La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, October 29, 1910, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    - f "
. Jk. jfc.
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1, A special sale is tc'.nj r.rr:..' the Tc us cry, of
Bloch suits. Sizes 42, 44 and 4S.
OiTUPJDAY, fcOTOBIIIi b, 1210.
Basketball for , girls and boys
alike promises . greater things for
the season of J91Q-U than, any fall
outlook has yet , presented. Greater
Interest, greater efficiency and a great
number indulging in the indoor pas
time are the self-evident facts.
- M. I. il Team strong.
Reorganization of the M. I. A. team
always a contender for the basket
ball honors of the county has already
taVcn dace, and Manager Geddes
r-Ai"ted. ia combing the county for
leimes to start things off. A greater
I Der cent of last year's team however
plans on being nere lor me series oi
games, and some interesting contests
are Bure to ensue. -.'
It is Beldom that basketball fever is
lnnoculated Into the athletic- inclined
at this early date in the year, but it
Is bo this iall and the' conseauenoe
cannot help but be faster and better
teams all around.
: The Deltas Plan." Appearance.
. m. -t- n- W41t h.tlnn tw
amateur- basketball circles T for . the
' Delta ciub "has a team to forma
tion and will be la the running for
th leading laurels. ' r - . ' i
"FeitbaU Over; Then Basketball.
:; in' the" bighi 'scnooUIfwllI be' some
time Wors'thi 'boys' get agoing with
Daaietbalt'Pbot'barf must first be tak
en care W an'ftbenr will come basket
bkll all in Us" dtie1 season. Wit&T the? Idas
of !ChB'dera7fCrpy1and Hamilton ' the
blrt school team has to1 realign Itself
pretty thoroughl'but''' (there' V' so
much 'material at hand that the'vacian-
viva " --t . . .
t .tAnMft Phi Aloha ' and f the Blue
I T.nTrtnlwIft FM AIDRa AUU vuo umv i ci imu vu
1 I . V
til '--..."..: ... .
Coast League Race Interesb Local Fa
Mountain Association have each pre-
pared player's that will work In the
regular high school shoes like a top. ,
Girls Already at It
A large squad of co-eds, augmented
by new players who will make the
old-timers sit up and take notice, are
going through regular practices this
week. Prof. Carruth is going to guide
the destinies of the girls' basketball
team this winter. . Among the new
faces is Miss Taft. who starred at the
Pendleton academy recently. Her work
. .. . . i
ias aireaay auraciea auenuon.anc
much Is expected of her. Other new
players who are wearing the court at
tire at each practice are Helen Currey,
Hallle Adler, Misses Topp, Massee. The
squad, which it is expected will be en
larged from time to time, now in
cludes among others, Runa Bacon,
Captain, Calista Love, manager, Hel
en Currey, Serena Rohan, Ruth Cot
ner, Elva Greene Anna Taft, Hallle
Topp,Zo Bragg. 01iv Massee, Miss
Adler "anil GlaAv f)aterlinr
i it . 1 f - - y t ... "
Uflioa'coynty "has Us share of hon
ors' at 0. A. C.Awhen football Is dis-cossed-'Laat
Saturday Harry. Walters,
tie' Cove 'athletes played one of th
half positions with the regular team
against Willamette, and" : this week,
"Shrimp" Reynolds has been swltcb,-
"Bnnmp" Keynoiaa n ucru o-.M-
e4 back to quarter aftef all the other
The mmmt Clialmers CtVv
tho "gitest niiAer of cart, but they tend' 'eVery'cf
fort towaisaakingltheerybest car in quality,
workmanship, style and finish that can pe produced
for the money, ? Tl - -. ,
You don't; buy a car, Eimply because of prico.VA
car that is thrown together hurriedly from ordinary
materials is dear at any price. ? ;
You want quality first of all- jYou 5want service.
There are many quality carK but most of theni have
luxury prices. . '-
In a Chalmers you have the combination of quality
with right prices. 1 That's why they are w popular.
New Models will be on exhibition at an early date,
v We only ask that you see these cars for yourself
and compare them critically with others. v
Lewi Bldg Washington St
La Grande, - Oregon
candidates for the position have been
given their chances to make good. It
would not be surprising If Reynolds
held that position for all the remain-
lug games.
