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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1910)
PAGE SIX JLiA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVED, MONDAY. OCTOBER 31 1910 try a Sack of SNOW DRIFT !!i!he best ur m the r Northwest Snow Drift was award ed a GOLD MEDAL for HIGHEST .QUALITY at the A.-Y..R Exposition mm 607, beu phoke VJaters-Stanchfield Produce Co. Hot Drinks Jfotice to Trespassers, " Positively do hunting allowed on our premises. Do not ask for permis sion. Blockland Bros. Deentery Is a dangerous dieease but can be cured. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Iianhoea Kennedy liu? Ieen successfully psed in nine epidemic of dyocntery. It baa never bot-n known to fail, li'u equally val uable for children and adulta, and when re diiccd with water ar.d sweetened, i: is pleas ant o ile. ' Use ELECTRIC : BIGi Its Convenience and Economy will Surprise Let us Ml you a about it EASTERN OREGON Light and Power Company Will Trade I for La Grande Residence (her 400 acre's of land located between La Grande and Baker City. 75 acres under plow, pas ture land. Good water. Will sell for $12.50 an acre or trade for La Grande Property, Call at Observer Office NOW IS THE-TIME TO 1 Look After That Eve Trough f ' ' r i Rainy weather will set in soon. We : J ' have plumbing fixtures of all kinds. y Camo and sec. s: sl: ' i BAV & ZWEIFEL "." Oyster Cocktails Cocoa Beef Tea Clam Boullion Tomato Flip , Xotlce of Street Improvement To whom It may concern: Notice Is hereby given that in pur suance of a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City, of' La Grande. Oregon", on the 1st day of Dec. 1909, creating : Improvement District No. 10 and designating Greenwood Street, as such district, and in pur suance of a. resolution adopted by said ' Common Council on the 6th. day of Oct., 1910,, whereby said Council de termined and declared Its intention to improve all that portion of Greenwood Street, In said improvement district as hereinafter described, by. laying thereon board walk, the Council will, ten days after the service of this no tice upon the owners of the property uvmcu - ouu uvuKuuna by such im provement, order that said above de scribed Improvement be made; that boundaries of said" district to be " so Improved are as follows: All that portlos of Greenwood Street, from the North Curb line of Jefferson Avenue, to the South Curb line of Monroe Ave nue. Notice is hereby further glve'n that the Council will levy a special as sessment on all the property affected and benefitted by such Improvement for the purpose of paying for such, im provement That the estimated cost of such Improvement is the sum of J206.10. That the Council will on the 2nd day of Nov., : 1910,, meet at the Council chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock, P. jr., to consider said esti mated cost, and the levy of said as sessment, whvi a hearing will be granted to any person feeling ag grieved by such assessment. , La 'Grande, Oregon, Oct: 19 hlb!' CITV COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE, OR- EGON, : :( , . ... By D. E. COX, ,' Recorder of the City of La Grande, . " Oregon. ' 1 . .. 1 -; Oct. 21 to Nov. 1. FIRST-CLASS ; LAUNDRY WORK If you are not a customer of Cherry's New Laundry we urge you to give us a trial. We guar antee all work to be satisfac tory and will re-laundry any article not eo found or cheerful-' ly refund your money. , We want to build up a home laundry employing American labor, which will be a credit to the town. We merely ask a chance to prove that we can sat isfy you. Can't you grant that much? ' . All , work called for and promptly delivered. , i There is enough laundry work , in La Grande to keep a good sized force busy and keep the , money at home. Are you a booster for home industry? '. We are now. comfortably housed In our new bnilding, just a few steps from Fir st. We arc safe from dust and dirt and are easily found if you want to carry a bundle down town. But we'll gladly call in our wagon. Cherry New Laundry BOTH PHOXES. . .,.i. .V, 5,", V'Vi. ', W ., -i.... Se idle its NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE A FAIB PROPOSITION. Proposed esmlth Conntj Merits Snp. port of Voters. The people, of Southern Lane and Northern Douglas counties, numbering more than eight thousand souls, feel ing that they are qualified to econo mically administer their own affairs from a government standpoint, have intitiated a bill for the creation of a new county to be known as Nesmith, in honor of James Willis Nesmith, a pioneer wWe name shines in the firmament of industrious' Oregonlans. The proposed county . would contain 1,940 Bquare miles of .which.'