LA GILLKDZ ETx2n"G OIEP.VEIl. TTEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1310. PAGE OTTO 'a ii i., i . 1 i MHHMMHIIHMHj IOLYMPICI ! Pancake Flour i 4 rs a!va7S rrixei Rtztj fzr Use Pure and ! Healthful I Tender and Delicious . X Pancakes 25 Gents a Package Patfcon Bros. t Use either phcne IIHIIIIIIIIHtlllHlllIll Ths What They AilSay: foa'J airsi a foolish fztet DHa "Str and vote l3-8 If fo'd stt Oregon stif free, ' D ink "$2m-Q"lzai vote 34-3 : Iff, d have business grow and thrive, Drlne "Sam-0" and vote 34-5 Its Good ForVhat Ms You "2 Complete equipment for rubber buggy tires. LA GRANOE IRON WORKS D. PtlZGERALD.JVopratar Gjmpltte Machine Shops and Foundry thAere tract cm Adaoia avnu. New 9-room brick bottM, macadam treet la front of property. City water on comer of projxrty. 8wer of tb cHy crota'Mi foil leutb of property, and ha a contract with city to tap tewer on every CO foot lot without coat A aplendld borne nl Inteatment, Price S09jW 1-2 caab, balance on tenna. ,pA frrofim modern brick bouae, 2 lota 124x129 feet nice abade treea frnit and lawn, barn, wood abed, etc., on corner of 2nd and Spring street for the remarkable low price of $1800.00. Eaay tenna. Tbla property haa been bld at 12100.00 bat the owner mnat have money, nence the jrTat reduction In price. Let me ahow you. 1 T .T. RI . ACIC The Real Estate Man t f. . t Use ELECTRIC LIGHT Its Convenience and Economy will Surprise You let us tell you all about it EASTERN OREGON yghtandPowcr Company r4 to Ct ELI La- - s V1-0-5A rKusaca UZZtr wli:l ti j Kiiausi,c3amrta(k. A.t sci M-O-XA r-r n f-xn a wta -f jcfe ai2 1 T3xzt27 itiilJiI iaS 2 5t jot la Sue! sTAx tilt ra -yikl!? aa-I Xxat aa aa yvi ssrt t til XI- 0-5A s?sas uks frEiSc3 f Cx4 wt3 t a tlla of tie ;at. XiVtrinsX la tl stoeaci. teitlixg of ras tii tariwra vSl 41iA;;ar, aa4 la a a2fr of CxZ&'mm, VTsssMMta, M-rrosac For a or tr cTks, tea We g Airinx pTttziatj, or titer tltt of xilltyt MI-O-XA I fcttr than Ci tt reaedy yon can Cai- Larje box tor S est t Xewlia Vnt Co, s4 irBtjU'Ji Trrfcr- Oct ft-lS-27 Wiat 4 per. on eat a wcrL resetting and repairing ' SI t. European Plan Only Rooms 60c to S 1.60" First class Throughout SAVOY I0TE D. C. BRICHOUX, Proprietor. 0HE BLOCK FROM DEPOt La Grande, Otegon My pay Rent TJlVe loan you money to ybultd, and you pay us as) you would rent, J. R. OUMT OO000O0000!L1 cirk mkt. 0 O iir o Lt l , timiti llUmti hy Is Cwty Cwi at the OrUhtr Term, 111. x Bartfctt, Work on j Ztri'Jsra, tit ...... .141 0 1 jr. Las-oreaax. Do 71 00 Ta E:hart Work la Auea- tor'iofc 20 00 El Neiderer, gerrleea aa Jaa- 50 00 EaJtb, opt Poor Farm... 5 00 Go. Haxmell. Work at Poor Farm J2 00 L, Stlllwell, Sertlce aa Frnit Inapector 73 50 F. P. Chfldera, Prlaonera board for September It C5 C. 8. Fidelity tt Guaranty Co. Premloo on Eherlff a Bond... 20 00 Pacific Tel. and Tel. Co., Phone rent as per bill....;., Zi 70 Home Ind. TeL Co Do.' 11 70 EL O. Light Power Co.. Lights per bill 2 0 City of La Grande, Water rent ; for September ;. 