V-i PAGE TWO -. LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER. .MONDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1910. i 4 V 'i a-' will be made much easier by using 2 tablespocnsful . cf 20.MULETEAI.M I Jtoatub ofwater f :: :: In the kitchen will cleanse ; ; ; : dishes, utensils, floqrs.eto ! ' illlb PIe25cts i; v. :: jiPattison Bros. :: .Use eithsnphone .... '.' H-WMitfHCmttttilUU European Plan'OnlyT. Rooms 60c to $1X0 First class .Throughout D.6. BRIGHOUX, . Proprietor. i ." La Crzeie, Oregon T 10-Acre tract on Adams avenue. New 9-room brick house, macadam street In front of property. City water on corner of property. Sewer of the dry crosses full length of property, and have a contract with city to tap sewer oa every CO foot lot without cost A splendid home and Investment Price f3XMX) 1-J cash, balance on terms. , ; -f " A 5-room modern briek house. 2 lots 121x120 feet, nice shade trees fruit and lawn, barn, wood shed, etc., on corner of 2nd and Spring street for the remarkable low p rice of 11800.00. Easy terms. This property has been held at 12100X0 but the owner must have money, hence the great reduction In price. Let me show you, , ... ; t J; j & JLACKjhe Real Estate ; Man ; Complete, equipment for resetting ; and repairing rubber buggytirei . - V ,r .;tU LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FiTZOERALD. Proprietor ". - ' t v Gjmplete Machine . Shops and Foundry Thas What They, All Say If you'd avoid a foolish fafe, . Drink "Sjh-CT aid refe?3-2-8 ' If you'd seeOregon sfay free, 1 Orfnk 44Sam-0wiand We 34-3 . , ir, d have business grow and fhriVe, Drne 'Sani-0w and Vofe 3-V-5 It's Good ForWhat Ails You SinETS IX A5T PLACES. Practice Carried Oit ay State Isstits. Ilea 1 Well Patronized. Eugene. Ore.. Oct. 21 (Special) A cnJTersity education la' within the griLip of every man end woman In Oregon males it possible for everyone to do work of equal standard to work dune In residence at the university. This department was established in 1907, ,and wince that time has grown rapidly, until now it has a registra tion of nearly four hundred. The members of the university fac- vlty prepare regular lesson assign menu which are sent to he student from ta central office, when the stud ent has completed the assignment, he sends la a report, which is cor rected and criticized by the .instruc tor In that subject . There .Is no cost to the student, ex cept, a deposit of nondollar for each course to. cover. postage.. If the stud ent so desires, he may secure regular college, crediy, for. his work.' When groups of people, have taken up the vw.m tvftvur, members of the faculty of the univer sity may be secured free of cost, to lecture upon that subject In this way the University of Ore gon la.able to reach over the. entfre state, and it is truthfully said that the University campus contains , one hundred thousand' sauare miles. ; V Hew FacUSe Service. ! Wellington, N. 2 .. Oct 24 With the ailing from Auckland today of the first steamer in the subsidised . mail service of the Union Steamship Com pany. New Zealand Is given much bet ter man communication with America and England. The vessels will call at Raratonga, Cook Islands, and at J Papeete, Tahiti. The time between J Auckland and San Francisco will be reduced to twenty-two days, and New Zealand will reach, London In thirty two days. " . . '-' -.-.7-",Tt'-, Ee same Work en SUae. A force of men will resume work next week' on the Mountain . Gem mines, near the head of the lake. This promising property will soon be ready for machinery and Is destined to be come one of the great gold and copper produceri f the country Joseph Her ald.' .or-;':"'- ' '. Enterprise Fair Permanent ' ' The county fair board at a meeting held Thursday night. started the pre liminary steps for Incorporation of the permanent organization. While all the stock has not been subscribed the board has faith that the people of j the county will see that it is raised and the fair put on a good, footing.: The premium money from the stat ' has not yet come, but la expected th first of next week. The list of premium awards will he published in the next Issue Enterprise News Record. ; V Citation. ; In the County Court, for the County of Union, State of Oregon. - ; ' . In