La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, October 26, 1910, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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H 1 1 1 1 1 U 1 1
You can now have ;
' in fnall package
15c, two for 25c
If your.appetiU era- ; !:
yc a change huy J" j;
. Corn Meal bread r t
and Honey
IPattison Bros. $
I , ; Use either, phone j
I fifty pay Rtr.t?lVc loan you
k money to build, and you
fmm , ff a ' -
European' Plan Only -jPj
Rooms 60c to $1.50 U
First class Throughout-'
, La Grande, Oregon
i- h - 'i -
10-Acre tract on Adams avenue. New 9-room brick house, macadam
street In front of property. City water on corner of property. Sewer,
of the city crosses full length of property, and have a contract with
city to tap sewer on every 60 foot lot without cost A splendid home
and Investment Price $6300.00" 1-2 cash, balance on terms. 1
A (-room modern brick house, 2 lots 124x120 feet, nice shade trees
2 fruit and lawn, barn, wood Bhed,
Zk street for the remarkable low p rice of 11800.00. Easy terms. ThiB 2
2 property has been held at $2100.00 but the owner must have money, jf
p hence the great reduction in price. Let me show you. f
t C .! Rl AnC The Real Estate Man j
Complete equipment for resetting and repairing
rubber buggy tires. .
' D. FllZOERALD, Proprietor
Compute Machine Shops and Foundry .
That's What They All Say
II you'd avoid a foolish fate,
Drink "Sam O" an ivole ,3-2-8
If you'd see Oregon siay free,
Drink "Sam-Oand vote 3-4-3
Ifr: d hare business grow and thrive,
Drlne "Sara-O" and vofe 3-4-5
It's Good ForVhat Ails You
IT01C. .
Farm Subjects Will be Handled by 0.
'A. C. Darin a; Short Course.
Corvallls, Ore., Oct. 26 (Special)
The winter short course at the Ore
gon Agricultural college will com
mence January 3, continuing for a
period of six weeks and will be fol
lowed immediately by a special course
commencing February 13 and extend
ing over a period of one week which
will be known as Farmers Week.
This Announcement baa -just been
made by the chairman of the course
The work will cover a six weeks'
course in agronomy, animal, husban
dry, poultry husbandry, horticulture,
dairying, domestic science and art
mechanical arts and forestry. Under
these various heads the most practl-
A first class real estate mort
gage of $9,000 on Union connty
property drawing 7 per cent
Will ghe good discount -
Over 400 acres of land located
between La Grande and Baker
City. "5 acres nnder pliiw, pas-,
ture land. Good water. Will sell
for $2M an acre.
Call at
etc., on corner of 2nd and Spring J
cal work that can possibly be prepar-
. ed wilt be offered to the short course
students. The work Is designed to
' meet the requirements of men and wo
men, old and young.
The college has added greatly to
the equipment and building space
which will be available for this work.
The new agricultural building ha
been completed and "is splendidly
equipped with laboratories and reci
tation rooms. The new green house;
are also completed and are available
for the . work in floriculture. New
laboratories are also being equipped
in the old agricultural building and
by the time the short course commen
ces everything will be in splendid con
dition. A number of new Instructors
have also been added to the staff and
will' give special : attention to this
work. - .-.
The courses which will be offered
have been carefully prepared so as to
meet the immediate requirements of
the men and women who are act
ually carrying on the agricultural
work throughout the state. The men
will be taught the advantages of tlu
latest scientific discoveries !n the field
of agronomy, dairying, poultry hus
bandry, fruit growing and stock rac
ing. The women will be taught many
valuable lessons In sewing, cook'ng
and home sanitation. The work t
such that will be of great value, to
the young men and women and to the
mature farmer and housewife.
Last year the students who were in
attendance at .this course varied in
age from 16 to 65 years, and among
those who expressed themselves as
having derived the greatest benefit
from the work, were oldr and more ex
perienced farmers. '
The committee now in charge of the
work Is arranging for "accommo
dation of theBe men and women and
will probably secure, special rates
from the railroad companies. A com
plete circular describing the work and
the expenses and accommodations will
be Issued about the first of Decem
ber '; - .