12 20 Effle Billings, Work In School i 8opt offlce t 00 H. A. Cone, Ua of mlmeogflpb , and seniles 1 50 I Inapector 25 00 31. K. Hall, M. D., Serrlces as j Co. Physician 25 00 J5. Moll tor, Secy. Co. Board of 1 Health $92 Boys' it Girls' AM Society, Al lowance for September, 10 00 Adna B. Rogers, Registering Voters ..................... 10 00 W. A. Maxwell, Do.... 11 00 L. J. Darla, Do ..11 20 Etnil Xelderer, Cleaning Ballot 'Boxes 100 D. Wrlfht Hall rent Primary i Electkm 2 0 F. P. Cblldera, Dellrerlng Ballot uoiea i-i o Orange McOmber, Retnrning ballot boxes from Perry 2 00 W. A. Maxwell, Canraaalng rotes Primary Election ...... 10 00 A. C. Williams, Do 10 00 Wright Drug Co., Mdae for Elec tion IV 44 8. O. Johnson, Judge of Elec tion, Allcel Precinct......... 6 00 W. 8. McMillan. Do 00 Tnos. Clark, Do........ 6 00 J. A. Gaaklll, Clerk of Election, Allcel 00 Chas. Playle. Do 6 00 , , Piles Tared la 6 to 11 Days. PAZO OINTMENT la guaranteed to core any case of Itching. Blind or Pro truding Piles in 6 to 14 daya or money refunded. 50 c. 5oUee ef Street lmproTfmeBt : To whom It may concern: Notice Is hereby given that in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of La Grande, Ore gon, on the 9tb day of February. 1910, Creating Improvement District No. 19 and designating 5th Street, as such district, and in pursuance of a resolu tion adopted by said Common Council on the 28th day of September, 1919, whereby said Council determined and declared Its Intention to improve all that portion of 5th street In said Im provement district as hereinafter de scribed, by laying thereon cement walka, tbo Council will, ten days after the service of this notice upon the owners of the property affected and beneflttd by such Improvement, order that sattt above described im provement be made; that boundaries of said dlstr'ct to be so improved are as follnfts: All that portion of 5th street .'row the east curb line of De pot atreet, to the norfh curb line of O avenue. Notice Is hereby further given that the Council will levy a special assessment on all the property affect ed and benefitted by such Improvement foi the purpose of paying for such lm pruTemnt. That the estimated coat of such Improvement is the sum of $843.50. That the Council will on the 26th day of October, 1910, meet at the Council chamber ' at the hour , of 8 o'clock p. m. to consider said esti mated cost, and the levy of said as sessment, when a bearing will be granted to any person feeling ag grieved by such assessment La Grande, Oregon, Oct. 13, 1910. CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE, OREGON. By D. E. COX, Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon. Oct 14 to 28. o; - A: i , r. maincics. i s k. V.t-, Astfc5 Preet...... is 44 King Spain, Jaije of Eleesieo. Antelope Ed Wolf, Oectkm Js-ise, Aittl o , C t J C. A. It'll, Election Clerk. Aatl- o ... ......... W. V. TUbs; Do 4 I. L, llillr. Do CM R- 1L Duncan. Election Js.!e tig crwx c 4 D. F. South, Do s en W. E. Tamer, Do........ g lixrry Cook. Election Clerk aaj Messenger. Big Creek.... 