VHItV SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 15X0. HERE IS SOMETHinS f iapounfiii'ty'm t :."rlia brlaj. isj cow vile &aij calf caa bT POUNDS1ASTEH FEETjEa. LA GRA2JR3 ETEmG 0 . ' " ' - . . . i , l i . - - - I ' Hi 'I ii ! U I. V : 1 : j: (. S' b:. -'ii." A. i i: . i: !: .'J.v. 1 iU .... ; WASHING - COMPOUND Minute 10c. per Package 10 HBO REQUIRED andWILL'UOTin-l jure the FINEST FABRIC Once lricd-Alway used I Pattison ; Bros. 1 W W - . 4 i 1 . . T j use eimer pnone j M tl H4-Hfrtti ll . hy psy Rtht ?!Xitlosn you 17 acztyto b'tlld. and you '1.' : L T. -: . i ' 1 jaa . " : " "Euf(pj?C3Ji Plan Only Robins 60o to $l;EO ; Firet clas? , Throughout D. G. BRIGHOUX, . ', 'Proprietor.' 7 ' OHt BLOCK FROM DiPO I La Ornsde, Qitgon , 5' r. . - . M s r.7Tf.ii, 'i. ..i I .ifms, ...iuL. 10-Acre tract on Adams avenue. New 9-room brick house, macadam a street In front of property. City water on corner of property. Sewer 5 v 4 of the city crosses full length of. property, and have a contract with, 5 p .' city to, tap' sewer on every 60 foot lot without cost A splendid home p and Investment. Price I&300.00 1-2 cash, balance on terms. ' ' j ft M ....,.., A C-room modern brick house, 2 rots 124x120 feet, nice shade trees fruit and lawn, barn, wood shed, etc.; on corner of 2nd and Spring street for the remarkable low p rice of $1800.00. Easy terms. This property has been held at $2100.00 hut the owner must have money. hence the great reduction In price. Let me show you.' r p hence the sreat reduction In price. Let me show you.' ; - IfL J RI . ArKThe Real Estate. Man sJBsa'S , Complete equipment for iuuuu uuggy uieo. ; it- i -t t: , 1 1. LA GRANDE D. FllZQERALD, Proprietor Complete Machine That's What They All Say f you'd avod a foosft fafe, J)rM '"Sa.O'' and Vflife3-2-8 f.you'd see Oregon sfayfree, i 0nk "Sam-Qandvofe 3-4-3 ifyj d have business grow and thrive, Drlnt "Sani-0" and vofe 3-4-5 It's Good Fo rWhat Ails You r - .L 1 Ml :l (It 4 . 111. - .-.-:&JLLLjL.m, : .i.-tM. ...w.- . i J - II . j .. ? . ; vmmm-mmi-r- - f I ; Tfce Idol dance la the popular m Tmsorer'i Call for Conntj and Scalp Notice la hereby given that the tin-, derslned Treasurer ol Union county Oregon, has money on hand to pay all warrant! , Issued bn the county and scalp bounty funds and endorsed not paid for wants of funds, prior to Oct 1. 1910.;. ' -:''::. : No Interest allowed on the above warrants after Oct 27, 1910. , JOHN FRAWLET, County Treas. Oct. 26 Nov. 1. ,, . : aQkalaaQaQaWaWSa'aaaQaBQaBa ,.t resetting .and repairing IRON Shops 1 and Foundry 5 &lcal extrat ansa, -Th W.nd toe V:.Pera,:Jhter I s Former 0. B. k N. Dispatcher Country JTear Equator Xi. Painfully ' Cold. " 1 v ( by C. W, Fisher, former 0. R. Cerro de Pasco, Peru (Special to the Observer) South' America, to peo ple of the State (that Is the way we speak of you), has a far-away Bound. And this Idea-Is' not far from right, as you will realize," when you consider the Jcurney from New York to Pana ma, your" boat probably j touching at Kingston, Jamaica, en route,' thence across the IsthmuB, and, if you are lucky and make immediate connec tions on thq Pacific side, a week more of water ' Journey will , land you' at Lima, or rather Callao, which Is the port of Lima, and only a few miles dlBtant therefrom. , 3 " V j Passing over the day or two of sight-seeing in "this ancient ' City It Plzzarulwe will start at once on the Jour4e)vt4 Cerro de Pasco, over, the Peruvian Central Railway to La Or oya, the Junction point of the Cerro de Pasco Railway. The Central Rail way takes you up, up, and then up, , till the summit at Tiella, some 15,600 feet above the sea, '. This altitude- Is (attained on a 3, 4 and 5 percent grade, j over , numerous ' switchbacks, . and through some fifty or more tunnels. Ton take off your . hat to- Henry Melggs, the builder of this road as you see the feats of construction he had to overcome, and the fight he mu&t have had to overcome 'natural obstacles, and the almost supernatural ones oLj disease and pestilence. ' For to this very day, there Is a spot on the road near a big bridge, Puente