NOVEMBER 1, 1910, 1 Till T tic ill. Ire, JlVi 81;' rtt ViC Sr. PL 1 PE'liS 2C3 FIR ST. MB "STORE FKXE GAIN 731 Mrs. I. A. Palmer Prop. l new line of hair switches LMUi rn ! for tri next ten 33tp, . lay ending Nov. 5, JOSEPH TEAM WIXS Overcome UghterOpinents From Wallowa" Town. Terra Gotta Well Casing Call or write -forEctmiates and Joseph, Nov. 1 (Special) Joseph High school beat Wallowa High school here Saturday In a well played game of football under revised rules. Joseph was somewhat heavier and showed more speed. A good crowd of visitors were present The line up: Wallowa - T : Joseph Maxwell ........ L E H. Shutt Womack ........ L. O ........Boyd Conner ....... tT ....... .Boudoln Murphy '. . . . ... . Q .... . . ... Jennings Bishop ., R Q ........ Hayes n i ...... Boami&r Southurck F Hendricks Tulley McKenzle Hase It Southurck Jfl W8 Ad&as Are. LA GRANDE, - .R E Q . L II RH .. F mi Cole 'Vest Shutt Hays Aiken Touchdowns, Hays 4, Vest 2, Shutt 1; goal from field, Shutt 1, Vest 1; 10 minute quarters; Referee Sarkweath- er; ' Timekeeper, Wilson; Umpire, French of Enterprise. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOBI. $ rHYSICIiXS AM SUBGEONS. M0L1TOR, M. D. Physician ano Surgeon,'. Corner Adams Ave. and Depot street Office, Main 08; Resi dence 69. fc. H. UPTON, Ph. G. M. D. Physician and surgeon. Special attention to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat ' Office in La Orande'Natlonal Bank Build lng.v, Phones: Office Main 2," Resi dence'Maln 32. '.s.; -. ... V L. RICHARDSON Physician and surgeon. Office Hours: 2 ts 5 p. m. except Sunday. Sunday by appoint ments. Telephones: Office, Black 1362; . Ind. 853; residence. Main 65; Ind. 312. UEAJ. W. JUI minimum Physician. ' Sommer Blag., Rooms 7, 8, 9 and 10. Phones: Home 1332, Pacific,, Main 63, Residence pbone, Black 851. Successor to Dr. C. E. Moore. V" . -.' " Agues' Regiment Organises. . '-, Corvallls, Nov.- 1 (Special) The Oregon" "Agricultural college regiment held, Its first drees parade this week. j BROKE Up THE: "HABIT. A Woman Who Found Simple R.m- ody For Big Anioyanoe. x "What has become ot thie two chil dren who visited you so ofteuT asked one west side woman of another. The other smiled discreetly. "They are the children of my niece. and she wai making a convenience of me. Of aourse I love the children. but I never allow myself to become 1 much of a victim of imposition. My niece ts an extremely gay young wld ow, and she does not like to take care of her children. She la fond of shop ping, matinees, afternoon teas and ev erything. In short, which takes ber away from home, and she got Into a habit of sending ber children over-to my bouse for me to take care of when ever she wished to gad about I de cided If was time to break: op the habit for her own good and that of the children, as well as mine, so I did." "I suppose that made your niece angryr ' "Oh. bo: It couldn't I never said anything about it The last time the-. children- came over I upent the after npn teaching them verses from, the Bible, and they dldnt find It sufficient ly entertaining. ,Tbey never -came back. Just bow they managed to work It out with their mother I do not know.! but I ' suppose they struck of begged off. Of course she could not object to what ' 1 1 had done, and It proved, a - very simple somuon.- New . Tors les, a splendid cadet band and a com plete field staff. The-appearance o the regiment has been greatly.1 Improv ed by the orange braids with which the olive drab uniforms are trimmed Commandant McAl&xaftdef nas Issuer orders , that every male student in college' must' take, part-in the"mllltary work, and those who are unable - 'tc bear arms , will be placed among to "file closers' .' given clerical ' work ; ft the army or assigned to the hospital corpB. ' -., '; "SOU More - thaiflthe Best" . M. Otto Paul, Milwaukee, Wis.,' Bays Foley's-Honey and Tar is still more than the best He writes us: ''1 have so many calls for Foley's Honey and Tar that I will have to write you for some more. All those that bought It think It is the best for coughs and colds they ever had and I think it Is Btiir more than the best. Our7 baby had a bad cold and it cured him In one day.. Please accept thanks. "Hill's Drug Btoe. , j-r.berlaln's Colic. Cholera ind Pin. e Remedy la today the best cnown med t-jh .'n use for the relief and cure of bowei Omplaints. It cares grifing, diarrhoea, ii..entert, and should le taken at the first snnatural looteness of the bowels. It it equally valuable for children tnd adults. It always cures. " ' : ; AN ASTQR DEAL The Only Time That Old John Jacob 4 ... R . jp tat ruiea of the Astor family Is never sell,' and only one sals M- recorded In the entire life of old John Jacob tor.". said Nlles F. Watklns, a real es tate broker of New York,,, "In 1830 Astor; tore down, his house in Broad way, cleared the whole block from Vese? to Barclay street and built the' huge Qulncy' granite bote! known as: the Astor House. which was pne of the flm -"notable 'landmark' In New York and also one of the best paying A lew days after it was finished the old gentleman snd bis eldest son WU Ham, were walking through City Hall park, where the postofflee now stands and stopped a moment to admire the building, the finest hotel In America at" that time. ;. '. ' r': ' M Top. that's a mighty fine building.', said William. 