Dick Stanley, who held the world's
championship as broncho buster at
one time, was killed at Point Arena
California, a few days ago," while rid
ing the horse known as the "Black
Demon,'" which fejl upon Stanley and
injured him so that he died soon af
ter. Dick Stanley was well known by
the,broncbo-bu8ters of Eastern Ore
gon and Information of his death came
by letter to- Henry McGrath, one of
Union's riders who participated in all
events looking toward subduing the
wild and wooly cayuse.
. La Grande, perhaps, is dlppler over
the "excruclatingly', close race be
tween Portland and Oakland which
ends a week Uence. tnan any wner(
rr .V. VlrM I
all; the more up to date, some of the
rabid tans should throw in a bone and
help the, benefit "fund of .Portland.;
round Portland . lost and Oakland won
yesterday the -pennant Is practically
cinched by'tb Beavers. . '
.'" ., v ..., r;
i la :Alf- Lindsey. t' captala Jast, year
of the. champion basketball team $
Utah, it the Utan Agricukural coltoge
at Ogden, the IL, I. A. have a clever
lMiiar. He U the son oi Alex wna
sey of this city ; but durW ths past
two years has not been seen. In. local
toe because he nas Deen aquinu8
----- . . i0
skill and proficiency with the .squad
" GreaHntcrest
More Flayer "than Ever X
at Ogden. The M. I. A. will benefit
Immensely by his presence with the
team. - " , '
La Grande was some Rah! Rah!
town sure enough last night; still
these things are good tonic for the
sourest stomach in the world. Show us
the mortal whose hair does not raise
and bja pulse doesn't throb a, wee bit
faster .and .his blood pressure go up
a mite when he sees and hears a lot
of youngsters Jip'n afound some foot
ball game or other, and we wll) show
you a mortal whose digestion is bad.
-Baker City is writing to La Grande
for a game this fall. The students and
management are undecided Just what
to do, for taking on Baker City means
, running in more games than the di
rectors will stand for, and after , the
Spokane game one mor will be the
t limit. The local exchequer demands
.h Thnkirfvinir n, . it It
" ,---'"MT-..i-Tw.i.-'.l.-.-
would snow a clean sneet, ana juaser
City cannot come on that date.-, ,
v'::..; r :-.e V,
With the rivers, tulleff, iwamps and
marshes. ' good T feeding ; grounds tor
ducks this tall, hsnters are meeting
with more thai tht usual success.
Sunday ths hunters were numerous
aid were ths supply not gpo4 t&ahy a
party would corns home with his bag
mrv.'rMnarnhAAiint fcA MaVa been
killed quit' frequently sines' the birds
could, be lawfully shot
nfiTrA Huckman. ' the Imbler tas-
mer.' has turned' -automobile ageritlDR. P.X CHARLTON .TeteriBftry Sa.
aid now'has th local agency for ? geoOflcs tfllurs Drug Store,
and 1m now "has the local' agency'
the White machine.' He has a steamer
'20" demonstration" ar here uow and
and will use'tho Dettibrandt auto barn
for demonstration headquarters.
Union . either has a strong eleven
this vft! or Baker City la! weak. A
week ago Baker, scored only twenty-
two points against the light aggrega
tion froni Union, jjones is 'out at Bak
er and that may have something to do
with the small scorer
C. G. Mlckok of Portland was regis
tered at the Sommer yesterday. Mr.
Hlckok represents various commercial
lines. Among them U fishing tackle
which he is working inthe Wallowa
country. Mr, Hlckok is an ardent
Dr. G. L. Biggers, Fred Dettibrandt
and two PendletonianB were In Baker
City yesterday In the Biggers machine.
They are expected home this morning,
J. W. McCormick, the Pendleton agent
for the Franklin, was one of them.
An automatic legatrap, which
throws the birds automatically has
been ordered for ths Union gun club.
St&ttl be installed and then-1he gun
men over there will practice at fre
quent intervals.
; e
The current issue of the Rural Spir
it features Starlight King, the high
school horse owned by Doctor W. T.
Phy. .;
Arlo Myes memory was revived
the ball grounos today; bis energeuc,
tarry presence was noticed by enrery
one. :.-.:
Johnnie Adams has Just received
from. Frank Lilly a handsome .Win
Chester trap gun which he will use in
the future a( the trap.