2 John J. McClain, Election Clerk, Big Creek G, W. Socta, Do............... J. K. Lantx. Judge and Messezg- ' er, Core Precinct 9 24 Ray Doncan, Election Judge, Cove J, E. Trlppier, Do .... 8. G. Reea. Election Clerk, Cove O. T. Severs. Do.... T. W. Conklln. Election Clerk, Cove C to I M 60 M C 00 i. A. Baker, Judge 41 Messenger, X. Elgin Precinct 10 OS C. E. Moore, Jadge of Election, N. Elgin Precinct ....... EL EL Jones. Do........... C 8. Rice, Clerk of Election, N. Elgin Precinct A. f Skmm A- . t 00 00 00 V. F.Weiss, Do...;............ A. IL Parsons, Jadge of Elec tion. 8. Elgin Precinct A. J. Tucker, Do J. H. Barnes, Jadge 4b Messeng-r C 0 C 00 00 er, 8. Elgin ......10 20 Chas. A. Patten, aerk of Elec tion, 3." Elgin g 00 R. A. Hog. Do................. 6 00 Joe Hangarth, Do.....j. ...... g 00 CL N. Lewis, Judge of Election, Hilgard.... Geo. Haneke, Do Dan W. Sanford, Do...., J. R. Towner, Herk of Election, Hilgard J. D. Casey, Do Ben Cotner, Clerk Messenger, Hilgard Wm. Banton. Judge of Election, 6 00 6 00 00 6 00 6 00 7 CO Hot Lake C 00 Frank Counsell, Do............ 6 00 Ed. W. Walllngton, Clerk k Mes senger, Hot Lake 8 40 Wm. G. Sawyer, Clerk of Elec tion, Hot Lake 6-00 John Lar'm. Do.......... 6 00 J. W. Tattle. Judge of Election and Mess., Imbler. 9 00 John Weils, Jadge of Election, Imbler 6 00 Wm. A. Parker, Do... 6 00 W. F. Chatten. aerk of Elec tlon, Imbler 6 00 F. N. Hoffedltz, Do 6 00 Walter Strlngham, Do. 6 00 Franklin Zubrlck. Judze of Election, Island 6 00 Geo. E. Wells, Do. 6 00 A. R. Hunter, Judge & Messeng er, Island 6 60 Andrew Van Blockland, Clerk of Election, Island 6 00 U, G. Couch, Do $ 00 M. W. Kiddle, Do. 6 00 C. A. Norden, Judge of Election, Kamela 6 00 J. A. Graybeal, Do. ............ 6 00 Franklin Truax, Do 6 00 L. E. Tipton. Clerk & Messeng er, Kamela 10 00 W. S. Nelson, Clerk of Election, Kamela ...... 6 00 M. F. Burnett, Do 6 00 M McMurry, Judge t Messenger, La Grande, No. 1 6 20 Robt. Deal, Judge of. Election, La Grande No. 1.7 6 00 Thos. Harris, Do 6 00 Henry Dray, Clerk of Election, La Grande No. 1 6 00 A. Matott, Do 6 00 Geo. S. BIrne, Do.............. 6 00 H. W. Stoner, Judge & Messeng er, La Grande No. 2. 6 20 O. F. Coolldge, Judge of Elec tion, La Grande No. 2 6 00 Geo. Ball, Do. . 6 00 D. E. Cox, Clerk of Election, La Grande No. 2 6 00 M. J. Mansager, Do. 6 00 C. M. Humphreys. Do 6 00 B. W. Grandy. Judge ft Mes- . senger, La Grande No. 8..... 