PAGE FOUR LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBEK 19, 1910. "X I. J n ,5 j ' It ! A J. i j 5 r:? id ij m Hi THE OBSERVER I Pukllshed Dally Except feandaj. ' Bb'ce Dennis, ' EdlUr and Owner. V Entered at tbe postoffice at La Grande as second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Dally, single copy Dally, per week. 15c Dally, per month. 65c This paper will not publish au ar ticle appearing over a nom de pi lme timed articles will be revised ..ub ect to the discretion of the editor Please sljtn your articles and at re tlsappointme&L IS T1IE CAMPAIGN PROGRESSES Do you know there Is a real cam paign on in this state? Tbe fight is naturally centered on the head of tbe ticket, which 1b Bow erman on the Republican side and West on the Democratic side of the house. The attempt to pull the non partisan plan on the people has, failed, and C S. Jackson, of the Portland Journal, who Is the only force of con sequence behind West has settled down to a campaign of personality with the Journal as West's mouthniecA. Should West win, which is almost among the lmposslDtlltles, it will mean that the Portland Journal with Jack ion at ill head will dictate affairs of state. West may be a good underman. He has always worked as' such and having that kind of training you must expect nothing else, of him. Jackson Is resourceful and cunning and would be a boss over West In all affairs. ' If the people want the Journal in the gubernatorial chair they can have it by voting for West. On ths other hand, if they want a man of the peo ple to be governor it is necessary that Bowerman be elected. The opposition to Bowerman has fired Its .heavy guns. It has had men woiklng overtime look ing up the record of Bowerman. The magnifylnug glass has been placed over every day "of his life from' the time he split wood in the town of Sa lem to the present day. And nothing has been found against the man. There is nothing that even the Journal can make stick against Bowerman. Every time that paper springs something It bounces off because of coming ln con tact with the truth about the Condon boy. The campaign is on in earnest. It will last several days longer during which time quite likely the corrupt practice act will be violated by the enemies of 'Bowerman, but no headway will be made. It is very, very hard to blacken the character by false accus ation of a man whose career Is open to tbe public as Bowerman's is. THE ACTIVE SMALLER CITY. This evening the little city of Union will hold a commercial club banquet. That sounds good, but many will sat, "Oh, the day of the commercial club boosting, is almost over in the north west" Now, the truth is, the day is not over but in many places that day is a dark one and lack of interest In it has almost caused its abandon ment. But Union is different from many GEORGE PALMER, Pres. W. JL UK N 110 LIS, Ass't. Cash: F. J. HOLMES, YlccPres. EARL ZUNDEL, ti Asst Cash. F. L. METERS, Cashier. LA GRANDE-NATIONAL BANK OF LA GRANDE, OREGON United States Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $200,000.00 DIRECTORS W. L. B2EIH0LT9 F. I MITERS W, M. FIERCE , GE0N1 FALKia w. j. council F. J. H0LKZ8 tTlth ear aatl roaareei ait facilities we cai reader yes effldfat serrtee aa haadls yttr kubMts U jtir entire satisfaction. towns, either large er srcall, for Un ion keeps pegging away whether tie sun shines or whether . the clouds thicken. Therein lies tbe key to sue cessful commercial club work. It Is easy to follow the band when the ex cltement runs high, but the hard part of commercial club work comes when there is not much stirring. . Tonight Union's business men meet around the festal board to enjoy a banquet and talk over what is best for Union and the Grande Ronde val ley. There will be one hundred -plates and many speeches have been prepar ed for the occasion. Did It ever occur to you that few towns many times the size of Union can keep thlngB going so well. There are several live wires In the Catherine creek town and. they never quit working .That Is what makes things move. THE SUPPORT OF GAILOWAT. Cecil Galloway, whose name appears on the ticket for county commissioner, will have the support of the north end of the county practically solid regard- ess of political parties. This Is the strongest recommendation a man can have, for when home folks are for him It Is a safe guess that the man Is right, And Cecil Galloway is right. He lays