Try aSdclrof SNOW DRIFT !f tftxu x. ci a COLD MEDAL for HIGHEST QUALITY at the A-YP. Expsilca ram ct; gQi ff3Ar VJ at ers-Stanch field Produce Co. irrE.v.xsnvrj. AU Eniiand Talkinn f Yacfet Built fc a American. J Ones mar an American and his j 7 T 1 Oyrter Coclitsils n n , , Tcnato Hip NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE If your Iiw is elucpiBH antf cut ttf tone, Sbd you oull, iiiUuua, ewrtiiL take fl of (.li&tuWliUB btuuiacb aud Liver tonljrfit b-!ur? retiring aud WB will fotJ ill ri-U in lLe Hioruuig. Sotk trwl Imprweawat U ELECTSIC Its Convenience and Economy wffl Surprise You ' let us tell youzll shout it ' EASTERII OREGON U-iM and Power Company To whom it mey concern; JCotice ii hereby ghea that In pursuant- of resolution adopted by tie Common Council ,ol the City of La CmnSe, rgoa. oa lie let day of Itec 2U08. icreating Improvement. District ?Co.. 20 .and designating Greenwood Btrfet, as such district, and la pur suance of a resolution adopted by aaid Common Council on the 5ti fisy of Oct, 210; whereby said Council de termine afifl .Cwlar t hitnttoa la improre all that portion f Greenwood Street, in, said Improvement district as hereinafter described. ; by laying thereon board walk, lie Council H tea days tiler, lie enrtce of tila no tice upon tie emer of tie property affected and benefitted r coca to proremeat. order ti&t said above a-K-rfbed ItcproTement If made; tiat boundlaries of said 6istrfct to te Improred are a followi: All that portion tA Creenwood Street, from tie North Curb line of Jefferson Arenti, to tie South Curs line of Monroe Are nu. liotioe ii bereiy f erfier tiren that tie Council 131 lery a epeLal u tete meat on all tie property affected and teneUd ty aach isprotement for tie pvrpoM of paying for each Im provement That tie estimated oat of such tnaproTement Is tie aura of f2C10. Tiat tie Council will on tie 2nd day of KotvlMQ. meet at the Council . chamber at tie hoar of S o'clock, P. JL to consider said esti mated cost, and the lery of said at- essmest iriea a fcearisc win be (panted to any, person feellct ag grieved by nci aflBeBBmeirL La Grande. OrepmiDct 1 1SJ8. cm corrvciL or. la, cm- Ey D. E. COX. -Eecorder of lie City of La Grande, .Oregon. Oct. 21 toJCor. L GOOD JIWS England. yacut itcliaer. Sat HemtlnjS. wis ii in tie limellgiit lirt4. ing t tie beanty uf Bcbotmet. tie TTt ward wilci -as toitered ia lie recent Cowts ngatia. Tiere is se c. unlit ft ie was lie leUe of tie meet. A - writer baa tailed iMsr tie AmericBa dream siip ..and tms written f ber: Wben ber caa ras wa sjtread to tie wind lie was ackiiowledfed te be a tLing of iafcltfly md poetry a rfcam ship as jr fecl is ibe beauty "f line and funs a. I , 'K " . J iNUW 15 THE' TIME TO -t Look After That Eve Trough 5 . i i-1 , ? ! Rainy weather will set in soon. We , have plumbing fixtures of all kinds. j Come and see. s: . z: ' s: s: BflV 6 ZWBIFEL ay La Cxande Ceaders Hare Heard it sal Prte Thereby. Oood ewi trarcls taat," and Oh tismsanfij of bad lack sxTerers la La Grands axe glad to learn tiat prompt relief ta wltila tieir reach, 3aty a lame, weak ard aching back la bad so more, thanka to Doas's lUdaey PUla, Thocaas&s npon thousands of people are telling the good urj of their experience with tie Old Quaker Remedy. Hera is an extmpis worth reading: J. A. Taylor, cf Union, Ore, aays: T can reooamend Doaal jadaey PUla and 1 adrlae anyone affUcted with kidney trouble to try them. X was bothered a great flea) by backache and when I lay down, there ,was tnnch Iin ln my loina. The secretiona froa my kidneys were profuse and paaaed too frequently. Boan's Kidney pffis relieTbd these dlSleslties sad prored ofbecefit.Ia erery -way. I g)re this preparatSoa my most hearty endorse ment," For sale by a2. dealers. Pries 0 centa, rotter-KHbum . Co, BuTalo, New Tark. sole agents for the palled States. -. ., ., Bern ember the came Doaa's and take no other. i Oct 14, 28. 18. t "i -:t t: f - A t it i All. Who Love LlL littlel Ones ri 1 1 provide f -'V mrent of this tvTtH-re in ': Gandy i u? C".