. 1,472 would come from Land and 4C8 from Douglas J.eavlng the farmer 2,908 -m"c aiiieu, a suntclent area from which to still form, several counties the size of Multnomah, Hood River, Columbia and "Washington. The total assessed valuation of Nesmith county would be $o,S09,S75, leaving Lane f J8,. 000,000 and Douglas over $27,000,000 The country within the proposed new county is capable of maintaining an organization that would,' w& believe, b to the best Interests of the people embraced within the territory end at the same time not deprive any o'ther people affected" of their rights, nor increase their burdens, nor work them any injury Whatsoever. i '; Owing to the large area or the two old, counties affected 'many residents are put to great inconvenience, delay and expense in transacting ' business at the county seats. To 'comnel resi dent to travel from twenty' td sixty miles over bad roads in-order to pay their taxes, serve on Juries, r as witi nesses, is to' inflict a hardlhip upon COL. JAMES WILLIS NESMITH. Illustrious Oregonian whose name the proposed county would perpetuate. them; .yea it is more a matter of self government for which the progressive people of this proposed county are contending. Taxation and representa tion should go hand in hand, but not so under present conditions. For in stance, Cottage Grove, the second city in size and Importance in Lane coun ty, has never been permitted to name a county judge, and it has been - a quarter of a century since it had rep resentation on the county board of commissioners; while the territory taken from Douglas county has never had either a county Judge or commis sioner. The representatives in the state legislature are from the county seats Eugene and Roseburg thus leaving a large tax contributing com munity without voice in either local or state affairs. Ninety-two per cent of the ' residents within the proposed Nesmith county signed the petition, praying the voters of Oregon to grant them self-government by the creation of a new county, w hile one particular section Immediately outside the ori ginal bouhdar, fine petitioned the Nesmith county, preferring to take chances with the new rather than to remain with the old. This shows con clusively that, the sentiment of the taxpayers of the proposed new county unanimous in favor . The boundary lines of Nesmith have been drawn in strict adherence to the topography of the country, its nat ural watersheds having been consid ered in every particular. The people the new county have no desire to do anything that would result detri mentally to either of the old counties. Jointly Lane and Douglas have 5, 800,000 acres, or more than the entire Willamette -valley, and of this vast area, only a million and a quarter are asked by the new county. Tte people within the territory of proposed Nesmith county are present ing their case to the voters of the state without thjB slightest misrepre sentation, pinning their faith in the voters to support their contention that local self-government is the Ideal form of government; that the nearer home government is cheaper; that laws are more effctually enforced; hat greater development of country is possible; that better'highways are attainable; that its citizens are con venienced by nearness to the seat of government; that taxation and repres entation Should go hand in hand, and that by the creation of Nesmith coun ty the efforts of a large and progres Blxe community would be rendered more effective in 'increasing popula tion, developing the resources" .and enhancing the greatness of Oregon. ' Notice of Street ImroTement -To whom it may concern: Notice is resolution adopted by the Common Council of the city ef La Grande, on the 5th day of August, 1909, creating Improvement District No. 4 and des ignating Washington avenue as such district, and In pursuance of a resolu- are practically of division. uon adoptgd by said Common Councllv on the 28th day of September, 1910, whereby said Council determined and declared its intention to Improve all that portion of Washington avenue, ia said improvement district as hereinaf ter described, by laying thereon ce ment walk; the Council will, ten days after the- service of this .notice upon the owners of the property' affected and benefitted by such