f LA OUAXDE V JbNiNG OBSERVER SATOKDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1910. 1. 5 t i THE OBSERVER SSBaBBBS fsklbked Dally Exeept Sinday. Bri'c l Dennis, I Edlttr and Owner. entered t tit i-- - e a L 0" 3cond-lasB matter. aiwtiSCIUTTION RATE3 Dally, single copy lally. per wes.w... Lally, per month..,.: .. Kl Tbls paper will cot publish at ar- tlcle appearing over a uooi (ie pi im Bigned 'article will revised ub feet to ire lisreUiu ui u ediM.r Plesw sin, oui artiile ui . '.iMppullilliieut. The Oregonlan editorially remarks: Oswald West, Railroad Commissioner, went to Wash- Jngton City, ostensibly on the state's business, and charg- Sed up $253 to the state for expenses and mileage. Meanwhile Oswald West 4P itau uvea sunpoenaed at fort- land as a witness in the, Bin- ger Hermann trial and he . charged the United States government $365.20 expenses and fare for the same tip. He 0 collected the money from the S state, and put It In hi pock et He likewise collected the larger amount from the gov- ernment and put It In his 'pocket Then he was charged by the Federal officials with being a "grafter," and be turned the Federal money, less $50, to the state. Why to the state? If West 1 was" entitled to this money, A he should have kept It. If he Q.. was not entitled to it, he should have given it back to the government But whether he turned it over to the state or to the government, why A should he have held out $50 T . The whole transaction Is petty; but it has been widely exploited, and the public is S entitled to the facts. There they are. The public may Sdraw Its own"' 'conclusions. The Oregonian has no wish fto denounce or characterize West as a grafter. But what is he?, t o A IS PEESEM LICENSE TO BLAME 1 Dr. Qlllllan, in the People's Forum, seems to believe the present mode of licensing near beer dealers opens the way for the conditions that exist In La Grande. We hardly think this Is correct, fortln other states and coun ties that have the alleged prohibition we have noticed liquor Is sold without even a near "beer license. This is true In Kansas where drug stores al most Invariably carry a federal li quor license, the same is true in Okla ..Boma and In many parts of Texas. And the drug stores are not the only vendors ot spirituous liquors In these districts i named, for restaurants are-j used as blinds, livery stables In many GEORGE PALMER, Pres. F. J. HOLMES, Ylce-Pres. F. L, METERS, Cashier. LA GRANDE NATIONAL BANK OF LA GRANDE, OREGON United States Depository! . Capital, Surplus and Undivided Prohis $200,000 00 DIRECTORS W. Li BCXXnOLTS P. Io METERS W. M. PIERCE ofoeci riiEia T. J. CHURCH r.h noLMEs TTK ear asisle tvteirces an! facilities we can render yoa efficient service aai taadle yew assises s te yenr entire satisfaction. - - i - v.. )) vilV'nr bnotlfe- cere. i Near beer Is a western expression and a western product In Kansas it was hop tea and insad of having sa in thPT hate -Joints.' In Texas it goes under various names, eo iar as licensing the near beer salesmen we cannot see where the leverage ob tains. The doctor also gives a good rea son why laws are not better enforced when he states he Is no spy and does not pry around seeking evidence. In that statement he said a great deal for the average American citizen is not a spy;, he at heart detests a "peeper" and unless a man is suffering from some depravity or is trying to "get even" with- some one he refuses to $e made a party to Jobbery. As to officials shirking their duty and violating their path, we have heard it all of our lives. Democrats used to make it a campaign Issue In Kansas year after year, saying; "If the prohibition law is a bad law lets enforce it and get rid of it," yet re publican officials who "shirked their duty" according to democratic doc trine were continually elected to of fice Showing that the people were willing to pass a prohibition law, yet they were not willing to make it an issue on local candidates. In Oregon it is almost Impossible to dig a poet bole 'without violating i uuui. me prouiouory law is not the only one that is continually being violated. Take the corrupt practice act It is safe to say that every county m the state is navmg violations of It daily The same Is true of the speed law on autos, 'and a hundred other things. Why are not all these laws enforced? Or, why Is not the same agitation Indulged in when other laws than the local option law is not enforced. 