No entrance examinations or other
educational teats will be required and
the only expenses will be those for
board and room and a Bmalljeglstra
tlon fee for laboratories. There win
be no fees for the special Farmer's
Week course.
Notice to Contractors.
Notice Is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received by the Council
of the City of La Grande, Oregon, for
the construction of 11,198.6 Sq. yds.
of bitullthlc pavement on Fourth street
between Adams avenue and O. avenue,
together with excavation, curbing and
drainage, the same to be constructed
according to the plans, 'specifications
and estimates on file in this office. All
bids to be in by eight o'clock p. m.,
October 26th, 1910, and each "bid to be
accompanied by a certified check of 6
per cent o fthe amount of the bid. The
Council reserves the right to reject
any or all bids.
Attention of all contractors is call
ed to the agreement of Warren Broth
ers Company, filed with this city, in
accordance with which agreement
Warren Brothers Company agrees to
license all contractors desiring to bid
for the work to lay the Bitullthlc
Pavement in accordance with its pat
ents, and the terms of said agreement.
La Grande, Orr Oct 19, 1910.
D. E. COX, Recorder.
Notice to Contractors.
Notice is hereby given tuat sealed
bids will be received at the office of
the City Recorder of La Grande, Ore
gon, for the furnishing and laying of
1500 lineal feet of sewer. In the alley
between Washington avenue and Ad
ams avenue, from the east side of
Hemlock street to the center of Chest
nut street
Said sewer to be laid according to
the plans and specifications now on
file In this office and under the sup
ervision of the City Inspector. All bids
must be in before 8 o'clock p. m.
Wednesday evening October 26th, and
must be accompanied by a certified
check of five per cent of the amount
of the bid. The council reserves the
right to reject any or all bids.
. By order of the Council, October
19th. 1910.
Recorder of the City ol La Grande.
Oregon. . Oct 20 to t J
Want ads pay. one cent a word.
Be sure and take a bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy With
ou when starting on your trip litis summer,
t cannot be obtained on board the trains or
teamen. Changes of water and climate
often cause sudden attacks of diarrhoea, and
it is beat to be prepared.
Vetice of Street Improvement.
To whom u may concern: Notice is
hereby given that In pursuance of a
resolution, adopted by the Common
Council of the City of La Grande, on
the .5th' day of August 1909, creating
Improvement District No. 1 and des
gnatlng Adams avenue as such dis
trict, and In pursuance of a resolu
Jon adopted by said Common Council
onthe 28th.. day of September, 1910.
whereby said Council determined and
declared Its intention to improve all
that portion of Adams avenue, in said
improvement district as hereinafter
described, t by laying thereon cement
walks, the Council will, .ten days af
ter the service of this notice upon the
owners ' of the property, affected and
benefitted by such Improvement or
der that said above described Improve
ment be made; that boundaries of said
district to be so Improved are as fol
lows: All that portion of Adams ave
nue from the west curb line of 4th
street to the east - curb . line of 1st
street Notice Is hereby furth
er given that the council will
levy a special assessment on all the
property affected and benefitted ' by
such Improvement, for the purpose o'
paying for such Improvement Thai
the estimated cost of such improve
ment is the sum of $1800. That the
Council will on the 26th day of Octo
ber, 1910, meet at the Council chamber
at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m. to con
sider said estimated cost and the 1w
of aald assessment when a hearing
will be granted tc any person feeling
aggrieved by such assessment
La Grande, Oregon, Oct 13, 1910.
By D. E. COX,
Recorder of-the City of La Grande,
Oregon. .
Oct 14 to 26.
Notice of Street Improvement
To whom It may concern:
Notice is hereby given that in pur
suance of a resolution adopted by the
Common Council of ,the City of La
Grande, Oregon, on thelst day of Dec.
