THEMIS -TONIGHT'S PROGRAM The Legacy Edison. The Conspiracy f Pontiac Ka lem. s - Unselfish Love Vltagraph. Beautiful dishes given te lady patrons of the matinee. See dis play In lobby. -AMISSION lBc- I LOCALS I 44444444444444 Vacuum carpet cleaning, Uklcg up, sewing and laying. L. F. Bllllnger, phones Red 662. and Red 141. Read OregonThe last oall of the West, by Walter V. Woe&lke. Beauti fully Illustrated la four oolors la Nov ember Sunset magazine. Now en sale, all news stands, IS cents. The Ladies of the Baptist church will hold a cooked food sale at Rug gers meat market Saturday, Oct : All patent medicines advertised In this paper are for sale by the Wright Drug Co. For ealeJVplanlng mill and box factory In running condition, 1 acre ground will sell at half price. Apply J. M. Hlrsh, Union, Ore. The Oreen-eyed Monster is headed toward Oregon. If it continues to trav el at the present rate of. speed It should arrive about the end of next week. Look out for It. Boy wanted to carry -water, $1.50 per day. Apply to Rlenn Smith, ditch foreman on sewer construction. Local manager wanted for the Ore gon Oxygenator Co. to the right party. li'qj. 'hit y" V y'M VE HAVE JUST THESWT YOU'LL mtiz I THE MAN WHO CARES We don't appeal to the Man who Is cot at all particular about his Clothes to whom a Suit is a Suit, a Hat is a Hat, a Tie is a Tie, and one thing will answer as well as a nother no one need take any pains for that sort of Man. WE APPEAL TO THE MAN WHO IS VERY PARTICULAR ABOUT WHAT HE WEARS ABOUT THE FIT, THE STYLE, AND WITHAL THE PRICE! We appeal to Men who know what they want, and won't take any thing else, Men who are up-to-date and dress accordingly. 1 By this class of Men our smart Suits, our elegant Overcoats and our correct Haberdashery, at reasonable prices, are appreciated. HANDSOME NEW MODELS IN FALL SUITS MM to $3M0 CHOICE OVERCOATS IN ALL CORRECT STYLES . . . .$12.60 to $25.00 Hats From the Best Hatters and Exclusive Haberdashery From Makers With a Wide. World Beputatton. Ash IB 1150 per' month -4m ' mnri"w.: firs class reference. See Mr. Wilson v. Hotel Foley. THE OREGON OXYGENATOR CO., Portland, Oregon. ... -. A free lunch will b furnished at tke Lee Furgaaon sale tomorrow. This, Is one of the most Important sales of the fall and a large attendance is expect ed. 44444444444 4 4 PERSONALS. A 4 Z 4444 444444444 44 J. M. Lane of Chicago, is stopping at the Foley. J. Campbell of Baker City is at the Sommer today. J. H. Bryant of North Powder is a guest at the Sommer. C. E. Young, a prominent citizen Tf Enterprise is at the Foley today. Arthur Hallgarth and wife of Elgin are registered at the Foley today. J. B. McKennon and L L McKen non of Alicel were In the city today. Mrs. Lily Bare and family of Enter prise is staying at the Sommer to day. Bert Wilson the 0. R. & N. detec tive is here today transacting tauri nes. J. M. Selder, county commissioner from Cove is stopping, at the Foley today. J. R. Porter, proprietor of the Home hotel at Hilgard is In the city this af ternoon. ' R. H. Atkinson spent yesterday at the Furgason sale furthering his con stable candidacy. R., W. Rice aid family and Mrs. Ll D. Datson of Prairie City are stay ing at the Sommer today. - H. Westham, Charles Palmer and E. N. Newbeng of Portland are stop ping at the Sommer this afternoon. M. S. Romig, Roy Romlg and E. A. Burke comprise a party of Moscow people staying at the Sommer this afternoon. E. C. Quirk representing the J. A. Roebling Sons Co., of Portland, who manufacture wire rope, is stopping at the Foley. J. D. Stack, one of the high officials of the 0. R. & N. passed through La Grande this morning on his way to Huntington on a tour of Inspection. . B. B. Dudley, formerly grade fore man with the Warren Construction company here is registered at the Fo ley today. He is here from The Dalles f 4 'I" tp r wl w w TAKE raS&l ALOOKftW AT OUR W pt Clothiers and OB. Furnishers ', r : ' 1 ; THE OflDQJDEN D50JLE (CdDD IP ANTf 444444444444444 where he has Just completed an im portant contract Jerry P. Rusk passed through the city this morning on his way to North Powder where he will look after his Interests relative to the Joint senator- H. B. Davlhlzer was the "crier" at the Furgason sale yesterday at which a large number of people were pres ent. The sale was a very successful one. ' - J. J. Carr is in Joseph today to bid on a contract for supplying the seats for the new school house there. There are several Northwest furniture men in Joseph today on the same mjseion. Chief of Police John W. Walden, Claude Walden and Jim Mulholland are home from a hunting trip through the woods In the region of Ladd Can yon. They brought two deer home with them. Mrs. Clara Lyle has written to Mrs. A. W. Worstell from Vienna saying she was about to start for Italy. She sent some time In Vienna, but liked Munich much better. Such sights and treats as the European art galleries, Wagner's masterpieces by the beet singers of Europe have been her fortune while on the tour. LOCAL PEOPLE SELL OUT. Mr. and Mrs. James Martin Expect to to go to Portland to Lfre. Mr. end Mrs. James Martin who for the past two years have resided at 1604 Washington street yesterday through the Geo. H. Currey Real 'Es tate Agency sold their property and expect to move to Portland where Mr. Martin will engage In business. ' Mr. Currey a few days ago sold the S. C. Steward 80-acre farm three miles north of Union to W. L Evans who re sides north of La Grande, the consid erations being $7200, $90 per acre. Mr. Evans will move to his new home dur ing the next two weeks. COUET 15 SESSION. Little Business to Transact at the Nov. ember Term of Court. County court convened this morn ing and during the day auditing bills was the only matters transacted. The docket calls for but little of the rou tine this month. Morrison Drank Again. C. L. Morrison who' was arrested two days ago on a drunk and disor derly charge, was thrown in Jail again last evening on a similar charge. 