Improvement, order that safd above described im provement be made; that "boundaries of said district to be so Improved are as follows: All that portion of Wash ington avenue from the east curb line of First street, to' the Tvest curb line' of Spruce street. Notice is hereby further given that the Council will levy a special assessment on all the property affected and ' benefitted by such Improvement for the purpose of paying for such Improvement. That the estimated cost of such improve ment is the sum of $8061.35. That the Council will on the 9th day of Nov ember, 1910. meet at the Council cham ber at the hour of 8 o'clock at p. m. to consider said estimated cost, and the levy of said assessment, when a hearing will be granted to any person feeling aggrieved by such assessment. La Grande, Oregon, Oct. 26, 1910. CITY COUNCIL OF LA . GRANDE, OREGON. , By D. E. COX, Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon Oct 27 to Nov. 7 LOCALS LOSE FAST CONTEST (Continued from Page Three.) Grout' and they stood up well under the strain. Dresser, left end, Gowan, offensive quarter, and Newman tackle, JIcGee, half back, were the four men with the visitors who did most of the work. Dresser and Gowan especially are clever men. But what is most im portant, the entire squad ; is .clean, true sportsmen who think more of dodging a player than of slugging him when the opportunity presents itself. Few Injuries. On,e man, Ross, right tackle for Caldwell, sustained an injury and had to be removed, Rice taking his place. A small bone in his leg was fractur ed in some way. , Officials of the game were: Reynolds O. A. C, referee; Dobbins, O. A. C.,' umpire; King, field Judge, and Ingals, head linesman. Napoleon and Woman. Napoleon I., who was a great ad mirer of female talent when its owner did not, like Mme. de Stael, direct it against himself, used to say, "There are women who have only one fault viz, that they are not'men." Mn and Woman tPnem t man gets lntt trouble the first thing he thinks of is. "How ahn I get out of this fix?" When a woman gets into trouble her first thought is, -now snau 1 uest bear this misery?" Winifred Black. ... SUGAR-Cash-PriceStfgar S6.40- beet sugar $6.20.' vjiiifiTABLE3 New dry onions. 4 c lb; green onions three bunches for 10 c. tomatoes lc lb. cabbage 4c; green peppers 15c lb. rttUiT-onutgw. 60o per dozen; lemons 40c per dozen; bananas 40c per doi; . U. Cantaloupe, 10c and 15c; peaches 85c per doz; peaches 85c per' box. ' plums 2c lb. ,: Grapes, 2 lbs for 25c. MEATS Hogs', live weight, well finished. $9 cwt; cows, ,8 1-1 to 4c; veal 4 to 4 i-2c. ; mutton 4 to 6; chick ens. 12c; fries, 17c. BARLET Producers' nrice: rnHd 26; brewing, $25., Wheat, $33 per ton. MILLSTUFFS Brand 124. ThelGeorge Palmer D D IIVn DU EFCTD - o-xr not UJ7d v ; - V ' RETAIL DEPARTMENl ' , We solicit your orders for Shinglesr Rubberoid RooVng ' Deadening Felt, Building Paper. ' : We are prepared to furnish, and deliver material, ; ' ' promptly. Phone Main 8." . 4k. A ' l iVsViKiiV-' A Great Sacrifice of -all Kinds. If you I ' Time. We will Sell Everything in the Store at Cost Prices, for Cash Only. If You Want a Bar- gain give Us a Call and C.E.Suydam S3 n . HAiJC ' AND & Is now fjHmt ....IZ rrrrr. i! & I This will be the most sightly addition of La rande" ; The lots are large- nearly a full acre In each lot. -We are going to set out some nice apple and cherry trees ": ' r" " ' ' on each lot - We are going to mak e the prices reasonable, and mo !et Pim. . , orbl terme; No Interest No taxee. ' Com. to our offlet tnd look at the plat then get Into bnr automobile and mo ,ea u,. bronertr. La Grande Investment Co. i Owners, U, Grande. Oregon t UUUlUOJilS. ! , HAY Alfalfa, baled. $16: timotl baled, $20; mixed $18. . TLOUR High patent.- 5.60: fan 1 ' m ipatent, $5.20; straight $40. Jforuand Markets. BuiinMr-taira creamery, 3 store 22 1-2 24 1-2. fu bui i tun d at Deiiirer t. a b. Portland sw cream $1 i-t; Mcr l9t EGGS Local, candled. 30 29. POULTRY Mix chickens I6ej hn """-7 i cenu; . ., turkeys. ar 2ft 91' . ia , vuioi, i.oo; or x iu uxfacw man cuii BARLEY Produceis ortc in Feed 23.50; rolled 26.600260, bre vag 25. . . .wnniar wonuntl track. Cl 81 and 88; bluestem 96; William vJm ley so. valley 7. MILLSTUFFS Sallmr 122; mldllng, 80; shorts. $24. chotf t O V -WW KH : BLvuH-via crop patents. $5 El. : 175 0 " '' ' fe lime to in Household Furnishings Want to Buy Now is the Avoid the Rush. U1U13 ADAMS AVE Uptown office Main 790 on the 18 1 1 II 1: be Be: H