r.u: : 'ItOlTBAY, C0IOBEH 5!, 1010." ' j TMIGM'S FB0EIU1 Clothes Make , the. Man Vita graph. .' - . : Max is Absent Minded Paths. The Iconoclast Blograph. gong Watermelon Time. Beautiful dishes given to lad patrons of the matinee. See dis play in lobby. OSOT lie- 1 locals i Vacuum carpet cleaning, taking up, sewing and laying. L. P. Bllllnger, phones Red 662 and Bed 141.' West, by Walter V. Woehlke. Beauti fully illustrated is tour colors in Nov ember Sunset magazine. Now on sale, all news stands. IS cnta. . . The Ladles of , the Baalist church will hold a cooked food sale at Rus vsel's meat market Saturday, Oct Bolton ft Dodmer Co. are unloading today another car of Lilly mines Blockgmith coal. Tfce firm is handling a car of this coal per month on ac count of its perfect heating and weld ing qualities. ',. ', v AH patent medicines advertised in this paper are for sale by the Wright Drug Co. ' Tomorrow being All Saints Day, there will be a celebration of the Holy Eucharist in St. Peter's church at 10 o'clock in the morning with Evensong af7f30iim. ,v. , Local manager wanted for the Oregon Oxygenarator Company, $150 -per month end more to tb&i right party. Must.be acquainted andT.come VEHAVE JUST TflESOIT YOUU VANT. : S' -i in l! .tU'C'J (1.1 Kb iiifflitis We dont appeal to the Man who is not at all particular about his Clothes to whom a Suit Is a Suit, a Hat is a Hat, a Tie Is a Tie, and one thing will answer as well as a nother no one need take any pains for that sort of Man. ' ' WE APPEAL TO THE MAN WHO IS VERT PARTICULAR ABOUT WHAT HE WEARS ABOUT THE PIT, THE STYLE. AND WITHAL THE PRICE! We appeal to Men who know what they want, and won't take any thing else. Men who are up-to-date and dress accordingly. By this class of Men our smart Suits, our elegant Overcoats and1' our correct Haberdashery, at reasonable prjees. are appreciated. HANDSOME NEW MODELS IN FALL SUrT8........-ttt'M to CHOICE OVERCOATS' IN ALL CORRECT STYLES . ...1120 to $25.4)0 Hats From the Best Hatters and Exclusive Haberdashery From Kalers "With Wide-World Beputation. feti Bros, well recommended. See Mr. Wllson; at the Foley, between 10 a. riL and 4. p. m. Tuesday. THE OREGON OXYGEN'ERATOIt CO. J. W. WILSON, Cn. Mgr., Port land,' Ore. s -i.V . A free lunch will b furnished at the Lee Furrason sale tomorrow. Thl la one of the' most Important sales of the fall and a large, attendance Is enact ed. . Boy wanted to" carry water, $1.50 per day. Apply to Blenn Smith, ditch foreman on sewer construction. oooooooooooo O RFRS0XJLLS. A oooo OOOOOOOOO OO Fred Parker of .Elgin is stopping at the Foley. J. W, Wilson of Portland is regis tered at the Foley .today. The Lige Oliver family la preparing to move to Portland this week. ' S. O. - Markham, mayor of Durkee, spent Sunday m ' the city visiting friends. H L. Cummins and wife of Joseph were in the city, stopping at the Fo iey yesterday. .'.' ' H. R. Reynolds, J. O. Christiansen are Foley hotel guests. C. C. Wlssenger , and Harry Ray monds of Umatilla county 'are in the city, stopping at' the Foley. . . Postmaster and Mrs, O. M. Richey are' home from Portland where, they we're visitors foV a few days.' William Bollons, a prominent 0. R. ft ' N.: official, is here today looking after local affairs. : v; v Charles Roland of South La Grande, felled a deer about 'five miles south of the "city last Saturday. J. W. Watson of Portland is regis tered at the Foley Mr. Watson rein resents Loewenberg ft Going Com pany of Portland who are agents for the "Red DevH", tools. Tonight! though ft had been inad night, is the date of theSHRDLUU vertently . announced for Tuesday night, is the date of the Hallowe'en ball at the Elks' club. , J. W. Bush has left Twin Falls headed foe, La. Grande