444444 4 V 00W Colors 44444441444444 THE OBSERVER Bruce Denni s, ' Edltcr and Owner. Entered at the postofflce at La Grande as second-class matter. Published Dally Except Sunday. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Daily, single copy , 60 Oallf, per week 16c Dally, per month 66c This paper will not publish an ar ticle appearing over a nom de plame. Signed articles will be revised uub ject to the discretion of the editor. Please sign your articles and save lisappolntmeni. THE HOME RULE BILL. The advocates of prohibition are zealous in their attempt to defeat the Home Rule bill. Why? Does not the Home Rule bill extend to them oppor tunity for continuing local option, the only difference from the present sys tem being in the size of the unit whether it shall be county or city. . There is positively no reason why a city should not control all of Its institutions Including the people .whof j dispense liquor. One thing is certain if the cities are given that right there will be a Btrlct regulation for then re sponsibility will rest where it belongs upon a city administration and It will be up to the local community to clean Itself up and keep itself cleanly. Opponents to this measure say this will not be done. How do they know? Are they not presuming a good deal when they assume that a city council will not look after this much better and bring better results than a coun ty unit Here Is the essence of the whole matter: Liquor .will be sold, either legally or Illegally. That Is admitted by all. Now, the next step is to regu late matters so that some one la re sponsible for the sale of liquor. Ad opt a measure that will bring a bar keeper to time when he sells liquor to a boy, to a confirmed drunkard or to anyone whose name has been list ed with him. Make this so strong that the first violation will cause a cancel lation of license, and then you have the liquor traffic regulated so that some one is responsible for misdeeds. As conditions are now there is posi tively no responsibility. mi. PROSPEROUS COLORS AND' PROS PERITY have much in common and are f re quently synonomous. The up-dateness of shade, cut and style of your suit or overcoat certainly does much to recommend you to favorable notice. v GOOD TASTE, GOOD STYLE AND PROSPEROUS COLORS ALL COMBINE 4 IN CAMPUS CLOTHES. They are author- itive and exclusive, made by specialists in 4 New York City where the best styles orig- 4 inate, noticeably different, but not freaky, 4 out offense to reasonable conservatism. IDEAL CLOTHES FOR YOUNG MEN AND OLDER LIEN WHO WISH TO LOOKYOUNG. PROSPEROUS COLORS are light and chearful crrflvn nlAajacmt CCmbilLitiC!i;j cf black and whi'teVwarm rich and ruddy brown, and the always , dependable ! blue shades; all are represented in our FALL SHOWING OF CAMPUS CLOTHES. Every CAMPUS garment is warranted for fit, style and wear by the Manufacturers. Let us show you the new PROSPERITY SHADES. CAMPUS styles wiU.suit you. Our reasonable prices for such good mer chandise will please. 444444444444444; s Advertising WANTED Four or five ironers and mangle girls at once. A. B. C. Laun dry. . .WANTED Position by a man as cook and wife as helper. Camp pre ferred. Call at Observer office. tf WANTED Responsible party to take the agency of Union and Wallowa counties for the Phelps Carbide Feed Acetylene Generator "for Individual home lighting. For further particulars write Ore gon Acetylene Lighting Co., Inc. 230 1-2 Tamhell st. Portland, Ore. ' Oct. 20-21. FOR RENT Six rooms unfurnish ed. Phone Main 89, 6t In boring a cc-ueb. medicine, don't be afraid to get Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. There b no danger from it, and relief it sure to follow. Especially recommended for winrrVia ts1?a arts) MtiAAnirtiVAAiinK cooghi, colds and whooping cough. GEORGE PALMER, Pres. F. h HOLMES, Vlce-Pres. F. L. ClassWed LA GRANDEjNATIONALBANK OF LA GRANDE, OREGON United States Depository Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $200,000.00 DIRECTORS geoesi ruga w. r bsexholts c. c. ramraiox W. J. CHTJSCH F. I. METERS CL L CLEAVER F. HOLMES W. M. PIERCE F. M. BTREIT tTKa ear aaple Ktavees and faefllties we can render joi efficient service and handle yttr binlies to year entire satisfaction. e 4444444444444 Want ads pay, one cent a word. J : : The Up-Building i I of This Bank i Is due to the fact that we have ample capital and that we have adhered to a policy wnva has been conservative, yet aloug progressive lines. We offer to our customers modern facilities for the prompt and proper tran saction of their financial affairs; ample vault and safe room for storing and safe-guarding of their money, notes, Insurance policies and other valuable pap ers and such liberality of treat ment as is consistent with pru dent banking. YOUR account is cordially soil cited. ;:TIiSUnited States! National Bank, ' Ifl fiff&NnF LH wn"uf VKLUUN Z ' mr V iiiiniMininimiviM W. L. BBEKHOLTS, Asst. Cash. ' EARL ZUNDEL, td list Cash. METERS, Cashier. II v i t V . ' it ' 1 3. ? I