LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1910. 11.1 S. 1TI TO LEGTUHE lEflN EDO WILL 0 1USIHS6T05 SE5ATE LEADER TO EASTERX EDITOR MEETS TTITH JIM DOBBIXS OF C5IO. WILL HAX. SPEAK TO.MGHT. LOCAL FRUIT! LAST SIGHT. PAGE EIGHT -1 , ft " " 1 -rwn T REFEREE , ' , . . i ' ... - !':: : : J - If ---a large shipm "Prohibition, a Curse to Good Govern Kent" It Ilis Theme Here. Hon. A. S. Ruth, president of the Washington senate, will lecture to night at the Steward opera house -n "Prohibition, a curse to Good Govern menL". . Mr. Ruth is familiar to men who hare followed the senate's history ?n Washington In late years and those who know him are aware that he it a fluent speaker. He is versed in his theme "which he will handle here to night. ' , ; - .. The public is invited to be present and hear Mr.' Ruth this evening. A special sale is being arranged for Saturday at the Toggery, of Stein Bloch suits. Sizes 42, 44 and 46. "- Co-operation- in Marketing Products Discussed at Some Length. Whatever You Need from a Drug Store yonTI sorely find In onr ample stock. We watch the seasons and are al ways prepared to meet demands with new fresh goods. If reliable remedies for an. meats that prevail In the fall are wanted here yoall find the most reliable If your doctor leaves a pre scrip, tlon to have compounded, here yoall not only find the ptrest ingredients, but the compound ing will be done by regular II. censed expert prescrlptlonlsts. Ton can depend npoa all goods yon bay here. We reject in onr ' , buying .the goods that are uncertain. WRIGHT Drug Company Roth Phones Free delivery Last night a number of the beet fruit growers in the Taller met at the commercial club rooms to talk over the marketing of t apples. Mr. Sherwood Williams called the meet ing to order. J. M. Allen, special rep resentative of the Fruit Grower was present and talked on co-operation of growers on the marketing of their fruit. Mr. Allen says that by co-operation the fruit growers of southwest Missouri and northwest Arkansas have been able to raise the price on straw berries" alone from eighty cents net per crate to two . dollars and fifty cents per crate net. This he says has been done within the last five or six years. Mr. Allen says: "Prior to our organization we were the victims of produce crooks all over the country. This is now entirely eliminated. We .... 1 4 . fltrA ' Aft. rr .V. wMri . wrAm while another would be entirely bare. This has been eliminated. Senator P. A.' Rogers, the manager of the Ozark Fruit Growers Association knows at the close of business hours just how many cars of fruit was loaded In the Ozark country that day. Most of Ihe goods sold while rolling. Mr. Rogers protects all buyers by not permitting a glut in any one market. - , ' . "With a full crop, southwest and northwest Arkansas would market ten thousand cars' of fruit I know this appears immense. Dut when you figure that Benton county, Arkansas, alone has seven million five hundred thous and apple trees in bearing condition and Benton county is only a small part of the Ozark fruit belt, the above figures are extremely conservative. "How would we market them? If necessary to Europe. Again we know the markets all over the United States and Old Mexico. Mr. Rogers Is also familiar with European markets. I S"4 f X A uur vinegar piaiua ana evapura-1 tors use up thousands of bushels of I low grade apples. , v. "Right here I want to make the suggestion to growers. By all means get your vinegar factory to use up all your by products. Tou had Just as well be getting thirty or forty cents per bushel for your low grade apples as to let them rot on the ground. Right here In this valley I have seen thous ands of dollars worth of apples rot ing on the ground. Every bushel of this fruit could be saved by a good vinegar factory." j DLE WHISTLE TOMORROW. Boosing Rally Tonight WD1 Tsher In Day of All-Importance. Jim Dobbins, the former star O. A. C. end now living at Union will ref eree the football game with Caldwell tomorrow. Ralph Reynolds another O. A C. playier will be on of th ntw principal officials of the-game. To make the game all the more Im portant, the band has been secured for the occasion and band music will start the game off tomorrow after noon. The band will play on th up town" streets prior to the game, which Is slated for 3 o'clock. The rally to night"! the first real opening gun of the contest The students are prepar ing themselves for the yell fest in real fashion and the leaders will make speeches and the rank and file will have a rousing time. All this Is in an effort to get a rous ing enthusiasm up for tomorrow when thm 1tt will '.ti .. port possible from the side lines. For Tomorrow we announce a Special Showing of Furs ent just arrived, including j everything that is desirable for this season Take advantage of our special showing tomorrow Dedicate Seminary Building. New York, Oct 28--Clergymen and educators representing all the lead ing Institutions of learning from the' Atlantic to the Pacific are the guests of Tjnjon Theological Seminary to day, at the dedication of the new buildings of the school. The " cere monies commenced today will con tinue through this evening and to morrow. " ; . " Union Theological " Seminary Is among the leading institutions of Its cDatnF F A DUD IF PLEASED TELL OTHERS, IF NOT TELL US -'- - -r- -r- T w V , yyiy Vi .tyi y''i,.y. yZr; kind in the world and is now lij its 6eventy-fourth year. Its recent alli ance with Columbia university has added to its prestige , and int'uehce. The new buildings were erected at a great cost and make the equipment of the seminary the .best of Its kind In the country. This year about 170 students are enrolled to , educate themselves for the clerical profes sion. About seventy-five of these are are new men, a larger number of new registrations, than has been made in any prevfous year. Francis Brown, D. P., Is president of the seminary. Be sure and take a bottle Of Chamber! Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy i yoo when starting on your lrip this 1111111 It cannot be obtained on hoard the trait steamers. Changes of .water and clii often cause sodden attacks of diarrhoea, it is best to be prepared. -.1 1 I, ' Want ads piy, one cent a wori BMMM 1 . - - iiiiiii 11 New Transfer Line M. L. Leader PROPRIETOR PHONE RED 3762 Draying of all kinds Stage Driver Alleges Iloldnp. Driver Beeson of the Sparta stage reported to the authorities that he was held up near Keating yesterday by two highwaymen on horses. He said they fired shots at him, but that be escaped by whipping up the horses and leaving them behind. The local officers communicated with the Keat ing authorities with orders to investi gate the matter. They sent word back that there were no traces of the alleg ed holdup, and that In the vicinity of the supposed attack, there was no evidence that any affair of the kind had happened. Baker City Democrat. Hiss Brchm Coming. Miss Marie C. Brehm, promoter of the "dry" parade in Portland, will speak in the Presbyterian church Sun day evening at 8 o'clock. Co To Barley General Cai.tractor of Cement Work Hain Reenforceu ' Joncrete THE SWEYJMKS QARltY WAKES STA w" ittc WEAR I . . ; ' 1 4 :'" " ' : ' '" - VJej have lust received' from the East the finest lot of furniture ever Shipped toEastern was bought dh urer thus making a saving of the mid dle mans profit to the consumer. We would be pleased to have you call at our store and inspect our mar.y beau tiful house furnishings, such as Buff elts, China Closets, Library tables, etc. We have Kitchen Cabinets that are the work of art among others the Cel ebrated Ellwood Cabinet everything at your fingers end. This should interest every House Wife -Ho running, stand in one place to do your work. We do nofhesitate in saying that these Kitch en Cabinets are as complete a. any built in the modern homes. MEM EY and C "CD ib