- - t 1 - r ' ' ';' " - ' " - I : A rtT TTi-n -r- . ! . . VOL. XIV. nni ITPHI nnMniimr min npTMni. T rULIIbllL imbnint m IftlUil III Read Official Document of Records Telling of Plan to Bond.. MOB OF HONEST Think of it-Wilson Now Dares Office Believelng in fair play at all times, whether it be a horse race or a polit ical campaign, the Observer has felt that the thrusts made by B. F. Wil son, candidate for county Judge on the democratic ticket against Judge J. C. Henry, were uncalled for and,with out foundation. The ring of 'every sentence of the first circular letter and the one following it, seemed to hiss as a serpent in th? grass. With the knowledge that Mr. Wil son had been Judge of Union county in the past, it was decided to look up the career of this man who had issued a Utter full of so many reflections and direct charges. That investigation has proven about what all investigations prove when the one investigated places himself in the attitude that Mr. Wil son has assumed. It is found that under the Wilson administration the extravagance in the use of county, money was appalling. It is found that Wilson as Judge was not one to improve the county; was not even an official who looked to the gcod of the many,as he now claims he will if elected ; that he was not a busi ness man, mit to put the matter plain- ly he was a politician who built a po litical machine in this county at the expense of the taxpayers. Today he is given credit by all sides for being the ' "foxiest" man in Union county. Do the people of this valley want a "foxy" man to handle the money ob talnted by taxation? Do you want a politician, who is so rated by his fellowmen, to hare his hand on the throttle when Union coun ty Is Just now taking her rightful place In the state? Do you want to return this county to the dayB of burdensome debts, of poor highways, or discounted warrants? Men are Judged by the past not by what they say they will do. Thls'being true the Observer invites careful attention to some of the past records when B. F. Wilson was county Judge. WOULD BOND THE COUNTY. Peculiar Transaction Shown by a Few Records. The following copies of records shows a deal under the Wilson admin istration whereby an attempt was made to bond Union county with Jef Ma de Coimiy; WHle TAXPAYERS PROTECTED RICHTS of Judgeship Once More ferson Scriber as a party to the tran saction. Be it remembered that at a regular term of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Union, begun' and held at the Court House in the City of Union in said County and State on Monday, the 6th day of February, 1899, and from' day to day i thereafter during the continuance of said term, when on Wednesday, the Sth day of February, 1899, or the third Judicial day of eald term the said County Court opened for the transac tion of business with the follownig officers present, to-wit: THE HON. B. F. WILSON, County Judge, HON. R. T. LANGRELL, Commissioner, HENRY HUG, Commissioner, ' G. W. BENSON, County Clerk, D. Y. K. DEERING, Sheriff. j When, on Friday, the 10th day of February, A. D. 1899, or the 5th Ju dical day of said term, the following i proceedings were had, to-wit: In the matter of the Propo sition of J. W. Scriber to purchase bonds for the funding of the Warrant In debtedness of Union County. Now at this time this matter came on for consideration of the proposi tion of J. W. Scriber to purchase from the County of. Union funding bonds to be hereafter issued for the funding of the present warrant indebtedness of the County of Union. It appearing to the Court that it will be advisable and beneficial for said County and be of great saving to said County to bond the County to pay off the present warranted indebtedness. It is hereby ordered and considered that the said proposition of J. W. Scriber be and the same hereby is accepted and B. F. Wilson, County Judge, and R. T. Langrell and Henry Hug; County Commissioners are here by authorized and directed to enter Into an agreement with the said J. W. Scriber or his assigns for the sale of the. said funding bonds In accordance with his said proposition, said funding bonds being payable In ten or twenty years at the option of flald County to ,n., UjNiU,N LUU.NTY, OREGON. , THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1910. & NUMBER 31( to 'Bohdj'Uni 1 the 1 to Aisk for the bear interest at the rate of 5 per cent per annum,' interest payable semi-an nually. (Signed) B. F. WILSON, County Judge. Scriber's Proposition. To the Honorable County Judge and County Commissioners of Union County, Oregon. Gentlemen: I hereby submit to you the following edness of Union County, not exceed Ing the sum of one hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars and not less than one hundred and sixty thousand dollars or so much thereof as will be necessary to fund all the outstanding Indebtedness in warrants of said coun ty together with accrued Interest, said bonds to be ten twenty year bids, to be payable in gold coin of the United States of America or its equivalent and to bear Interest at the rate of five per cent per annum, interest payable semi-annually at New York City In tho State of New York or at any other place at option of