La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, November 02, 1910, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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' 209 iFIR ST. : i'FEnXE HALS 73f
Torek Light PtntdeT-
TTT FT1"St a mm . - m .
vr,jLiivisiiAi, isuVliMJUEK2, 1910. I'AGH! OEVTHT
- Mrs. I. A. Palmer Prop.
new line of hair switches
Dow on sale for the next ten
days ending Nov. 5
N. MOLITOR, M. 0. t'nysician and
' Surgeon. Corner Adams Ave.. and
'- Depot street . Office, Main 68; Resi
dence 69.
C H. UPTON, Ph. Q. M. J. Physician
'and surgeon. Special' attention' to
', ye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office
In La Grande'Natlwnal' Bank Build'
' ing. .Phonesr - Office Main 2, Resi
dence Mala 32. ..
A. L, R1CHARD80N Physician and
' surgeon.; Office' Hours; 2 to 5 p. m.
menta. Telephones: , Office, Black
1362; Ind. 351; -residence, Mala BB;
,'lnd. 312.
GEO. W. 7IMMERMAN Oateopatb
' j Physician. ? Sommer Bids .Rooms 7,
8, and 10. ' Phones: Home 1332,
Pacific, Main' 63, Resldfice 'phone,
Black $51. Successor .tolbr.'.A
.. Moore. , ' ,
PR. M. P.. MKNDELSOHJ Doctor of
' Optica: Spectacles and Eye Glasses
Fitted and made to order. All er
' Mrs of Refraction Corrected. 1105
.Adams Ave. Foley Hotel Bldg. La,
Grande. Oregon. .,-'. ,
tr Wright Drug store. Special at
tention paid to diseases and surgery
of the eye.
Phones Office Main 22; residence,
Main 728. . . .
J. C. PRICE, D. M. I). Dentist Room
23, La Grande National Bank Build
log. Phone Black 399.
class service given. Office over Lil
ly's Hardware store. Phone Red 1131
DR. t. A. CHARLTON .Veterinary Sur
geon. Office at Hill's Drug Store,
La Grande. Residence phone,. Red
.701; Office phone, Black 1361; Inde
pendent phone 53; both phones at
Chas. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Coch
ran. La Grande National Bank
Bldg., La Grande, Oregon. '
T. H. CRAWFORD Attorney at Law.
Practices in al lthe courts of the
State and United States. Office in
. La Granle National Bank Bldg., La
Grande; Oregon. - - "
D. W. C. N2LSON Mining Engineer.
t Baker City. Oregon.
Professional Elocutionist
Hiss Kathirlne P. Mitchell, gradu
ate and post graduate In Oratory and
English, Cumnock school, Northwest
ern university, Chicago. Ill, ..Private
and doss wtrk. Elocution, Oratory,
Dramatic work, Physical Culture, Tu
tor and Critic, English Literature and
Composition. Phone Black 331. 1403
N. Avenue, u
If your liver is iluggl&n and out of tone,
ind you feel dull, bilious, constipated, take
dose of Chamben&in'i Stomach and Liver
Tablets tonight bebre retiring and you will
feel nil rinV., In iVi
New Transfer
M. L. Leader
RED 1762
Drayingof ill kinds
The greatest torchlight parade ever
seen In Pendleton .will be held here
next Saturday night '
The greatest automobile parade in
Pendleton will be held here next Sat
urday night
The greatest "transparency" parade
will be held here next Saturday night.
The greatest but what la th.
everyone knows It will be the best
ever, says the Pendleton Live Wire.
The parade will be a torchlight au-
wmoDUe, horseback, transparency af
fair with the hundreds of people in line
as well as most of the machines in the
city, Ernest Ruppe will be grand mar
shal. The parade has been arranged by
the young Republicans of the county,
who met Saturday nieht at th nflt.i
Mowman to form an auxiliary Repub
lican committee.
' This committee will arrange for
special excursion trains from Pilot
Rock and from the west end of the
county which will return the same
. The parade will start at the fair pa
vilion; it will then continue to the Ho
tel Pendleton, where It will escort Dan
Malarky,' the speaker of the night to
where the speaking will be held. Then
it will disband. V
When th speaking and the parade
".Ilpuuikam. utwpuign wULend. On
Saturday the Republicans of the coun
ty leave the result confidently in the
that upon reflection ETAOINKKHH
Republican voters hand, certain that
upoh reflection the, Republican tickets
both, state and county, will be voted
from top to bottom. - . " .
-Arrange to see the parade: it will
certainly be the finest this city, has
ever, seen. And don't forget to vipte
the Republican, ticket straight .
La Grande Has Representative in Big
, Exhibit to be Seen In East
A carload of Oregon and Washing
ton farm and orchard products, in
which La Grande has a representation
of apples, will pass through La Grande
from Portland tomorrow morning to be
exhibited at the United States Land
and Irrigation show to be held in the
Coliseum from November 19 to Nov
ember 24.
Railroad officials and fruitgrowers
of the state have beeu busy for the
last few months collecting samples for
this display and while they did not
aim to Becure unusual products to
present an unfair exhibit, they sought
to gather the best speciments in each
of the varous lines of industry repre
sented in the state.
All the fruit will be shown in its
natural state and not .in processed
form and under seal as heretofore.