1 Every law in the land should" be en forced by all means, but we as a peo ple should use better Judgment in manufacturing laws. ; ' In closing his article the doctor tells of his residence in this city and community, and we want to add to what he has said that there la not a person of our acquaintance who is not glad that Dr. Gfllllan has resided here and is still a resident He Is one of the frontier types of men whom ev eryone loves and admires, even those who disagree with him on the quest tlon of prohibition. He is honest enough to admit 'when he finds that the new form of strict regulation of the liquor traffic brings results, that such. Is the case;- . REPUBLICAN SUCCESS CERTAIN. SEEMS v From the governor down the line to the office of coroner In Union coun ty It Is apparent that republicans will be elected. The reason for this is that good men have been chosen for the places, for in this day party name will not Insure election unless the candl date is right But Union county has existed largely under republican ad ministration for many years past, and she has prospered. It Is the record of former republican officials that insures the success of the pres ent ticket as well as the standing of the Individuals who seek office this year. Union county Is In splendid shape financially : due to the careful man agement of the business affairs of the county by a competent county court, which happens to be republican. The W. L. BREXIIOLTS, Asst. Cash. EARL ZUXDEL, ti Assl Cash. C C. PENINGTOX Q. L. CLEAVE!! F. M. BTRKIT a- ; V ' ' Just Received-a complete line of the famous Reiser' Nt ckwear for Ladies Soft Collars, Stiff Collars, Jabots and Ties .1 legislative ticket Is a sure winner this year, for most of the people real ize what the men nominated on the republican ticket can accomplish for this part of Oregon if elected to the legislature.' And by the way, while there is no United States senatorial election to ratify this year by the house and 'senate there are several measures of importance to Union county that will be considered. It is a republican year in Oregon. And In the Second congressional dis trict Mr. Lafferty will be elected to congress by a very large majority, ac cording to all Indications. His youth and energy insure the people ap act ive congressman and . his views on forestry and many other things are agreeable to the people of the west TTREX'S "WORST" BILL. The moBt vicious of all the pro posed measures Js No. 360-361 which provides for a system of proportional representation, with a state wide vote for all members of the legislature; Increases the compensation ' of the members and calls for annual ses sions. The adoption of this measure will add from $75,000 to $100,000 per year to the already heavy burden of a long-suffering tax paying public: will deny the smaller counties their Just representation In the Legislature, and will destroy the rule ot the ma jority the basic principle of Ameri can politics and government An able argument against this scheme of quack statesmanship Is found on pages 197-199 of the official pamphlet, and we earnestly recommend it to the con sideration of the public, with the ad vice that the measure be voted down Salem Statesman. . ac WE 'WANT YOUR Laun BOTH PHONES TWO WAGONS New dry Work Cherry Laundry Our- Exclusive fflilKnery . Exclusive describes our Millinery department perfectly. Entirely distinct and separate from OUr mamStorf . Conducted entirely by Expert Triramert. An elegant display of fashion's latest modes. . , GAGE BROS'. PATTERN HATS The standard of high quality trimmed bats. There's a certain elegance of style found only in Gage hats. We ' - invite you to visit our millinery department and see our display of new styles. HATS TRIMMED TO YOUR ORDER Jnliiliilntiili ituli JiJi A Ji -iirli.liifc ill ill ill JiAJ.jl.it Ti'l Tl T F l i f l Tl' l I T I I1TTTTTT t Sporting' News (Continued from page Three) Elgin champs has decided not to take up the management next year and It is doubtful if baseball will be extensive ly gone into next Spring. ; ..' Indians at Princeton. Princeton, N. J., Oct 22 Wearing war paint and grim, set expressions bignlfying a determination to sell their lives dearly, the Carlisle In dians invaded Princeton today with the intention of showing the Tigers how the new game of football Is play ed. Although the' redskins will play Cornell, Pennsylvania and Annapo lis, they look upon today's contest as the most Important of their schedule, and the spectators are anticipating a lively game. : . Penn Plays Penn State. Philadelphia,' N. J., Oct 22 The ancient rivalry, between the Univer sity of Pennsylvania and Pennsyl vania State college football players will serve to make today's game an exciting one. , ; Play Southern Eleven. New Haven, Conn., Oct 22 It will be South versus North this afternoon on the Tale gridiron. The Ells have as their guests the crack eleven of Vanderbllt University, Nashville, TennT, and to prove that New England hospitality Is up to the boasted Dixie brand, will try to keep the score down to a point that won't bee too humiliat ing to their opponents. . , Champions Coming West Pendleton basketball fans are re joicing today In the prospect ot see' Ing the champion basketball team of the United States In action In thi? city. It Is the Company F team of Portage, Wis., and the manager ot the team Is now arranging its Itiner ary for a tour ot the Pacific coast and