La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, October 26, 1910, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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OOOOOOOOOOOO v O0000 OOOO C 00000 0 0 000 o OOOOOOOOOC C C 0 0 O
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O ' : --'
' Henry Bader of Elgin was in the
city thla morning transacting business.
hie m
t Ll La .J.
'" L.
Beautiful dishep given to lady
patron of the Ratine. See dis
play In lobby. ; .':.- :
4HBS.0I ifl
Old papers, one Hundred In a boo
dle, 25 cents at tail office. . .
' ni"
Clean cotton rags wanted at The Ob-
server offlce. -.y,.' 'Jt
No Man's Land Pathe. "
Mo Best for the Weary Vita
graph. The Sage, the Cherub and the
Widow. ;
Auld Robin Gray.
' song Dublin "Daisies. '
V ,. t ; .; " Attorney C. E. CochVari is in En
Vacuum carpet cleaning, taking up, . ternrlse transacting legal business
sewing and laying. Li F, Bllllnger,
phones Red 562 and R.ed 141.; ..
The Selders Soa Fountain will be
open all winter. Drinks of all kinds.
Jonathan 'apples for sale. 60 coats
per bushel Phone Main 67. : . '
The Ladles' Aid of the Methodist
church will serve tea at the home of
.Mrs. Long on . Fourth sfirtet next , Mr. ftnd Mr8Bert cooper were call
Thursday afternoon. All are invited to . . M .fl Mfttn. th, mnrnlnr bv
Read Oregon--The last call of the.
West, 'by, Walter V. Woehlke. Beauti
fully illustrated in four colors in Nov
ember Sunset magazine. Now on sale,
all news stands, IS cents. '
OUR LINE OF ,', , ':. ; .' . - ' ") ' : :. '
C. Glass of Baker City spent the
here on business. .
Mrs. August Herman departed this
morning for Millersvllle, Ind. Her
mother is critically 111.
J. W, Watson of Portland is at the
Foley today. , ' "
Paul Fletcher of Spokane is stop
ping at the Sommer today -while look
ing after business matters.
Manager Ben Noys of the Gold Leaf
Creamery company Is in Walla Walla
today transacting business patters.
F. K. Winston and J. 0. -Winston of
Joseph transacted business here last
evening, stopping at the Sommer.' .
Harry A. Young, the Portland con
tractor Is staying at the Foley to
day.. ' A" .:;
. , gtevenson of Elgin is transact-
ing business here and is a guest at the
Foley , v .
- ,.; ' " iV 'j
matters today.
.The Eastern , Star meets tonight.
This Is social night and all members
are. reQiiest'ed by the worthy matron
to be present . " ' v -
A. M. Melstrum and J. Melstrum of
Athena were business visitors In the
city last night, being guests at the Foley.-
x ". : ; ,',
a telegram saying Mr. Cooper's moth
er was critically illMr. Cooper is
a barber at the Jolly, & Desilet shop,
: W. B. Mitchell of Wallowa came in
on today's train and. will remain in
the city a few da-va visiting old time
Nothing but the best is
good enough to offer our
trade and this line we know
best meets your demand for'
moden-style clothes, reas
onable in price, and depend
able to give good service.
Our big stock of thla well
known line gives yon a wide
choice In fabrics for business
wear, as well as correct dress
for formal, or emi-formal,
evening weaf.
Suits and Qvcrcts
$15.00 to$35.00
Clothiers and
'a ' 111 W!!i mf ffral v- BOTCWTKIV-''. ' '
; u-
friends and looking "after business.'
District Attorney F. S. Ivanhoe went
to Enterprise today where he has bus
iness needing his attention.
John Anthony, proprietor of the
largest eating house and Btore in Pen
dleton is in the city today transacting
business. .
Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn, who has been
confined to his bed for the last few
days, is again at his offlce, although
he has not fully recovered.
Ov; ; "'.0
Railroad Sews. A
o- -
o o O 000 00 o
Night round house foreman, Del
Jackson, is In Portland visiting rela
tives and friends. His post is taken
care of by Frank Leavlt.
Engine 216 is in the shops for about
five days, and is being overhauled.
Jean Ingals has accepted a position
with Storekeeper Martin. .
' Engine 382 is in the shops for some
thing like two weeks, undergoing ex
tensive repairs and overhauling.
Exterior walls for the Mallet engine
stalls on the west end of the round
house are nearly completed and the
roofing will soon be put on.
The machine and blacksmith shops
are reaching the point (There the walls
will soon be under way in a systematic
1 L -
, Missionary Meeting.
The Woman's Missionary Society of
the Presbyterian church will meet at
the home of Mrs. A. T. Hill on Fri
day, Oct. 28 at 2:30 p. xn. Members
will please notice change in place of
meeting. . ' '
To FpII the Flying Machine.
"Is this the secretary of war?"
"It Is," answered the office boy un
blnshlngiy. "What can I do for your
The great Inventor drew closer and
looked mysterious. "Yon know Japan
to about to go to war with ns."
