A H MVii H h If I VOLXIV. L AGRANDE, UNION COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1910. .NUMBER 301 i! II vypj ii rfM ITHLETICS TIE TID6IEDF riPT. CHANCE'S TW1RLERS ARE fLOCTED IN HEARTBREAK. J' ISO MANNER BY ATHLETICS. THREE PUGHER5 ARE USED A rain on Firing Line for 1 Philadelphia Game Goes With Lop tided Score Betting Heavy, Two to of Money Change Hands Pfelster Finishes Game After Third Ilnnlng. scoring Tinker and Beaumont. Hofruau fanned. : ' : " Captuln Chance Benched. v ' Third Inning Mclntyre succeeded Ruelbach. Lord filed to Sheckard; Col lins singled, Baker, singled; Collins scored on Schulte's ' error. Baker reached third. Davis hit by ball. Start ed to rain at this point. Murphey hit a home run scoring Baker and Davis ahead 6f him. Wrangling followed. the umpire's decision of the home run Bailing 6ver the crowd. Chance kicked so hard he was benched. Archer took first base. Pfeister succeeded Mcln tyre. Barry doubled: Archer dropped Tinkers' throw of Thomas' grounder, and Barry scored. Coombs hit into double play, Zimmerman to Tinker to Archer. ' . ' Archer out, Baker to Davis. Zimmer man filed to Lord. Steinfeldt fanned. . Fourth inning The ball is Blippery and hard to handle. Strunk filed to Hofman, , Lord singled and Collins Collins ouf stealing, Kllng to .Tin ker. , .. 'y Tinker singled, and Kllng hit into MESSAGES Kill HE AND LEXEVE BOTH REALIZED THEY WERE BEING WATCHED WHILE ABOARD. DEFEHSEOPEHSGASETODAY OXE EXTRY FALLS IXTO LAKE AND CREW ESCAPES DEATH BY TIMELY RESCUE. ALL RECORDS f! -DP Summary ! Innings. , .;. R H E Athlettcs J 2 5 0 0 0 4 0 o ia it v .1 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 06.7; Cubs (Continued on page Eight) 1 Chicago, Oct 20 Rain for a time Indicated thls.mornlng that Philadel phia and Chicago would not flght.it but for the third game of the world's Championship series today, but the ikies cleared a; enough for Connie Mack's bunch to wallop the Cubs for the third, consecutive time and by, a mqre decisive score than ever before. Cdombs pitched' steady ball with one eseptlon for Philadelphia, but the Ciance outfit stuck in several twirl- els. Reulbach started it but was dto 1 daced by Mclntyre who in turn was J Wrtod out of the grounds and Jfelster fldstaed for the Cubs pndlscouraged however, many fans s!ayed up all night to secure places it. the bleachers by the time the gates opened. Hundreds from Philadelphia are here and offered odds of two' to one. The betting was heavy and Chi cap was wen aramea 01 parw uum , toalght :'.;';.'j:,! "he story of the erratic game fol lows: .' :' I ' . ; ' first Inning Strunk walked and Lot-d sacrificed, Reulback to Chance. Collins filed to Sheckard. Baker sin gled, Strunk scoring. Baker out steal ing Kllng to Tinker. v ' pheckard walked. Schulte doubled, Hofman filed to Strunk. Sheckard scired. Chance fanned and Zimmer man flied to Strunk." teconi inning Davis walked, Mur-pbpy- sacrificed, Steinfeldt to Chance. Barry doubled, scoring Davis. Thomas flid to Schulte. 'Coombs doubled, Bar ry! scoring. Strunk out, Zimmerman to Chance. iteinfddt- flied to Barry: Tinker doibled. Kling out, Baker to Davis. BAumont, batting for Reulback, and Steckard walked. Schulte doubled NEW YORK LEADERS TELL HIM SITUATION IS ENCOURAGING. Fit, and in Good Spirits President Is Back at His Duties Again, lliEIIIw fsucS Washington, Oct. 20 After a sum mer vacation in which he golfed, traveled and enjoyed himself, Presi dent Taft arrived in Washington to day and prepared for the winter's grind at the capitol. He looked the picture oi health and was in good spirits During the, last few hours in New York last night the president heard considerable from : Republican leaders who spoke well of Republican success this fall. Lloyd Griscom told him that the New York outlook was growing better every day and reports from Ohio now are as bad as reported from a Republican standpoint Montrose's Quartermaster Was in League With Crlppcn and Offered to Aid In Smuggling Doctor Ashore Cniipen ana His Companion Both f Refused to Listen to the Offers Suicide Letter Written as Blind- Alm to Prove Innocence. ,i y ' - i ; ... ::.;;'V ;v v ..' London, Oct 20 The defense of Dr, Crlppen began this afternoon. Barris ter. Tobin, Crippen'8 counst,., ettid Di. Crippen and Mile. Leneve both gvt themselves to the authorities volun tarily. He said Crlppen was aware he was being watched and that every plan and wireless