ask is for the Republican vot ers of this county to look Into both sides of this proposition as it has been put to them by the Bourne-Chamberlain machine on the one Bide and the Republican voters on the other. ComDare then for the position of Gov ernor of this great state the two men who seek your support and I am per fectly satisfied that your vote as a Re- publkan will go to the Candidate from 11 VOTE TIB TICKET Eastern Oregon, Jay Bowerman. J. H. PEARE. Chairman Union County Central Committee. Woolgrowers to Meet. Portland, Nov. 3 (Special) Prem ium lists of the National mid-winter Sheep Show, to be held here in con nection with the 47th annual conven tion of the National Woolgrowers' Association, January 4, 5, 6 and 7, have been issued and show a fine lot of prizes for exhibits of blooded sheep. Premiums cover all classes and show promises to be the largest and best ever held by the brganlza tlon. The forestry situation in the west will receive considerable attention at the forthcoming convention, this is certain. To say there Is a very wide interest in this subject among sheep men is putting it mildly. The admin istration of the national forest areas is said to be reducing the large flocks and It is taken to mean the qulilng of sheep breeding by he large flock masters or they must turn their at tention to rearing; smaller and better bands on the farms. Splendid accommodations tor exhibi tors at the sheep show are promised. The spacious armory will afford am ple room for all purposes, both for the convention sessions on the upper floor and the pens of blooded exhi bit stock In the drill hall down tlr Intending exhibitors should write to Secretary Mlnton, 532 Hamilton Bldg. for a premium list and entry blank. The Hampshlrfe Association ihas provided $100 to be given as specials and the Rambolllet association has given $300. Other associations will take the matter up at their Decem ber meeting? and lit is expected a lib eral appropriation from about every association will be given. The An gora Goat association gives $100 for specials besides cups; the Pendleton and Salem woolen mills are making special blankets for prizes and the Brownsville Woolen Mills have do nated a suit of clothes. The Wllllamette Valley Woolgrow ers Association has made a nice ap propriation, as has also the Oregon Pure Bred Livestock Growers associa tion. All of these, together with the fine cash premiums being offered by the Sheep Show committee, make It ' an attractive show for exhibitors. The Oregon Woolgrowers' associa tion is going to do its part to make the show a great success. Secretary Dan' Smith has written to Secretary Mlnton of the Show that the execu tive committee of the Oregon orga nization has voted to present two cups, from the value of $35 to $50 each, one for the champion fine wool ram exhibited an dthe other for the champion coarse wool ram placed at the show. i The local committees in charge of the arrangements are receiving so many inquiries from all sections of the West regarding exhibit require ments, etc., that the officials feel as sured of very wide interest and large showing of blooded sheep. Dysentery Is a dangerous disease but cm be cured. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy lias been -successfully used in nine epidemics of dysentery. It has never been known to fail. Jt is equally val uable fur children and mlults, and when re 'iiwd rith water ai d en evened. il. is plcno int. to PLAN BIG HUNTING TRIP. Remote Portions of Interior to be Vis Ited by local Hunters. A hunting trip which will lead to the remote interior of Eastern Ore gon, and requiring ardoroua treks Is soon to be undertaken by Guy E. Byrkltt and Will French of this city and Mr. Pollock of Portland. The party will go by automobile to Im naha and from there hit the trail for a distance of about thirty miles which, their guide a frontiersman who lives in the mountains in that region says will take them to the choice bear grounds of Oregon. They plan to be gone about three weeks and will make the start just as soon as Mr. French returns from Portland end completes a few minor arrange ments. The party will be equipped to brave the hardships of a journey through the Interior of the mountain ous