iage roni LA GlfAXDL VL!1X0 oI'LliVKU OCTOBER 24, 1310L TV.Z OBSERVER TilVUlt4 Da2y Eiwt Sea;. Bruc e Den hi s, Ttcr aad Chraer. history aid who rect" as I desire to reward avaiZseaA. iii-eni'st as! real devetica to dsty. llTHKi 1JB EGS"isTEl.. ".tersd at, tie pcw-j?re at L G""c as second-class Baser. BTBSCKirnO.S BA7E3 fCaTy. sisgle eepy--DaHy, per week... 3y. per moeti... J Til paper w21 sot cvblUa . ar ticle anearteg ott a sob ee P is tZt&td article: wJl be retiei -k-ct to tit diST-r'cn cf tie edntr Please, alga yoar article and Casppotntaiea. . E0WFB2U5 ATD THE 50KIA1&. j Tie i't;ktlican aocirne in ecs. res U l.e Second Cxtriz Sir. Laf- ' ftl- M-i EO Kistak? tt aiTo- easfsg la LI speeches a !a boc: i:ii for a J who sI a f the Oseai a Oregon, aii he ki tl trck a jt jlxr etozi io Le jle-I-i t'r telf ta aa icsest eaVattr : rM -ice tcrtiwest of a larga p cent cf tie special agent la tie eaijlcr ot tie government. These special ajreris seem to lave for tielr chief p-i:ao tie harassing cf homesteaders who are trmTc eaoci to face tie foren o tie cage brush ta aa endeavor to pro cure a home-for tiemselves and at tie aaase time LsiproTe pat aader estivation a tract of government Lani If tier fa aay place la tie world wiere tie lavs siould protect aad nurse ratier tiaa persecute It ii ta tie ease of tie honest homesteader who has hard enough time at best fa lis caderiaiisgj LeiTerty alneerely pledges lis work ff elected to congress to tie end tiat tie weft aia3 corse fato Its owe; tiat tie iomesteader wSJ have letter treatment: tiat tie special agents fa easy caaes trill be removed froaa tie northwest as & tiat tie great area cf lard eomprfaljc t,&a.CC &!Hka . -r Sotse ccer deterflkfaig tlcaelf aa a focdej-oicaa.' wrltea to tie Ore ' fctlaa." frota Aai!ai:i.v aaytss tiat -fce "fa rofeff to cjsjsoae "Jlr. Bower zsaa for coeraor. tecaase Vr. Bow- trail fotzgit tit norma scboola.' Tie frat error oar grlered corm po4sct aiakea fa fa descrfifsg iia ae!f ta a "rood Setrsilkaa." He f act, eontiaaea tie Ore;osiaa. Tie eccmd ta aaaamla tiat tie aoraal cf seres fa Oregon win be opened to "Wiea tie lare Earca ycrijl'iZJ was at Cejlaa ea tie way lse fr&sa LI rera7 asg tie arte-ra cest f -lrSa ie rececred a tekgraa fros tie Eslaa rwerciaret a&i:g Ifi wiier ie wJ rec;t froea ti. cxr a eertiia deccrarioa an aa aftr dadua f ferrires to Eossi, For tzxzj tfxya it ttrc eipiorw wt ered. as ie waa a xsember ef Ej troe BjorascB'a Aa3-deccratSca t wie eiecvbfrs were sEa!y cerer to accept acj dmratioa fr& aayfcodr. 5r&akj&id, bverer, cid ao mist tLe'tWEj-tatijn. so be rprd to tie telegram fa tie aCrssattre. It tf B0K hart te fcaaglae ti CsajIsW ttieat wtn. rpa reacting aoaie, a friesd cf t. a Li?i cSrfal. told ita tie faTIowfcgr "Tie'Eaeiaa gorera ait u wa aware of ytr aatago aistie tlcwi U nard to dcratioit acd tad. tiere&re. pUced fa readiaes S ro'-jw to te paid yj ia tie erest cf yocr Tefasiag to acrept tie taI?a!a. bet tefore rrfg tiat rao tiey wasted to try yoar Cnaaesa. Baa I ia Is certaialy graxefsl to yoa for' ywr fi2cre to lire op ta joor pledge. setUecest oa a larger ioaectead aa fL Be alto win erieaTor to scare Oregcaa portfoa cf tie moacy derfr d frtmi pailie land sales for years pant wifca aatooats to tie tacg roas cf S.tCXC9 wiki noney wSI ie taed. tf LaJTerty saceeeds wfti i!s plaa. fa reelalKfsg arid laa.lj of ti!s state eader tie goTtrsseat plaa. Bat Ctlou eocaty daring tie eacfte taefit cf efertJcm. Is act forgetting tiat tie stream "of taurigratlcji from tie east will be Beaded for tie Grande Ecade Ta3ey aad Wallowa eoaaty xt Tar. ' ''''''"aaaaaawaasaaaaaa " TTiti , Jlaaalag' ' aad Ciaxterlaia boti totabardiag tie Secad district ft woxjld seem tiat the Democratic caacoa of Oregon are pretty well fa as. - ' cBooi at aaaiawi ta tee raere coa cera of 'Aailaad aad sot cf