--- c.. - . e ttHH0mmw w4wS-444444 4 M 4 M4 4 t4444444444 9 Riith of Olympia, presiding officer of the Washington Senate last session, will speak in La Grande, at Open House, Friday evening, Oct. 28. Subect: PROHIBITION A CURSE TO GOOD GOVERNMENT." v Scnafor f?uih s a forcible, convincing speaker, with a fund of information to draw from? His ad dress will be of lasting interest to everyone who hears him, which everyone should. His argument against the farcical statewide prohibition carries conviction. DOH'T MISS IT. ADMISSION FREE la aintir war, tie TEE XWTrAJtI. vuis de Mjli-1 think lie tTastward tiunld bar bea called lie Witte Kiaett for sie comes to like a knicbt etrunL Arrow lie Atlatitk- r1 caae. not la fair wnti-. but with" in ea ruaainff aud half a gaV bJywin-. nembiir waa la Bpirnd wtti auwsterjrjw Evvry Hne of ber was a stroke of guua. " It is ao surprise that a Bweeioff has Veil aaci a retl ai tie WeRt ward, Jfat. and bis blind - brother. Jota D fife kuown tie world orer as tae greasmt yaeur osigtMTS mso ouue ers f our time. Tie CulumLia, Coa sHiatioa and other fainoss cup defend- en wre lieir trestioaa. Hiimor and PhUosophy PERT PARAGRAPHS. JDVEBSITT eiay be a good thfng. but wbea misfortune comes to as la the gnise of prusieriry yea can bear os rejoice a mil away. ilf Ton aren't la tie proreaisla yon are either abore or tekw tie arerage. The man wbo doecat kaow Is most asKidaons about dlstriburing tie knowledge that be bann't got. Tbe kind of bat a man wears feat always indicatlr of bis brain power. ' He Uugbs best wbo langis when b feels Jikett. There is often a irrrepttble eonneo Hon between bot air and cold feet. . Tryiag to make connections with a belated train of thought to as exas perating ai baring Christmas weatbet la Jane. 4Ls long as tbey My nothing about It it doesn't make any difference what ertr to as bow ma-n other people want to hare tbir own way. It Is better, to liarerysn excuse with out any tw for It than to bare a ase without any en-um for it. There may tw iwnne jople wbo are food of a ifnnatk- man. bat up tc dale nobody u erer met them. There are inij.Je ho are top good eatuml to t really ba.y.- ' HAT-Alfalia. baled, til; eiot baled. $20; died fit FLOCB Sigh patent. 1X0; fj pateal. $2-20; atraJgtt JMD. cabbage 4c; greea peppers lie li . U.M uiau 't- " BUTTER PAT Dtaarer Fortlaad swr ersaa XX l-; aosxlft, EGGS Local, eaaCed. POULTET Mix chickens c TG.1B-Caah Price Euiar t6.8; beet angar f VEGETABLES Jew dry xJaaa, tc; rreea onions tiree nancies for 10 c tomatoes 10c li.; U1 Orangea, tO: per tfasea; 1 lemona 4Dc per dozen;, bananas at per das; -w js," , . Cantaloupe. IDe and ISc; peatiea 85c per dox; jacies 8I.c per box, plains 2c Ii. Grapes, 2 Tjs for 2Sc JiLEATS Bogs, Vrt m-eigil. well tniBhed. f rwt; j i-. to eal 4 to 4 l-2c ; matton 4 to S; ciicl ens, 12c; friea. 17c. EAELET Procurer price: rolled. $2C; brewitg. IIT.. lit. f.; r n; MILLSTCFFS Brand til; air iancy u cents; tarkeya. a! 20 21; pigeons saaaa. Hit; fl, sl cilckeEa. 1 to 2- tlrber zhaa al! E ABLET Prt fiaers s5es., U: Feed 2L5P; rolled 25iOS2tJ, bn lag 25. ' WHEAT -Noo-naJ track, el SI and S8; blaestea 96; nlam T ity $1 Valley S7. ' kmJisTrrrs sennne pnea ci 122: mtdling. IS; oru. . cnop FLOm O'i crow jalnta. t: Want tK. Limit. "1 liHir Jai. aniat. ban reform "... Ya; be has cut out tbe floaiui biwl. ... Thtuk be is in aroetr "lodeed be is. fie only paints in wa ter colors -ow." Sotire to Crediterg. Notice is hereby giren to all whom it may concern, that Henrietta Day has been appointed by the County Court of Tnlon County Oregon, executor of the last will and testament of Edwin Por ter Day, deceased. All persons having claims against tbe estate of said deceased Edwin Por ter Day are required to present them with the proper Touchers within six months from thedate hereof, to the Executor at her home Ko. 103 Green wood Street: La Grande, Oregon. Dated October Hth. 1910. HENRIETTA DAT. I Executor of the last win and testa ment of Edwin Porter Day, deceased, I Oct 14, 21. 28 Nor. 4, 1L The George Palmer htmi DtPARWtm We solicit your orders for Shingles, Ruhberoid RacVag Deadening Felt, Euilding Paper: " 'JVe are prepare to furnish and deliver material, promptly. Phone Main a fsv ' - -w '9 -s wp - wis-ejfcsr'tyaj' si as tuy sjyay ft . A Great Sacrifice in Household PuJiusirigs of all Kinds. If ybn Want to Buy Now is e 3 Time. We wili Sell Everything in the Store at Cost Prices, for Cash .Only. If You Want a Bar gain give Us k Call and Avoid the Bush. IM3 AD AHS. AVE ClESmdam SZlaLal I HACK AND Uptown office Main 720 - A nTHT ti -. a TiTir- Resi(Jence phone Main 25 AMBULANGE e.lbussey " iM Dalies Ad Is now xoh the Market This wUl be the most aighUy addlUon of U rande. The only addition to La Graade wiU bnUding restricUons The lots are large- nearly a full acre in each lot we are going to set out some nice apple and cherry trees ' . on each lot - : . Wa are going to mak e the prices reasonable, sad most far- ' orable terms. No Interest No taxes. Come to our office and look at the plat, thea get Into our -; ABtomobile and go se'e the pronert;-. -. I.Gmndi' invteierit.&V-'' Owners,. La .Grande. Oregon . o