La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, October 19, 1910, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Bower man and Lafferty are nre to
- be Elected According to Ms Views.
There Is positively no way. for
nnriBltlnn n rfpfpat pithef BoWer-
man or Lafferty,' said Editor B. S.
Kennedy of the Baker City Herald
thia morning as he departed for his
home. "I think the entire state and
Kilt: it l L MVl "... . " J - -- - - '
vn Via rnnrr'uman and rovfrlior
'have the fight won now. I am glad to
p the renubllcan nartr of the state
get together. There never haa been a
time when Statement No. One or any
other statement would have split, and
this year It would aeem that all sides
are giving and taking Just a little
which Insures a united front to the
Oswald West la his campaign. Thia la
the first elective office Oswald has
ever ran for, hla career heretofore
laving been appointive at the hands
of Chamberlain.
"If you will notice Oswald tries 10
emulate the handshake and general
good fellow racket of Senator Cham
berlain and like everything !n thia
life that is copied, the reality is lack
ing and West's campaign reminds one
of a phonographic record. This is one
year he, nor any other democrat, can
win the office of governor for Jay Bow
erman Is the lad the people are bound
to have and you know the people
must rule in Oregon."
Cochran Will Ban Strong.
In speaking of George Cochran,
candidate for water commissioner,
Kennedy said there la little chance to
defeat the La Grande man. His op
ponent. F. M. Saxton, lives in Baker
county, but there ) reason to believe
that Cochran will carry most of the
precincts in that county as well as the
major portion of the entire district.
Eallroad People Looking Over w
Station Site.
Among the guest at Hot Lake to
day are Assistant Superintendent Bol
lons and A. Buckley of the O. R. & N
and It. G. Hlgley, prominent official
of the American Express Co. The lat
ter Is at the Lake to Install the ex
press on.ce and rrom now on mere
will be every convenience at Hot Lake
that other railroad stations have. It
In also thought that Mr. Bollons and
Mr. Buckley are taking a look at the
proposed site for the new station.
vr. c t. r. win mhi
There will be a meeting of the W.
C. T. U. at the home of Mrs. J. P.
Glllilan, 1205 Fourth street Thursday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. i
0. E. 5. BE5 PR0X0TED.
Aboat Tea Enpleyr U OH Promotion
by Sovember First r.
Following out Its policy c promot
ing employes who have been long in
service and have proved efficient in
their respective duties, the Harrlman
system in Oregon will advance about
10 of Its officials in the freight depart
ment of both tbe Southern Pacific and
Oregon Eallroad k. Navigation Com
pany, saye the Portland Oregonlan.
The first important change, made re
cently was when Frank W. Robinson
succeeded W. C. Coman as general
freight agent of the O. R. & N. In Ore
gon. Thia promotion was the result of
the resignation of Mr. Coman. who is
now genertl freight and passenger
agent of the North Bank Road and the
Hill lines in Oregon.
- Mr. Robinson has been connected
with the Harrlman lines for 19 years,
and has alnce been in service contin
ually, beginning as a clerk in one of
the eastern offices when a boy. Mr.
Robinson has been in Oregon less
than a year, but is probably more fa
miliar with the shipping situation than
any one else connected with the road, i
H. E. Lounsbury, ,now district
freight agent of the Southern Pacific
has been appointed assistant general!
freight agent of the Southern Pacific
and 0- Rr & N. in Oregon. Mr. Lons
bury has been connected with both
both lines' in various capacities for
more than 20 years, and Is one of the
fcest-known railroad men In the
state..; v ' ::.
J. H. Mulchay, now chief clerk in
tbe general freight department of the
O. R. tc N. and Southern Pacific, is to
be advanced to the position as district
freight agent of the Southern Pacific.
Mr. Mulchay has been with the Harrl
man lines for 19 years, beginning ser
vice aa a messenger.
J. R. Stein is to succeed Mr. Mul
chay as chief clerk in the general
freight department of tbe Southern
Pacific. Mr. Stein has been engaged as
chief clerk in the department, hand
ling interstate commerce subjects.
In addition to these changes five or
six other employes will receive pro
motions. Tbe appointments will be
come effective November 1.
270,000)00 Moslems.
Constantinople, Oct. 19 That Mo
hammedanism Is gaining converts
more rapidly than any other religion
and that It has a greater number of
adherents, in proportion to the time
It has been in existence, than Chris
tanlty la indicated by the figures com
piled by TurkUh newspapers in mak
ing a census of Moslems In all parts
of the world.
According to these figures now
practically complete. 270,000,000 peo
ple accept Mohammed as the prophet
of God and tbe founder of the true re
ligion. Of these, Turkey proper has
one-tenth, or 27.000,000 and there are
about the same number in the Sultan's
Asiatic and African possessions. Twenty-four
million subjects of the Great
White Czar profess the Moslem faith
and look to the Sultan of Turkey as
their spiritual beat. India has 00,000.
