LA GRAKDE EVENING 0BEa7irv ' . THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1910. Steward's Opera House Tuesday, Nov. 1, 8:15p.m. Well if it isn't our old Friend Happy Ckas. A. Sellon in the very newest of Musical Extravaganzas 16 SONG HITS 16 P 16 SCENES 16 40 - PEOP1LE - 40 FLOTILLA OF PRETTY. GIRLS Its a Companion Play to "the Cat and the Fiddle." You know that was good The Pullman Palace Car ' , v The, Approaching Locomotive ' The Forest of Dreams The Orients Greatest Street The Funny Restaurant - -The Idol's Dance ' ' ' The Sacred Cow Molly) ; The Revolving -Palace ,. The Aviation Race to the Moon' The Book of Knowledge . The Maids of the Mist -"Innocence" Thd' Little Girl Who . Never" Saw a Man. Great Domo King of the Moon The Moon: Bride ' The Seminary Kiddles! . The Pajama Girls . '' The Pretty Waitresess The Idol Dancers , , ; The Egyptian Dancers " - ; and- : - .Happy, Hans, Mike and the Genl. J fl U---i. "Off to Market". ; t ; : "BrldaJ Bells- ' ' "Town Hall To-Nlght" "They All Look Alike to 'Mabel-, "The Work's Too Hard for Me." Ching a Ling a.Foo. Just the Same Old Story." -sThe Haughty Hottentots - In Seville '', PRICES: 50, 75, $1, $1.50. SEATS READY SATURDAY at Van BurenV Do It now. Buy your .winter suit while the prices are lowest. Simc'iM sale of large size Steln-Bloch suits at the Toggery, Saturday. Oct 29. " it,. a. .. a- V Si'" U It i ' 1 W : w mriwiim i I "I" ' - C. I BARRETT ATHENA, OREGON. ' " Republican Direct Primary Nominee. Progres sive and Statement No. 1; Republican. . For 4 years a member of the House of!Representatives from Um atilla County, where he secured much good legisla tion for the People. They will make no mistake by' electing him joint senator, for he stands for the in terests of the Common People as against Corporation and Boss Rtde. "The Cow and the Moon." "The Cow and. the Moon" probably one of the biggest and massive scenic productions In the line of musical ex travaganza that will visit here this season is announced . by Man er Steward for resentatlon at the Stew, r'.'fl ope t Soiifcf, on Tuesday, Nov. 7. . It Js distinctly a show of novelties, coloring of the brightest hues, yet In keeping with their locals, gold and Bllver showers come one after anoth er, in fact It is said to be a glorious glittering pageant, ; This, however, merely forms the background for a Story ; of Imagination, dealing with earth beings and people from the moon that makes an evening of solid fun and laughter. ' ' The presenting company numbers some forty or more personages headed by that Inimitable eccentric commed lan, Chas. A. Sellon, who pleased the atre goers hereabouts sowell In that merry musical extravaganza, "The Cat and the Fiddle," on previous occas ions. His support includes the Dres den Doll comedienne, Hazel Rice, said to be the most dimunitlve soubrette on the stage today. Scarcely four feet tall, but perfect In form her clever ness' is exciting the most favorable comment. Florence Willis, who is mak ing herself famout for her portrayals of Fairy, parts will be the Genii, sua also ias been seen here before with Mr. Sellons productions. ' ' ' Jean Crowther, recently known as the .Lady Beautiful , of vaudeville, is making her debut in the musical field, superb in figure and gowning of the most exquisite taste, and style It 'is a safe prediction that her title In vau deville will follow her in her new field for the display of her beauty and talents.,-' ' :' ' ' A strong singing chorus, in . the smartest of attire Is promised, and with some sixteen or more musical numbers, all provided by Carltyi Lee Colby, the lovers of terpischore and song motion will have their fill. The seats will go oil sale next Sat urday morning at Van Buren's cigar store.-! ' - Much Appendicitis In La Grande. Many people In , La Grande have chronic appendicitis and mistake it for stomach or bowel trouble. If you have wind or gas on the stomach or bowels scur stomach or constipation try sim ple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc. as compounded In Adler-1-ka, the new German appendicitis remedy. A single does of this simple remedy will relieve you you will be surprised at the quick action. A. T. HILL. The Ladies of the Baptist church will hold a cooked food sale at Rus sel's meat market Saturday, Oct 2S. MM ' VI v he: - most: ' magu I 0 'f'-JV1 i) ft r ' cem ever placed on the market in any city of ; zfkm NbrifewSiE rive Blocks from the Busi ness Center of the City The ground lies beautifully arid every . lot is level and smooth. All lots to be improved with CEMENT Sidewalks Curbing and Parking and All Streets Will Be Graded Positively the choicest bargains in CLOSE-IN property that dm ever be offered in La Grande. The time to a H Prices will Advance November 1st Special inducements offered to the OuickVBuyer. and EASY TERMS will be given. Thi? is a'purely Restricted Residence District and is destined to be the fut ure High Class residential portion of omesite is N 6 w and Letj jit Grow In Value !! ' Want ads pay, one cent a word. I