tie en tire state. Tie tilrd la ta aiaaaifsg tiat tie oppoellloa of ifr. Bowermaa arts to tie Boraul aciooia aa sacb. It was to tie aormal sciool combine wifca lad fnterfered most peralcSoQS ry wfUi tie orderly aed proper prog ram of Ieg!a!atfoa at rery receat Ig3s!arart aad wtfca tad gn a great political auuiiae, tireatealsg erery tier legitimate legislative ta tarest ,. .. ' It was ilgh time for tie welfare cf fie state tiat sooietifag sioald te dcte to stop tie coatly logroHIag cf tie Bon&al tchtxh protaoters. Eower s&aa as seaator ielped to creak op tie taaclvfae. He ongit to iare tone ft aad ie seed not, aad doaitless win act ap-ol-jgfxe for perforata g i'a clear dary. Tet "ft seeasa tiat there fa a little factftlocs oppotltJoa to Uaj ta tie normal scioola towas becaase ef iis stnlgitforward coin aad eMytf asetiois as seaator. Ert deatly tiew siort-!gi!d frfeads of tie aonsat scioots prefer to take a chaace wf:i a goreraor wio wSI par ley sad deal with tieta oa tie old ta te of gfre tsd take. They are aot wise. Tae'staf ai large wffl act pemft a return to old netaods fa tie resaaiptloa of iasisess ty tie aoratal scfoool sfeaa rcEer. Eowerasaa ias acQaleaeed ta tie pre. ! He people are to decMe-wriat to wtii tie sciool. If tie Mils rasa. mader tie taftiaare, ooderate appro- i fy prfattoiss are to be gfrea eaci aciooi O It ts well eaosgi for tie people fa Q t&e tonral sciool towns to be remind-1 e4 tiat tf Bow era an shall not be for- ( eraor , be will eoatfaae to be state i seaator. aad ts llkery to be rt-elect-!d ed. Bat ft woald be beta a graclooj paper. We bate to aad eoBHaeadiile tilag If tiey wool .' sobscriber. bat we m Dwft Wn a Live Ore. VT. va tie way te tie race tnt ta 's New Orleans ece day fereral wlaters ' SO aa cxdertaker aaxoed 3lr. iJocJey P3 a faaral proceriaa ca fis way to tie cemetery. iMnArj tad a friesd i wlti Lira, aaotier Irtiisna. vbo ex- elalaied, -Sare, deati always wlc,-; Tiere tappened to be a tone ecteredf tiat day aamed Deati, aad be weal wfti rfdlcaioas ease. Dooiey wfaalag sj pxd bet co him. Docley ttJd a3 bis I aneaca of tae tedded, aad tiey aH went xt to tie eoane tie next Case Deati was eatered. lie woa erery Case be started for titeea races. It was cear getaway day, wbea erery oa was packing ap ready to take tie last trala fwr Xew.Tork. Tie iow! was sold tiat afteraoca at aa eacfioa sale, aad tie boyer was Mr. Dooley. He titebfd ta a coati later to a iearse, axd tie bone became frlgit eaed aad raa away and was act stop, ped e&tn tie grsTeyard was reacted. After tie bcrUI DooSy tad tie bene aaot aad borted tear tie eeaetery. Toa're dad oae bow, Deata." said- Dooley. Xot a fire one fa tiooe tilr teea race." Baltimore Aaiericaa. n lVil TO THINK Oil Three great lines of dependable un- v denyear unexcelled in quality niif A .11. i Next to the wear, the best test cf traderwear is when k comes back frcrn the laundry. Athena Underwear CTEPHENSOH S taJ zyBrsLrtdi Mcxvs Uivd crr c ar Eaaacj. raixzis i v&ywixi ano H EAVTA.X D LIGHTWEIGHTS Bwna 6Atffi$ am) niosstrrs. solti: 2zrz, tsdiasx A Prt'imlnmry. Mrs. rergasoo--George. wtat do yoa bare to do wien yon want to draw some raouey oat cf a bank? Mr. Fer rsstra Ton bare to pat rm raoaey ta tie bask beforebaod. That's always beea asy exr-rtsce. It i lfter to write one word a poo tie roek rbxa a tVmao.l oo tie wa ter and tie ad -Gladttone. 