000 followers of the Phophet, China.
40,000,OQO Java 25,000,000, Arabia 20,
0M.000, Africa CC.CCO.tOO en j the Phil
ippines and South Sea ibliudo about a
While these fijurc-a, from the neces
sities of the ca8e. are only estimates,
many European observers believe they
are conservative. If so, Mohammedan
ism Is the second religion, numerically,
of the world, as the disciples of Con
fucius and ancestor worshipers are
not believed to exceed 2CO.000.000 in
number. Hlndooism is estimated to
have about 200.000,000 adherents, Bud
dhism -50,000,000 and Polytheism 120,
000,000. Th number -of ChisUans, active
and nominal, in the world Is placed
by various authorities at from 450,
000,000 to 500,000,000. The religion
of Islam Is progressing far more rap
idly In many sections of the world,
notably In India, China ana japan,
than Is the religion of Chrat. Tl lib
eralising Influence of the Young Turks
has been felt In religion as welt as In
politics, and many of the Intolerant
and objectionable features of the Mos
lem faith bavs been modified. The
spirit of liberty and intellectual prog
ress In Turkey has been manifested
by the formation of a considerable
srhool of Intellectual agnostics, ra
tionalists and higher critics, who are
performing the same service for Mo-
that slmlar scholars
have performed for Chrstlanlly. Until
' the deposition of Abdul Hamld. "Inf.
! del" was tbe name applied only tc
Christians and Jews, since every Tu
i was of necessity a Mohammedan.
Teddy is Sot Seeded to Slaughter the
Big Game ia This Tart of the ;
W.' R. Parker, who travels for the
Remington company is In the city to
day on his way home to Baker from
the Wallowa shoot which was held
the first of the week. Mr. Parker Ib
one of those fancy shooters who can
entertain a large crowd with a rifle
and a bunch of blue rocks. He says
he is delighted with the spirit devel
oping in this part of the state fof
hooting and it ia hi s Intention to do all
be can to assist In making these ev
ents successful
: Just returning from a bear hunt
this fancy shooter tells of nine bruin
with age on them and five cubs being
slaughtered without the assistance' of
Teddy, and also s'Ates this a year for
bear, . . ,'
When tbe train on the branch was
wrecked , yesterday and a delay was
necessary in the mountains, Parker
enlived tbe occasion by giving exhibi
tion shooting .'while the wrecker was
at work.
Wallows Shoot a Good One.
"I consider the shoot at Wallowa a
great event," said Parker this morn
ing. "Had the weather been favorable
it would, doubtless have been the big
gest thing of the kind ever held in
Eastern Oregon." i
The scores mado at that shoot fol
low: Professionals.
I fil
Yds. Shot At Broke j
Barclay ...... 20 200 166
Parker .,20 '200 152)
Reld v .. 20 200 174
Morri 20 - 200 153
Yds. Shot At Broke
Converse 20 200 164
Tuttle. Ed .... 15 200 146
Matlock, Lee .. 18 200 161
Masterson .. .. 18 200 145
Brady 18 200 151
Hill ..18 200 138
Crosland .. ....17 200 164
Barnes 17 200 157
Wolfe .... .. ..16 200 166
Harn 16 200 149
Schaffer :. .. 16 200 116
Tuttle C. H 17 175 109
Hugg 17 200 153
Kellem 17 200 136
Adams .17. 200 145
Tuttle. Lee .. ..17 200 132
Reagan .... .. 16 60 32
Hunter 16 170 120
Mc Alexander ...16 140 77
Greer .. .. .. ..16 75 11
O'Brien ...... 17 200 129
Masterson and Hugg tied for the Ob
server medal Masterson won In the
shoot off. '
Wolfe won the silver cup and
higheBt average; Matlock, the Gun
Club medal and Crosland the Dupont
Pres. of University Visits High Schools
President P. L. Campbell left the
University on Monday on a trip into
Central Oregon, especially to visit the
Crook County High School at Prine
ville. He will make an Inspection of
several other high schools during the
ten days of his absence from the Uni
On TueBday, October 25, he Is sched
uled for a lecture before the State
Confederation of Women's Clubs at
The Dalles, to arrange for co-opera
tion of study on the part of all clubs
on socological. educational and hlstor
leal subjects during the the year. Eu
gene University Bulletin.
Notice for Bids.
Notice la hereby given that sealed
bids will be received up to five o'clock
p. m. of Friday the 28th day of October
1910, by the District School Board of
School District No. One ot Union
County, Oregon, for furnishing said
District with furniture and supplies
Terms and particulars may be obtain
M from School Clerk. Board reserves
fie right to reject any or all bids or
ny part of any bid.
