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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1910)
LA 01CANDK VaLS'U OBSEk V Eli. WEDNESDAY, OOIUBER 19, i'JlO. PAdE FIVE I LOCALS to Eohnenkamp'g store da Adams avenue, Octobers and 22, next Fri day and Saturday -; Old papers, on tundred In a bun dle, 25 cenU at this office. , x standing reward of $25.00 will tie paid for the conviction of any one breaking sewer pipe or in any way molesting my work on the sewer con tract B. S. DAVIS. clean cotton rags wanted at The Ob- ierver office. v Vacuum carpet cleaning, taking up, ewing and laying. L. P. Blllinger, phones Red 562 and Red 141'.. -Ladies Aid Society of thef M. E, church will conduct a rummage gale In the store building next door THE ISIS -TONIGHT'S FROGfiAM The Sergeant Sellg. A Dog on Business Essanay. Mrs. Barrington's House Party. Vitagraph. v Song Mendelssohn Girl. Beautiful dishes given to lady patrons of the matinee. See dis-' play la lobby. " -AMISSION lDc- Nate Ardrey, piano tuner, telephone Newlln Stationery store. ' Remember the . special sale of switches by Mme. Root at West's store this week. Free demonstration of her famous beauty preparations. A class of twelve will be initiated next Thursday evening by the Women or wooacrart. Alter tne initiation a box social will be held in the lodge hall. All members are lnvted and are urged to bring boxes filled with good things. Mrs. A. D. Vandetar has returned to the Foley hotel, room 34 and will be there until Satuiday. Bring your combings. k having orders please call. Impounded stock One bay mare branded M an left hip, shod all around. G. W. Ferris, Pound Master. . Oct 19 to 29 , i i POPE-HARTFORD PEERLESS CHALMERS-DETROIT and HUDSON CARS - There are many GOOD cars made now-a-days. Any . good car is a good investment Yet we honestly believe that CHALMERS cars offer the best value for the money of any on the market we ask you to see the CHALMERS before you buy. Compare them vnth others comparison has sold more Chalmers cars than all our advertising. The 1911 Models will be on exhibition at our show room come time this month. Come and see them or let us know where we can see you. WE HAVE A BRAND NEW CATALOGUE "E" WE ARE NOT ASHAMED OF, WRITE FOR IT DITTEBRANDT AUTO CO. SS,sJffi The Silverthorn Drug Co. is adding the flnlBhlng touches to the handsome new white enameled fixtures recently installed and the Interior of the store is greatly beautified.. ; . . L , - Dr. Mendelsohn just had an ele gantjob of lettering done on his of itcti wiuuowB. .iue ieners are ot em- boBsed gold which make the sign one of the moBt mddern to be obtained. today for Joseph to assume his duties. new R. D. Zweifel, J. H. BarneB, C. W. Fisher, J. F. Taylor, and H. D. Spencer all of Elgin, are guests at the Foley today while transacting business in the city. " ' . , for the purpose of buying a few Jer sey cowi. E. Weakley, Kokomo, Ind., says in f. ,. u PERSONALS. A WE ATTRACT TRADE WITH CV Our own interests are best served by providing our custo mers . with the best values in quality-style clothes. We offer you a line obtainable in no other store in this city the well known, trustworthy Idler's Collegian Clothes. These are the most noteworthy style clothes of the country. They give you something more than good service. Snappy style and individual fh-tor o prized by careful ureaie:, are characteristic of this line yet undesirable extremes are carefully avoided. They are clothes for best dressers. Suits and overcoats $15.00 to 130.00. We Carefully Fit You... Oar interest does not end in selling you a suit we aim to satisfy you in every particular. We take great pains, to help you elect a becoming garment that fits to perfection. Ash Bros. Clothiers andFurishers L. Denham, an attorney of Elgin, is in the city today. George H. Currey was a Hot Lake visitor thlB evening. Ross Newport, of the Newport Con- structlon company, 1b in the city to day interviewing the O. R. & N. peo ple relative to some improvements to be done at Unity. 1 M. L. Batman of the Bernard Mfg. Co. of Spokane was in the city this morning on his way to Elgin where he will install a new outfit of ma chinery In the flourine mill there. I der, accompanied by much pain I The work will , be rushed to permit I secured a bottle of Foley's , Kidney speedy resumption ot grinding. Pn and must say they certainly did ine wor in just a iew days my cacx- Foley Kidney mis "Without an Equal. , 'A his estimation. Folev Kidnev Pills are T. without an equal. He says: ."I have had kidney end bladder trouble for over three years , with severe head aches and Irregularities of the ' blad- I tClassiSe 11 A 1 1 tk v i ? i n n J. R. Wortman, O. M. Crosaland.and F. B. Harn, all of Union,' are at the Sommer House today on their way home from Wallowa where they had been attending the shoot. - J. G. Smith, the wood dealer from Huron, Is In the city today. A. M. Remllles of Joseph is in the city. He is registered at the Savoy. Charles A. Barrett, republican for Joint senator, is spending a few days in Union county. Yesterday