La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, October 17, 1910, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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1 H f?f - -in Any Uuantity, delivered to
wfiww ku, u vv nnv narv or the cirv-
mm 607, bell phone Waiers-Stanchfield Produce Co.
fV n "Ji o U SWEETS and BON BONS
0,(S 1 i ; 6 IT S A l Just suit the taste.
Xotfce o! Meeting ot the Board of
, 1 Canalization, .
Notice is hereby given that the
Count Board of Equalization for Un
ion County, Oregon, will attend at
the Court House at La Granue, Ore
gon on Monday, October 18th, 1910,
and publicly examine the assessment
rolls, correct all errors in valuation,
description of qualities of land, lots,
or other property, as assessed by the
County Assessor and it shall be the
duty of all persons, interested to ap
pear at the time and place given.
All persons baring grievances re
garding the 1910 assessment may ap
pear before such board and present
complaint All such affidavits must be
presented daring the first week of the
meeting of the board.
; , ; T. A. RINEHART, ;
Assessor for Union County. Oregon.
Dally Sept, 30 Oct 17. ; V
If your live? Is slnpgiih and out of tone,
and you fel dull, bilious, constipated, take
a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets tonlaht before retiring and you will
feel all right in the morning, ,
La Grande People Mast Recognize and
Heed It
Kidney ills come quietly mysteri
ously. , .
But nature always warns you.
. Notice the kidney secretions.
. See if the color is unhealthy
If there are settlings and sediment.
Passages frequent, scanty, painful,
It's time then to use Doan's Kidney
Pills, :.v; .
To ward oft Bright'! disease or diabetes.-;
Doan's have done great work In this
W 5 ' .. . '
, .: . .V ' "'
Mrs. R. H. Hedrick, 619 Thompson
St., Pendleton, Ore., says: "I can
speak a good word for Doan's Kidney
Pills for they were used in my family
with, the best of results. The person
who took this remedy complained a
great deal of a dull pain, across ' the
back and was also troubled by Irre
gular passages ot the kidney secre
tions. The use ot two boxes of Doan's
Kidney Pills corrected these difficult
' . . 1'
' w w w
Jictin?-New Crop
Pop Corn that 'will pop
remmm Warns
The breakfast kind, mild flavor
ties and there has been no return at
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Fostdr-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the Unit
ed States. -
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other. Oct 17-19-21
Notice of Street Improvement
To whom it may concern: Notice Is
hereby given that In pursuance of a
resolution adopted by the Common
Council ot the City of La Grande, on
the Eth day of August 1909, creating
Improvement District No. 1 and des-
Vuuug Adams avenue as such dis
trict, and in pursuance of a resolu
tion adopted by said Common Council
on the 28th day of September, 191Q,
whereby said Council determined and
declared Its intention to improve all
that portion of Adams avenue, in said
improvement district as hereinafter
described, by laying thereon cement
walks, the Council will, ten days af
ter the service of this notice uponthe
owners of the prcnertj affected and
benefitted by such Improvement, or
der that said above described Improve
ment be made; that boundaries of said
district to be so Improved are as fol
lows: All that portion of Adams ave
nue from the west curb line of 4th
street to the east curb line of 1st
street Notice is hereby furth
er given that the council will
levy a special assessment on all the
property affected and. benefitted by
such Improvement for the purpose of
paying for such Improvement That
the estimated cost ot such improve
ment is the sum of $1800. That the
Council will on the 26th day of Octo
ber, 1910, meet at the Council chamber
at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m. to con
sider said estimated cost, and the levy
of said assessment, when a hearing
will be granted to any person feeling
aggrieved by such assessment
La Grande, Oregon, Oct. 13, 1910.
' By D. E. COX,
Recorder of the City of La Grande,
, Oregon. . ,.'.., ' " : ".
Oct 14 to 26. " .'
Gomplete equipment for,' resetting and repairing
rubber buggy tires. . ; i
D. FilZQERALD, Proprietor
Complete Machine ( Shops and Foundry
Rice In the Orient.