Intending, to make the trip with the team. He is expected home about the , middle of .this week. ' ,. J. Frank Evans, a druggist at Cam bridge Idaho, Js here viBlting his Clothiers and Furnishers mm m. 0 p-T- - Hr-r : : 1 ' , ; 1' ii -1;.; , s 'DUE (S(G)nDDEN 021ULE MM PAfJ'f 1 0 mother, Mrs. Evans of South La Grande and hjs grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Jacobs. He intends to remain about two weeks. ; H'. A." Caldwell, Grande Rondel-valley agent for the Best Manufacturing Co. has returned from an extended business trip to Idaho. Mr. Caldwell reports the combine business very promising for the coming Season. , J.' C. . Hudson,; of Erie, Kans., was in " the city, stopping at the Foley yesterday while on his way to visit his son, John Hudson at Allcel. From there he goes to Elgin to visit his son, Sam, and he will spend the win ter at Joseph, with another son, Jos eph A HudBon. ' W. R. Harsh, now with the North west School Furniture Co. of Port land, but formerly a school teacher of Menomonle, Wis., was at th&.Som mer yesterday. He came, here to bid on the contract for 1 supplying the new school house with seats but the contract was let to Henry & Carr of this city. J. F. Malarkey, of Portland was - a guest at the SfisSmesryesterday. A. Rubenstern of Syracuse, N.: Y. Is registered at the Sommer today. S. L. Church of Walla Walla was a Sunday visitor in La Grande, stop ping at the Sommer. Mrs". E. L. Wiley, wife of the Wal lowa merchant, was at the Sommer yesterday. 1 D. C. Brischoux, proprietor of the Savoy hotel Is home from a visit to the' interior on timber business. Henry Chambers, the well known Cove politician Is a visitor In the city today, stopping at the Sommer. ,VH. A.. Vincent the former druggist of this city, who Is now traveling with a Portland house, was a guest at the Sommer yesterday. E. B. Mitchell of Salt Lake, who for merly was superintendent with the D. ft R. G. has accepted a position with the 0. R. ftN. Judge R. R. Butler, the Republican leader of Condon, the home ofJay Bowerman, has returned from Wallo wa county where he has been inlhe Interest of Republicanism. s . F. 0. Thomsen advertising agent for the Portland Oregonian, was at the Sommer' yesterday, while on his way to Wallowa county. He will return to La Grande later In the week. Receiver J. C. Ardrey has returned to his home In Portland after visiting friends here for a few days. He Is re ceiver at the Portland land office and a prominent Republican. Mrs. T. N. Murphey and daughter, Miss Irene, arrived home last evening 0WvC,fCH from an extended trip through the United States, New York and other eastern cities were visited by the tour ists, and the return route took them to St., Louis Denver,' Salt Lake, Bil lings, Spokane, Portland' and then home. They have been gone about two months. "' W. H.' Ballinger, formerly a mall clerk on the La Gande-Joseph run, but recently working out of Portland, was at the Sommer yesterday. He will be employed on his old run again, and has gone to Portland to bring Mrs. Ballinger, and make La Grande his headquarters again. 1 Mrs. J, Shlntaffer is up from Elgin today and is stopping at the Savoy. ; George Chandler of Elgin was reg Ifterediat the Savoy last night. John FlBher, one or the prosper ous farmers in Umatilla county is in tho city today on his way home after looking over Idaho as to land con ditlons. , , A. F. Work of Portland Is in the city today. Mr. Work has been In En terprise the last few months: with string of blooded horse Jt.Ul look over the valley for a few days and may locate In this city. Miss Ceclle Smith, grand daughter of Harvey Atkinson of South La Grande and who Is night telephone operator, was taken sick last night and though slightly Improved today, is still very ill. V C. M. Lockwood arrived yesterday from Enterprise and will be with the La Grande Investment company in the future. He will make his homo at the Savoy for the time. Mr. 