he visited Elgin and today he is shaking hands with voters around Union. B. F. Keller of Meaeham is before the land office today proving , up on land. M. L. Whitmore and wife of Chlca-. go, are guests at the sommer House today. r Frank Fhy, one of ila Grande's lead ing real estate men, is in Portland on a business trip. J. B. Thorsen, cashier of the bank at Elgin, is in the city on business. He Is quartered at the Sommer House. - : 1 Dr. M. K. Hall, candidate for senator on the Democratic ticket, spent yes terday in Hermiston seeing the vot ers. :' John Armstrong, ex-city marshal of Pendleton, to In La Grande today transacting business at the land of fice. . ''''' Daniel Boyd, an attorney fronl En terprlse, is In the city today on, A. gal business. He is stopping at the Foley. , C. A. Barret, the Athena man who Is Republican nominee for Joint sena tor from Morrow, Umatilla and Union county, is in this county today. He was at Elgin yesterday and is at Un ion today, looking after his inter ests. ' , : . Mr. Philbrick. of the firm of Phil brick & Greenwood, of American Falls Idaho, is in the city. He is a dealer in draft horses and incidentally looking over the Grande Ronde valley W. Katsch, J. J. Wilson, L. Couch, M. H. Stebles, G. A. McNees, all of Wallowa, are In the city today on bus iness, i W. R. Ladd, master mechanic of the O. R. ft N. system came in from Fort land this morning and is stopping at the Sommer. J. M. Berry and wife, who have been visiting friends in La Grande for sev eral days, left last evening' for their home in Portland. . W. S. Hays,Myrtia Hays, F. A. Gray? bold and L. H. Transfelder of Joseph, are In the city today. They are quar tered at the Foley. A. W.i Lafferty, candidate for con gress In the Second district, left this morning for Ontario, where he will spread the Republican gospel. J. E. Cox, representing the Folger company, which handles coffee, is In the city supplying local merchants with his goods carrying the rich aro ma. . Polk Mays formerly postal clerk on the branch line but who has been appointed postmaster at Joseph, left f Dl. i P. MENDELSOHN ,3. M. Goff, better known as "Judge", is In from Mlnam and reports every thing lovely in that scenic spot. Lately fire visited Mlnam and since that time the judge has been running his post- office in a goods box, but he Is serv ing the people Just the same. Frank Stevens, a capitalist ot Jos eph who has been out at Hot Lake fighting a case of severe rheumatism, passed through La Grande today on his way home. He is feeling first rate again and has the strongest praise for Hot Lake as an enemy of rheu matlsm. ' ache left me, kidneys became stronger and I am now over my trouble and glad to recommend Foley Kidney Pills to every one 'suffering in this way. They gave me quick and permanent relief and are In my estimation with out an equal." Hills Drug Store. ; R. W. Varnum, wno has handled the soda fountain at the Silverthorn drug store all summer, leaves today for Chicago to spend the winter. During his stay in La Grande he has made so many friends and his. relation, with Mr. Silverthorn have been so pleasant that he intends to return next sea son. R. F. Cleghorn and wife have de parted for Twin Falls, where Mr. Cleg, born was called by the Warren Con structlon Co. to assist in a paving con tract. He Is one of the best steam rol ler men that the company has and it has been due to his ability to a great extent that the paving In La Grande has advanced so well. Both Mr. and Mr Cleghorn have made many friends here during their short stay. , DOCTOR OF OPTICS. ' AT 1105 ADAMS AVE. . .. ; FOLEY HOTEL BUILDING. DO SOT BE MISLED. XO EXTRA CHARGE FOB EXAM INATI05. 29 years of practical experience in fitting glasses is at your service and the prices are lower than elsewhere for the material and service you get of Dr. Mendel sohn. " ' .'. ' The Doctor Is Indorsed by all the leading oculists of the Pacific 'Coast and by all the physicians of TIIIS CITY. SIILL, REFUTATION r AND HONESTY, should be taken into consideration to have your eyes rightly fitted. The satisfaction of those we have served is your guarantee that we will serve yon satisfactorily. All broken glasses replaced while job wait OFFICE HOURS 9:00 a. m. to 12 m.; 1 to 5 p. m. and 7 to 8 -i. m. Isls Has Fine Program. Continuing to please the large crowd of patrons the Isls theatre is running one of the beBt programs that it has ever put on. The Barrlngton house party as shown in moving pic tures tells an imprerslve story ot love where the whole world worships the lover. Of course a secret elopement Is found necessary and the many In cldents that led up to the event are so Interesting that the audience for gets everything else. Go to the Isls and rest your tired mind. Every night it is crowded because it deserves the patronage it receives. , FOR. RENT Three unfurnished rooms, good location. Inquire at this office. FOR SALE 7 room bouse, modern in every respect, good barn, corner Jot 60x120, 1108 Penn Ave. Inquire R. E. Smith at Smith and Green's. Must be Above Svsuiclon. Notice