La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, October 26, 1910, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Try a Sack of SNOW DRIFT
ed a GOLD MEDAL for
of Olympia, presiding officer of the Washington
Senate last session, mll speak in fLa Grande at
Senator Raft : Is l a forcWe, con wncng speafrey
.ivifi a fund of mformatimjd; ; HiV aif.
cfness: wijbe of tefng Interest to everyone ivho
fiears. ftim; which everyone sti oul d . His aigunienf ,
agaiisf the farcical statewide prohibition carries
conviction DOtVT UlSSniiDmSSlOn FREE
; Awfloi Ealeext Mdsjr.
Clars Scrlber will conduct an tac
tion sale at his farm two and a naif
mCei east of Island City next Friday
October 28, commencing at 10 o'clock.
Full particulars will be published la
The Obierreer tomorrow.
If you are not a. customer of
Cherry's New Laundry we urge
you to give us a trial. We guar
antee all work to be satisfac
tory and will re-laundry any
article not bo found oraheerful
ly refund your money. ,
We want to build up a home
laundry employing American'
labor, which will be a credit to
the town. We merely ask a
chance to prove that we can 'sat
. isfy you. Can't you grant that
All work called for and
promptly delivered.
There is enough laundry -work'
in La Grande t6t;re a good
sized force busy and keep the
money at home. ! Are you a
booster for home industry?
, We ore now comfortably
housed in our nw building, Just
a few steps from Fir st, We nr:.
safe from dust arid dirt and are
easily found If you want to'
carry a bundle down town. Rut
we'll gladly call in our wagon.
Cherry' New Laundry
Look After That Eve Trough
Rainy weather will set in soon. We
have plumbing fixtures of all kinds.
Come and see. ::: s: :u :s
HIGHEST , QUALITY aLthe AY-P. Exposition
Uaters - SfanchfieldProduce Co.
Oyster Cocktails 1 ' -Clam
Friday evening. Oct:
' When the digestion hall right, the action
of the bowels regnUr, there it a natural crav i
in lnit fli.) fnrtnrA , U'l... I. I
ing you may' know that you need a dose of
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liter Tablets,
fL i
.. i
Its Convenience
ard Economy
will Surprise
Let us tell you all about it
Light and Power
It is the one BEST FLOUR ia the
Northwest Snow Drift was award-
Notice to Contractors.
'ot!c V hereby given that sealed
J,aa w"1 De received at the office of
the City Recorder of the City of La
f 900 . c standard five 'not board
walk, to be constructed according to
tuo yioua auu on me
In this office, fijtfd walk, to be con
structed on tc wt side of North
Ash street fca: a ea Jackson avenue
and Benton avenue. '. ,
Bid to VA later thin 8 o'clock
p. tr Wdnelay evening, October 26
and ait bids to be accompanied by a
certified check of five per cent of the
amount of the bid. The council reser
ves th right to reject any or all
Bj order of the Council, 'October
19th, 1910. ',..'
O. E. COX,
Be w.fer of the City of La Grande.
Or. gon. Oct 20 to :
Strawberries for Sale.
The City Grocery & Bakery has a
few boxes of home grown strawberries.
First come first served. ,
5 Minute
IV do a washing in 5
minutes. Jio rubbing
required, and will not
in'iure the finest fabric.
Royal Grocery
and Rntravu
I Com
! pound
Sereral Cases Sent ip rrom rnios
County When Xovember Term Sits.
' Only 13 cases are now on the dock
et for argument at the fall term of
the eastern Oregon session of the Ore
gon supreme court, according to the
docket as now prepared by Major Lee
Moorehouse of Pendleton, who Is clerk
for the Eastern Oregon department of
the court November 7 la the, day on
which the court will meet
Of the 13 cases, three are from
Umatilla county. Among these Is the
case in which Charles Cunningham
and A. F. Michael are seeking to pre1
vent the county paying the hill for
the services of a detective, who secur
ed' the first convictions for violation
of the local option law, after that law
went Into effect two years ago. Inci
dentally the detective has already been
paid. . f- ; s
The following is the complete dock-
Chas Cunningham and A. F. Mich-
tel versus Umatilla county.
The, O. RJ & N. company versus
Hector McDonald . and wife.' Appeal
from Wallow county. i
State of Oregon vs. Arley Chandler.
Appealed from Union county.
The O. R. it ;N. versus O. T. Cool-
idge. Appealed from Union county.
State of Oregon versus Joseph H.
Casedy, Emmet Shields, .Earl Shields
and Albert .Green." Appealed from
Grant county. ,
Daniel Loney, John B. Knight and
Elmer B. Knight versus Joseph C.
Scott. Appealed from Umatilla county.
James Dalton versus L. S. Kelsey.
Appealed from Baker county.
City of Joseph versus Joseph Water
Works Co Appealed from Wallowa
county. '
State versus Dell Kennedy and L.
Remillard. Appealed from Union coun
ty :
A. N. Whittler versus W. J. Woods,
as Justice of the peace and John H.
Thompson. From Baker county.
State versus Victor Townsena. rrom
Union county. '-:.-.:.'.
