La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, October 29, 1910, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    ia gxuede ZTzimio or::::?.vi:
i Via iiii, j
I 1
Stevar d'o Ope r a H o ii s e
Tuecday, Nov. 1 , 8:1 5 p, m.
Well if it isn't our old Friend Happy Chat. A. Scllon
in thejrery newest of Musical Extravaganza
16 SONG HITS 16 16 SCENS"l6'' '
40 --- PEO PLE --- 40
i UH
Its a Companion Play to
-t uuiuui rMW Our . .' -
The Approaching Locomotive ;
The Forest of Dreams V !
Ths Orients Greatest Street '
The Shinny Restaurant
The Idol'i Dance . , ''"'"' "
The Sacred Ccw Molly
The Revolver? Palace :. ;'-:'."
The Aviation Rac to the Moon
TheBook6f Knowledge ! ,
PRICES: 50, 75, $1, -$1.50. SEATS READY SATURDAY at Van Buren't
, NeUee sf Street InureTement
To whom It may concern: Notice is
hereby giTen that in . pursuance of a
resolution adopted by the ' Cominon
Council of the city of La Grande, on
the 6th day of August, 1909, creating
Improvement District No. 4 and dea
Ignatlag Washington avenne as sneh
district, an$ In pursuance of a resolu
tion adopted by said Common Council
on the 28th.. day. of September, 1910,
whereby seld Council determined and
declared. Its Intention, to improve all
that portioB of Washjngton avenue,. In
. said Improvement district as hereinaf
ter described, by laying thereon eV
ment walkC the Council will,' ten days
- after the , feryice of ., this . notice bpob
t th pvrners jpf theproperty affected
and beaefltted by suchlmproVementi
. order that said above "described"; lm
, P royement . made; that: boundaries
of said district to be so improved are
as follows: All that portion of Wash
ington avenue from the east curb line
of First rstreet, to the west curb line
f Spruce street., Notice " Is hereby
further given that the Council will
Jevy.a, epecial assessment on all the
. property affected Rd benefitted by
such Improvement for the purpose of
paying for such' Improvement That
the - estimated cost -of such improve
ment Is the sun) of $8061.35. That the
Conncll will oB the, J5th. dajr of Nov
ember, UlOi meet at the Council cham
ber at the hour of 8 o'clock at p. sou
to consider , said estimated cost, and
vthe. levy , of said assessment, when a
'bearing 'Will be granted to any person
in L
ie Dnntinfif with
" P h f'f ' '"is-" K I ' "
; la--.
good individual, snappy, out-of-the-rut stuff that looks I
interesting. t, '"..,., , . j . :.
tj To ( get it, the order must be placed with a house . that studies
constantly the needs of its customers a house that radiates mod
crn methods. - . . -.-
! The old bird has been shot at so much that ordinary methods
simply make him slip out of reach without raising a gobble.
We print booklets, catalogues, folders anything and. do it
right We are always at your elbow use either 'phone, well
do the rest .' : ' - . -; , ' ' -
"the Cat and the Fiddle."
The Maids of the Mist -' '"-.. .t
Bojten.T?!11! Girl Who
- - jNevertJaw MtaV-f : --"V
Great . Domo'iqng of the Moon
'.'".Tha Moon Bride .V .-'.O .:,
The Seminar? Kiddies ; :'
:;,.The PaJama Girls'.) '.; :
' "The" Pretty 'Wattresess
Th 'Idol Dancers . ; .' 11 7 :;
: . The Egyptian Dancers
: : r
.''Happy-Haas, "Mike and ths Genl.
feeling aggrieved by such assessment
-La Grande, Oregoa, Oct 26,910,; J:
v; OREGON. .. . I ,;-.'.. r
"3. O By D. B. COX. 1'
Recorder of the eity of La Grande,
x Oregon , " Oct 27 to Nov. 7
- Notice is hereby giyeo ia vt sealed
bids will be received at the office of
the City Recorder until eight i"elosk
n. m. November 2nd, 1910 for the con
structkm of lfl?8 lineal feet of eemnt
'sldewajk, sal walk Jberibuilt la ac
cordance w,lth the specification on
file In this office, and to be foofci
. . a. t
in wiatn. - ..; ' , - :
i: Sal4 .walk 16 la'buUt on Mala tffeet
both sides jfrom EirBt . street to Fourtij
street and on Fifth street fra leptt
street to O avepue on the east side.
Council reserves. the .right ti re
ceive or Jrsject aay or all bU.
By order of the Council, If..