message regarding him was told to him by the ship's quartermaster and that the quarter master offered to smuggle him ashore but he refused and stayed on board the Montrose. : y v i " : ; . -' The suicide letter found on Crlppen, the counsel said, was written by the doctor to prevent a search 4 of the vessel had he decided to hide and be smuggled from the - Montrose when she arrived at Quebec' The prosecution closed the case in the forenoon. Barrister Tobln opened the case by saying his intention was to prove to the court's satisfaction that the body in the basementof Crlppen's home was not Mrs. Crlppen's. . ' American Record Already Broken and 1 International Records iu Danger as a Fonr Balloon i fTonttaml Jr ' Across Hudson Bay into Canada . American Ship Said to be Ahead of Other Competitors Escape is Mi racalous. INVESTIGATE GILiFT CHARGES "Mush Fund" Rumors to he Looked into hy Legislutive Investigators. New York, Oct,1 20 The legislative graft investigating committee is hold ing an executive session today. Re ports are current that the committee is . instigating, the fund,, fully, as largo a 3 a half million and known as the '"fcl'Jsh fund" that was used to defeat t!e anti-race track billa, which it i reported has been used to de feat biiU affecting Wall Street. Men whohv, d been active in opposing anti bucket shops legislation and other adverse measures will be asked -to testify, 'tis said. Albany correspond ents of New York papers, accused of having knowledge of the alleged antl gambling bribery, deny any participa tion in the scandal. . , PROTECT MIGRATORY BIRDS. v : C9ast Flower Show. : San Francisco, Oct. 20 Some of the finest gardens and hothouses of the Pacific coast section have been rob bed of their choicest plants and blos soms for exhibition at the preat flow er show opened here today by the Pa cific Coast Horticultural Society and the California State Floral - Society, Many new and are varlotles are in cluded In the great display. The show will continue three days and wlll. be in the nature of a society event. St. Louis, Oct 20-AU American rec ords are broken and international records are endangered by four bal loons which sailed Monday and are still up in the air. At the last reports it Is believed the America II, Hekve- tla, the Switzerland entry, the Aiurla, of same nationality, Bussedorf of Ger manyw are flying over Canada toward the Hudson Bay, At last reports the America was leading by fifty miles and the DuBserdort second. Hamburg II dropped into Lake Winnipeg at On tario., Pilot Vogt and Aldo Assaman swam to a small island and were' res cued. Vogt said today: "The balloon dropped a sheer 130tfeet into the Jake and Assaman's arm was broken." . Dispatches to friends gave a more complete detail of the flight which was one of the most brilliant record ed. They first tried to land Tuesday but after throwing out most of the ballast the wind swept them over the bay. ,. V; Wednesday night they decided to take chances at Pitch ' park. They rip ped the bag open and let her drop with frightful velocity. Luckily it hit in the lake or otherwise they, would have been killed. They were two hours in the water before they reached the Island from which they were res cued.. ' " . Plan to Sink Airship. dirisltle America may become a dere lict and a. menace to navigation were set at rest today. Engineer Vani man said he tied a can of gasoline to the valve cord so the vessel .would sink Into the sea. ;. IUIES1E1F I! I HELD DUET OXE OF THE MOST SUCCESSFUL IN HISTORY OF THAT CITY. OVER A HliHDRED PLATES New Wilson Hotel Takes Care of Guests in a Way That Pleases All Many Speeches Telfrered.. That nimraira nun mwnsinsm and Fa triotism Union Ilans ,' Campaign lor Coming Year Local Conditions A Freely Discussed. STORM S TOLL IS ISMS ESTIMATES 'Freight Houses Burn Up. St Louis, Oct. ,20 The' freight houses of the Chicago, Alton and Bal timore & Oh)o were destroyed by fire today. Loss is half a million. DAYI BENNETT HILL PASSES AWAY EARLY TODAY. , Influential Figure In New York PoU. tics-At One Time ; Governor. ni Ni T., Albany N; T., Oct 20 David Ben nett Hilt Democratic leader, former governor of the state and ex-United States Setator died at his home this mcrnlng. e has been ill for two week wltha cold. Complications soon set in. He Vas improving hut his age was resporslble for a relapse last night and ti soon died. . Hill was tie dominating power in New York potties for