It is believed that In this way visitors
to the show will obtain a better idea
o' the Oregon cropa than if they look
ed at them through glass jars. '
The display, while In Chicago, will
be in charge of a committee of Oregon
growers, consisting of J. C. Skinner of
Hood River; E. T. Bolton of Grants
Pass; C. Malbauf of Medford; B. W.
Johnson of Corvallls, . end L. M.
Brown of Walla WalljLja Morse
and W. E. Benton wilj repifent. the
O. R. & N. and will assist .explain
ing to Easterners the opportunities
in Oregon and Washington lands.
Want ads pay, one cent a word.
Seventy per; cent of the sold In tut
possession of civilized man U In ib
form of coin.
MistM the Thirteen.
"Why floes the clock start apjln
when It gets to 12r
"Because 13 is so unlucky." -
The Lerget Cemetery.
At RooHtvuuu. AuMmlla. Ik t3
I "Tiwu nemi Jery lu tbt wond. It tv-
. trd i-u" r, ......
Psrciaft Wamsii
the course of her life a Persian
I Lunch
o '
' i
0 m
1 m I
II jars
, , I II ,
j Royal Grocery j
woman is sometimes married forty or
fifty times.
Thunderstorm s.
A thunderstorm In hot weather trav.
els at the average rate of thirty miles
an hour.
Iron, Gold and Water. -
Iron is seven times as heavy as wa
ter, bulk for bulk, and gold nineteen
Rod Hair In Turkey. j
In Turkey red hair Is counted a great
beauty, and the women dye their hair
that tint
. The Sun's Flames.
The sun's flames spring at times to
a distance of 350,000 miles from Its sur
face. . - . ( .
Pi vo Toed Fowl.
The Dorking fowl Is the only living
bird which In Its adult condition pos
esaesa.flve (oed foot - . t.
The Chinese claim music was Invent
ed by , the Emperor Fuhsl some 3.000
years before the tChrIstian era.
- ' He If No HyjJocrlto.
Tom Are you going to wear mourn
ing for; your, wealthy uncle? Jack
Only, a. black pocketbook. .
'- i A' Joyous Heart.
A laugh to be joyous must flow from,
a joyous, heart, for. without kindness
there can be nojbrue Joy-Carlyle.
Washing Blanket.' '
Never wash blankets on a damn ot
cloudy day. , Choose a day when it is
ongntaaa oreezy.. , . .
Power Transmission. '
Seventy square feet of belt surface
per minute will transmit one horse
power. r
Making a Fine Saw.
There are thirty-two separate proc
esses In the changing of raw iron into
a finished saw of the highest grade.
' The Marriage Rate.
. In this countrv the marrlare rate ia
found to fluctuate with the rise or de
crease of exports and of employment
Making the Moot of It
' Jessie Mrs. De Style puts on. too
many airs. '
TeBSle How sol
Jessie She was knocked down by a
pushcart and she told the reporters
Bhe was struck by a horseless vehicle.
Syracuse Herald.
The Fuel.
Mother (reading "In Ireland they
use peat for fuel."
Little Margie-Did they burn him be
cause be was wicked?
Mamma Burn who. dear?
Little Margie Why. Pete, of course.
Chicago News.
The Sweet Girls.
Kittle Paul told me last evening I
was the prettiest girl he ever saw.
Bessie Ob. that s nothing. He said
the same to me last year.
Kittle I know, dear, but his taste
may have improved since then, you
know. Boston Transcript , ;. ...
Quite. Amicable. '.-v.--
"Why did you quit your Joht -JDtlJ
you nave a disagreement wlm"tj
"Oh. no; not at all I told him I had
to have more money or I would quit,
and he said it was mutually satisfac
tory.'' Indianapolis News.
Nurse What's that dirty mark on
your leg, Master Frank?
Frank Harold kicked me.
Nurse--Well, go at once and wash It
oft . .
Frank -Why? It wasn't me what
did ltl London punch. . , .
The Cow.
"Johnny," said the teacher, "write a
sentence containing the . word veon-tents.'-
After a few moments', hard labor
Johnny submitted the following: "The
contents of a cow Is milk." Chicago
An Effective Way.
"They say," said the young' drama
tist, "that I shall have to cut my play
down, but I really don't know where
to begin."
"Why not start at both ends," his
eandld friend asked, "and work to
ward the middle?"
If you do not now the good which
you can, the time will come when
you cannot do the good which you
would. Frederic H. Hedge.
What men want Is not talent, it Is
purpose; not the powers to achieve,
bat the will to labor. Bulwer-Lytton.
C , i 4 I , t
ii i Jill i i ii . v i SB x ill ' i f i i v v ii ii r-r , .ii f j
iii i vi n i i i r j l i ii mm r - i i , i i
" . . 1
ft "' --
t .-' - . . , .....
f A
i i.
JFhe ..most pi&gnifi-
1. I :C..4i .H X-. .
ever; placed oa the market in any city
i oV Ik; j
rjvm i
Five Blocks from the Busi
ness Center of the City
... i
The ground lies beautifully and every
lot is level and smooth. All lots to be
improved wUh
Curbing and Parking and All Streets
Will Be Graded
Positively the choicest bargains in
CLOSE-IN property that can ever be
offered in La Grande.
The time to buy a
ite is Now
and Let it Grow In Value !!
Prices will Advance November 1st
Special inducements offered to the
Quick Buyer and EASY TERMS will
be given.
This is apurely Restricted Residence
District and is destined to be the fut
ure High Class residential portion of
the city.