"Is that soT' queried the offlce boj
without betraying the least excite
Yes, it Is, and I am hero with
scheme to circumvent her and hei
flying machines." .
"Spring If .
"It is to dig a tunnel through the
earth and come up under ber with an
army. One million, please."
I Advertising i
FOR SALE At a bargain, if taken
at once, a No. 2 Smith Premier Type
writer in good condition. Call or write
Lee Humphrey's store at Island City.
, WANTED To ' rena piano No
children. Apply at this offlcj.
FOR SALE Thirty-thirty S.
rifle and .38 caliber Colts revoln
Phone Black 272.
WANTED Four or five lroners and
mangle girls at once. A. B. C. Laun
dry. -
WANTED Position by a man as
cook and wife' as helper. Camp pre
ferred. Call at Observer offlce. tf
Would like to buy farm direct from
owner. State . particulars, Mrs. : K.
Chandler, general delivery. ; ''.:??.
FOR SALE Household furniture,
2 Iron beds, 1 rocker, ewlng machine.
Mrs. J. E. Coffey, 2202 1st street. ,
WANTED Responsible party to
take the agency of Union and Wallowa
counties for the Phelps Carbide Feed
Acetylene Generator for Individual
home lighting.
For further particulars write Ore-!
gon Acetylene Lighting Co. Inc.
230 1-2 Yamhell at. Portland, Ore.
Oct. 20 2-.
Not For His Buslnts.
"But they say," remarked the patron,
"be bas a good head for business."
'Nonsense!" replied the barber.
"Why. he's absolutely bald."-PbUadel-phla
On Thing Always Handy.
nnxband (rummaging through n
dniwnWlI. If rfry trange: t np
nerr find anything. Wlf- You ai'
alwuys find fault, it eenv to me.
GOOD raws
Many la Grande Headers Have Heard
It and Profited Thereby.
Good newa travels fast." and the
thousands of bad luck sufferers In La
Grande are glad to learn that prompt
Your own little boy, ,as well as his bigger
brother, will be STYLISHLY, SERVICE- g
ABLY and COMFORTABLY dressed in O
one of our WANDES3 knickerbocker suits
or overcoats. O
, Seldom has such variety of clever styles
and fabrics been originated as we are show- O
ing this season. ,
r 7A1IDESS clothes' are made in New 0
' York where' the best fashions come from.
They are cut full size, goods are thoroughly $
shrunk and tested before being made up.
Every wear-exposed part and seam is taped
or reinforced; THEY WILL HOT RIP.
The manufacturers, confident , of the
merit of their goods,
Best of all, the difference in price be-
ftween these really good clothes and ordi- o
nary garments is so trifling, that you will
hft HftliirritPfl. v O
; Look for the WANDESS label on the
inside pocket of the coat. ' .
relief is within their reach. Many a
lame, weak and aching back is bad
no more, thanki to Doan'i Kidney
Pills. Thousands upon thousand o!
people, are telling. the good now of
their experience with the Old Quaker
Remedy. Here is an exampld worth
. J. A. Taylor, of Union, Ore., says:
"I can recommend Doan's Kidney
Pills .and I advise anyone afflicted
with kidney trouble to try them. I was
bothered a great deal by backache and
when I lay down, there was much
.. ... : : ' ; :
Treatment. Hair goods.
Washburn Mandolins, regular $2 7.60 for $13.73
Belle Mandolins, regular $30 for $12J0
Belle Guitar, regular $25 for $12.00
W. S. B. Mathews Graded Studies, regular $1.00 for 40c
Dr. William Mason Graded Studies, regular $1.00 for .35c
Bijou Collection Folios, regular $1.00 for 40c '
Keplus Ultra folios, regular $1.0 0 for ............. 85c
All others have same reduction.
Violins, Mandolins and Guitars
.Sheet Music Popular 25c music at 15 cents, 8 pieces for $1.00
Other new music, 2 copies for. ................... 15c
Fhonographs from $10 to ................. ..... '. $15
Don't neglect to get a supply of Edison and Tlctor records while they
are going for such low prices. Ion will never get such a chance again
10-lnch Ylctor records, 2 for 75c
We are giving a C G. Cobn Clarlonette away to some one of our pat
rons. Regular price to $5117 keys, 6 rlnfr?, 4 rollers. Come wd see
authorize us to replace
OOOOOf $0000000
pain In my loins. The secretions from
my kidneys were, p refuses and passed
too frequently. Doan's Kidney Fills
relieved these difficulties and proved
ofbenefit in every way. I give this
preparation my moBt hearty endorse
ment." '
For Bale by all dealers. Price 60
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo
New York, sole agents for the United
States,.,': :i:-' ;.y -yy-yyy :. ,.'
Remember thV name - ,Doan's
and take no other. - -.!.-if1 ,
Oct 24, 26, 28. ;
.Manicuring, Facial
Massage, Sham.
r pooing, and Scalp
Shell ornaments: , 209 Fir St
1 47