0 Ts Oar SaHeriben. g! l!m a fall rote fa each of the tiree noraaj towas. Meaawilie, all know tiat Bower caa Is a sua cf deeds, with aa cpea rablfc reccrd. His record oa normal cioofs eagit to taake b!a raaay rotes aavmg people who know tie!r Tie date staaped oa yoar paper shows the time paid too. We woald like to bear from yoa If yoa think oar et forta desertes farther patron age. Write as at once, tf cot. actlfy tie stopping of yoar loose a ' mast know tiat yoa want tie paper or same will be stopped. . - LA GRAXDE EVENING 0B " ' SERVER. o o C ? O 6 The Facitieit of the Hewee. A serrant girl bappened to be ea-t gaged at a famboaae where tie mis- i tress was kaowa to fare a hasty teo I per. Oa tie trst Satarday night tiej girt waa at tie farmaoase cie was toM ; by tie mistress to eJeaa tie boots j ready for Sanday. Tie mistress oa coioi&g aaio ut ancaea later oa saw tiat tie girl tad cleaned her own booti trst. So a he took tieta ap and threw tica tato a tab of water tiat was standing by end boomed oat cf tie kitchen. Tie girl said nothing, bet wbea she bad cleaned tie other boots ie threw theo a2 fato tie water. "Wbaterer possessed yoa to do tiat. fflrtr asked tie mistress oa coming agaia fa tie kitcbea. , Tie gtrl simply repiisd: "Well, ma'aav p&ase ma'am. tioagit ft was the fashion of tie bouse. Bzaamr-LondoB Ttt-Blts. ulmu.HL riLRS, Pres. r. J. DOUTES, Tke-Prta, W. I. BRI.XHOLTS lftX Cask, I1EL ZC3TDEL, U list Cask P. L. MZTEES, Caailer. LA GRANDEjNATIONAL BANK . OF LA GRANDE, OREGON United States Depository Ctpiht, Surplus mi Uaditidti Profits $209,OOO.C3 DIRECTORS GEorsz rixsxa w.i. cfiTsni P.XnOLEZS W. X. tZZIHOLTS P. I XZTEE3 W. H. PIE Ed " C C PZ5T5GT05 CL L. CIEATER P. M. BTESIT WKli eur M)e reescrees aas fasmtJes we caa reader jea efTWest enWasiaiiJeyttr bvtaeei ts year estire satisfactlea. Saved by Her Va'ice. ' Wbea trarellag to Paris with some other ladles oo one occasion Hoe. troa aaa a taruung aarentare. At a small wayside station a man eatered the carriage, aad it soon became erf- dent from his threatening gestures and eccentric bebarfor tiat be was a dangeroas maatic Tboogb her com panions were panic etrkkea, Mae. Grlsi retained complete presence of mind aad with the utmost composare begao to sing. At once the maniac was quiet. Ill whole attention was rfTeted on tiat magnificent voice, and be remained the raoet appreciatfre of listeners eat3 the train reached tie next station, where be was seenred. It transpired satmeqaeatly that be was s maniac with homicidal tendencies who bad escaped from aa aryhna. -Peddisr's Acn." umoeta tiia c&arcn has namer- oas iistorlc moeo meats, aad fa one of tie windows is tie fail fengtb figare of a peddler with bis pack, staff sad dog. Tbia is supposed to represent tie cakaewa persoa who presented Tedder's acre" to tie parish npoa condition tiat his portrait and tiat .of tia beloved canine companion should be preserred ta the church and tiat bis dog sooaid be barfed fa conse crated ground. London Satarday Be rlew. . AJA A middle aged matron addressed a rafddle agsd woman who sat aext ta ner', ta the street car, whom she tbnagit she recognized as aa ac Qaaatisw of her girlhood. "Pardon me," ie said, "bat wasnt yoar maided name Blank V "It fa," was the ley reply. New Terk San. Surely Not. . Mariner (relating some of hi active service adventure An me an' my mates was st fa tie virgia forest tTfrgta. so to speak, because the hand of maa bad never before set foot tiere. while made firara fabrics that provide warmrh and contort wchout bd3 comes back frcca the laundry h sa&sfactcry corsfaarL The nangj are not torn, nor do they have a ragged appeiratxe. Theganaer (except for reasonable wear) pre sencs the same dainty appearance thai it dad the first day you bcxrght k. Such iaiderwear k a real pleasure to the woman who appreciaies rene ment in dress, . -f.;u3:f izt IT2TK mU Have you seen the tie? If not. a good tsne to bok. STEPHENSON UNDERWEAR MILLS . 5TALEY BRAND , aotmi atrip, i nd, , MUNSING UNDERWEAR For Ladies and Qbildren. Union and Two Piece Suits. Cotton,Wool and Mercerized. ALL PRICES Come in today and look oyer our great line of woolens. We can suit in price and quality. M 'if 5T QnsTORE i " Ingratitude. "Ton remember dat gay. Jim BarkeT asked aa irate Bowery denizen. -He's dat stiff data dofa time np der river Sing Sing boiglary-ten years. Well, yoa know all f done fer dat stiX Wbea be was pinched didat 1 pat ap der cola fer der lawyers! Didat I pay der witnesses? 