the matter of the estate of Mary Lieurance, Deceased. Citation. ' To Georgia A. Hayes, Benjamin F. Edwards. Thomas J. Edwards, Eliza beth J. Condor and Lucy. Bnrdon, heirs of : Mary Lieurance. . deceased. and all interested parties, greeting: In the name of the State of Ore gon, You are hereby cited and requir ed to appear In the County Court of the state ' of Oregon, for the County " of Union," at the court room thereof. . at . . La Grande in the county of Union, on Saturday, the 26th day of November, 1910. at JO o'clock;. In the forenoon of Jhat.day. then and there to shpw. caase why an order, for the: sal of .tlu of the above, named decedent, towit a tract of land, the boundary line of which begins at the Northwest corner , ot . the; Northeast flTuarterof Section 21, In Township I 8outh , of Range 40 E. W;Mf iiUnlpn.Jcounty, Oregon, and runs thence east 0 rodst thence touth; 37 1-25 rods thence, west 80 rods, thence north 37, 7-25,Todsv to the place of .begjnnlngall in Union county. Oregon, at private sale Jo pay claims against aid estate, end expen ses of aettling the same by the admin istrator thereof, should not be made. , Witness, the Hon. J. C Henry, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Union, with the seal of said Court affixed this 13th day of October, 1910. Attest: ED. WRIGHT. Clerk. (Seal) v Oct 24 to. Nov 214 Piles Cared In o te 14 fcays. PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind or Pro truding Piles In 6 tq 14 days or money refunded. 50 c. " ' SIrrmioni tn Bt InStl trtt not fftanoX pet Strupw 0jq tq8iaoi tjajrr! tArt pas uoiuiots ,utriqmq.') jo emp woo) jo no pn ul23ni q isag ja u " Notice to Contractors. ' Not!e S n.-reby given that teamed ii'.as will be received at the office of the City Recorder of the City of La Grandt . -egon for the construction of 900 -i standard live -ncrarc walk, to be cotstr.uted accorfiij to the plans and f pacifications on file In this office. -Aid walk to be con structed on U vri; side of North Ash street c: a t.'-z Jackson avenue and Benton avenue. ; ' BW to ifH yf than 8 o'clock p. nr Wd!ie-5ay evening, October 26 and ail bids to be accompanied by a certified check of five per cent of the amount Of the bid. The council reser ves th-j right to reject any or all bids " ' , By order of the Council, October 19th, ! 910. : , : . D. E. COX. Re 'or-!cif !" the.' City of La Grande, Orrgon. . . J ? ' Oct 20 to tt w444w4nMwwww ifor votir; Baldng arid Molasses Royal Grocery Bakery jsce biKtx iKprevemeac, i To whom n mar concern: Notice is hereby given that In pursuance of a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of La Grande, oc the 5th day of August 1909, creating Improvement District No. 1 and des ignating-Adams avenue as such dis tritt, "and la' pursuance- of a- Teeolu ion adopted by said Common Conner r.,the 28th day of September, 1910 thereby said Council determined and declared its Intention to Improve all hat portion of Adams avenue, in said improvement district as . hereinafter described, by, laying Jthereon cement walks, the Council wW, ten days al ter the service of, this aotlce ppon the owners of ,the( property affected an benefitted by, audi improvement or der that said above described improve ment be made; that boundaries of said district to be so Improved are as fol lows:. All that portion b( Adams ave nue from, the west curb line of 4th street to the east curb line of 1st street Notice 4 fs hereby furth er given that the council ; will levy, a special assessment on all the property affectedand benefitted by such Improvement for. the purpose of paying ,for,auch Improvement 'That the estimated, cost of : ancb -improvement .ia Jhe.'susa of. $1800. -That the Counen will on the 26th. 4ay of Octo at the bout of J o'clock p." m.' to con sider said estimated cost and the levy of said assessment when a hearing will be granted to any person feeling aggrieved by such assessment i . La Grahae. Oregon. Oct 13. 