MONDAY, OOTOBIUi 2ilT10. ' " mi if? morrmiv H )) , 3 L3 JO 4j r A'' d . t v w v lii . Do You Lvnow 7 I hat during only a few weeks circulation, 40,000 of your fellow-citizens signed That had it been necessare of the voters would . 7 Tr.T" -.'.,.-.,, -w....... , r., ... ....... ....... , nave signed Kr workineriya ;hankers iind r business raeni of theState? -v vu-:. -..-v.-;-. --'-.. . -a- That it includes the names of many men who vote "dry" in their own community? V want ma nronimrm option; nv absolulyj kills1 locaL option, and -the - people A6f Or6g6n want a voice in tne settlement 01. tms question m tneir own ;COimijt IIh f Statewideiiprohibition robs youof th&t nithtJ m " lii f rr ?y ; :i It robs jxni .01 the right to have cider, beer, or liquor; in your own home! It ifaakes it a crinie to give your friend or neighbor, a glass of cider. : v It permits anyhofficer, special or regular, to break opeii your door at midnight and search your wife's or mother's room for liquor! Do you want that kind of law inreon? Maine,-ori September 12, 1910, repudiated its prohibitiW W 57 years' stand ing by electing, for the first time in 30 years, a Democratic governor upon his pledge to re-submit the constitutional prohibition law. It was not political insurgency that turned the tide, but insurgency against statewide, obnoxious, ineffective prohibi tion, so-called. Will Oregon profit by Maine's error of threescore years ? v Nothing is settled until it is settled right Bet us settle it now and settle, it rigljt. : THa Hbm&Rule W limits, It permits an city, or any precinct or numbeK of precincts or the whole county outside the cities to vote for ' or against 8 prohibition, as they choose. Under this bill every city ia .wery county, and every county in the State, may vote "dry" if they so desire. B iit If you want to preserve your rights; If ydu want local option which means Home Rule; N If ; jrou" want your glass of beer, cider or liquor at home even tlio you are opposed to the saloon : You MUST vote these numfeers (cut them out and put them in your pocket as a reminder): 328 X Yes. For Home Rule. , ' . , 343 X No. Against Prohibition Amendment. 345 X No. Against" Prohibition Search Law! ' Think it over I ' . Prohibition attemptt to override aa individual and inharaat ribt. That'a why failure iavarlably followt eaaei meat of tht law.t It takta the liqeor traffie from licented dealere who ere object to refutation and gives it to lawbreakers who are willing to sell to minora, drunkard anybddy lot-fain. f . at Aah tow rronftldoaJet frleai t eMnr this question: If, as tkey sdslm S3 millioa people are now living It "dry" territory, why is it that the U. 8. Internal Revenue Department ehows that more whiskey end more beer is consumed than ever before? x Respectfully, V, v:''A:;.r::.s-v GREATER OREGON HOME RULE ASSOCIATION nw3 CZ