LA GRANDS EVE1TCNG OBSERVER. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1910. PAGE TWO i ii ii' t f f u i I H 5 n a H If if I Just In-10 and 4 'pound Tins Cottolene ! Pronounced Better than animal fat for cooking. New Package Figs 10 and 15 cents f 3 1 and Rom Grocery oakery TtiaVs mm They All Say If you'd avoid a foolish fafe, Drink "Sam-O" andvo'tetf'2-8 If you'jd see Oregon stay free, Dlnk"Sam-0?frid vote J-t4f-3 Ify. d have business grow and thrive, Drine "Sajji-(r and vote 3-4-5 It's Good ForWhat Ails You .- ,,-,-..-( .',v" ...',' :'J 3, fiH'it "7;";''. Gomplete equipment for resetting and repairing rubber buggy tires. V, ' '''' ; V " LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FilZQERALO, Proprietor Complete Machine Shops and Foundry A BARGAIN 112 1-2 acres, 6 acres bearing orchard, 75 acres under cultiva .. room house, pantry, bath and closets; new; large barn, 60x90 feev, good condition; household furniture; 3 head horse, 3 cows, 1 year ling, l calf, 2 pigs, 1 wagon, 1 mower; 1 rake; one snlkey plow; 1 hand plow; 1 cultivator; 1 harrow; 2 lawn mowers;. $80.00 sep arator and all other small tools on farm; 4 miles from La Grande; all for $12,000.00. Let me show yon. ...... C. J. BLACK The Real Estate Man Use ELECTRIC LIGHT Its Convenience and Economy will Surprise You let us tell you all about it EASTERN OREGON Light and Power Company SLY 60 CE5TS That's III It Costs to Get Bid of Id ... digestion. ; All stomach misery will go in fivf minutes if you will put your faith Jn MI-O-NA stomach tablet which the Newlin Drug Co. things so well of that they guarantee them to cure any stom ach ailment, or money back. After using MI-O-NA for one short da you will .cjolce and be sincerely thankful that at leaBt you have found a prescription that acts quickly and beneficially on the stomach. ' Just as soon as you start to take MI-O-NA stomach tablets fermentation of food will be a thing of the past. WaterbraBh, pain In the stomach, belching of gas and heartburn will disappear, and In a few days danger of dizziness, bllllousness, nervousness and sick headache will vanish. For sea or car silences, vomiting during pregnancy, or after a night of sociability, MI-O-NA is better than the best remedy you can find. Largs box for SO cents at Newlin Drug Co. and druggists everywhere. Oct 6-18-27 Want ads. pay, one cent a word. European Plan Only Rooms 50c to $1.50 First class Throughout I0TE D. G. BRIGHOUX; Proprietor. ONE BLOCK FROM DEPOt La Grande, (Jj? gon Rfhy pay Rent ?ZWe loan you money to build, andyou pay us as) you would rent v. R. OUVER. SAVOY mm TALENTED MILWAUKEE SPEAKER TO ADDRESS LOCAL AUDIEXCE. Comes With National Reputation Be. bind Him to Discuss Prohibition. One of the finest orators In the bus iness has been retained for what is no doubt of the , strongest - speeches of the present campaign when David S.'Rose, the noted Milwaukee, Wis., lecturer appears here next Sunday ev ening. Mr. Rose is considered to be one of the cleverest and skilled men on the platform today. He will discuss the question, "ProhibitionWhat It Does Not Prohibit." His address will be de livered at tne Steward Opera house DAVID S. ROSE " Talented Milwaukee Lecturer who conies to La Grande Sext Sunday Ev enlng. ' ; . and the regulation full houses will of course be repeated again. Mr. Rose first gained distinction when he en tered Into public debates against the liquor prohibition a few : years ago In various middle west cities. . , PEOPLE of OREGON it is now UP TO YOU The popular -COLONIST FARES will again be in effect between September loth, and October 15, during which period tickets to La Grandefwill be on sale daily from' CHICAGO at . . $33.00 ST. LOUIS . . . 32.00 OMAHA . . . . 25.00 KANSAS CITY. . 25.00 ST.PAUL ... 25.00 and from other cities correspond ingly low. These are Westbound, one-way fare only, but anyone here can PREPAY for relatives or friends In the East, it desired. Consult your local railroad ag ent NOW IS THE TIME to let the world know of our vaut resources and splendid. opportun ities for HOME BUILDING. Write to everyone you know In the East. Send them , good instruc-. tlve printed matter, and tell them that the cost of getting here Is hut lltUe more than halt the us ual cost, and to call on a repre sntaUve of ! 0. R, & N. Co., ior v! '..: ! Information, or address WM. McMURRiAY General Passenger Agent PORTLAND, OREGON '-' ". : V 'iff, fi, (" ,"' MARK TWAINS CLOTHES. The Grat Humorist Always Had a Ralich For Partonal Effact At the time of our Ort meeting Mark Twain was wearing a 8tltkln out. with the fur out. in the aatl faction of a caprice or the love of strong effect which he was apt to In dulse through life. Fields, the publish er. was present : I do not know what droll comment was In Fields' mind with respect (o til garment, but probably be felt that here was an original who was not to be brought to any Bwtonlan book In the Judgment of bis vivid qualities. With his crest of dense red hair and the wide sweep of bis flam ing, mustache Clemens was not dis cordantly clothed In that sealskin coat, which afterward. In spite of his own warmth In , It. sent, the ? cold chills through me when ince accompanied It down Broadway, and shared