6 20 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 II. A. Corpe, Judge of Election, La Grande No. 3. John Harvey, Do.... B. L. Leavltt Clerk of Election, La Grande No. 3. II. R. Hanna, Do G. W. Allen, Judge ft Messenger, La Grande No. 4 6 20 F. H. Owaley. Judge of Election, La Grande No. 4 6 00 Wm. Grlder, Do. 6 00 W. M. Andis, Clerk of Election, La Grande No 4 6 00 ( 4 24 La Gras4 No. 5 W. O. Siemroot CIrk tt tiaa. L Grx!Li Xx Z C 14 GK W. Rotrta. Do.. cS C- SL Moore. Jage of ETectfoa. , Xori Povder u 49 J. B. WHsoo. Do g 6 John Siaw, Do ; g ) R. M. Slsaw. Or of Electicn. - Xorti Powder ( 4 J- A. X5, Do r . f M O. D. Thasnllssoa. Do 00 O. MtOmiier. Ji!ge U Election. Perry C 00 Ol Matson. Do coo Ed Yohcont Do 6 60 Leon B. Stoddard. Clerk of Elec tion, Perry g 09 Harry Coalwen, Do , g 00 Nornun Stodiard, Do... C 00 Wm. Cboate, Judge ft Messeng- ' er. Sammerrille 9 20 M. D. Sanderson. Jadge of Elec- . ; tlon. SammerTille C 00 BenF. Hag. Do C 00 Gea a Moats, Clerk of Election,- Sammerrille ..; C 00 Chas. F. Oswald. Do... C 00 CL W. Oliver. Do ( 00 A J. Sullivan, Jadge of Election. . . J. F. Alden. Do.. B. P. Burnett Do W. H. Briggs. Herk of Election. 8tarkey ........ 6 00 c 00 6.00 J. B. Hagey. aerk ft Messenger, Starkey Prect. ...11 00 W. 8. Burnett aerk of Election, . Starkey 4,. $ 0 John W. Reeves, Judge and Mes senger, Union No. 1 9 20 Andy Wilkinson, Judge of Elec tion. Union No. 1 Ed Mitchell, Do.......... Frank Minnick, Clerk of Elec tion, Union No. 1..........L. 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 Jas. Webb.' Do....'. W. E. FIckel, Do.. I. Landers, Judge ft Messenger, Union No. 2 ........ 9 20 S. M. Haynes. Judge of Election, Union No. 2. i.. 6 00 Alex Slater, Do , 6 00! W. O'. Miller, aerk of Election, IUIUU .J. m.. W V A J. Olson. Do...;... :.. 6 00 Geo. T. Ferguson. Do 6 00 Foley Hotel, Meals for Jurors. . 4 55 R. L. Stevens, Sheriff, Serving Criminal Subpoenas 2 00 Ed Rand. Sheriff, Do 1 50 W. J. Townley, Grand Juror. . . 15 20 W. J. Church. Do.. 15 20 James Moss, Do 17 20 T.J. Hughey.Do 15 20 J. A. Pilcher, Do..... 23 00 C. J. Wyatt, Do 21 00 J. A. Gaskill, Do 18 20 J. J. Brown, Petit Juror 6 20 J. A. Graybeal, Do 40 40 James Mcaure, Do.. I.... 22 00 C. A. Hill, Do 37 20 James Peach, Do......... 25 40 C. J. Forstroom, D0....H...... 15 20 Geo. E. Becker, Do 42 60 R. A. Hug. Do 41 00 J. A. Mastereon, Petit Jnror... 10 20 Lee Humphrey, Do 24 60 T. D.Todd. Do 32 60 Albert Ohms, Do 34 20 T. L. Wilkinson. Do 41 40 J. D. Hudson. Do 32 80 M. L. Carter, Do..., 26 40 Chas. E. Moore, Do 29 20 A. Rysdam. Do 37 20 Link Wood, Do.....;.......... 39 20 J. Brown.-Do... ............ 39 20 Willis Wright, Do 42 00 Louis I Klinefelter, Do 42 20 Geo. W. Johnson, Do 27 60 P. A. McDonald, Do : . 21 00 John Graham, Do 28 40 A. J. Elliott, Do. 39 20 John Rlggs, Special Juror, Do. . 22 00 C. A. Vurpillat, Do 12 20 R. W. Severs, Do. 27 60 Andrew Anderson, Do.... 25 00 R. E. Smith, Do....... 15 20 Sam Marshall, Do 22 80 Theo. Keckrltx, Do 27 80 J. C Pixton, Do 30 60 1 A. C. Glenn, Do. . 30 20 J. A. Howell. Do 4 80 W. A.Elmer, Do.....; 25 60 W. H. Compton, Witness, State v. Townsend 10 60 Walter J. Spencer, Do 2 20 Mrs. Josle Townsend, Do 8 20 J.C. Austin, Do....... ......... 