LA GltAKDH YEXENG OBSERVED ; T 2102TDAY, OCTOBER, 17, J90, " THE EIB ASD XEKTE SPECIALIST OF SALT LAKE CITY IS XOW AT THE SAYOT HOTEL HOURS 9 ft. m. to 12 'oon A5D $ p. m. to 7 p. m. THIS WEEK OSLY TILL FRIDAY. EXAMINATION FREE. . Entire attention devoted to fitting and grinding glasses for difficult and ( stubborn cases. , Did you ever have i your eyes fitted right? I want your difficult and stubborn cases. I don't, care how ihany have failed to fit your V case. I tell you my system Is success-. ful on those cases.' I have devote J my life's work to this one study. I do ' nothing else.. That's why I succeed. I have investigated all methods and have formulated a better one of my own. I have 'got the system you wan.; If you , have headaches, weak eyes, cross-eves strained eyes and want glasses , that are easy and fomfortable, ' call and see me at once. Crossed eyes straight ened without drugs or knife by a new discovery. ooo$$ o .' o South La Grande Sews. A 000p$ Mrs. Stewart McAnlsh is feeling quite refreshed ana rested by the vij it she made with her mother and brother In Nevada. A sister from Reno. Nevada, met her and visited with her. She was gone about six weeks. Mrs. Henry French is-Bufferlnir from a severe attack of something like in digestion. She called In Dr. Hall for medical aid. - Mts. Grover Harrla and baby are suffering from bad colds, which, seem prevalent in our part of the city. . Fall Improvements has been done by several families by painting, pap ering and otherwise Improving' their homes. Charles Knapp, Horace Knapp and Grover Harris are amon the number. : Mrs. Martin Clark and son Allen have returned to their home, south of La 'Grande after several days' visit with relatives and friends In this city. . ' .", . . ;. - . The Trumbo boy who was 'so badly cut about his foot recently, 1b getting along nicely. ; , , '. . Fred King dug his potatoes recent ly on his little farm on G street .uiuuj otueia 01 ueany me same aire was one that measured 13 by 11 In ches and weighed 4 pounds and 2 or.n ces. He also found Borne ripe straw berries on the vines. The po.tato Is on exhibition at Atkinson's store. It is the early Rose variety. In buying a cough medicine, don't be afraid to get Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. There is no danger from it, and relief is sure to follow. - Especially recommended for coughs, colds tnd whooping cough. ' " arsenic poisqq. . " The Torture That Enau.g B.for Death Brings When a single dose of arsenle in suf ficient quantity to be felt has been taken colicky pains, bowel disorder and perhaps nausea result In the course of an hour after a poisonous dose has been taken an Intense burn ing pain Is felt In the esophagus and stomach. This spreads to the entire anterior portion 'of the lower part of the trunk. A sense of constriction at the throat and an acrid, metallic taste accompany the pain. Then vomiting and relaxation of the bowels begin. As the case progresses the symptoms Increase in Intensity. Then comes a thirst that .water will not allay, al though it apparently Increases the stomach disturbance. The victim groans and writhes.' -. Now he implores the doctor to save him. Then he begs to be killed and put out of pain.- The extremities become Icy. The pulse is small, feeble and fre quent.' and the-breathing Is labored embarrassed and painful' because of abdominal tenderness. The surface' of the body becomes dark and of that bluish color that medical men can cy anosed. Violent cramps add their tor ture, exhaustion becomes collapse, con vulsions or ' coma ensues, and death ends the agony. The torture1 lasts sometimes from five to twenty hours. In some cases these symptoms occur. will apparently get the better of the disease. The remission will' be but for a day or two.' Then the abdomen' will swell, and icy , coldness .Will pervade the frame.; Shivering will become pro nounced trembling, then cramps, con vulsions and death. , AMERICAN MANHOOD, i New Barrel of emz EhoivGKow a ' and Dill Pickles Siiodgrass Grocery An English View of the Common Pee pfe In This Country ' " f , ' in all I spent four months traveling and lecturing' in the eastern cities of the United States and met many men of varied classes. In my ' wildest dreams of the race I had never fore seen such wealth, such freedom, such equality. America Is the land of the common people, as England la the land of the cia8ses. If I , were a young worklngman I would go to the States as soon as I could earn a passage, be cause once on her soli I should cease to be a laborer and become a man, which is a very different thing. , , .: .Better than the boundless wealth of America, better than any material ben eflt she can bestow. Is this sense of manhood and equality that Is as all pervading as the air. Worse than the earthen floor of our peasant's hovel, still found in England's southern coun ties, and the starvation wages on which be lives is the slavish spirit that drags the cap from his head be fore the squire or crowds him into the ditch as the carriage passes by. He is not a man. only a laborer, one step above the serf. -Joseph Burtt of Lon don in Leslie's. " . Great 8oheme. "What do you d." asked the one who . had been married only a few months, "when your husband comes home late at night T' "I preteud not to notice that it's late, and pretty soon be asks me If I wouldn't like to go to the theater or somewhere tomorrow afternoon." E x or Sunday Elveniiig, i; - ' ON OF MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN one of the greatest orators the country has produced in recent years will speak in LA GRANDE, at STEWARD'S OPERA HOUSE, October 23 Mr. Rpsewas elected mayor or Milwaukee for five successive termsHeK mentioned in connection with the vice-presi-dency and is known the country over as one of its foremost speakers. , A ml M '' ' -1 .. u - I V 'to1 M i' Li, '( f 11 r tie; most ,:majsnain ceni. piece;: MOTE ever placed on the market in aiiy cify ie iorciiwesic of m ;s from the Busi ness Gfenter diF The ground lies beautifully and every -lot is level and smooth. AH lots to be improved with JCEMENT SidewaUcs, Curbing and Parldng and All Streets Will Be Graded Positively the choicest bargains in CLOSE-IN property that can ever be offered in La Grande. time to The arid Let it Grow In Value !! Prices Will Advance November 1st Special inducements offered to the Quick Buyer and EASY TERMS will be given. This is a purely Restricted Residence District and is destined to be the fut ure High Class residential portion of the city. 3 i ! Don't Miss It ! The Admission Is Free ! ! , ' ,. . . . if t4M44tirWii.. -