'Lockwood is a prominent politician of Wallowa county, laving been county clerk. Circuit Judge J. W. Knowles and Court Reporter Hanna are home from their deer hunt in the wilds of Wal lowa county. The Judge didn't get any deer but others in the party ddd. From now until the Wallowa term of court, the Judge will devote his time to equity cases in Union county. What He Admlrtd. "What did father say when yon ask ed him for my hand V. "Oh," replied Augustus, "he he did Us best to be pleasant He said there was something about me that be real ly admired." "Did he say what V "Yes; my impudence. A Polntsr to Others. He Going to marry the rich Jock Hammond? Why, I thought he had thrown all his money to the dogs. She So he did, but they turned out to be retrievers. London M. A. P. n . o PI103PEE0U3 COLOnS AND PROS: o PEHITY have much in common and are fro- quently synonomous. .. , . -. 5J The up-to-dateness of shade, cut and Etyla V of your suit or overcoat certainly doe3 much T to recommend you to favorabb notice. GOOD TASTE, GOOD STYLE A1TD PROSPEROUS COLORS ALL C0IXBI1I2 IN CAIJPTJS CLOTHES. They are author- o itive and exclusive; made by specialists in f New York City where the best styles oris- C inate, noticeably different, but not freaky, r showing smartness and individuality with- out offense to reasonable conservatism. X IDEAL CLOTHES FOR YOUNG IIS1T X AND OLDER MEN 7H0 7ISH TO 6 LOOK YOUNG. PROSPEROUS COLORS are li-ht and cheerful grays, pleasant combinations of . black, ana , white. ram rich . and. ruddv brown, ' and the always dependable blue b shades; all are represented in our FALL SHOWING OF GAXIPU3 CLOTHES. O i Every CAMPUS garment is warranted , for fit, style and wear by thellanufacturers. Y , Let us show you the new PROSPERITY ; SHADES. CAIEPUS styles will' suit you. XOur reasonable prices for such good iner 'chandise will pleased ; 000 A German Legtnd. The Germans have d legend of Fred erick Barbarossa that be is not dead, but In an enchanted sleep, sitting with his knights at a marble table in the cavern of Kyff nausea, In the nan mountains. Ills Ions red beard has grown during this long enchantment and, covering the table, descends to the floor, and he sits thus waiting the moment that will set him free. There he has been kept for long cen turies. . There he must stay for ages . , The Feminine Pessimist The feminine pessimist worries be cause she is not as young as she once was; the optimist of the same sex re joices that she is not so old as she will be.Life. ' ; " Would you be bappy? Be the thing Jrou seem. Horsce. . ', Untill the 31st of Oct. only I will sell all my stock at give-away prices. , , ' ; JUSTLOOK Washburn Mandolin, $27.50 f or-. ...1.413.75 Bell Mandolin, $30.00f for.. 1$12.00; Bell Guitar, $25.00, for $12.00 Edison 2 Minute Records, 35c, in dozen lots, . for :.,:..:...... .222 . Edison 4 Minute Records, 50c, for. '. .35 Edison Phonograph, $30.00, for- : 422.00 Victor. Machine worth $35.00 and 24 Records ' for only $25.00 First Class Music for 5c copy; Other Music, 2 Violin, Mandolin, Guitar and Banjo Strings less than half price. v Get a Supply of Victor Records now and save money. .'".' .-'' ' , ' Singer Sewing Machine, regular $75.00 for $58.00 Time; Cash only $45.00. Call and see; We only have a few left. : ; - i; I can save you money on Pianos also. CALL TO-DAY 1316 Adams Ave. o in) V ?n .......... Ii u o Want lis nay. one cent a word. Mrs.RobertPatticoQ agent for GQSSMID CORSETS '' '. ' ' -''I''' PRICES $3.50 and Up PHONE Black 81 or Black 1481 Siena La Grande