1910. CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE. oregon,' . ,. ; ; " Br D. E. COX. ' ' Recorder of the City of La Grande. Oregon. Oct 14 to 26. IVetlce ef Street Improvement To whom it may concern : " -Notice Is hereby given that In pur suance of a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of La Grande. Oregon, on the 1st day of Dec. 1909, creating Improvement District No. 10 and designating Greenwood Street, as such, district, and in pur- suance of a resolution adopted by said Common Council on the 5th day of Oct, 1910, whereby, said Council de termined and declared its intention to improve all that portion of Greenwood Street in said improvement, district as hereinafter described, by laying thereon board walk, the Council will, te.n days after the Be r rice of this no tice upon the owners of the property affected and benefitted by such ' im provement, order that said above de scribed improvement be made; that boundaries of said ' district to be so Improved are as follows: All that portion of Greenwood Street from the North Curb line of Jefferson Avenue, to the South Curb line of Monroe Ave nue, Notice is hereby further given that the Council will levy a special as sessment on all the property affected and benefitted by. such Improvement for the purpose of paying for such im provement That the estimated cost of such improvement Is the sum . of $296.10. That the Council will on the 2nd day of. Nov., 1910, meet, at the Council chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock, P. M., to consider , said esU- mated cost and the levy of said as sessment when a hearing will be granted to anyperson feeling ag grieved by such assessment La Grande. Oregon. Oct 19. 1910. CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE, OR- ; EGON, . . By D. E. COX, Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon.. Oct 21 to Nov. 1,' i-'in r 5oUce ef Street lnprartmeat To whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the Common CouncU of the City of La Grande, Ore gon, on the 9th day of February. 1910, creating Improvement District No. 19 and designating ith Street as such district, and in pursuance of a resolu tion adopted by said Common Council on the 28th day of September, 1910, whereby said Council determined and declared its Intention to Improve all that portion of 6th street in said fan provement district as hereinafter de scribed, by laying taereon cement walks, the Counen win. ten days after the eervtce of thta notice upon the owners of the property affected and benefit! 1 by such improvement order thai saM above described im provement be made; that boundaries of said dlstr'ct to be so Improved are as rniloes: All that portion- of, Sth street 'rom the east curb line of De pot street, to the north curb line of O avenue. Nettie ia hereby furtLer given th&t the Council will levy a special asseasineDt on all the property alert ed and benefitted by such Improvement fot the parprse cf paying for snch im pireiuut That the estimated cost of such .improvement Is - the sum of $843.50. That the CouncU will on the 2Cth day of October, 1910," meet "at the' Council . chamber ; at the 1 hour, of o'clock, p. m. to consider said eeti. mated. cost; and the Jeyy of sail as sessment when a hearing will be granted,. to: any s person: etllng. ag grieved by such assessment . - La Grandet Oregon, Oct 13 1910. CITY COUNCIL OF.LA GitANDE. .. OREGON, ; . . . . : ; i. - .-- . By D. E. COX, . Recorder -of .the City of La Grande. Oregoa., Oct 11 to 29. ;c: 1 Bt iereaa4 tiica boUle of CLaiQberUln't Colic, Cholera ai4Pirrboea Remedy with you when tuning on yonr trip this sommer. IteaaaolbeekOuiMdoa board lbebmkor steamers; i : Changes of ; wster sfid climate eften cause sudden attacks of diarrhoea, and hUbert tobeprepstcd., .- '"'"'' fetlce sf Street ImpreTemeat - ( To whom It may concern: Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of -a reaoluU-in adopted hy- the' Common Council of the City of -La' Grande. Vregon.'J tba'-Btb-day 'of August 1909, creating Improvement - District Xo. $ and designating Main avenue) sc such district and in- pursuance cf a Jesolution ' adopted- by J said common cucoil on lb' 28U day of Eeptember 1910, whereby said Council determined and declared Its Intention to imprors that portion of Main avenue In said improvement ' district eJ berelnafte described; by laying thereon cement walks, the Council, win; ten days' af ter! the service : of this notice tipoB the owners vot the property affected and benefitted by inch Improvement order that said above described im provement