-:&' ifllAiNDEEVEKING: QB3EKVSR. M'-.: vTCEDXESBAY NOVEMBER 21910. 1 ' 1 . ' ,t lit ?!' II ? i i ; ; ,1 f; i ; i! :'!? ,. . . ir.-;M i ' : ? v. I I ! l ' h'rh " - ! Ml . f : ! f ! v.j ; 1 1 ! - . r l ? , l-l; I'll . 5 i i Try a Sack of SNOW DRIFT ue t Nnrthurvtt ed a UULU MLUAL tor tMWfor, beu phone Hot Drinks Desirous of Curing the Drink Habit We are honestly desirous of curing '. all who are addicted to drink, and if you are interested in any one needing Orrlne, we invite you to write us. Our correspondence Is confidential and our replies are sent In plain sealed envelopes. Orrlne No. 1, is the secret treatment and No. 2, for those who wish the voluntary treatment, $1 per box. Write for free booklet on "How to Cure Drunkenness." The Orrine Co., 274 Orrine Building, Washington, D C. The leading druggists endorse Will Trade for La Grande Residence Over 400 acres of land located; between La Grande and Baker City. 75 acres under plow, pas-t tare land. Good water. Will sell for $12.50 an acre or trade for La Grande Property. Call at Observer Office None Such Mince Meat in Packages Tea Garden Mince Meat in Glass Jars Snodgrass NOW IS THE TIME TO 'A . J Look After That Eve Trough Rainy weather will set in soon. We have plumbing fixtures of all kinds. Izzzz and sec 2: - BAY & Northwest HlUHLdi iUALii i at Waters - Stanchfield Produce Co. Oyster Cocktails - n B e idle irs) Clam Boullion ' Tomato Flip NEXT DOOR TO PqST OFFICE Orrlne. Sold in this city by Silver thorne's Family Drug Store. Oct. 31, Nov. 2-1. Sotlce to Trespassers. Positively no hunting allowed on our premises. Do not ask for permis sion. Blockland Bros. When the digestion is all right, the action of the bowels regular, there is a natural crtr ing snd relish for food. When this is lack ing you may know that you need a dose of Chamberlain 1 btomach and titer 1 ablets. They strengthen the duretive orinns. im prove the appetite and regulate the bowels. FIRST-CLASS. LAUNDRY WORK If you are not a customer of Cherry's New Laundry we urge you to give us a trial. We guar antee all work to be satisfac tory and will . re-laundry any article not so found or cheerful ly refund your money. We want to build up a home laundry employing American labor, which will be a credit to the town. We merely ask a .' chance to prove that we can sat-" lsfy you. Can't you srant that much? All work called for and promptly delivered. There is enough laundry work in La Grande to keep a good sized force busy and keep the money at home. Are you a booster for home industry? We are now comfortably housed in our new building, just a few steps from Fir st. We arc . safe from duet and dirt and are easily found if you want to carry a bundle down town. But we'll gladly call in our wagon. Cherry New Laundry BOTH niONES. Grocery ZWEIFEL BESTn!J;0UR Snnw limit lira c nwarrl- Snow Drift was award- tne A.-ivr. Exposition "The Grey Dome" First Sight. Commencing Monday, Nov. -7th, MIsr Laura Winston will open an engage ment at the Stewar dtheatre for e v eek changing plays nightly. The first of (he. series is a comedy, the Grey Dove, a piece well calculated tc please even the grouchy man who has rot smiled in years. There is s laugh in every line in every act, ye absolutely nothing but good clean J wholesome fun of the kind which causes those attending the perfor mance to go home with smiles and a feeling jof good-fellowship, with a . . ... www, w ts otfbuu auvbuei evouiug such companionable players. - w Miss Winston will make you laugh even if you never knew how before. Her own laugh is spontaneous, whole some and infecteous you Just can't help Joining In with her see if you can, Not only is Miss Winston mag netic in her laughter but equally so In her manner of presenting the char acter she represents with such con Bumate ease and naturalness that one forgets it is acting, feels in truth the character is a living, breathing be ingand it la. . In but In a eontrh mMtoTn Pnn't ha afraid to ret Chamberlain's Conoh Rjmtv. There Is no danger from it, and relief is sura to follow. .Especially recommended for coughs, colds and whooping cough. Use ELECTRIC LIGHT Its Convenience an d Economy will Surprise You Let us tell you ail about i EASTERN OREGON light and Power Company Terra Cotta Well Casing Call or write for Estimates and Prices. John Melville U28 Adams ve. LA GRANDE, - Cf? Humor and Philosophy 9r VVfCAi ''ft. SMITH . PERT PARAGRAPHS. " TF the average person worked only when he felt like it the world wonld starre before Christmas. The man who Is miserable because a black cat crossed his path Friday always did hate, cats anyway, so be excuses himself for bis superstition. Marrying seems to be a religion with some people. The spider vYh trlwl seven times In succession lau'i m it with the ex ploiter who scents a rich graft t Getting away