. an. cox, :'U
Recorder of the .' City of La Ora: de,
Oregon. 1 ; 7'-x Oct 27 Nov. J
Do it now. Buy your winter
while the prices are lowest SrWw
sale of large 'site, Stela-Block, euitrf
tie .Totgery, Saturdsr, Oct 29
For Over Three decades. '
; r oieys Honey ana Tar, has bees a
reliable household medicine and the
"children's children" find it today the
Which the annrnnrh i mnHo
Whiton Printery
.''' . ' - ..' ...
Printing - Brief Work Stationery
Building, us Depot SeV Lt. Grande, Oregoa
nm iritTrn i it i.dhi rnni.ii i
: 3
You know that was good
--a ? t-..s.' ' -'f Y-.w '- "...", - - 'v:' .'-),! 7'" v
" "Off. to' Market"' t ;; ',' - ' ' . ' ' ; ' '. . :
'Bridal Bells" " V-
"Town HaU To-Night", " : ;
They All Look Alike to Mabel" ,
',ZTb Work's Too jlard for Me." ."..:,
' Ching a Ling a Foo. i. 7,' 7'
Just the Same Old Story, ,
The Hanghty.Hottentots '
;,rB'6eTiii:? - ' ' J-
same safe and sure remedy for. coughs
fcnd Scolds Jhat; thel, gTandslres djd.
Mahals Stockwell, Hannlball Missouri,
writing under data of,Aufujt.28, 1910,
has this to say about' this great medi
cine, "I have recently used for, the
flrstiima. Foley's Honey and Tar
Cough medicine. To say that I am
pleased with It does not half express
py, feelings.; laby; far the, best I
ever used. I had contracted a bad cold
nd .was i Barly slek in bed, hevins; a
terrible headache as well as a cough
ad .wag fJireateaed ,wtth fneumonla.
I tied but -one bottle 6$ itt$r Foley's
Honey and Tar .and wis completely
jeor$d. It beats all the remedies I ever
need and t have dsmI many different
kinds" . . .
To Oiir Sabseribers, '
The date stamped on youri
paper shows the time paid j.
top., We would Hie, to hearf,
.from you if you think our 6-;'
forta deserves further patron-
'age. Write" us at once, if not," '
notify ' the stopping of your
paper. We hate to looe a ,
subscriber, but we must know , '
that you want the paper or '
same will be stopped. , 1 '
' ' 'i .' r:t t: ih ,;. .- .: -j j
" - SERVER. ". ;
i 1
mttaf Ka . ' H v ,.;V
'.'.. WRITTEN.
" .
csnso, PEnr, isteitests
miles wide and some 30 miles long
glietens in tl; Buri: Number
less ducks take u.a... at the tra!nNand
light a short distance away. .Flocks
of sheep are passed, and some cattle.
Soon after the smelter is reached with
its twinkling of lights, and the smell
or sulphur in the air. There Is a
great trowd at the station here, most
ly natives, and the Idea of hustle and
energy makes you feel, for the first
time since leaving Panama, that you
are In a country of Americana, where
people do things. , Forty minutes lat
er. Cerro de Pasco is reached, 14,-
28 feet Here are the mines that
supply the ore for the smelters, and
about forty " kilometera further , are
the coal mines that keep both indus
tries going; 6,000.000 pounds of cop
per in a month moans something to
the world's supply of the red metal,
and that la what they are aiming at
here during the month of August. Do
you wonder that this is a little world
of industry here In the sky? -
TheJ"jefe8" or bossesa in all de
partments of mines, smelter and rail
way, are "Gringos" (Americans) or
"l!nie Juicers" (Engllsmen.) ' The
natives are employed, for nearly all
the, heavy manual labor, under dl-
of. the railway are American or Eng
lish. , They are guaranteed 28 pounds
(Ensllh money) per month, for 2G
days of wqrk ,ot ten hours each, over
time above this pro-rata. Also they
are, given. 4contracts for two years'
work during satisfactory service, and
all expenses paid from the States,
first class passage on steamer, etc.,
provide tfiey stay one 'year and aftei1
tfie f acond, year : they ,get '. free pas
sage' home and three months, vacation.
Rooms are furnished free to ' these
men, and board vat $25.00 gold per
month, whlct)L is just 'about one half
what it costs the' company aa they
furnish everything pne, would get in
the. U. S; served in American style as
nearly as is possible. We have tropi
cal f ruItaV alsol atrawberrlef ia , sea
son, apples, and other delicacies. .