Rice is "wet," that grown for the
most part in Hooded land, or "dry."
that raised on uplands. Its growth in
those regions where civilization has
penetrated least Is pathetic. Parts of
the east are still covered with virgin
forest of tall trees. Underneath all la
dark in heavy shade. Creepers twine
up hundreds of feet and are all topped
off with indescribable orchids, all hunt
ing for air and sunshine. In the thick
wood a suitable sKt is chosen, for rice
they must huve or starve. Under
growth Is cut out and staked, and
hedged around to make a fence' tor the
little rice farm.-Exchange.
T " v . . V. , , 1111 ,v,r.r''"rt"'1,','""i,'riSiii
That's What They All Say
l ' ,...,...-....,..;
If you'd avoid a foolish fate,
Drin "Sm.(T aid vofe ?3-2-8
If you'd see Oregon stay free,
Drink "Sam-0";andVofe 34-3
ffyc d hare business grow and thrive,
Drine "Sam-6" and Vofe 3-4-5
It's Good ForWhat Ails You
Second Party of Series Will be Held
at Elk's Auditorium This Week.
The second of a series of three or
four dancing parties under the aus
plcles of the Bllllkens, a dancing club,
composed of about twenty popular
young people of the city, will take
place next Wednesday evening at the
Elk's auditorium. Arrangements for
providing the. best possible music in
the . city f have been completed and
when Wednesday evening comes lov
ers of informal dancing parties will
have another opportunity of being th?
guests to these hosts-and hostesses.
, The first party was given about , a
month ago at which time the winter
dancing season was ushered In wlij
considerable success,, and so marked
was the success of the first party that
a large per cent of those holding in
vitations are expected out again Wed
nesday night. One set of Invitations
serve tor the entire series. , V
Harvest Ilome FesUraL V
The Social committee of Blue Mt
Grange will hold a Harvest Home
Festival on the evening of October 21.
The public is invited to attend a
good time Is assured. ;
It Is Not Planted Wjth. Flowsrt, and
, " It Ha Ne Lawns.'
A garden does not necessarily mean
a collection of flowers arranged more
or less' symmetrically, with' spaces of
lawn shelter of trees and paths hither
and thither. There bare been gardens
that beyond a terra cotta Jar or two
holding a rosebush or a flowering al
mond, have had no green thing within
their gates. '. x ,,
I know of an , oriental garden In Fez
where white garmented Moors come In
the cool of the evening to sit and listen
to ancient stories that they know by
heart, or to music that was old when
the pyramids were new, or perhaps to
look at a dancing girl or two taking
soft steps while! they smoke their nar
glles, yet that garden is nothing more
than a series ot arches upholding walls
beyond walls, toned a faint, mysterious
yellow that Is not yellow, but white,
and yet hot white, but rose. In the
middle Is a pool of water In a stone
basin that looks blue because of the in
tense sky overhead and that shim
mers with gold In reflections from the
walls. . In the" corner stands a mighty
Jar full of strange scarlet blossoms,
and rugs of deep color and Intricate
pattern tie on the sun warmed flags.
There Is always the fairy , music of
dropping water, and wonderful shad
ows move among the arches.
This place is a garden for all that it
Is so builded of man. The word court
will not do for it Century Magazine.
Foxglov. '
In some place In. England the fox-
clove Is regarded with awe as a
witches' flower" the peasants saying
that the , witches use the bells ot the
blossoms as thimbles. In most parts.
however, the "wee sma' folk that bode
no III" are the beings that "sweetly
n)itla in the fox dove bells." and In
Ireland the plant is called the fairy
cap. '
A Rival.
"Why do you always say. As scarce
as hen's teethr
"Because tbey are about the scarcest
things In the world." ' ' ' '
'More scarce'" than men who enjoy
bearing about the cleverness ot other
people's babies T"-Chlcago Record
Herald. v
Woman's' Lefts.'
Miss Biklev-So iou have given no
advocating woman's rights? '
Miss Passee Yea; I now go in for
women's lefts.' " : " ' :
"Women's lefts? What's thatr
Our affections are our life. We live
ny these. They supply our warmth.
Jacking Up the Tlrsd SysUm Without
Using Stimulants.