return. For this reason he Is en deavoring to schedule as many games as possible along the proposed route and Is desirous of securing one or more games to be played in Pendle ton. There will be twelve in -the paty, including coach, manager and sub stitutes. They axe planning to go directly to Portland, thence south through San Francisco, Los Angeles, and possibly by the Sunset route to New Orleans. Pendleton East Ore gonlan. LANGFORD CLAIMS TITLE. His Manager Issues Sweeping Defy for . Anyone to Take Title. Kansas City, Oct 22 The middle weight championship, made vacant by the death of Ketchel was usurped to day by Sam Langford. Manager Wood man acted for the tar baby and issued a sweeping challenge to aspiring mid dleweight to come to take title away. The Qual THE FRENCH DUEL Tricks That Are Invoked to Maka the ! Masting Bloodless. - A French paper has been describing the various contrivances to Insuro pis tol duels ending in "coffee for two." A favorite trick,' it seems. Is to nse pro jectiles that look like ordinary lead bul lets, hut crumble to pieces when fired. In more serious cases bullets are used of smaller caliber than the pistol, thus lessening their penetrating power. Sometimes the wad is intentionally left out so that when the duelists face each other with the pistols held down ward the bullets roll out In many cases bullets of the right caliber are used, but ;'only with a third of the proper powder charge, so that they are practically harmless. A variation of this trick Is to toad with a double pow der charge, which also causes the bul lets to go wide of the mark. This, bow ever, is dangerous to the spectators. Again, well meaning seconds some times use the right bullets and the right charge, but stiffen the triggers so that the extra pressure causes the bul lets to go wide. Perhaps the most amusing device' is the use of pistols fitted with a sort of secret safety valve, which ' opens when' the weapon Is loaded, so that the bullet drops out and only the powder charge remains. Exchange. A Drop In Rhotorio. "I remember." said an offlciak'tf the East Indian service, "the speech of an Anglo-Indian who was delegated by a certain district to place before the gov ernment's notice the horrible slaughter of their stock by tigers. A very no ticeable titter could be beard in the audience when the delegate shouted very dramatically: ' "'Mr. Chairman, the tiger Is the most ferocious animal that prowls and runs ; at large in India. He creeps mianignt, wnen ail nature is iocEea in the arms of Morpheus, and ere the vi..v niu.1,... t. t.1. majesty whole litters of pigs are de- stroyed.' ' The Cat and the Tail. Once upon a .time a cat who prided herself on iet wit and wisdom was prowling about the barn in search ot food and sar a tail protruding from a hole. ' "There Is the conclusion of a rat" she said. ' , Then she crept stealthily toward It until within striking distance, when she made a Jump and reached it with her claws. Alas, It was not the-appendage of a rat. but the tail of a snake, who immediately turned and gave her a mortal bite. i Moral It is dangerous to Jump at conclusions. Hotl Insurance Against Robbery. At a well known hostelry In Venice it is the practice to charge guests 25 centimes per diem for insurance against fire and robbery, the amount covered for this premium being 1,500 francs. ThlR is & very convenient ar rangement, as robbery is far from un common in Italy. London Truth. , '1 ,Dd talte abottle of Chamberlain' otitnctun sudden attacks of diarrhoea, and . vest hi uv prepared. ?oYe7 ,, nauonai uanlc, wiQDwinea on ootra the trains or Ifl fTBAftnF teamen. Chances of water !- Ln UnnlUC, I Deparimeat ity Store i Advertising FOR SALE 7 room house, modern in every respect good barn, corner lot 60x120, 1108 Penn Ave. Inquire R. E. Smith at Smith and 6reen's. FOR SALE OR TRAIJE 10 acre apple orchard In Fruitdale. quarter mile from school, trees 12 years old, will trade for city property, easy terms. Inquire of R. E. Smith at Smlta & Preene's. ' FOR SALE-Thlrty-thlrty 8. rifle and .38 caliber Colts revoln Phone Black 272. WANTED Position bookkeeper, can fu i . ence or will take " : seU "i e, stat care Ob- of books. WriV lng salary. A - server ofti'.i Wanted Responsible party to take the agency of Union and Wallowa counties for the Phelps Carbide Feed Acetylene Generator . for individual home lighting. For further particulars write Ore gon Acetylene Lighting Co., Inc. 230 1-2 Yamhell st Portland, Ore. Oct 20-21. . sALE Dining room table and i-Mir, one kitchen range, one cabl one gasoline three burner stnve. tne jgeg -'"cap ii tasen at once. Apply over! WAXTFn pn, , maT lw 'T" Md i dry. M-tiifcliiiilii,j,jiiiii,m You Doubtless Appreciate I Prompt, Painstaking" atten- uon to tne dttails of your Banking Business. This is where we can be of real Service to You$ , it Tte United States iT 1! in 0REG0H J jim... null' Classified X --ww"wwwwwt-w--ww- www w w - . n