V it ft. A.. mm- v vy i i ' w i m t ar iiitvir, i ii .9 i ; tit' i i vol. xrv. L AGRANDE, UNION COUNTY, OREGON. MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1910. NUMBER 301 ILil'S Si 4 HEADED FOR IRELAHD .BAD RAILROAD WRECK. LITTLE COMMUNICATION HELD WITH AIRCRAFT SINCE SUN DAY MORNING. V IS RETARD PROGRESS Foreman Dead, Engineer Badly Scald, cd in Santa Fe Railroad Wreck. Roswell, N. M., Oct. 17 Fireman J. H. Sauter is . dead and Engineer Rlchey fearfully scalded as a result of a wreck on the Santa Fe'line near Greenfield hare today. The engine struck a borro and was derailed. No passengers were hurt PHILADELPHIA Twelve Injured In Street Car Wreck. . Los Angeles, Oct. 17 Twelve were injured and one perhaps fataly hurt today when two electric cars of the Pacific Electric line smashed togeth er at the entrance to Macy street. Wireless Message's Received Tester day Say His Ship Was Being Re. tarded Presumably by Big Waves May Hate Been Hit by Storm Out less Instruments Flashes Final Goodbye, - Slasonset. Mass!; Oct. 17 Wellman. and his dirigible "America, has been out of touch with wireless stations and passing ships for hours. It Is be lieved the aeronauts are continuing toward the Irish coast. The last report yesterday was, the weather was fine and the vessel was traveling twenty knots an hour. . Final Good Bye Sent The last word yesterday was 'Good Bye". It is estimated the balloo.i has traveled 70S- miles already, which la a record flight for a dirigible.' It is be lieved that the reason Wellman sent a wireless "Not so favorable" yester day was because the dragging equal lbrator shook the airship as the float ing tanks leapt from wave to wave. It is possible that the storm reported last night off Sable Island may have struck the airship., , Hindu Immigration Stopped. San Francisco, Oct 17 The fact that only twenty Hindus were aboard the liner, Mongolia . when that vessel arrived here is believed to foreshadow the wholesale turning back of Asia tics and Is' putting a stop to Hindu immigration. This . Is . the smallest number ever brought in since the in vason was begun. IKES ST GAME SCORE-4 10 1 Contest Witnessed by Enormons Army, Many of Whom Sleep On Sidewalks to Get Good Seats Seats Go As High As $50 a Piece. r JULIAIRDHOI THE SDK6STER IS DEAD L ,t;. Athletics Chicago . Score by Innings. ganizing Odd Fellowship In the Ph l Ipyines. At the time Mr, Badly, was doing his organization work, II. E. Coolidge, cashier of the, U. S. Nation al, became quite well acquainted wl'.h him and the two met yesterday for the first time since then. Roundly expressing their apprecia tion for the brief reception tendered them, the delegates left an hour after their arrival. They will return this way at the 'conclusion of the grand lodge. " . Will Recount Tacoma, .Tacoma, Oct 17 Following the an nouncement of Director Durand that this city census had been padded by 32,000 fake names, leading business men and commercial organizations to-A day started a movement for a recount Mayor Fawcett Is heading the move ment Tacoma'a populations was 82,' 072, an increase of 120 per cent. 0210 0, 010 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- 4 7 5 1 1 3 12 COMPOSER OF BATTLE HYMN OF REPUBLIC PASSES AWAY, Philadelphia, Oct. 17 Reversing all Judgment of scores of baseball critics all over the country, the Americans won from the 'Nationals by cte'erer all around exhibition. Overall, one of the Cub'a pitchers, was batted over the field and had.to be' replaced In the third inning by Mclntyre.' ' ' ! Bender, the Athletlc's pttcherwas in fine form and had the C lb's goat from the start. He let ddwu lr. the ninth however, when two of Chicago's three hits were made and ono score registered. The total receipts wers $37,424 The of&clal attendance was 26,89). Death Takes Place After Long 111 ness at Home of Her Daughter. Seattle Denies Report Seattle. Oct. 17-R. W. Hill the cal census supervisor Bald today that the first figures tourned Into the-census department -will be