districts and are going1 to bag bear if sueh a thing is possible. It Is said that no white man has been over this particular hunting grounds for a period of four years. ' jTiarnberlaln's Colic. Cholera and D!ar &PiS Remedy is today the best known med-'J-jeJa use for the relief and cure of bowel Oiapliint It cures griping, diarrhoea, h.euterv, and should be taken at the first unnatural looseness or the bowels. It is eauallr valuable fur children and aiiulta. It always curt. ... i.l Ml ..... .Jl. . .... , ,. , ,;, , What Cares Emma! We have had so many inquiries late ly regarding Eczema and other skin diseases, that we are glad to make our answer public. After careful In vestigation we have found that a sim ple wash of Oil of Wintergreen, as compounded In D. D. D. can be relied upon. We would not make this state ment t our patrons, friends and neighbors unless we were sure of it and although there are many so-called Eczema remedies sold, we our selves, . unhesitatingly recommend D. D. D. Prescription. Because We know that It girea fc iA irP S hi1"i inifniiin ii ig IP il Settle It Now Settle It Right For constitutional amendment giving to cities and towns exclusive power to license, regulate, control, suppress, or prohibit the'eale of Intox icating liquors within the municipality. 323 x Yes ' TTTTirrirBiETN w 40,000 OREGON CITIZENS .......... Mahaffey Building WE CLEAN ANY1HING, H0RSEBLANKET. Work Elite Dying and Cleaning Works , PH0NEMAIN6 . Directory of the Fraternal Orders of La Grande, Oregon A. F. ft A. M. La Grande Lodge No. 41, A. F. & A- M. holds regular meet ings" first and third Saturdays at '7:30 p. m- JOHN S. IIODGIN, W. M. A. C. WILLIAMS, Secretary. B. P. O. & La Grande Lodge No. 433 meets, each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in Elk's club, corner of De pot street and Washington avenue. Visiting brothers are cordially In vited to attend. DR. G. L. BIGGERS, Ex Rul. HUGH McCALL, Rec. Sec. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD La Grande Lodge No. 169 W. 0. W. meets every second and fourth Tues day in the month. All visiting mem bers welcome. NERI ACKLES. C. C. J. H. KEENET. Clerk. M. W. A La Grande Camp No. 7703 meets every Monday In the month at the I. O. 0. F. hall. All visiting neighbors are cordially Invited to . attend. I. R. SNOOK, C. D. E. COX, Clerk. l H. o o o LA 6RANDES When in. need of cut glass, hand pain by a first class jewel buying and you will s first quality goods. If your eyes tro uble nX J -i : : t Opposite the U. S. Land Offlee, Adams A vi 4 i Instant relief to that torturhig itch. Because D.D. D. starts the cudfe at the foundation of the trouble. Because it cleanses, soothes and heals the skin. Because It enables Nature to re pair the ravages of disease. Because The records of ten years' of complete cures of thousands of the mose serious cases show that D. D. D. is today recognized as the ab solutely Tellable Eczema Cur. Drop Into our store today, just to talk over your case with us. Newlin Drug Co. Nov. 3-5. aMB'fcMPWwiii-i .vita t rTTTTTTTTTT Depot street J FROM A NECKTIE 70 A called for and delivered REBEKAHS Crystal Lodge No. 59 meets every evening In the I. O. O. F. hall. All visiting members art Invited to attend. MISS ANNA ALEXANDER, N. O. MRS. JENNIE M. SMITH, See. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Red Cross Lodge No. 2T meets every Monday night In Castle hall, (old Elk's halL) A Pythian ,welcome to all visiting Knights. ' , JESS PAUL. C C R. L. LINCOLN, M. of R. ft S. O. E. S. Hope Chapter No. 13. O. U. C. holds stated communications the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. Visiting members cor dlally Invited. " MARY A. WARNICK, Sec PAULINE EDERLEE, W. M. WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT Grand Ronde Circle No. 47 meets every first and third Thursday evening In the month at the I. O. O, F. balL All vialttag members are welcome CHLOE ROBINSON, G. M. LIZZIE ELLSWORTH, Clerk. SEE LEADING JEWELER anything In watches, clocks. Jewelry, ' ted China, or any other article carried ry store, investigate our prices before ' ave money, and be sure of securing yon, have them fitted by an op4- PEARE r if'' ' f- '. ;: 1(1 'H : i . ; r: . is; i t' Hi If' if' It it fi I