myself, and I here b7 agree to pay par for said bonds. Said bonds to be of the denomina tion of One Thousand Dollars each, that said bonds shall be a valid and legal obligation of said County of Un ion which shall be satisfactory to my self, said county to furnish me all proceedings necessary to determine the legality of the issue of said bonds. That I will furnish the blank bonds and all lithographs etc., so that the county will not be at any expense In the Issue of said bonds. J. W. SCRIBER, 2-10-99. In the County Court pf Un ion County Oregon, sitting for the transaction of Coun ty business. . Proposition of J. W. Scriber to purchase funding bonds. Filed Feb. 10, 1899. G. W. BENSON, County Clerk. (Extracts from file of Observer, com menting on the above transaction.) Such combinations too often result In such schemes as ths following wherein a few months after the 1893 election, the county court catered Into an agreement to bond the county In the sun of $175,000 without any com petition whatever on the bonds and at par, when about the same time the 'nion La Grande School District disposed of less man 15,000 in bonds, which was duly advertised, there being several bidders and the district received sev eral hundred dollars. In premiums. The first news that the people re ceived, that such a scheme was on was the five line notice in the published county court proceedings that Mr. Scriber's proposition to bond ihe coun ty had been accented. Th rcnnlf was that at the time the Observer brought the mater to the attention of the pub lic and like the "tax sale" last year, the protests that went up were so many that the matter was dropped and the contract was annulled. Memorandum of Agreement Made and entered. Into this tenth day of February, 1899, by and between the County of Union, State of Oregon, party of the first part, and J. W. Scrlb er, or his assigns, party of the second part v WItnesseth: That the tfarty of the first pan'toereby agrees to and does sell unto the second party funding bonds of said county amounting to one hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars ($175,000) or such en amount as may be required to fund the present outstanding general or county indebt edness represented by orders or war rants of said county, with accrued In terest thereon; said orders or war rants to be funded being from No., is sue the day of 18. .... to No.. . , Issued the .... day . of .... 18.., both numbers inclusive. The party of the second part hereby .grees to and does purchase said bonds paying therefor the purchase price of the par value of said bonds with any accrued interest thereon ; provided not less than one hundred and sixty thousand dollars ($160,000) bonds be Issued; and also agrees to make the exchange of warrants for bonds with out charge. x Said sale and purchase Is subject to the following terms and conditions. Said bonds to be dated not later than the first day of July, 1899, and said county agrees said bonds shall be ready for delivery not later than said date. Said bonds to be divided into series, numbered and ; and to be payable as follows; In ten or twenty years at option of party of the first part .... both prin cipal and interest on all of said bonds to be payable at the banking house of In the city of New York, state of New York, and bonds to bear Inter est at the rate of five per cent per an num, payable semi-annually; both principal to be made" payable In gold coin of the United States of America of or equivalent to the present stand ard of weight and fineness; the bonds to be in denominations of one thous and dollars ($1000) each; and to be properly signed and executed. The party of the first part shall cause all Bald warrants to be funded to be called for payment, provided, fcowever not such call shall be made till the party of the second party has notified the party of the first part as hereinafter set forth; that said bonds are a valid and legal obligation to the satisfaction of the attorney of the par ty of the Becond part and has desig nated to the party of the flrBt part what warrants are valid and legally bo funded, and until such bonds are properly signed and execute and ready for dellevery. And as fast as said warrants are presented for payment said party of the second part shall pay the holder thereof the full value thereof, and thereafter present such war fits to the county treasurer, whereupon such warrants shall be cancelled and equal amount of bonds simultaneously de livered. ' -' The party ot the first part shall fur nish the party of the Becond part, all certificates, transcripts and copies of proceedings required by the party of the second part to satisfactorily show the legality of said bonds free of charge and expense. The bonds shall be In the form pre pared by the attorney f thm ! ? the second pare and shall be a valid and legal obligation of the county to the satisfaction of the attorney of the party of the second part; and the par ty of the second part shall be allowed a reasonable time to obtain, the opin ion, of its attorney upon the validity of said bonds, and when said opinion is obtained shall , Immediately notify the party of the first part of the pur pose of said opinion. ; in. witness thereof, the parties here to have hereunto' set their hands and seal this 10th day of February, 1899. B. F. WILSON, County Judge. R. T. LANGRELL, ' . , . . x Commissioner? HENRY HUG, ' I ' Commissioner. Attest: G. W. BENSON, County Clerk, Endorsed, Filed Feb. 10, 1899. O. W. BENSON, 'County Clerk. State of Oregon, ., t ... 