. - .J -. , .' V - CZ2ZO, K2r, IJT2ZIST3, LA Eiixr:3AE: Try a Sac?: cf SNOW D-UET&fe : licrlhwciL So Dn.twu award ed a GOLD MEDAL for HIGHEST .QUALITY Vt tie' A-Y. EzpwSna mm 607. buiphoxe VJater&Siarir.MfaM Produce Co. rHclDnii Bast be Above fcoifticJoB. '. Kidney and bladder ailments are so serious la their consequences, and If unchecked to often fatal that any rem v edy offered for their en re matt be above suspicion. . Foley's Kidney Pills contain no harmful drugs, and hare .successfully stood a lone and thorough test, mil's Drat; Store.- , . r;7 Its Convenience , ,ond Economy Vpl burome Iff bj feW you a stout. H 1' '' PIP :;; OiKt ami Power WiUTraae; for La Grande Reoidence Orer 400 acres of land located between La Grande and Baker City. 75 acres inder plow, pas tore land. Good water. WW sell for fll&O an acre er trade for la Grande rropertyt' J Call at . Observer Office lis EASIER! J NOW IS THE' TIME TO Look After That Eve Trough t. Rainy weather will let in soon. We have plumhing fixtures of all kinds. Come and see. v.: ::: ::: :z BAY & ZWEIFEL Oyster Cocktaib; - Claa Boullion. Tomato Flip NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE Jfotlce of. Streef ImprerenienL To whom It may concern: , Notice Is hereby siren that In pur suance of a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of La Grande, Oregon, on the 1st day of Dec. 1909, - creating Improvement District No. 10 and designating; Greenwood Street,' as such district, and In pur suance of a resolution adopted by said Common Council on .the 6th day of Oct. 1910, whereby, said Council de termined and declared Its Intention to lmprore all that portion of Greenwood Street, . In .said Jmprorement district as hereinafter described, ;by laying ten days after the serrlee of this no tice npon the owners of the property affect id and, .benefitted by such lm proTement, order that said; abore de scribed lmprorement be made;, that boundaries of said, district to be so iSiprored are as fallows:; i All that portion of Greenwood Street, from the North Curb line of Jefferson Areane, to the Booth Curb Un,e ef Monroe Are pue. . Notice Is. hereby rfurther glren that, the Council will lery a special ai ssssment on all the property affected and benefitted ' by snch kepmvetdent for the purpose of paying for such lm prorement -That, the estimated cost Of such Improvement Is the sum of 1296.10. , That the Council will on the 2nd day of Nor, 1910, meet at the Council chamber at the hour of S o'clock, . P. U to. consider said esti mated cost, and he levy of said as sessmeat when -a hearing, , will be granted to any person feeling . ag grieved by such aasesament A Let Orande. Oregon, Oct 19, 1910. CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE, Oft ; EGON,. -.. V 1 . f r By D. R COX, Recorder of the City 'of La Grande, Oregon. ;. Oet. 21 to Nov. 1. ; v ; 'A .'. i LAUNDRY WORK If you are not a customer oi Cherry's New Laundry we prge you to give us a trial. We gtiaH antee all work to be satlafac-'' tory and will re-laundry "any article not so found or cheerful ly refund your money. ' j We want to build up a home laundry employing American , labor, which will be a credit to the town. We merely ask a chance to prove that we can eat-i , isfy you. Can't you grant thai much? . " , . .. -. All work called for and promptly delivered. ; . There Is enough laundry work In La Grande to keep a good sited force' busy and keep the money at home. Are yon a booster for home v industry? - We ;'' are . now , comfortably housed in our new building, just a few steps from Fir st We ari . safe from dust and dirt and are easily found if ; you want to carry a bundle down town. But we'll gladly call In our wagon. Cherry's New Laundry ' BOTII TIIOXES. BA5ISH CATAEBIL Breathe Hjome! for Two Xlaates, ' and Staffed-sp Head WD1 Tanlsh. If you want to get relief from ca tarrh, cold in the head or from an lrrlutlng cought in the shortest time, breathe HY-O-MEI (pronounce it Illgh-o-me). , . . It will clean out your head in two minutes and allow yon to breathe free ly, awake or asleep. . - HTOMEI. will cure s cold In one day. It will relieve you of, disgust ing snuffles, hawking, spitting and of fensive breath In week. UT0M2I Is made chiefly from ecea j Vmm, wuiiui, itMuiacr, ; germ killing antiseptic that comes- from ths eucalyptus