8 ore I did. De oder day I finks m last go aa see dat matt Just t leave bins know bis frien's slat tied de caa oa ten. So I drives oat to de Jail aa goes fato de warden's oOce. aa' be says I gotter send me card la. Me card: D'ye get dat? Well, anyway, I writes me name on a piece paper, aa' a gay takes ft ta to Jim Burke, an what d' yoa flak dat stlS telU dat gay to ten mr Tre no Idea," said tie listener. "He tefia blai," concluded tie angry one. n tell me cat be atnt far Sac cess Magazisev . iCIassiiiedi Women In a Saitboat. There ts last one place oa a sailboat for womea. That ts tie cockpit. Re member that and keep them there, even ff ft takes a somewhat pointed request- Tie average woman oa a boat ts not happy anless she ts taking risks by sitting oat oa deck or oa top of tie cabin or going forward of tie mast. Wara her and she laegis at yon. She does not know- tiat ahe ts endangering herself. Less than a year ago I saw two women knocked over board ta a heavy sea because they in sisted oa slttisg oa top of the cabin despite tie protests of the maa who was sailing tbe boat. He himself waa a greenhorn and let bis boat Jibe, tie boom clearing the top of tie cabin be fore any oae coald aay Jack Bobiasoa. Oattcg. Had a Better Story. ' "Did yon see the account of that flash of lightning that burned tie hair from a boy's head without otherwise carting him? ' T dkL" answered tie cheerful liar. "and I was pained to note the tacota- pteteness of tbe story. Now. I happen to know of a case tbat ta really re markable. The lightning eatered a barber's shop and not on'y undertook the task of singeing a man's hair, bat ft rang ap the proper amount oa the cash register." - i Advertising i?aMaca,fa7aataaaaavafc, AictloB Sale Sext Friday. ' ' I Clare Scrlber will conduct an anc t tion sale at his farm two and a half miles east of Island City next Friday J October 28, commencing at 10 o'clock. jf(Full particulars win be published la a as UDierreer tomorrow. t Calf la Foul A red." baldfaced auckine calf van FOR SALE 7 room boose, modern impounded by me today. Man brine la every respect, good barn, corner, fag cow which claims calf can have lot C$x120, 11CS Peaa Ave. Inquire R. same. EL Smith at S?nhll nd P.ruin'i ! ' TMnTnintm.'.. -- v VfliAXAJlAa ir.H k KHK S I I FOR SALE OR TRADE 10 acre! if . , , , . . 7 li your liver la )nreih and out or toM, apple orchard fa Fraitdale, quarter ! end yoo feel dull, bilicptel(Se mile from school, trees 11 years old. i doe 01 Oiambarlaia's l?tomacb andLiver wni trade for city property, easy l!i?nif1?tl?fowwriD8 1 terms. lagaire of B. E. Smith at Smith I ' ' " mma' ' . a Greene's, ; - j m wu iw i ai iwituo, a luen i a: once, a Na X. Smith Premier Type-'? V T TL .1 writer fa good condition. Can or write I OVL iOUbtlCSS Lee Humphrey's store at Island City. 'J A . v ! Appreaate : WA-VrtlD To ren rliKvv chudrea. Apply at this c2cv ! nomoL Painstikino'stfen' X i kuu iu iuc cziaus oj your t wa4isuu ounS. IDIS IS when we an be of real t Service to You FOR SAJJE-Thlrty -thirty . b- -rifle aad 2$ caliber ColU revolvt Phone Black 272. WANTED Position '. bookkeeper, caa fori . ,. eace or win take of books. Wri h fng salary, a- ... -server ofvr sets - stat eare Ob- fflVTXTl a , wni ui tin innen ana mangle girls at once, A. B. C Laun- I dry. His Objection. ' Scottisn Bacteior-Wm ye hae some . tea? , Tlsltor-Ob. piease don't troabie: i ' Bacbelor-Ifa no the trouble; It's Juist ! the exnense. Pnnch It Would. j tain life for some time. Stella-Life jZ LA GRANDE, OREGON t wou.a oe sweet. woaWat it!-Tr. i The United Stntes i I National Bosk, lla(naha