de Verrubes, where, when the ground Is stirred up the people near take sick and die of a peculiar disease,' a sort of blood boil, called verrubes. Why this Is, the doc tors seem unable to determine, as they likewise seem unable to cure the terrible malady. ! Oxygen Is Scarce, . But, we wete at Tlclla 15.600 feet above the sea level. The pressure of the air at this point Is Just about halt what it Is at sea-level 7.S pounds. The oxygen In the air Is not enough to cause any 'oppression, I can as sure you. In fact you are sort , of looking around in corners, so to speak, for smal neglected particles of this particular Ingredient of the air, and wondering if you lungs have not for gotten what it looks like, or how to extract It from, the ozone. But the Moon TW Vi ome to ih Steim rd Goes Into'Wnuite Descrlptloa eVln- J &N. dispatcher t La. Grande. grade is . down from here t to Oroya, (altitude' 12,000' feet), so, though it grow very cold with the setting of the sun behind the cordilleras, you may find the , air pretty nice at La Oroya. : We better spend the nighf here anyway to get accustomed to the altitude, and tomorrow proceed to Cerro de Pasco over the railway of that name. - v! ; The morning dawns bright and clear, with a layer of ice at least a quarter of an Inch thick, so yon know what' kind of clothes to year Don't let any one tell you to wear your1 suim mer clothes In these parts at any time of the year. ! We are near the equa tor yea,' but we are alBo pretty well up. toward heaven;, and It gets mighty chilly up this way, especially, to. one who has J8t come from sea-level The average temperature Is around 50 degrees the year round,' the' nights being' quite chilly, and the days very pleasant - V, . ; Boad Equipment Is Fine. It will , rather , surprise you to see the modern equipment of the Cerro de Pasco railroad In this far-off part of the world. The "monkey motion' Rhode Island locomotive' that pulls you out of La Oroya is JuBt about as powerful and good-looking a piece of machinery as 'you will see pull out of Chicago, and In fact you can see a lot of engines running on passenger trains out of Chicago that will not be gin to compare with this one. The grade on this railroad is from one to three per cent, and the curves are as sharp as 16 degrees, bnt there are no tunnels, and only one switchback. The scenery along the line is probab ly different from any other In the world. ' For a time you wind up through the canyon of a small river that 'flows Into the Amazon. The mountains on each side of you reach Into the air to rival the Royal Gorge of Colorado, yet we think nothing about that here. It is only to be expected. Further on the road comes out onto the pampas, or elevated plains, some 11,000 feet elevation, and to the left of you, in an almost endless chain, extend the jagged snowclad peaks of the y Cordilleras. A large lake, many (ContlnnoO on Page Three.) ; W ttfM4'aliWbMU"M A1 !17 4 ' ! Aba. a MS i el . aalai f a i laaaaaf! I .III S I 1 I ? I i T i V ' '" ' ' '' ' T I - ' ' - . ,. t- i i f a, . ' iim Keceivw mm ''''-' "'..' , .''" ,-' . ' '"-' ! ; . .. ( . '.,'' '.;.":'" "-'v'. ,;; n : . T-a. " viirW '3L3L '--2 'T 1 8-6x10-6 Axminstersi i Tapes- iliysmm00Lr2W(mi iSize' Cafpetl and exceptional values af A V 4Jr U ak alJaWU UiWUU 'A Tt ..II &ara!beikliri Colic; Cialea D. Eaudj la todr tlv bt known toti. wa la OM ior tilt relief and cure of b5wel Cffiplwnlfc - It cure ripina diarrhoea 7titerT, and ahould U takea at tha fw tnnataral looaenesa cf tlja bowels. It I. ouiuui yiuiukiic jur cunaren aou auuiu. It curva. Want adx pay. oils' ceat "word. i Soo-Spokane Rotate THE SHORT, LINE ; , A5 ALL POINTS JEi ST j .', EyULPJIET I EUetWc:fchted .. Observation Cats ''ad ' Standard i -Sleepers,, to t&ost' npt6-dat Tourist, cars and tnrougn am- .era.. vT- 'Vv;,ttroutyticki ton" pint ".; east are Mv&'irycffit' ibeai .Rgeai ai jowea cnrreni urea, Details Berths g lUteflihir O. Jackson Geo. A.Waiton. Grande Rbnde Cah CoI' ' . 7 . .-r " tja sa. 'm. v 4.- a g s SizeRugs't Rugs ai$Mi YourRugsA ! !;: v : x: ' , ?) Y'.,f -i i.'.v"3; T'