years. He was a treat lawyer. , He was bornW 1849 and admitted to the bar in '64. He was a, delegate to the democratic 'national convention in 77 and thenceVose rapidly. Action Taken at Portland to Protect Birds During Bad Weather. Portland, Ore., Oct 20 (Special) Federal protection for migratory birds during their flights must be had if these feathered creatures are not to be exterminated, says William 1 1 Flnley, of Portland, a widely known ornithologist. Mr. Finley is a bird au thority whose researches , have been prosecuted from the Atlantic to the Pacific, as well as abroad. He is a lecturer tor. the National Association of Audubon societies of New York city. .. . ' l He favors the establishment of gov ernment or state reservation that shall be retreats for wild birds. These areas, he suggests, may be established on nrlvate estates where the owners' are willing and placed in charge of good j gamekeepers who shall prohibit all shooting. Song and game birds, he believes, will thus become abundant in these refuges and will spread out and populate the surrounding coun try,-' - : ; .Mr. Finley has Just returned from California, where he visited the state game farm at Hay wards. There he found the state has gone Into the bus lnsBS of raising .pheasants, which are furnished to farmers and others for propagation, the young being liber ated In favorable places throughout the state. Ril f , Directory Publishers. Louisville, Ky., Oct 20 Represen tatives of nearly 100 publloting houses alt over the country , were present when the Association of American Directory , Publishers op- ened its annual convention at the Seel , hack today. ' ' ' ; Circumstances attending, unto the1 Wallowa land opening, settlement -of which is permissible at midnight to morrow, Indicate that there will be no lineup at the La Grande land of fice, a,nd if there is a lineup, it will be short-lived and inclusive of only a few. On the other land, the land that is to be thrown open to settle ment day after tomorrow is going, to be dotted with settjers some are al ready there and have been for some time."' ' " ;" This status of affairs is due prin cipally to the new orders of the gov ernment It has been the custom to visit the desired tract, and then rush to the lan4 office to be the first in line to file. This time it is vastly different and the man who settles after tomorrow, midnight, has all the time he wants. The routine which the government has laid down is for the applicant to settle on the land after the 21st of October and to stay on the land desired until November 22. From that date he has thirty days to file, and any person having filed on that land without settlement will be relegated hy the affidavit of the sec ond homesteader alleging that he has lived on the land 30 days. , As between two men who have not settled hut are anxious to have the land, the man who is first In the land office on the 21st of November is giv en preference. If, however, it is found that a third party has settled os the . One of the test meetings of the kind ever held in Eastern Oregon was the Commercial club banquet at Union last evening when over a hund red residents of that tity ' and sur rounding territory met at the New, I WilBon hotel and partook cf an ele gant banquet daintily served. As in telligent a bunch of men as ever con gregated sat around those tables and used their minds In deep thought in an endeavor! to suggest something , of benefit to the town on Catherine l Creeks , ,' Postmaster Marion Davis presided , as toastmaster and as usual he made WAtfY noiTS TIELPLESS OX THE I things run smoothly, calling on many y : riiiva THrnnuTe" I tend nlwuva havlnar someth Stem Is Centering off the Coast of V North Carolina Today. New Orleans Oct. 20 Steamers ar riving here today , report the Florida storm caused the death of at least 100. Several vessels' are reported' in a sinking condition In the gulf without a chance of aid. ; ; A wireless that reached here says the schooner Beacher, was waterlog-' ged and helpless today. A dozen ship wrecked boats were sighted, v Shipping Heavy Losers. Havana, Oct 20 Cables from Key West indicate the greatest damage was done by the Florida hurricanes was to shippings. : The Norweigian steamer Fob Is still stranded. The hur ricane today centers off the coaBt of North Carolina. EXPLOSION CREATES HAYOC. land, both those, who were striving to file first will be forced to stand