no claim to ability as a politi cian for bis life has been lived in a different channel. He has been a work er, belonging strictly to the produc ing class and little of his time has been spent around the countv sent. When he was selected for county com missioner he proved his ability, not by experience on the official end, for he had never had any, but because he knew Union county and realized the needs of the county and the people. When a question came up In the most remote part of the county Cecil Gallo way Instantly understood the local sur roundings and whit was needed. His counsel thus aided the court in ad Justing matters equitably- in. different parts of thetvalley. ' Mr. Galloway will be elected be cause he Is fitted for the place and has made good during his present term. ' -, , 0 i To Our Subscribers. at . , .'. - The date stamped on your paper showB the time paid too. We would like to hear ' from you if you think our ef forts deserves further patron age. Write us at once, if not, notify the stopping of your paper. We hate to loose a subscriber, but we must know that you want the paper or same will be stopped. LA GRANDE EVENING OB SERVER. t For the Ambitions Vj Unfotrsitp (Phutntinttl -a by mall for thooa who cannot attend la paraon. All Instruction, Including final lunlnationa. la FRB. Far Uaohara. atodanto praparing or collage or onl varsi ty, woaan 'a club. (Tangaa, ang'naars ana noma masars. no preliminary hhbiu la required, this mail auaiee Annartnnitv tctf von. Band for a daaorlptira buUctla to tto I C i wind Saaoy PiaaHaaaa U-lveralty ml Orarjaa Kasane - Depository C C PININGTON CL L CLEAVER F. X. BTRKIT lif 1 THE NEWEST STYLE We buy everything in the East, thereby assuring only the latest and best styles, as they have been select ed' by Eastern garment buyers. This store's reputation for highest quality, newest style and lowest price is back of every garment we sell. We invite you to inspect our line. M K S ITEMS PERSONALS AND LOCALS FROM TOWN UP THE RIVER. Another "Trick" Instituted at Hllgard 0. R. & N. Ticket Office. Hllgard, Oct. 19 (Special) A very successful entertainment was given Saturday evening by the public school under the careful supervision of Mr. J. R. Towner, a few musical numbers were rendered and several recitations by the pupils, ending with a comic dia logue which Was Interesting as well as laughable. "Afterwards there was a basket supper, the many pretty bas kets being sold by J. D. Casey, who proved to be a splendid auctioneer. The money which was raised will reach about $76.00 and will go toward getting curtains for the school and also will enable the school to add a good deal to their library. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanford have moved down from Kamela and will again make their home in Hllgard. Miss Helen Hart came over from Pendleton Saturday to spend Sunday at her home and participate Inthe mu sic for the school entertainment. Another operator has been Installed in the local depot and there are three tricks now the two night operators be ing Mr. McClaren and Miss Helen Spafford. Mr. Jay Hawes is expected home soon where he has been with bis fath er In Idaho. soon. He has been visitln hisv fath above town Is progressing rapidly, the concrete work being all done and the steel fixtures will belnstalled soon. Miss Jenny Casey left last week for Portland where she had to go on ac-1 count of a lingering sickness butj word has been received that she has Improved much during the Summer' while she has been home. Mr. Gene Bartness is in the La urande hospital. 'He Is quite sick with typhoid pneumonia. Mr. J. D. Casey is moving the boil er and the engine from the saw mill on Spring Creek to the planing mill in I Hllgard. He expects to put In a new planer also. Three ImporiaM F to consider when Ready THE HIGHEST QUALITY You can feel absolutely sure of finding the quality of every garment perfectly satisfactory when you buy at Ths Quality Store. WE ST Notice of Street ImproTemenr, T0 whom It may concern: Notice Is hereby given that in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of La Grande, on the 5th day of August, '1909, creating I Improvement District No. 1 and des-' Ignatlng Adams avenue as such dis trict, and in pursuance of a resolu tion adopted by said Common Council on the 28th day of September, 1910, hereby said Council determined, and declared Its Intention to Improve all that portion of