of Street Improvement To whom it may "concern: Notice la hereby given that in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the Common Council of . the' City of La Grande, Oregon, on the 5th day of . August, 1909, creating Improvement District No. 3 and designating Main avenue, as such district, and tn pursuance of a resolution adopted by said common council on the 28th day of September 1910, whereby said Council determined and declared Its Intention to Improve that portion of Main avenue, In said improvement ; district . as herelnafte described, by laying thereon . cemPt walks, the Council, will, ten days af. ter the service of this notice upon tthe owners of the property affected and benefitted by such improvement, order that said above described im provement be made; that boundaries of said district to be so Improved are as follows: All that portion of Main avenue, from the west curb line of 4th' street to the east curb line of 1st street. Notice Is hereby further given that the council will levy a special assessment on all the property affected and benefitted by such Im provement for the purpose of paying for such improvement Tba( the esti mated cost of such improvement Is the sum of $1685. That the council will on the 26th day of October, 1910, meet at the council chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m.,. to consider said estimated cost and the levy of said assessment, when a hearing will be granted to any person feeling ag grieved by such assessment. , La Grande, Ore., Oct. 13, 1910. CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE, ' Oregon, By D. E. COX, " v Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon.' Oct 14 to 26. . FOR SALE OR TRADE 10 acre apple orchard In Frultdale quarter mile from school, trees 12 years old, will trade for city property, easy terms. Inquire of R. E. Smith at Smith & Greene's. ', Qjj FOR SALE Thirty-thirty 8- vf rifle and -.38 caliber Colts - revolve Phone Black 272. Kidney and bladder ailments are so serious in their consequences, and if unchecked so often fatal that any rem edy' offered for their cure must be above suspicion. Foley's Kidney Pills contain no harmful drugs, and have successfully stood a long and thorough test. Hill's Drug Store. 1 . Card of Thanks. We wish to thank the many friends for the appreciative kindness and sympathy shown to us during the be reavement of our husband and father's death; who died Oct. 12, 1910- Our friends shall ever hold a place of dear remembrance in our hearts. May God's blessing rest upon them. MRS. J. H. KINDRED and Children. DvBenterv ii a dangerous disea. but can be cured. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy lins been suecewfuliy used in nine epidemics of dysentery. It has never been known to f.iil. it Ueouaily val uable f'-r children end mlultfl, n l when re-duo-il vi?h vati.irai.d wArtcc!, i. !; ylM, '!.. take, ; ' In borinr a couch medicine, don't b. afraid to get Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. There is no danger from it, and relief is sure to follow. Especially recommended for coughs, colds and whooping cough. pairing Pure Caftdy Is a Mission Modern Sireett A Mistwn Fulfilled PttronitttUuMir DfW , Nritm CMbcHtMrjr C., Mln., Prtlu4, PrtfM s .'i . Arm FOUND Silver watch on fair grounds. Owner can have same by', calling at this office anj paying tho expense.. WANTED Position by experienced bookkeeper, can furnulsh bank refer-, ence or will take; several small sets or books.' Write what you have, stat ing salary. Address H. C. F. care Ob server office. FOR RENT Two furnished front rooms on ground . floor. Gentlemen prefered. Phone Red 3762. . FOR SALE Dining room table and chairs, one, kitchen range, one cabi net, one gasoline three burner stove. rT,on it I.V.. 4 1 1.. u macu ni unit, Ajjpiy over , the Ises. ?vi'ii;j,Hiij1-T FOR RENT Furnished front room with all conveniences, gentleman pre ferred, 1806 4th street. WANTED-Four or five lroners and mangle girls at once. A. B. C. Laun dry. ":':&& , " '..'. Victim of Drink Needs Orrine. Drink cunningly destroys the will power, and while the drunkard wants to do what you tell him, he wants a thousand times more the drink that be craves. Medical treatment is neces sary, Orrine will .destroy the desire for liquor, so that the drink will not be missed and restores the patient to health. ; This remedy Is thoroughly scientific and Is so uniformly successful that it is sold with a registered guarantee to refund your money if it fails to effect . Drunkenness." free on renuesK . Thn Orrine Co., C74 Orrine Building, Wash ington, D. C. Sold in this city by Sllverthorn's Family Drug store. When the digestion h all right, the 'action of the bowels regular, there is a natural crav ing and relish for food. When this is lack ing you may know that you need a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver TahleU. They strengthen the digestive organs, im prove the appetite and vguiate the bowels. PARIS HAIR STORE Full Line of Hair Goods. HAIR , PRESSING. Mrs. Ada Palmer' Phone Main 731. 209 Fir Street