'I wish to gracious it was mine.' . - t . i . , . . "'Sor answered the father. "Well Billy, give me 11 and yon can have It Out came the dollar a big silver dollar that is cherished by the family to this day and within an hour the deed of the property was made out and recorded. This was old. Mr. Astor'a only Bale of real estate In his life." Washington Herald. : PR. M. P. MENDELSOHN Doctor or Optics. .Spectacles and Eye Glasses Fitted and made to order. AU er rors ot Refraction Corrected.' 1105 Adams Ave. Foley" Hotel Bid.' La . Grande, Oregon. . v " kR. H. L. VNDERWOOD and DR. DORA J. UNDERWOOD Office V er Wright Drug ttore. Special at tention, paid to diseases and surgery of thieye. ' ' ' ' - '' '-IC. PhoneswU)fflce--Maln 22ivT3otice. MauTK8- " ' "vi-"' . C. PRICE, D. M. D. -Dentist-. Room 23, La Grande National Bank Build Ing. Phone Black 399." " " " DR. P. A. CHARLTON .Yeteriiary Snr- geoa. Office at Hill's Drue Store, La Grande. Residence phone. Red 701; Office phone, Black 1361; lade- pendent phone 53; both phones at residence.": -". ' - - - ATTOBinEYS AT LITT. COCHRAN k COCHRAN Attorneys Chas. E. Cochran and Goo. T. Coch ran. La Grande National Bank Blag., La, Grande, Oregon. T. H. CRAWFORD Attorney at Law. Practices in al lthe courts of the State and United States. ; Office In La Grande National Bank Bldg., La Grande, Oregon. ' . - D. W. C. NELSON Mining Engineer. Baker City, Oregon. Professional Elocutionist Miss Katherlne P. Mitchell, gradu ate and poei graduate in Oratory and English, Cumnock school, Northwest ern university, Chicago, HL, PrlTats and cIobb work. Elocution, Oratory, Dramatic work, Physical Culture, Tu itor and Critic, English Literature and Composition. Phone BJack 331. 1403 emng m ss jars Roval Grocery Bakery A Solomon like Doolslon. . , A' Rhode Island justice was called upon to determine the ownership of a brood of turkeys. The flock, consist Ing of fifteen young ones, was moth-; ered by two bens, a wblte one and-a bronre. , and bud been running for. quite a time over two adjoining farms. The owner of the white ben declared that the turkeys were his. while the man who owned the bronze ben assert ed Just as positively that they belong ed to him. Tbe Justice was puzzled. At last a witness came forward who swore that he bad seen a dog chase the flock; that at the dog's approach. the young birds flew up Into a tree. and. the bronze ben took to the woods, but the white hen turned and gave battle to the; doe. ,TheJ Justice- upon decided-that the owner of .W white hen was also the rightful own er of the brood of young turkeys New York Press. - - A Woman's Wit The husband of Lydla Chllds was an Invalid for many-years. He was not well off In this world's goods, and much of the support of the family was earned by the wife. ' Thin king of this and of his wife's many sacrifices for his comfort,' Mr. Chllds once said to her regretfully, "My dear, X wish I were Croesus.' , Whereupon Mrs. Chllds, with ready wit and gracious tact, responded. Ton are Croesus, for yon are king of Lydla." Los Angeles Times. , New Transfer Line M. L Leader PROPRIETOR PHONE RED 3762; Draying of all kinds Imaginary Pains. ' Don't laugh at hysterical people with their Imaginary pains, says a physi cian. A "delusion" Is reality to the sufferer. When one believes one has a pain one has the pain. All pain is In the brain, and to believe one has It Is to have it It matters not a whit whether the message is sent by one's toe that some kind friend Is treading on or whether it is sent from on part of the brain to another. New York Tribune, y.- ' ' Unmoved. "I understand your antagonist Is caning yon every name he can think tr , - "Yes," replied Senator Sorghum cheerily. "But he hasnt much of a vocabulary." Washington 8 tar. , M Mi i H)W n A- 1 ........ i - . lie ..most i. , Y. . . t. .. ever placed ..orf fe T7 31 1 , Five Bldcka 'from the 3usir riess jCent o The ground lies beautifully and every lot is level and smooth. All lots to be improved with CEMENT Sidevalks, Curbing and Parking and - All Streets Will Be Graded Positively the choicest bargains in CLOSE-IN property that can ever be offered in La Grande. The time to biiy a .oMesite fis: and Let it Grow In. Value !! ' V 'M:o;ir .' : Prices will Advance November 1st Special inducements offered to the QuicklBuyer and EASY TERMS will be given. This is apurely Restricted Residence District and is destined to be the fut ure High Class residential portion of the city. r - -1 i hM. Avenue. .