back for the man who did Bettle, - ' Some Already There. , It is a well known fact that a large number of people have already set tied on pieces or land there in or der to be on the ground when the settlement commences. However, any person can settle on the same land at midnight tomorrow and stand a better chance of eventually gaining title to the same piece of land than the man who has lived there a month previous. The latter has the burden of proof on his shoulders throughout and the former has followed the in structions of the land office ' depart ment while the other has acted pre maturely.' , . Another reason why , the land office lineup is not a feasible scheme is that while the applicant Is at the lineup he is of course nof on the land, and the marr who has setttled is going to win over all others. V. : So the conjecture that a lineup In connection with this Important open, ing Is not going to assume any ser ious proportions is a logical deduc tlon. Tomorrow commences one of the most important land openings In East ern Oregon's history and the Influx of easterners has already been marked for they have been gathering in Wal Iowa county for several days and mid right tomorrow will see a. short-lived scramble and then, peace and quiet again. ( Two Killed and Many Wounded When Jute Mill Engine Explodes. ' New York; Oct. 20 Six men were killed and two fatally injured, and nearly 20 hurt severely today in a boil er explosion ' at the American manu facturing plant Jute mill at Green Point, Long Island. Twelve men' In were in the bller room and some of them were hurled a block by the force of the blast. .' , . ; " and always having something of a pleasant nature to offer in tho way of introduction. ' ; Osbnrn Richins In his address on "Looking Forward" dealt with what can be made to happen. He did not dream as many might of the towering smokestacks and a lot more , things that might be very hard tohtain, but he took up the possibilities of the soil, of Irrigation,' of lumbering and made a stroiig plea for Union men to get Into the game and try. L. R. Campbell talked on stock raising and he gave out some good sense relative to that industry. "Improve your herds," shout ed the speaker, "and the eastern pork will be1 driven from the coast mar ket The trouble with the men of the west they do not finish their product and then expect it to compete with eastern stock that have had the bene fit of skilled care and plenty of : feed.'-. '-'"., j ,v ;.v - J. W. Ethlngton talked on the Ubcs of Commercial Organizations. He told how people are attracted to a com munity hy the well organized com mercial club. Picturing a man who has sold out his holdings in one commun-, (Continued on page Eight?) MANUEL IN ENGLAND. Deposed King Is out of Money and No Chance to Get Any Either. London, Oct. 20 Manuel, the de posed King of Portugal with his moth er and suite, arrived in the' Royal yacht Victoria and Albert last night and today are enroute to the estate of the Duke Orleans in Worcestershire where they will rest for a time. Man-uel-looked pale and worried. Reports current that he needs money badly with small chance of securing any. flRRESTEDIB MEXICO SECRETARY OF UNEARTH'S STATE KNOX EVIDENCE. Three Men Suspected of Dynamiting Times Said to be Aboard Shly Mrs. Leslie Carter Sued. " New York, Oct 20 Mrs. Leslie Carter-Payne, the actress, is the defend ant In a suit called for trial In the supreme court today. The plaintiff is ! a fashionable dressmaker, who alleges that Mrs. Carter owes $5,694 on a bill of $7,980. The items enumerated in clude gowns costing as high as $702 apiece, expensive lingerie, hats and cloaks. Some of the apparel was for use In Mrs. Carter's production. In her answer, the actress says she paid for the goods in advance and that the charges in the bill are exorbitant San ' Francisco, Oct 20 Governor Glllett today is awaiting word from the Los Angeles police in answer to a message he sent last night in con- : nection with, the Times dynamiting. As soon as he hears from Los An geles the governor will wire Secre tary of State Knox at Washington in reply to the latter's telegram in which he stated that three men suspected of complicity in dynamiting were aboard the Pacific mall steamer which would Boon land at San Senito on the gulf of Tepaunthec, Mexico. Knox reported the information from the Mexican ambassador who got it from the Mexican police. , . 5 .ys$i-J-i-f-&-GKs.&