LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER. ' TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1910. D THE ETE AXI SERTE SPECIALIST OF SALT LAKE nil IS XOW AT THE SAYOY HOTEL HOURS 0 a. m. to 12 Xoon ASD S p. m. to 7 p. m. THIS WEEK 0'LI TILL FRIDAY. LOOKUP BOUAD HOCSE TORE DOWN ON WEST TO PERMIT COXXECTIOX. New Wrecking Crane Sent to This Point-Other Railroad Sews. ' ' EXAMINATION FREE. ' ' y ' - ..: . .:..:." . Entire attention . devoted to fitting and grinding glasses for difficult and Preparations for connecting the old round house with the new addition to It which will house the tnallot engines, took defnlte shape today when work' men commenced to tear out the west end of the old building In anticipation of making the connecting walla. The foundations and engine pits for the mallet are ready and construction of , the walls will commence at once. ' Material for the additional round house stalls and for the $160,000 ma chine, and; blacksmith, shop Is being accumulated with much rapidity' and it is now but' a short time until the stubborn cases. Did you . ever have your eyes fitted right? 1 want your building will commence to take shape difficult and stubborn cases. I don't care how many have failed to fit your case. I tell you my system is success ful Ou viiu cmcb. I . imte uevoiej my life's work to this one stujy. I do nothing else. That's why I succeed. I have Investigated all methods and have formulated a better one of my own. I have got the system you want. If you have headaches, weak eyes, cross-eves strained eyes and want glasses that are easy and fomfortable, call and see me at once. Crossed eyes straight ened without drugs or knife by a new discovery. ' Tame Eagt.a, . ' A man living near Tromso, la Nor way, is a great lover of wild birds and has succeeded in taming three eagles. Tie took them on the moun tain side while they were young and. according to the London Field, kept them a couple of years in captivity . As their craving for liberty, however, grew stronger and stronger be at last let them lobseVbut they have settled down In the neighborhood of his borne. and when he ascends the height which has become their favorite resort with fish or a newly shot seagull they Quickly discover him from afar and come majestically sailing through the air, settling-down -beside him.' Their meal over, they willingly allow blm to pet and stroke them before they again make for the rocky islets, but they will not allow a stranger to approach them. . - DyrenterV is a dangerous disease but can be cured. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and uiarrnoca uemeur ii:is Men successfully used in nine epidemic of dtsenterv. Iths never been known to fail, it in equally vul uable fr children and adults, ami when're duced with water and sweetened, i'; i i piece Absolutely Pure Ttio only baking powder tnado from Roy si Grspo Cream of Tartar ; IMIo,Ho Um PhosJ&ate New Crane for This Point A new wrecking crane larger and with a .heavier capacity has been sent iu ma uivtsion point to handle the wrecks which may from time to time occur. The old crane had a capacity of 100 tons but the new crane can han dle 120 tons. It has gone to Starbuck for use where there Is less demand for heavy machinery. Oil Burners Leaving. The advent of oil burners for moun tain service was short-lived for al ready the engines have been return ed to the Washington and Sandy di visions and only one is now in ser vice at this place. . . r v Etiquette..!'' Vr The very high sounding word eti quette, had a very humble origin, for etiquette meant simply a label. It de rived lts present meaning from' the fact that a Scotch gardener who bad laid out the grounds at Versailles for Louis XIV. was much annoyed at the courtiers walking over bis newly made paths and at length had labels placed to Indicate where they might walk At first these labels were ignored, but a bint from nub quarters tnat in ru ture the walk of the courtiers must be. within1 the '"etiquettes" or label within the "etiquettes' came to mean o do the i-oriwi thing. ;. : ' At It Used to Be. Mlldmay Ih a (ibOuxopber.ln bin way The oilier evnlnjr Mr.M. gave blm. a woldlni! that would have inude nl moHt any irtber ntau i-rary. But Mild may wild never a word in seply. . lie ua!y r.iiirmund to himself: ' "Aud that Is the woman I used to bold on my k net and call my little tootsy wootay!" FOR Breakfast After Eating your Grape Fruit We con now fnrnfsb yon with the following: t : Kellogg's Corn Flakes - E-C-Cbrn Flakes . Post Toastles Violet Oats , Violet Corn Meal Violet Oat Meal Olympic Pancake Flour H. O. Buckwheat ' Cream of Wheat Shredded Wheat Biscuits Trlscult Puffed Rice or Wheat i Towel's Log Cabin Syrup Is De. iicious w nn any oi the a Dove. IPattison Bros. Use either phone ' ' ' ' Generous. - First Begsar- What are you dolnp here. Pete I thmmht your stand wnf rtn the lirldvn. Swond Beggar Oh. i gave th:ii to hit won a a weddlus present.- Megjmidnrf Blatter. Change of Time Soo-Spokane-Portland Train De Luxe Now Leaves Spokane at 2:00 P. W. All trains from the Inland Empire make connection with this popular train. A card will bring a traveling repre sentative to explain in detail any trip desired. Any agent of the O. R. & N. will is sue through tickets at lowest current rates. G. M. Jackson Geo. A. Walton Trav. Pass. Agt Gen. Agt. 14 Wall Street, Spokane. ix-Mayor David & fese OF MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN one of the greatest orators the country Has produced in recent years will speak in LA . GRANDE, at STEWARD'S OPERA HOUSE, , . .... , . i Sunday 1 23 on , , . , Fyohibilioii--What It Doesn't 00 Mr. Rose was elected mayor of Milwaukee for five successive terms. He has been prominently mentionlu -in connection with the vice-priesi-dency and is known the country over as one of its f oremost speakers. ADE MTIM l- I l ., .i,, a" '..ill , J , -ill e : most' V-rt 'I ri.V IT j ... .Kiilil- .)i:.piec:0rigrjQw :..fl ever placed on the market in iariy ciy Five Blocks from ness Gent The ground lies beautifully arid every lot is level and smooth. All lots to be improved with JCEMENT Sidewallcs, Curbing and Parking and All Streets WillBeGraded Pcsitively the choicest, bargains in CLOSE-IN property that can ever be offered in La Grande. The time to buy a Homesite is N o w and Let it Grow Ih Value !! Prices will Advance November 1st Special inducements offered to the Quick Buyer and EASY TERMS will be given. , - ' ' . :''( This is a purely Restricted Residence' District and is destined to be the fut ure High Class residential portion of the city. v , n I Don't Miss It! The Admission Is Free! I r Ht')tHHHtMt