8 20 Ralph Halt. Do... 8 20 Chris F. Strieker, Do.. 18 20 H. F. Peters, Do 18 80 William Spencer, Do .....'22 00 W. J. Spencer, Do 10 20 M R. Daughters, Do 82 20 Fred Jennlson. Do 22 00 H. F. Peters, Do. 4 00 Chris Strieker, Do.....v.. 4 00 EL SL B.uI. Do A. EL rvr. Do E. B. Ttr.ZLiaaz. Ja rf E- " Cca, La Grts I s Na 5 Jita McAlitr, Jafge Ms- a-e2gr. La Cnai So. J- A. Fraier, Jie ol Et'Joa, M.-S- Jie'e Towiset j. Do...... 4 c W. EL Ccyaa Do.. 4 ) JsLcs Rotaci. Do..;.......... 2 ; W.. S. Crocks-1 WltitES. ;e ts. KL2t-iy etal.... ........ 24 C"J Baorgaa, Do Ford A. EZi. r3. a EL FcwJer. Do SJ 4 2 r) Go. EL Good. Do D. EL Cox. Do (Contfsxed frosi Page Ttrea.) V A. FEOnSSIOSlL WEICT0BT. X o 00 o o; O FBTSICU5S XSD SnXIOJS. X. MOLTTOB, U tv-Physidan ari Sargeon. Corner Adasa Ave. aaj Depot street. 0"ce, Mala tg; TLaU ieaea CS. C H. UPTON. Ph. a M. Du FtyskUa and aargeoa. - Spedal attention to Eye, Ear, Nose axd Throat OSca in La Grande National Baak Baild-: lag-; Phones: 0c Mala 2, Resi-' dence Main 22. A- I. EICHAKDSON Phyxiclan and anrgeoa. OSes Honrs: 2 ta 5 p. m. except Sunday Sunday by appoint ments. Telephones: OSce, Black . 1362: las. 2S3r tmMmm -tz . Ind. 312. ' "" GEO... W. ZnnXERMl.V--0teopatli Phyalciaa. Soauaer Bld4 Rooms 7, 8. 9 and It. Phones: Heme 1232, Pacific, Main 63, Residence phone. ' Black 951. Successor to Dr. C. E - Meore. DR. Ml P. MENDELSOHN Dactor of Optica. Spectacles aad Eye Glasses Fitted and made to order. All er rors at Refraction Corrected. 1105 Adams Ave. Foley Hotel Bldg. La Grande. Oregon. DR. H. L. UNDERWOOD and DR. DORA J. UNDERWOOD Office ov. er Wright Drug store. Special at tention paid to diseases and surgery 1 of the eye. Phones-Office Main 22; residecce. Main 728. PRICE, D. M. D. Dentist Room 23. La Grande National Bank Build ing. Phone Black 399. DR. P. A. CHARLTON .Veterinary Sur- geon. Office at Hill's Drug Store, La Grande.' Residence phone. Red 701; Office phone, Black 1311; Inde pendent phone 53; both phones at residence. ATT0R5XTS AT LAW. COCHRAN ft COCHRAN Attorneys : Chaa. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Coch ran. La Grande National Bank Bldg., La Grande, Oregon. T, H. CRAWFORD Attorney at Law. Practices in al lthe courts of the State and United States. Office in La Grande National Bank Bldg, La Grande, Oregon. D. W. a NELSON Mining Engineer. Baker City. Oregon. Professional Elocutionist ' ; Miss Katherlne P. Mitchell, gradu ate and post graduate In Oratory and English, Cumnock school, Northwest ern university, Chicago, HL, Private ana closs work. Elocution, Oratory, Dramatic work. Physical Culture, Tu tor and Critic, English Literature aad Composition. Phone Black 331. 1403 N. Avenne. Terra Cotta Well Casing Call or write for Estimates and John Melville 1425 Adams Ave. LA GRANDE, - ORE 2? 1 - 1 imw '"" v -A"' '.-l-i-