,TheitItude is such that we have
no shakes, flies, mosquitoes 6r var
mints, and the fleas you get in Lima,
and you get plenty pf them for. they
like Gringoea, all get' short of breath
comfing tip the hill and jump off some
where, thank goodness:-- We are also
way, above timber line, so there are
no Urees;at. all, and no tail grass.; A
sort of peat grows in : the pampas
where it, is wet, and this Js cut Bp
like sod of bluegrais, dried out and
used for fuel. Flowers grow and
bloom, but the blossoms are close to
the 'ground.: Birds are. few.-. I hare
noticed a rather prettily colored tur
key, buizard -you ci may know . how
black and ugly they generally are In
lower altltudes-leo.a little bird re
sembling a Robin, and some smaller
ones that sing something like a mock
lag bird. That, four-legged bird called
the Llama is everywhere. Great droves
of them pass my .window daily, and
they turn their heads almost entirely
around on their rather long necks to
look, at a Gringo, Just as if he were
some strange creature, entirely out of
bis place la the world. They also keep
In reserve a great gob of saliva and
If the. Gringo gets too, close or famil
iar, they give him a free shower bath
of nasty stuff that will take his tailor
(Continued on page six)
P-) VJ . ' V
vc talrc epecial
SHOES ve cell
Once a Customer,
. V. CiT.aiJii-JlL.. .b. .Hw'ia -
-. w w v. t miistj3 cuiu : ajuxj
SIcHs Jiiit received by
" .':'-'''''- ,,: r-.. ':!-. f v-.t : ;f .; " ' ' ' '''' ' ' ;
i - , t . ,, 1,
1 WoGan Pre:3 -
Manatrtv Bui dinsr . . -
Dircctoiy of this
4 V" .
A. F. k kl'yL La' Grande 'Lodge No.
41, A. F. A A. M. holds regular meet
ings first and third Saturdays at
, 7:30 p. ni.y V; : "' "' ' '
A. C. WILLIAMS, Secretary,
B. P. O. E.--La Grande Lodge No. 433
meets eaeh Thursday evening at 8
'O'clock in Elk's club, conjer, of De
pot street and Washington avenue.
, Visiting brothers are cordially ln
; vited to attend. '
DR. O..L! SIGGERS, Ex Rul.
llVCn McCALL, Bee. See.
( Granle Lodge No. Ui W." O W.
meets every second and fourth Tues
day in the month.' All visiting mem-
' bers welcome.''
V'"': '.' J.'H. KEENET, Clerk. " ''.
M. W. "A. La Grande Cmp No. 7703
- meets every' Monday, in the month at
v. the. I. O, O. F. haU. All visiting
neighbsrs are cordially ' Invited to
" attend. - 'I;.-.? - .i '..v
I ; D. E. COX, Clerk.
When in need of
cut glass, hand pain
by a first class'iewelry
buying and you will save money, and be sure tof securing 53
first Quality goods. M
If your, eyes trouble yoa, have them fitted by aa opti
elan of exrrtwv, . -
Opposite the U. 8. Land
care that tho
arc prop zrly
' V
Always a Customer .
' '-' '' ' '"
Depot Street
; . ,
Your 1 ClS c?1: :
lteiiial Orclcra
of La Grande, Orebal,,';.:,!.'i(. -:.-7 '
RI23E15Orystal 'Lodgs. ''No. ' li
,ttets rery evening ia the I. Ci. O. :
' " F. ; hall. All visiting members art "
lavlted to attead. ' 7' ; '
Lodge ..No. J7 meets srsry iXo&izj'
alght ia Castle hail, (old Elk's taH.)
, A .Pythlaa welcome to all vis!3z3
JES3FAUL, aa- 'v
R. L. UNCOLN, M. of R. s 8.
O. B. S. Hope Chapte'f o." ii, ; 0. &
C. holds stated conWunlcatloaa tlul
second ' sad fourth Wednesdays ot"
each mo&th. yislUng members cor
" 'dlaily Invited.' ,'"' ' ';,n,';.;" ;
;. MARY A, WARNiCK, Sec .' V
'. ' . !;' PAULINE fcOEKIXa, W. M. .' .
' Ronde , Circle No.; 47 meets tvtf
first and ,.thir4 sTbursday evsaiisa,
. , In the month at the L O, O. F. bJL
All vialttag members are welccaa
anything in watches, clocks, jewelry! '
ted China, or any other art!!, mm J
store, investisats our nrices fori'
Office, Adams Ave.
... r.
e - r-"- -r- . .r w- m . w n m . . ...