be made; thit boundaries of said district to be so improved are as follows: All that portion of Main avenue, from the west curb line of. 4th street to the east curb line o' 1st street 'Notice "Is hereby furta-;' given that the council will 1. special awessment on all tbev . .. hffected and benefitted by 'r provement for the purpose o. for sucb Improvement That th. - ated cost of such improvement is the sum of $1685. That the council will on the 26th day of October, 1910, meet at the council chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m., to consider said estimated cost and the levy of said assessment when-a hearing will be granted, to any person feeling ag grieved by such assessment La .Grande, Ore., Oct 13, 1910. . CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE. Oregon, . bd. E.-COX. Recorder of the City of La Grande. Oregon. ,' t . Oct 14 to 26. Vast be Above SdV1ob. Kldnly and bladder ailments are so serious In their consequences, and if unchecked so often fatal that any rem edy offered for their cure must be above suspicion. Foley's Kidney Pills contain no harmful drugs, and have successfully stood a long and thorough test Hill'a Drug: Store. , - Soo7Spoloms Route . SHORT LINE , TO ' ' Llmnsapolisi StPaiil . A5D ALL POIXTS EAST EQUirXXXTt Electrlc-llghted Observation Cars and Standard 1 Sleepers, the most up-to-date Tourist Cars and through din era. - . . Through tickets to all ponta east are on sale by your local agent at lowest current fares, ''' Details Berths literature ' G..M. Jackson," Geo. A. Walton, '"Trav. pass. Agt Gen. Agt 11 Wall St, Spokane. o c o o o oo o o o o o o o PHISICIASS ASD SUEGEOXS. N. MOLITOR. M. D- Physician and Surgeon. ' Corner Adams Ave. an! Depot street Office, Main 68;' Real- . dence 69. , v- I'.' -I C IL UPTON. Ph. G. M. D. Physician . and surgeon. Special attention to Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat Office in La Grande'Natlunal Bank Build ing. Phones: Office Mam 2, Resi dence Mala 32. ' . ' A. L. RICHARDSON Physician and Burgeon. Office Hours: 2 to 5 p. m. except Sunday, Sundar by appoint ments. ; Telephones; Office.. Black 1362; Ind. 353; Tesidence. Main 65 Ind. 312.- GEO. W, ZIMMERMAN Osteopath Physician. Sommer Bldg., Rooms 7, , S and 10. Phones: Home 1332, Pacific, Main 63, Reeidsnce phone, . Black 951.; Successor to.:Dr-C R' ; Moore.-' ":---V ?1 'y.v H.iat,viil ' . PR. Mi PfcMS3JDLSOint-.l)..-? optics, Spectaclea and Eye Glasses Fitted and made: W order.. All er : rors of Refraction Corrected. ,ii05 . Adams Ave. Foley Hotel B'dg. . La Grande. Oregon DR.i H ' Li; UNDERWOOD tnd BR." DORA J. UNDERWOOD OSee ev erWrtgbt Dnig store. Special at . tentlon : paid to diseases and surgery of tbe-ey,: -: , :.i , ,, Phonea-rOffleo Main 22; -residence. Main 721.- . .:.:. ' -rr... J. a PRICE, D. M. DA-Dentlst . Room 23, La Grande National Bank Build. . lng. Phone Black 399. i ' DR. P. A. CHARLTON .Veterinary Sur- ; geon. Office at Hill's Drug Store, La Grande. Residence phone, Red 701; Office phone. Black 1361; Inde ' pendent phone 53; both phones at residence.. : ; ' ATTOBXEIS AT . LAW. COCHRAN ft COCHRAN Attorneys: . Chas. E, Cochran and Geo. T. Coch ran. La Grande ; National Rank Bldg., La Grande. Oregon. T. HI CRAWFORD Attorney at Law. Practices In al Ithe courts of the State and United States. : Office in La Grande National Bank Bldg , La Grande,-Oregon,- '-v D. W. C NELSON Mining Engineer. Baker City, Oregon. , , r Professional Eloeattonlst Miss Katherlne P. Mitchell, gradu ate and post graduate In Oratory and English, Cumnock school. Northwest ern university, Chicago. II L, Private and closs work. Elocution.. Oratory, Dramatic work, Physical Culture, Tu tor and Critic, English Literature and Composition. . Phone Black 33L 1403 N. Avenue. " " ' :'' Harvest Home FestiTal. The Social committee of BlueIt Grange will hold a Harvest: Home Festival on the evening of October 21. The public Is Invited to attend as a good time is assured. J A Book Worth: Beading. A. little book showing the human appendix and telling how appendici tis is cansedandow 9ou can easily prevent if la offered free for a short time by A. T. H11L " ' Well Casing Call or write -for Estimates and " Prices. John Melville -1423 Adms Are. LA GRANDE, - ORE it WMB t