1909, creating Improvement District
No. 10 and designating Greenwood
Street, as such district, and in pur
suance of a resolution adopted by said
Common Council on the 5th day of
Oct.,' 1910, whereby said Council de
termined and declared its intention to
Improve all that portion of Greenwood
Street, In said improvement district
as hereinafter described, by laying
thereon board walk, the Council will,
ten days after the service of this no
tice upon the owners of the property
affected and benefitted by such im
provement, order that said above de
scribed Improvement be made; that
boundaries of said district to be so
improved are as follows: All, that
portion of Greenwood Street, from the
North Curb line of Jefferson Avenue,
to the South Curb line otTOonroe Ave
nue. Notice Is hereby further given
that the Council will levy a Bpectal as
sessment on all the property affected
and benefitted by such improvement
for the purpose of paying for such im
provement That the estimated cost
of such Improvement Is the sum of
$296.10. That the Council will on the
2nd day of Nov., 1910, meet at the
Council chamber at the hour of 8
o'clock, P. M., to consider said esti
mated cost, and the levy of Bald as
sessment, when a hearing will be
granted to any person feeling ag
grieved by such assessment
La Grande, Oregon, Oct 19, 1910.
EGON, i By D. E. COX,
Recorder of the City of La Grande,
Oct 21 to Nov. 1.
Notice of Street Improvement
To whom it may concern: NoUce is
hereby given that in pursuance of a
resolution adopted by the Common
Council of the City of La Grande, Ore
gon, on the 9th day of February, 1910,
creating Improvement District No.
19 and designating 5th Street as such
district, and in pursuance of a resolu
tion adopted by said Common Council
on the 28th day of September, 1910,
whereby said Council determined and
declared Its Intention to Improve all
that portion of 5th street In aald Im
provement district as hereinafter de
scribed, by laying thereon cement
walks, the Council will, ten days
after, the service of this notice upon
the owners of the property affected
and benetlttti by such improvement
order that aald above described im
provement be made; that boundaries
of said district to be to Improved are
as follows: All that portion of 6th
street from the east curb line of De
pot street to the north curb line of O
avenue. Notke Is hereby further given
that tin cVun.-ll will levy a special
anBe43Mm ob all the property atect
ed and baaaatud by such. Improvement
foi the ysry s of paying for, such Im
provemout) at the estimated cost of
such 'improvement is the' sum -of
$843.50. That the Council will on the
26th day of October, 1910, meet at the
Council chamber at the hour of I
o'clock p. m. to consider said esti
mated cost, and the levy of-said as
sessment, when a hearing will be
granted to any person feeling ag
grieved by auch assessment ' . .
'La Grande, Oregon. Oct 13, 1910.
OREGON. .. . ; ; ;
'. . . ; By D. E..COX..." ;
Recorder of the City of La Grande,
Oct 14 to 26. .
Notice of Street Improvement
: . . 5 : i : ''
. To whom it may concern: Notice Is
hereby given that In pursuance of a
resolution : adopted by.' the (Common
Council of the City of' La Grande.
Oregon, on the 5th -day of August
1909, -creating: Improvement District
No. 3 and designating Main avenue, at
such district, and In pursuance cf e
resolution adopted by said common
council on the 28th day of September
1910, whereby said Council determined
and declared Its Intention to Improve
that portion of Main' avenue, in al
Improvement district as herelnafte -described.
by laying thereon, cement
walks, the Council, will, ten days af
ter. the service Of this notice upon
tfie owners of the property affected
and benefitted by auch Improvement,
order that said above described Im
provement be made; th&i boundaries
of said district to be, so ' improved
are as follows: All that portion -of
Main avenue, from the weBt curb line
of 4th street to the east curb line o'
1st street Notice Is hereby furt..-
given that the council will !'
special assessment on all thfr .j
affected and benefitted by
provement for the purpose o. '
for such Improvement. That thJ. '
mated cost of such Improvement is
the sum of $1685. That the council
will on the 26th day of October, 1910,
meet at . the council chamber at the
hour of 8 o'clock p. m., to consider
said estimated cost and the levy of
said assessment, when a hearing will
be granted to any person feeling ag
grieved by Buch assessment '
. La Grande, Ore., Oct 13, 1910.
By D. E. COX,
Recorder of the City of La Grande,
Oregon. ;
Oct 14 to 26. '
In the County Court, for the County
of Union, State of Oregon.
In the matter of the estate of Mary
Lleurance, Deceased. Citation.
To Georgia A. Hayes, Benjamin F.