with a He would be a much simpler matter If It were not for the numerous persons who are always around keeping tab. There is no more ridiculous spec tacle than to see a slow, stupid man trying to be a sport The Book of Nature. ' At tlmea of books I weary, For reading makes me full Of twisted, warped ldeaa Not ripe enough to pull. And then I turn to nature, Ttfl rtn bright in mnn Or to the crowded city I read the book of man. The sprightly printed pages . Present In full to me , A vi y nne Irtea Of life as it should be, But In the other volume That men before me act I get life stripped and naked And as It la In fact The very fine romances, 1 The tale of love's young dream. May start off with some trouble. But end with pie and cream. . In life the paint and powder Are very apt to rub. ... , The dainty little maiden May finish at a tub. Between the frames and covers In fiction and In art ' Tou got a race oC people Who live a life apart. But In the book of nature. Where truth on facts must wait For all of Its adornments. They give It to you straight The Reward of Perseverance. Where Is little Willie?" , "Alas, be has gone from usP 'How did it happen?" "He found an old revolver." "Tear "And he tried to shoot it off." "Tear ' "But it would not work." "Well?' "So he tried, tried, tried again." - Striking an Average. "Why does a handsome man always marry a homely woman?" ' "For two reasons." "What are they?" "One Is because he wants all the compliments that come to the family." "And the other?" "Because he wants to even things up." . Neutral. "Who goes there, friend or foe?" "Neither." "You must be one or the other." "Not necessarily. Why should I bs your friend? I can't borrow any money from you. And why should I be your foe? I don't owe you any money." Little Else. A London attorney named Else, rath er diminutive in his stature and not particularly respectable In his charac ter, once met Jekyll. , "Sir," said he, "I hear you have called me a pettifog ging scoundrel. Have you done so, sir?" "Sir," said Jekyll, with a look of con tempt, "I never said you were a pet tifogger or a scoundrel, but I said you were 'little Else.' "-Westminster Ga zette. They Felt Hungry. She Well. Clarence, dear, the sit uation Is not quite as rosy as It was pictured to us before marriage, is it? He Well, not all together so, love. She-I wish-or-I wish- ne-What do you wish, dearest? She-I wish we had the rice and the old shoes they threw at us when we were married. He Lumped It. "My coffee is not quite ' sweet enough," remarked be. "Well, If you don't like it, I suppose you'll have to lump It," said she, with a smile, passing the loaf sugar his way. Fixed Far the Future. Friend -Haven't yon named the twlw yet? Proud Mother No; we must be very careful to give him a nice one, be cause there will be so many named after him when he Is president. llice lot Squash and Pumpkins Citrons for Pickling ' Vegetables of All Kinds Hew lot Sauer Kraut and Dili Pickles. Swift's Premium Hams, large and small CITY GROCERY and BAKERY " TheGeorge Palmer Uim EDB (CflDo RETAIL DEPARTMEN1 We solicit your orders for Shingles, Rubberoid RooVng Deadening 'Felt, Building Paper. We are prepared to furnish and deliver material, promptly. Phone Main 8. For Joint Representative Union and Wallowa Counties J. A. FRENCH 1 NoYninee on Democratic Ticket 25 years Resident Union and Wallowa Counties Stockman and Farmer President Farmers Union Enter prise Oregon Two Terms Sherifl Two Jems County Clerk Supporter of Direct Primary and Statement No 1 Will work and Vote for the Interests of this District BUY DIRECT AND Chrloads of perfect building material, cut to a nalr, to fit like the paper on the wall, shipped dally Our 5-croas panel $1.50 Door Is the best value ever offered anywhere for this remarkably low price, and It is only a sample of the many good things and price-savers contained In our catalogue. We own and operate our own mill In Seattle and SA VE YOU MIDDLEMEN'S PROFITS Send In a list of what you need and let us show you in ACTUAL FIGURES what we save you. We sell everybody and ship anywhere. Save middlemen's profits "FOR THE CHILDREN." t Bcumutvuuu(jU5, i ;(v;j bb Mutt ai x.i,m.i n ItartlPBWIrtaw. i i! ;. Is now Addit Market This will be the most sightly addition of La rande. The only addition to La Grande wla building restrictions. The lots are large nearly a full acre Id each lot We are going to set out some nice apple and cherry trees on each lot W are going to make the prices, reasonable, and moat fav orable terms. No in terest No taxes. Come to our office and look at the plat, then get Into out it r it . . i-a urginae investment !Uo ' . 1 -.- 6 I.. . .... ... Owners, La 1 ' . tiVE MONEY BuildcrsNeed ilusatalog vne price 10 everyooay 1 W -fO sr.: f ' ri j r, ; t w w on the Grande, - Oregon MS' f