By order of School Board.
and Serges in
the prevailing
shades of Gray,
Brown and Blue
A wide range
of Qualities
and Prices
Monarch guaranteed fast dye hosiery for
t Special Showing
I . msmbmm mm mm mmmm pajssssaw a
UFulE .:'irAUUU'lfiin.-irAULlB.
Here From Kansas.
"Uncle" Lee Mayfleld and wife.
"Aunt" Mary, as they are known to
most of the residents of Eastern Kan
sas, arrived In the city yesterday
morning to spend a few days looking
over the Grande Ronde valley. They
are visiting former Kansans who are
lving In La Grande and their appear
ance In this valley Is a great pleasure
to their friends. Uncle Lee carries a
smile every day that is in keeping
with the elegant atmosphere, climate
and crops of the Grande Ronde and
should he locate here he will be the
prince of boosters.
Class Meeting Tonight.
There will be a meeting of the Phll-
athea class of the Presbyterian Sun
day school this evening at the home
of Mrs. H. J. Rltter. This is a business
meeting of Importance and members
are urged to be present
, . 'otlce to Contractors.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received by the Council
of the City of La Grande, Oregon, for
the construction of 11.198.6 Sq. yds.
of bltullthlc pavement on Fourth street
between Adams avenue and O. avenue,
together with excavation, curbing and
drainage, the same to be constructed
according to the plans, specifications
and estimates on file in this office. All
bids to be in by eight o'clock p. m.,
October 26th, 1910, and each bid to be
accompanied by a certified check of 5
per cent o fthe amount of the bid. The
Council reserves the right to reject
any or all blda.
Attention of all .contractors Is call
ed to the agreement of Warren Broth
ers Company, filed with this city, In
accordance with which agreement
Warren Brothers Company agrees to
license all contractors desiring to
for the work to lay the Bltullthlc
Pavement in accordance with lta pat
ents aad the terms of said agreement. 4
La Grande, Ore.. Oct 19, 1910.
D. E. COX, Recorder.
Oct. 19 to 26.
Notice of Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice Is hereby given . that tbe Co
partnership existing by and between
Allen J. Webb and Lavon Zundell in
conducting tbe business of the Grill
formerly Spokane restaurant, has been
this day dissolved by mutual consent,
and Lavon Zundel retired. Allen J.
Webb assumes all bills and obliga
tions due said co-partnership and will
pay all outstanding bills against the
Want ds nay, one cent a word.
MmC'Z:. si!
rk. &s i... r.... v,' . i ii '
of Ladies' Neckwear this week
: ;
mm w9mm mmmmmm mm
Men be Sensible, Dont Let it Grow
More Conspicuous.
If you are beginning to worry about
that spot right on the top of your
head, where the hair is thin or has dis
appeared entirely;
Don't' worry any longer.
Go to the Newlin Drug Co. and get
a 50 cent bottle of Parisian Sage.
If that won't check the falling hair
and cause new hair to grow; nothing
on this earth will.
Dandruff causes hair to fall and
baldness; dandruff germs cause dand
ruff. . ;
Parisian Sage kills the germs; eradi
cates dandruff; stops falling hair and
itching scalp, or money back at the
Newlin Drug Co.
It will cause the hair to grow, if
the hair root is not dead.
It causes the hair to grow thicker,
more luxuriant, and puts so much new
life into it that it grows lustrous and
Tbe girl with the Auburn hair on
every package. 50 cents at tbe Newlin
Drug Co. and druggists everywhere.
Mail orders filled by American mak
ers.' The Giroux Mfg. Co., Buffalo. N.
Y. Oct 19-29
Gopd Candy
Look for thia
It stands for
all that is good
and pure and
delicious in Candy.
Patroniz ths "Modern Dealer
tttn CMlMtimnr C., Mln., PtrtUiJ, Orf
C. T.
General Contractor of Cement Work
Plain and Re-enforced
1 1 Vk
mm mmmm mmmm ' a mmm simbbbsb
It Care a CoI4 la One Day.
Tablets. Druggists refund money if it
falls to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signa
ture is on each box. 25c.
' We have Just received a ship
ment of Candies. They are
fresh, delicious, dainty and pure.
For One Week Ending Next Sat
urday We Run a Special Sale.
The following is a sample of the
Sale Prices:
Begnlar Sale
Price rrice
50c Assorted Chocolates. .80e lb
50c Assorted Butter Scotch 80c lb
35c Horehound & Honey. .20c lb
40c Mint Lozenges .20c Ib
60c Fill Cream Almonds. .25e Ib
40c French Burnt Peanuts 18e Ib
Rsmember this sale will last
only one week.
Drug Company
Both Phones
Free Delivery