forests of Inland Aus tralia, where catarrh, arthma' and consumption were ntver known to ex ist. ( , , i;rt'i.;.i - , HTOMEI Is pleasiut and easr to breathe! Just pour a fW drops Into the hard robber Docket Inbater. breathe It, and cure is almost cer tain. A complete Hromei outfit inelndinc Inhaler and, Cone bottle of JJYOiDJI, costs :on! JI1.00 at the NewSa .Drug Co. and druggists ererywhere, If. you already own an Inhaler,' remember that yon can. get aa extra bottle, of HTOMEI for B0 cents. For free sample write Booth's Hyomel Co., Buffalo, N. T. , : , - Oct T. 17. . : , ,. irnxE BALD SPOT 'f Kea be gcnsftl Doat It Grew : "Son Coispkaeas. -(, If Tou are beginning to worry about that pot right on the top of your head,, where the hair Is thin or has dis appeared- entirely; ( Don't .worry any - longer. f , Go to the Newlln Drug Co. and get a SO cent bottle of Parisian Sage. . If that won't check the falling hair and cause nw hair to grow; nothing on this earth win. . ' r ; . , Dandruff causes hair to fall and baldness; dandruff germs cause dand ruff. '. '.-;- Parisian Sage kills the germs eradi cates dandruff; stops falling hair and Itching scalp, or money back at the Newlln Drug Co, ; ; It , will cause the hair to grow, if the hair, root is ,not dead. , i A ' It causes the hair to grow thicker, more luxuriant, and puts so much new life into, it that It grows lustrous and beautiful. ,L , ., The girl with the Auburn hair on every package. SO cents at the Newlln Drug Co. and druggists everywhere. Mall orders filled by American mak ers, The Glroux Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. T. Oct 19-29 ; If your liver Is slnwtrt and out of tone, snd you feel dull, bilious, constipated, take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablet tonight before retiring and you will feel all right in the morning. r Absolutely ?as-t Tho cnty baking powder , mada from Royal Crspo Cream cf. Tartar PoAIsalt2b Usa Phoateld (Contlnijed" from Page Three.) a week to get off his clothes. Also they belong to the union, and If you try to make them carry more than the stated 70 pounds or so, they lie right down and refuse to move, The natives In the bills use the wool for their clothes. . Eaemeas Hole fa Groaad. These natives, called colon, are the descendants of the aaclentjncas, made famous by the stories of their rich ness In the precious metals, and one can hear these same stories here in Peru, so .there must be something In them. Rfght here in Cerro de Pasco I can show you a hole in the ground that would hold an orinary Sky scrap er and have plenty, of room left to wedge in thre or four like the Wells Fargo building In Portland, and from this hole the panlards extracted four hundred years ago something like four million dollars worth of silver. The old church through which all of this passed is still standing up In town, though closed to the public now. Cath olicism certainly extracted Its pound of fieah. from Peru In the early 'days, and while it is still the recognized state religion, and It la against the law to hold open services of any other na ture than. catholle,' It lacks a great detal of having the hold on the peo ple nseu to nave. True tne pneets still maintain a considerable hold on the women and children, and among the Indians, and a great many of the men ef Peruvian, blood are rather of co religion, than Catholic. V - . Choiea, : , -;. But of the cholos. .They are., harm lees rather than'otherwisei In fact they are more or .less afraid of the Gringoa, I think" and, that j may ac count to some extent for their harm letsnees. Up here In the hills where it is rather ehllly, and. water Is not over plentiful, the irejmoft entirely unwashed. Their hands and faces are caked .w1thrdlrt, and, as they have no flrer la .their houses they .go bundled up almost all of the time. The women carry their babies on their backs la a shawl with the-ends tied In front, so as to leave their i hands free. If they haven't got a -baby u 6 their back then they have a bigger pack of their personal belongings, or eatables, or whatever they really have collected together. They-say the'wwnen never take off or throw away a skirt, but continue to put the new ones they get on over the old ones, till one an almost tell the age by the number of 'skirls, and they "bulge out as! If they were wearing the hoops of jthe American women, of f 'a, decade ago. Their habit of speaking to you is raVh er attractive In Its way,. If you kre out, on the road a little ways fjom town perhaps, the most wrinkled (old woman or a little bit of an urcnin with hlstdlirty face and ragged cloth Ing will 'gTeet you with their rather expectant ; "Buenos tardea Senbr," (good afternoon, Sir.) ... f , . Further to the. northeast of here are several tribes . pf Indians,. 