If efforts to keeD at work are con
tinued in spite of fatigue the quality
or tne work is poor and the exhaustion
inordinate, students constantly make
this error and do all sorts of things
to keep awake to burn the midnight
oil when if they would eo to bed and
rest they could accomplish far more
in nair tne time in the morning with
little or no fatigue. "
Yet there are times when sleepiness
and fatigue must be overcome without
resort to stimulants which in lure the
Judgment. The tired physician with
a critical case, for instance, must have
nis wits about him, and It will aid him
vastly to go to an open window every
fifteen or thirty minutes to, take a
dozen or two deep inspirations of cold
air. Ills exhaustion In the end will be
great, but he can make It up later.
As a matter of fact surgeons and
others whose work reoulres the keen
est perceptions instinctively choose the
early morning lor tneir best efforts,
reserving tne afternoon, for , 'low
pressure" tasks or recreation. That
Is, It Is far better to so live that we do
not need the stimulus of these extraor
dinary methods of respiration, Amer
ican Medicine.
SUGAR Cash Price Sugar $6.40;
beet sugar J6.20.
' VEGETABLES New dry onions,
4c " lb; green onions three
bunches for 10 c. tomatoes 10c lb.;
cabbage 4c; green peppers 15c lb.
FRUIT Orange. 60o per loses;
lemons 40c per dozen; bananas 40c
per dosj ' t. ; ' " ;
Cantaloupe, 10c and ISc; peaches 85c
per doz; peaches 85c per box. .
plums 2c lb. ; .'
Crnn4. 2 1ta for 2e.y '..
MEATS' Hnn, If w1eM, wll
finished, $9 cwt; cows, I 1-2 to 4c;
val 4 to 4 l-2e ; mutton 4Jo 5: chick
ens, 12c: fries. 17c.
, BARLEY Producers' price: rolled,
$26; brewing. $25. Wheat $33 per ton.
MILLSTUPTS Brand $23; shorts
$24. r
HAT Alfalfa, baled. $16; timothy,
baled, $20; mixed $18. .
; FLOUR High patent 5.60; family
patent $5.20; straight $4.80. .
Pertland JIarkets.
BUTTER Extra creamery, J5c;
store 22 l-224 1-2. .
BUTTER PAT Delllver t o. b. at
Portland sir creaxa S3 1-t; soar 13. i
EGGS Local, candled, 30029.
POULTRY Mix chickens 16c8c;
fancy li cents; turkeys, alive
20 & 21; pigeons sqnahs, $2X0; dres
sed chickens. 1 to 2- Wjrher than allva.
BARLEY Prodxcers sr!c, 1110;
Peed 23.50; rolled 25.50026.80, brew
ing 25. ; .
WHEAT Nominal track, dub,
81 and 88; blnestem 96; WUltam Val
ley 90. VaUey 97.
MILLSTU7P5 Selling prtce-Bratt
$22; mldllng. 30; shorts. $24. chop II .
FLOUR Old crop patents, $541
The George Palmer
.We solicit your orders for Shingles, Rubberoid Roof jag'
v Deadening Felt, Building Paper.
We are prepared to furnish and, deliver material, i
;V( promptly. Phone. Main ; 8,
. Startling Enoouragemant
"Was Amelia's father encouraging
when yon went to him to ask him for
ber handr; '
"Not very. He asked me to put the
proposal in writing, so 1 couldn't back
out as all the others did." r
Muaieal Note.
First Young Thing (during the so
nataI Just Jove Brahms, don't you?
Second Young. Thlnz What are
Brahms? Musical Courier.
Necessity, my friend, is the mother
ot coorago. as ot tnventlon.-Sir Wal
ter Scott - .
Now is f he Ti me to
A Great Sacrifice in Household Furnishings
of. all Kindsi If you Want to. Buy Now is the
Time. We will Sell Everything in the Store at
Cost Prices, for Cash Only. If You Want a Bar
gain give Us a Call and Avoid the Rush;
mui3 '
H APFf AMD Uptown office Main 720
VVtw1 Residen Phone Main 25
Is now on the
.1 f
This will be the mos t sightly addition of La rande.
The only addition to La Grande wita building restrictions.
The lots are large nearly a full acre In each lot
We are going to set out some nice apple and cherry trees
; ' on etch lot' ' : ' '" !". '
We are going to mak e the prices reasonable, and most tav'
: orable terms.. No Interest No xes.
: Oome to our office a nd look at the plat then get into our
'"'' tomoblle and go se e the property
La Grande Investment Go. 'V
Owners, La Grande, Oregon;