Adams avenue, in said Improvement district as hereinafter described, by laying thereon cement walks, the Council will, ten dayB af ter the service of this notice upon the owners of the property affected and benefitted by such Improvement, or der that said above described Improve ment be made; that boundaries of said district to be so improved are as fol lows: All that portion of Adams ave nue from the west curb line of 4th street to the east curb line of 1st street. Notice is hereby furth er given that he council will levy a special assessment on all the property affected and benefitted by such Improvement for the purpose of paying for such improvement That the estimated cost of such Improve ment Is the sum of 11800. That the Council will on the 26th day of Octo ber, 1910. meet at the Cquncll chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m. to con sider said estimated cost, and the levy of said assessment, when a hearing will be granted to any person feeling aggrieved by such assessment. La Grande, Oregon, Oct. 13, 1910. CITY COUNCIL OP LA GRANDE, OREGON, By' D. Eh COX, Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon. Oct 14 to 26. A Book Worth Reading. A little hook showing the human appendix and telling how appendici tis Is caused and how you can easily prevent It, Is offered free for a short time by A. T. Hill. Position wanted by man and wife as cook and helper. Camp preferred. Want ads psy, one cent a word. to - Wear Garments THE LOWEST PRICE The least amount of money you pay for a garment is not always economy or e ven the lowest price in the end. . I'' If you consider.quality and style in your garments you will find this store's price ' tbe lowest a dollar's worth of value for every dollar you spend. The Quality Store Humor and ' Philosophy r DVTCAA M. SMITH PERT PARAGRAPHS. JVERY father knows ft never was such a driveling Idiot In his yontb as his son is, and the son hugs him self In the mild delusion that he never will be Buch a back number as his dad Is. ' If tbe average man could run hla own affairs as well as he knows he could run the other fellow's there would be a bis decrease In the failures reported by Dunn and Bradstreet Too much faith Is to be deplored even as too little, especially when deal ing with a green goods man. Some women select their beauty doc tor with more care than they do their Most of us can bear the troubles of nth, fd W mnoh hotter than he the other fellow much better than he can. One reason why women don't want to vote Is because they haven't time to spare from tbe servant problem, t - Plaea Par Him. "Do you understand mathematlcsr mtAoA tha sTU minor "If John bad two atples and save one to his sister oh, fini!" "And grammar?' ( "Great Nobody can tell me nothing in that branch." "How about Latin r "Well, I know just a Uttle hog Lattn." "Back to tbe stockyards for you." No Sslary AttiohwJ. "Being a hero must be a sport" "It Is good sport, ail right -Still, It has Its drawbacks, too, I suppose. "You bet It has." What are theyf "WelL an empty stomach is the most ncomfortable." . Safe. Thla land la well mniwi tnm Oa that don't waat your bremtlk A regiment of umpire formed Would scar a foe to dath. mo buy you A Household MedicinA To be really valuable must show good results from each member of the family using it. Foley's Honey and Tar, does Just this. Whether It Is the chronic cough of elderly people, or whether it Is with children or grown persons, Foley's Honey and Tar is always safe, sure and effective. It cures coughs, colds, croup, whoop ing cough, and all affections of the, throat, chest and lungs. Earl Fair, ! Waukesha, Wis., writes us recently;' "For some years past I have bee! a great friend of your Foley's Hone and Tar cough1 remedy, and our fan ily uses it for all coughs and colis. I had a most stubborn cough wbch gave me much distress and intfn venience and failed to respond tcor dinary treatments. I finally rested to the old reliable Foley's Honeand Tar and less than two 60 cent tjttles effected a complete cure. I cojsider it the greatest and best Coug? rem edy ever made and recommeni.tQ all." " f-i-n ,.. . ...... . . . . . . . jC. . 5. 1 1 1 1 1 "' " " 1 1 '11 1 i You Doubth Appreciate Prompt, Painstakingitten- J Hon to the details '(JlVOUr I . . ! " I Banking Business, fhis is I where we can be if real 1 Service to You,! 1 . r : I NMajr f If t lot of 7 i: t ILf i i NatiAl Banlr, ;i LA GRpDE, OREGON ! - "1