88. ' 1 County of Unlon l'4- ' ' I, the' undersigned County.' Clerk, In and for Union County, Oregon, and ex officio Clerk of tfie County Court of said County, do' hereby 'certify that the foregoing transcript of Memorand um of Agreement between J. W. Scrib er and Union County has been by me compared with the original agreement and that It Is a correct Transcript therefrom and the whole of such orig inal, as the same appears on file In my office and In my custody. Witnes my hand and seal of office this 10th day of February, A. D. 1899. G. W. BENSON, County Clerk. (Extract from editorial appearing In Observer of February 24, 1899.) Bonds. To say that the taxpayers of Union county were amazed upon reading the county court proceedings last week is presenting it mildly. A few lines stating the court had accepted a prop osition to Issue bonds to the extent of notl ess than $160,000, nor more than $175,000, to run not less than 10 years nor more than 20 years, to draw 5 per cent interest payable semi-annually. First of all few knew that the In debtedness of Union county was any thing like this appalling sum. v Again what is the county making by this action of the county court? By what authority, can they do this? and etc., are the questions that run In rapid succession through the brain of every taxpayer. There are always so many ways of figuring the . same proposition that Borne favor the proposition, others criticize the action of the court. We believe those who champion the bonding cause claim the saving In the next four years will be about $175,000, resulting from the reduced interest rate. Our understanding is the fact of the outstanding warrants Is $175,000 as we are four years behind besides accrued Interests, which when these figures were taken (which was several months ago) is $4,000 making a total debt of $179,000. Thus It will be seen thaf the differ ence In Interest on $155,000 at 8 per cent for one year 1b $3450 or for four years the time which they will draw 8 ner cent Interest (or all warrants Issued now only draw all per cent) will be $13,880 the balance of the sup posed profit Is the saving the jounty will make during the four years In paying cash for Its necessary supplies (Continued on Page 4.) 1G WORK ASSASSINATED ' ' '' ' SEWS CWSELT CENSORED ANl EACTS CANNOT BE OBTAIN ED THOUGH MANY RUMORS. SECRET NQVS fillRMlHl Outcome Indicates Kingdom Will b Overthrown .Before Tommorroi Night, Say A4f fees' Reaching Pari Secretly What Is Aetnally Coin on In the Interior Is Not Known Many Troops Gather. r : .London, Nov. 3 The Spanish caul aron of revolt Is seething today an despite the strictest censorship It I known that a revolutionary movemen is spreading. A force of 20,000 sold iers has been added to the Madrid gai rison and also forts at Baroelon.a, Sa badel augmented with the pick of loj 4list-tro6ps.-MMitarr police are pr ' vlded wltr rapid fire runs". ; -'V Long predicted strikes among th (workmen has begun, starting at Bat celona and Is spreading. Thousand of laborers are Idle. Among, report rrom tne French frontier last nigh was that Alfonso had been assassin ated and member of the royal famil had fled. While tt Is little credited, 1 cannot be confirmed which shows th disturbed condition of the countrj More arreBts of political men wer made today. ' The English admiralty office has ot dered the concentration of the west em Mediterranean fleet at Glbralte and the Eastern Mediterranean flee to Malta, both near the Spanish porti Secret Advices Show Danger. Paris, Nov. 3 Representatives c the Spanish Republican society pre dieted that Madrid and other Spanls' cities will be In the hands of the rev lolTitlonsts before tomorrow nlgW They allege they have received sec ret advices telling of the success c the revolutionary- movement and de sertlon of the army to the Republl cans. Reports are current that Do: Jaime, the Carllst pretender, ha taken a hand In the movement. in regard to Mr. Wilson's communication published to ln Which he says: "Mr Wright will no doubt correct himself in one statement 4 that he makes, and that Is, 4 that the Btatement made by 4 Mr. Wilson is a wilful mis- A Btatement of the facts." I '2 nave the following to say. I 4 desire to be perfectly fair with Mr. Wilson and will qualify my statement by withdrawing the word "wil ful." I have no wish, however to correct Ay former com munication in any other re spect, as a comparison of Mr. Wilson's original letter to the voters with the records from which Mr. Wilson se cured his data, will show a misquotation of the latter. Trusting that I have made my position In this matter clear and that this will end a controversy which is as dis tasteful to myself aa It must bo uninteresting to the puh !u vry sincerely, ED. WRIGHT. Co. Cler of Union County, 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 t Oregon. 4 t