' W. C. Longfellow versus Huffman
and son. From Wallowa county.
Newlln Drag Co. Sells a Remedy That
is Guaranteed to Kill all Dand.
draff Germs.
Of course you and every intelligent
reader of the Observer knows that
dandruff Is caused by a germ.
Dr. Sagebund, the great French
physician, proved this beyond a doubt.
In order to rid your scalp of filthy
dandruff you must kill the germ.
There is a hair dressing called Par
isian Sage which Is now sold in every
town In America, that Is guaranteed
to eradicate dandruff stop falling hair,
splitting hair and scalp Itch In two
weeks, or money back.
If you have dandruff get a large 50
cent bottle today and rid yourself of
it. Remember that if dandruff germs
are not destroyed in time, the hair will
surely fall out and baldness will fol
low. Here's prJof of what Parisian Sage
has done; It will 'do more. It is the fin
est hair grower and hair dressing in
the world, and people who use it reg
ularly will never grow bald. Mrs. John
Sfoner, Evansville, Ind., writes on
June 2, 1910:
"I used Parisian Sage and found it
very successful; it removes dandruff
and gives the hair life. I only sed two
bottles. I know it is a cure for dan
druff." Large bottles fcO cents at the New
lin Drug Co. and druggists every
where. The girl with the Auburn, hair
is on every carton. Oct 26 Nov. 5
Moch Appendicitis in La Grande.
Many people In Ia Grande have
chroic appendicitis and mistake It for
stomach or bowel trouble. If you have
wind or gas on the stomach or bowels
sour stomach or constipation try sim
ple buckthorn bark, glycerine, , etc.
as compounded in Adler-1-ka, the
new German appendicitis remedy. A
single does of this simple remedy will
relieve you you win be surprised at
the quick action. A. T. HILL. '
to bnjlng a cough medicine, don't be
afraid to get Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
Then is no dancer from iL ami rnt s.
10 f?,low;, Eyal!y. recommended for
vuiua mm w uuupicg GOUgn.
rues : ;TODtaaosis.
SUGAR Cash Price Sugar 16 40;
beet sugar $6.20.
VEGETABLES New dry onions.
4c lb green onions three
bunches for 10 c. tomatoes 10c lb.;
cabbage 4c; green peppers 15c lb. .
FRCTT-Orangw, eoo par dosea;
lemon 40c per dozen; bananas 40c
Pt dot; "a n Is,
Cantalonpe, 10c and 15c; peaches 85c
per dox; peaches 85c per box.
plums 2c lb."
Grapes, .2 lbs for 25c
MEITS-Hogs, live weight, well
finished. S cwt; cows, I i-i to 4c;
Teal 4 to 4 l-2c ; mutton 4 to 5; chick
ens, 12e; fries. 17c
BARLEY Producers'; price: rolled
126; brewing. 125. Wheat 133 per ton
HILL8TUFFS Brand $23; thur y
We solicit your orders ':or Shingles; Rubberoid RooVng
: Deadening Felt, Building Paper.' '
We are. prepared to furnish and deliver material,
' ' ' A Da..! . in . j m ' 1 ' - . li. A '' -- ... '
: 1 A Qwat Sacrifice in Household Pimiishings
of aU Kinds. If you Want to Buy Now is the
Time. .We will SeU Everything in the Store at
Cost Prices, for Cash Only. If You Want a Bar
gain give Us a Call and
A nIDI TI A TVTiirt esiaence phoneMain 25
AMBULANGE E. lbussey
Is now
- " Market
IJl8 w,iU be the most sightly addition of Xa rande"
S?oiyaarddl;IOnt0 U GraDde g res Hcuons.
The lou are large- nearly a full acre to each lot
We are going to set out some nice apple and cherry trees
v on etch lot
e are going to make the prices reasonable, and most fav-
; , oral)l0 tem8- N interest No taxes.
Come to our office and look at the plat then get Into our
..automobile and go see the property
La Grande Investment Co.
Owners, La Grande. Oregon
; HAT Alfalfa, baled, $16; timothy
baled. $20; mixed $18.
. FLOUR High patent, 8.60; faW
patent, $50; straight $440. ,
Portland Earket.
BUTTER Extra creamery, 35-.
store 22 l-224 1-2.
BUTTER FAT-j-DeHlver t at
Portland sw creaa 12 l-t; soar 29.
EGGS Local, candled, 5029. 'i
POULTRY Mix chickens I6c8c;
fancy 19 cents; turkeys, allfi
20 ft 21; pigeons sqnatw, $340; dres
sed chickens, 1 to 2- hlirher than allva,
BARLET Prodxctrs fries, 1110
Feed 23.50; rolled 2S.60C2S.80. brew'
lng 25.
. WHEAT Nominal track, , dah,
81 and 88; blues tern 98; William. Val
ley 90. Valley 97. .
MIIJSTtTFFS-Selling pnc-.era
123; mldllng. 30: shorts. $24. chop II
tf2S. . . r, -. .
FIJ)lR OtJ (.iron paunu, I5.II
EG2 CdDo
Phon6.Main 8.
Avoid the Rush.
r;uPtown?ofnce Main 720
on the
r 1