The open season on Buck deer and
B&ge hens closes November first Hunt
ers should bear this In mind.
Pendleton and Pendleton academy
were scheduled to clash at Pendleton
Want ids nay, one cent a word.
Xetlce ts Trespassers.
Positively no hunting allowed on
our premises. Do not ask for permjs-
slonV Blockland Bros.
Dysentery Js a dangerous diseaee but can
be'eured. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy lias been sui-cewfuliy
used in nine eiiidemics of dysentery. It ha
never been known to fail, it is equally val
uable for children and adults, ana when re
duced with water and sweetened, it is pleas
N. MOUTOR, M. D. Physician and
Surgeoa. , Corner Adams Ave. and
Depot street 'Office, Main 68; Resi
dence 69. '
C II- UPTON. Ph. 0. M. D. Physician
and surgeon. . Special attention to
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office
In La Qrande'Natlunal Bank Build
ing. -Phones: Office Main 2, Resi
dence Main 33.
A L. RICHARDSON Physician and
surgeon. Office Hours: 2 to 5 p. m.
except Sunday, Sunday by appoint.
., ments. Telephenes: . Office, Black
1362; Ind. 353; residence, Main 65;
; Ind. 312.
. Physician. Sommer Bldfg.. Rooms 7,
8. and 10. Phones: Home 1332,
Pacific,' Main 63, Residence phone,
Black 851. Successor ta Dr. C. E.
Moore. ' ';VV" : '"
-Optics. Spectacles and Eye Glasses
i mtU4 and mmd t ArUi... ill i
rors sf Refraction Corrected. 1105
Adams Ave. Foler Hotel Bldg. 'L
'ttnadsvOroKoa, .:-:;;
DORA UNDW00D021ce vr
er yrrisM Drug store, special ac-
tto, uald to toeases and surger
Phene OEce Mala 22; residenoB,
Mala 728.
J.C PRWB5. D: M. D.-Ocntiat: ' Room
; 2S; Lft 'Grasdft Natloaal Bank Bull
,la."; rhoas' Black 398. ; '
La Grande. ' Reaideace phone. Red
701; Office phone. Black 1301; Inde
pendent phone 63 ; ' both phones .at
ieBldencs;1;' v' !!'.
Chas. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Coch
ran. i& Grande v National Bank
Bldg., La Grande, Oregoa. ? ! s
T. H. CRAWTORD Attorney at Law.
Practices in al lthe courts of the
State and United SUtes. Office 14
La Grande National Bank Bldg., La
Grande, Oregon. t
D. W. C. NELSON Mining Engineer,
Baker pity, Oregon. f : 3
Profeoslonal Elecutlonlst.
MUs Katherine P, Mitchell, gradu-
1 ate and post graduate la Oratory and
English, Cumnock school. Northwest
era university, Chicago, 111., Private
and doss work. Elocution, Oratory,
Dramatic work, Physical Culture, Tu
tor and Critic, English Literature and
Composition. Phone Black 331. 1403
N. Avenue. , .' ; 7
Mrs. I. A. Palmer Prop, j
A new line of hair twitches
at DOW on tale for th next ten
- dayf ending Nov. 5,
KissiMKissi-gS . jftmjuttrmiti ij.,
ft '-'." i-J,.'HVr '''? .5 "V ' ; ft
For constitutional amendment
giving to cities and towns
exclusive power to license,
regulate, control, suppress,
or prohibit the sale of intoz
icatlng liquors within the
municipality. ' .
328 X Yes
I :'-::..-::: ,:
Want ads pay. one ceat a word.
When the digestion hall riylit, tlie actios
of the bowels regular, there is a nstursl crT
log and rcluh for food. When this is lack
log you my know that you riw-J a dvxof
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets.
They strengthen the digestive organs, im
prove the appetite and tgulate the bowels.
I Fresh line of i
Swbet Potatoes
: Cauliflcwer
t-V; Carrots:.:.. ..: :v
Garlic ": -
..'LL Leader::-
Trra Cotta
Well Casinit
Caliper write
for Ec&iatcs
5 Adzms Are.
It Wow
It Eight
A.,, iftj-A
-y"ry' ya y r-j
ant to take.