the Immense publicity It won him. Clemens had always a relish for per sonal effect which expressed ltifelf In the white suit of complete serge which he wore. to his. last years 'and in the Oxford gown which. -he put on for every possible occasion and said he would like to wear all the m. That was not vanity In him. but a keen feel ing for costnme which the severity of our modern tailoring . forbids men. though It flatters women to every ex cess In IL-W. D. Howelis In Har pere Magazine. - - HIS BLACK EYE. . V I ' J - . ..t ' How He Got It and the Worst That . Was Yet to Com. "Gracious: That's a peach of a black rye. wnere aid you get it?" - - G0t It On the left Bid nf mm Where did yoo think I got lt-over the maM.K ooner '-:t Don't get heated. How did it all happenr . . . That's different It was all a piece of my confounded luck. I waa up on the Blue Cliff road looking at a piece v icoi wuen aiong came a coat less and bareheaded fellow running for dear life with a lot of panting pur suers stretching in a long line behind him.; 1 Joined In the' chase. Being fresh. I rapidly overhauled the fugi tive. I had nearly collared him when a big ruffian grabbed me and profane ly told me to clear out I spoke rudely to him and kept on running, and he suddenly reached out a fist like a ham and knocked me Into a ditch. And what do you suppose It all was?' "Give It up." "It was a rehearsal for a moving na ture film, and now my portrait will go all over the country and h noon In thousands of theaters as a bruised and battered butter-In who got Just what was coming to hlmr-Cleveland Plain Dealer. w .The Cow Dooidad. A peasant living in the viiimr nt Predeal, near the rJnntrnrinn frnnHor lost his cow. About two months ago he happened jto be standing at the rauroaa station watchlna a train load of cattle about to be sent aemm tha frontier. , Suddenly he gave a shout -xnat s my ccwr he cried, running toward one of the cars. The trainmen only lauehed at htm. and he went before the madstrAta. This good man listened to the peas ant's story patiently. Then ha nounced this Judgment: "The cow shall be taken to the Dubllc sauare of Pre. deal and milked. Then If It goes of Its own accord to the plaintiff's stable It snail belong to hlm." The order of the court waa carried out and the cow.. In spite of Its ten months' absence," took , without hesita tion the lane which led It a few min utes later Into the oeasant'a atahla. Chicago News. r- 7-, . . A Tribute of Affeetion. Something of the srmDflthetic klndit. ness of nature of the late Frederick Greenwood came out In a little speech made by J. M. Barrle on the occasion of Mr. Greenwood's seventy-fifth birth day, when the men who had worked under him on the St James and the Pall Mall Gazette met to do him honor. In the course of bis remarks Mr. Bar rle confessed that he had bought his first silk hat "to Impress" the veteran editor. Then he added Impulsively: -vn, ureenwooa, n is ror your kind ness to us boys In our first silk hats that we love your' Chango of Front The Groom Great heavens, who Is this coming up? The Bride-Why, that is Aunt Maria I The Groom Well, have I got to embrace thatNld fairy 1 The Bride-Shi, It waa she that sent us the handsome silver serv ice. , She's worth thousands. : The Groom (kissing her rapturously) My darling aunt!-LflU.OoD Answers. Insures Solitude. The Man In the Chair-1 enjoy a quiet smoke. The Other-Welt you'll never be troubled with crowds while you smoke cigars of that brand! London Opinion. Donot make excuses to yourself for your failure, but look them squarely In the fare and study how to avoid their repetition. - Wash That Itch Away. It is said that there . are certain springs in Europe that give relief and cure to Eczema and other skin dis eases. 'If you knew that by washing in these waters ydu could be relieved from that awful Itch,' wouldn't you make every effort to take a trip to Europe at once? Would you not he willing to spend your last cent to find the cure? . But you need not leave home for these distant springs. Relief is right here In your own home town! A . simple wash of ,011 of . Winter green, -Thymol and other Ingredients as compounded only In D. D. D. Pre scription will bring Instant reief to that terrible burning itch, and leave the skin as smooth and healthy as that of a child. If you have not already tried it, get at least a 25 cent bottle today. We lln Drug Co. . Oct. 18- 20 . . .. r : Notice of Street Improvement, To whom it may concern: Notice Is hereby given that in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of La Grande, Ore gon, on the 9th dry of February, 1910, creating : Improvement , District No. 19 and designating Sth Street, as such district, and In pursuance of a rennin. tlon adopted by said Common Council on the 28th day of September, 1910, whereby said Council-determined and declared Its intention to Improve all that portion of 6th street in said im provement district as hereinafter de scribed, by laying thereon cement walks, tho Council will, ten days after the service of this notice upon the owners of the property affected and benefits 1 by such improvement, order that said above described im provement be made;, that boundaries of said district