Edwards, Thomas J.. Edwards, Eliza
beth J. Condor and Lucy ' Burdon,
heirs of - Mary Lleurance, deceased,
and all Interested parties, greeting:
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, You are hereby cited and requir
ed to appear in th .County Court of
the' state of Oregon, for the
County of 'Union,, at the court
room . thereof, at La Grande
In the county of Union, on Saturday,
the 26th day of November, 1910, at 10
o'clock. In the forenoon of that day,
then and there to show cause why an
order for the Bale of the real estate
of the above named decedent, towit,
a tract of land, the boundary line
of which begins at the Northwest
corner of the Northeast quarter of
Section 21 in TownBhlp 3 South , of
Range 40 E. W. M. In Union county,
Oregon, and runs thence east 80 rods,
thence south 37 7-25 rods, thence west
80 rods, thence north 87 7-25 rods, to
the pWe of beginning, all in Union
connty, Oregon, at private sale to pay
claims against said estate, cud expen
ses of settling the same by the admin
istrator thereof, should not be made.
Witness, the Hon. J. C Henry, Judge
of the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Union, with
the seal of said Court affixed this
13th day of October, 1910.
Attest: ED. WRIGHT, Clerk.
(Seal) , Oct Nov 21
Mast be Above SrsnkJon.
Kidney and bladder ailments are so
serious In their consequences, and 'If
unchecked so often fatal that any rem
edy offered for their, cure must be
above suspicion. Foley's Kidney Pills
contain no harmful drugs, and have
successfully stood a long and thorough '
test Hill's Drug Store.
N. MOLITOR.' M. D. Physician anj
Surgeon. Corner Adams Ave, an!
Depot street Office, Main 68; Regi.
dence 69. - - .
C H. UPTON, Ph. O. M- D.-Phvslck-
; and sargeon. .Special attention to j
aye, jar, ose ana Throat Offlci I
In La Grande'Natiunal Bank BuIlc-
. Ing. Pbonea: Office Main 2, Real--.
; dence Main 83. i; :; i
A. L. RICHARDSON Physician anil
surgeon, tOffloe Hours 2 te 5 p.m.
. except Sunday; "Sunday by. appoint
.ments. 1 Telephones Office, Black
1362; Ind. 351; residence, Main 55
Ind. 312.
GEO. W. : glMMfiRM AN Osteopath
Physician. Somaer Bldg., Rooms 7,
8. 9 and 10. J Phones: Heme 1332,
Paoific, Main 63, Residence phone,
Black 951. Successor to Dr. C. &
Moore. ' ' -'
Optics. Spectacles and Eye Glasses
Fitted and made to order. All er
... uvy
Adams Ave. Foley Hotel Bldg. U
Grande, Oregon.
er Wright Drag store. Special at
tention paid to diseases and surgery
: of the eyev . .
Phones Office Main 22; residence,
Main 728. ,
J. C. PRICE," D. M. D. Dentist Room
23, La Grande National Bank Build
ing. Phone Black 399.
DR. P. A. CHARLTON .Veterinary Sur
geon. : Office at Hill's Drug Store, 1
' La Grande. Residence phone, Red
701; Office phone, Black 1361; Inde
pendent phone 63; both phones at
Chas. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Coch- f
ran. La Grande National Bank
Bldg., La Grande, Oregon. '
T. H CRAWFORD Attorney at Law.
Practices in al Una courts of the
State and United States. Office In
La Grande National Bank Bldg., La
Grande, Oregon.
D. W. C. NELSON Mining Engineer.
Baker City, Oregon.
Professional Elocutionist
Miss Katherine P. Mitchell, gradu
ate and post graduate in Oratory and
English, Cumnock school. Northwest
ern university, Chicago, I1L, Private
and closs work. Elocution, Oratory,
Dramatic work, Physical Culture, Tu
tor and Critic, English Literature and
Composition. Phone Black 331. 1403
N. Avenue. s
A Book Worth Reading.
A little book showing the human
appendix and telling how appendici
tis is caused and how you can easily
prevent -it, is offered free for a short
time by A. T. Hill. -
Dysentery is a dangerous disease but can
be cured. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy haa been successfully
used in nine epidemics of dysentery. It has
never been known to fail, it is equally val
uable for children and adults, and when re
duced with water and sweetened, it is plear
Well Casing
Call or write
for fctimatcs ,
1425 Adams Are.
frerra Coital