'some' of tfcemeannlDaIs. They have thelf pois oned arrows, and other means of ior nre; VOne tribe,. has ,a Weans of re racing the ; heads of their enemies killed,; keeping .he features . lifelike, till they are only a four or fifth of their natural sIie,'jHow. they do it Is unknown. Some Americans have! se cured heads of this kind as ' souve nirs, ; and, ,'aluei then t hlghly.y The lower country t is very rich In rubber, and forests, and will grow anything of a tropical natnre. . Its development is hindered by those savage Indlins. and lack of transportation facilities. Tributaries of the Amazon are navi gable for np Into the Interior of north eastern Peru, a five or six days ride on a mule from here. v, . ' , . ! .- ,, . Wine Pops at Banq'aet. ; ' In closing I must not leave the Im pression that all the natives are In dians. Not Jong since I attended a ban quet given In honor of the Perfect, who Is the same as one of our gov ernors or state, and after the cham pagne, had had a chance to take effect, there were all sorts of flowery speech es, patriotic and otherwise. Wine in its various forms is the main thing at a banquet In this country. They would hardly call a most elaborate dinner a banquet without wine, i The laws of the country cover ev-l ery part of railroading, from the num ber of kilometers an engine can run until she is overhauled, to restricting the hand baggage a person carrier that H may et fctsrf-re wita some ether passengers getting seats. The latter might be a good, thing In the United States. I must pass over that howev- SUGAR Cash Price Sugar J6.40; beet-sugar $120.v . .- VEG2TAELZ3 Ksw dry onions. 4c lb; green onions three bunches for 10 c tomatoes 10c lb.; cabbage 4c; green peppers 15c lb. . rEUTT Oraagee, 63o per dasea; lemons 40c-per dozen; bananas 40c per das; . Cantaloupe, 10c and 15c; peaches S5c per doz; peaches 85c per box. , plums 2c lb. , Grapes. J lbs for 25c MEATS Hogs, live weight, well finished. 9 cwt; cows. I 1-1 to 4c; veal 4 to 4 l-2c ; mutton 4 to S; chick ens. 12c; fries, 17c. BARLEY Producers price: rolled. $28; brewing. $25. Wheat. $33 per ton. MILLSTTTTS Brand 23; shorts $24.' : j RETAIL DEPARTfJSEtfl '. " ' '. : i' :..v-..-. .;. - ...-.. u'. .We vereparedi to rvirntsh; and deliver material;., promptly. Phone Ma&r 8. l''q h'tl3lt a mm .is v i SaSiice to Household JtoShlnss; of all Kinds. If you Want .to Buy Kdw is the TtoeWe Wll Sell Eveiythingto . ths Store at Cost Prices, frCa& Only. If You Want a Bar gain give Us aCaU and Avxjid the Bush. II t ' T niiiMiHiriaii i HACK AND " A TVrnT TI A nin-n esioencepnoneMam25 AMBULANCE e.l bussey is now .Market. This will be the most sightly The only addition to La Grande wit a bntwin Ttrirti ' The lots are large-, nearly a full acre In each lot . f We are going to set out some nice apple and cherry trees ' ' on each lot''- " ' We are going to make the prices reasonable, sad most fav orable terms. No interest No taxes. Come to our office and look at the plat, then get into our ...4 It L,ntom,obn d a-o aa tb ropertyT ' , v'GfiMide iiivestiaii to. " . , - -Owners, La HAT Alfalfa, baled. $i; tlac baled. $29; mixed $18. f PLOUREIga patent, 8.60; far; patent, $5.20; straight $U9. - PerUaad Earkeia. BCTTE3 Extra creamery, j store 22 1-2024 1-2. BCTTE3 FAT Deniver t e. b. roruaaa sw ereazs S3 IS; ton li EGGS Local, candled. 2 OS 29. POULTRT MlxNchlckens IScCJ fancy 19 cents; turkeys, all 29 4 21; pigeons squaiia. fjjfl; n sed chickens, 1 to 2- hlher than alivl uAioEi rrooacers prica, U: Feed 2150; rolled 25X0 28 J3. ln tat 25. y , -; WHEAT Nominal tnrt .i 81 and S8; blueatea 98; WCUam vA ley 90. Valley IT. MnJTTJlTS Benmg prtceErl 122; mldllng. 30; shorts, $24, chop rj TLOUB Old crop BstsBts, id ,( 'ai mm:! i-.i-.M.&Ti.j.iV. -) .1 urns Mm AVE Upt?wn office Main-720 on the additJoi'Af V.n; y Grande, -Oregon . t J ! (Ccntlrced on page 1.)