to he so improved are as follows: All that portion of 6th street ?roni the east curb line of De pot street, to the north curb line of O avenue. Notice Is hereby further given that thd Council will levy a special assessment on all the nronertv nfferr. ed and benefitted by such Improvement for t he purprse of paying for such im provement. That the estimated cost of such improvement is the sum of $843.50. Tiat the Council will on the 2Cth day of October, 1910, meet at the Council chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m. to consider said esti mated cost, and the levj of said as sessment, when a hearing will be granted to any person feeling ag grieved by such assessment. La Grande, Oregon, Oct. 13, 1910. CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANTTO. OREGON. By D. E. COX. . Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon. Oct 14 to 26. Notice of Street Improvement To whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a resoluttdn adopted by the Common Council of the City of La Grande, Oregon, i on the 5th day of August, 1909, creating Improvement District No. 3 and designating Main avenue, as such district, and In pursuance of a resolution adopted by said common council on the 28th day of September 1910, whereby said Council determined and declared Its intention to improve that portion of Main avenue, In said Improvement district as hereinafter described, by laying thereon cement walks, the Council, will, ten days af ter the service of this notice upon the owners of the property affected and benefitted by such Improvement, order that said above described Im provement be made; that boundaries of said district to be so Improved are as follows: All that portion of Main avenue, from the west curb line of 4th street to the east curb Hue of 1st street Notice Is . hereby further given that the council will levy a special assessment on all the property affected and benefitted by such Im provement for the purpose of paying for such improvement That the esti mated cost of such improvement Is the sum of $1685. That the council will on the 26th day of October, 1910, meet at the council chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m., to consider said estimated cost and the levy of said assessment, when a hearing will be granted to any person feeling ag grieved by such assessment. La Grande, Ore., Oct 13, 1910. CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE, Oregon, By D. E. COX, Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon. Oct 14 to 26. e 0 PB0FESSI0XAL DIRECT0KY. A rmsicms and sukgeons. N. MOLITOR. M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Corner Adams Ave. an! Depot street Office, Main 8; Real dence 69. . : - C H. UPTON, Ph. G. M. D Physician and surgeon." Special attention to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office in La Grande National Bank Build ing. Phones: Office Main 2, Resi dence Main 32. : ' . , . A. L RICHARDSON Physician and surgeon., Office Hours: 2 to 5 p. m. , except Sunday. Sunday by appoint ments. Telephones: Office, Black 1362; Ind. 353; residence. Main 65 Ind. 312. GEO. W. ZIMMERMAN Osteopath Physician. Sommer Bldg., Rooms 7, 8, 9 and 10. Phones: Home 1332, Pacific, Main 63, Residence phone, Black 951. Successor to Dr. C. E Moore. .. . DR. M. P. MENDELSOHN Doctor of Optics. Spectacles and Eye Glasses J Fitted and made to ordo; jj Sj. rprs of 'Refraction Gorrected. 1105 Adams Ave. Foley Hotel Bldg. La Grande. Oregon. DR. H." L. UNDERWOOD and DR. DORA J; UNDERWOOD Office ov. ei Wright Drug store. ; Special at tention paid to diseases and surgery of the eye.' ''".': Phoaes Office Main 22; residence. Main 728. . J. C. PRICE, D. M. D. Dentist. Room t 23, La Grande National Bank Build ' ing. Phone Black 399. DR. P. A. CHARLTON .Veterinary Surgeon.- Office at Hill's Drug Store, La Grande. Residence phone, Red 701; Office phone, Black 1361; Inde pendent phone 53; both' phones at residence. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. COCHRAN & COCHRAN Attorneys: Chae. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Coch ran. La Grande National Bank Bldg., La Grande, Oregon. T. H. CRAWFORD Attorney at Law. Practices in al lthe courts of the State and United States. Office in La Grande National Bank Bldg., La Grande,' Oregon. D. W. C. NELSON Mining Engineer. Baker City, Oregon. Professional Elocutionist Miss Katherine P. Mitchell, gradu ste and post graduate in Oratory and English, Cumnock school, Northwest ern university,' Chicago, 111., Private and cIobs work. Elocution, Oratory, Dramatic work, Physical Culture, Tu tor and Critic, English Literature and Composition. Phone Black 331. 1403 N. Avenue. V Advertised Stock. ' One red cow branded F P on left stiphel haa one horn broken off; one black steer with white face branded F P on left stiphel; One Jersey cow branded T on left hip. Now in city pound. In buying a cough medicine, don't be afraid to get Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. There is no danger from it, and relief is sure IIow;, Especially recommended for coughs, colds and whooping congh. Terra Cotta Well Casing Call or write for Estimates and Prices. John Melville M28 Adams Ave. LA GRANDE, ' - ORE ( vv- r