found substantial ly correct when counted by the gov ernment agents is completed. . He de nied there had been any padding of re ports. Remarks were called forth by the announcement of Census Direc tor Durand that Seattle, Portland, Ta coma add several other western cities had heavily padded returns. Ready to Start Balloon. St. LoulB. Oct. 17 The balloon, "Mll- um Ponulatlon." was substituted at the last moment today for the Buck eye, which was scheduled to start sec ond in the International race this w ternoon. Pilots and their assistants spent the forenoon Inflating the big w Ten balloons in which France, Germany, "and England are repres ented are entered. Large crowds pour ed iritA tho Htv todav to watch, the Btarts Boston, Oct 17 Julia Ward Howe, the famed author of the Battle Hymn of the Republic, died today at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Maud El liott at South Portsmouth, Rhode Is land. She had been seriously 111 for weeks " : - She was born in New York In 1819 and married Samuel Grldley Howe in 1843. All her. life she was one of the foremost women of this country, She earned the sobriquet of "America's children." Grand Old Woman." She had six children. Due to misunderstanding it lnstruc tions The Observer's report of the series was curtailed today." It will be published tomorrow, in mora detailed form. INTEREST IS REMARKABLE. reoyle Sleep on Sidewalks all Night and Pay $50 a Ticket to Scalper PhlladelDhla, Oct 17 The World's pitch Overall this series bafce ball, scheduled to! begin showed well. (today; between the Philadelphia Ath letics and the Chicago Cubs, Sohlbe park Is the center of baseball wcrld today where the fl$ht for the. worlds pennant takes place. Betting is unusu ally heavy, most even money. Thi ser lea lasts until sone aide wins four games. ,. : .' The games will be played in Phila delphia Oct 17,' 18 and Chicago 20 and 21. In case more games are neened they will play at Philadelphia the 22, and Chicago the 23, and If neceosarr a site for the seventh game will be decided by lot . ' I Umpires will be Oday and Rlger from the Nationals, Connolly and Sheridan from the Americans. So far Chicago has won two world's charu plonshlps and Philadelphia none . Gates &t Shlbe park were thrown open at 11. Ten thousand fans are In line to see the opening came. At noon the bleachers were filled. Speculator sold tickets as high as $50 a piece. Hundreds slept on the sidewalks last. night so as to take a leading place in the line when the gates wero thrown open. Manager Mack Is confi dent of his teams' final success. Cap tain Chance of Chicago said he would afternoon if ho BUS Till III PARIS; ARMY CHROL SEVERAL BOMBS tllROWX YES TERDAY INURING SEYERAL STRIKE ENEMIES. us i SELF DEFEASE IS PLEJ WHO IS CHAMPION NOW THAT KETCIIELL IS DEVDl , Body Yf Ul be Shipped to Mlehlsra.i for ? Birial Inquest Today. - ASHLAND WOMnNi PRESIDENT ENDS Try Crlpien Tomorrow. London. Oct. 17 Crlppen goes on trial for the murder of his wife tomor row. Lord Chief Justice Alverstone will nteslde. Kings Counsel Moore will conduct the prosecution and Bar risters Tobin and Jenkins will defend Crippen and Mme. Leneve who Is charged with being an acessory after the fact. It is expected the trial will last a week. WOULD KILL RELATIVE Sunday Ball ScoreS. . Los' Angeles 31; Portland. Oakland 60;' San Francisco, Sacramento 2-0; Vernon 12. 2- 0; 3 2; DYNAMITE -PLACED IN STOVE WOOD TO KILL SISTER-IN-LAW. Woman Lodged In Jail Charged With Crime After Examination. . FINAL ACTil AGED VICTIM DF TiN CASE A STROKE VACATION IN BEVERLEY Springfield, Mo., Oct 17--3tanley Ketchell, welter weight champion of the world, succumbed to bullet wound late Saturday night. v While Affairs of the Recent Strike Are Being Righted, Police Did Not Anticipate. .Serious. Oatbreaki Wenerally ninted that Tronble Yvlu , Yet Become a Revolution' Against ' the Government Martial Law To- RETURNS TO NEW YORK WITH FAMILY THIS AFTERNOON. Springfield, Oct 17 An inquest Into the death of Stanley Ketchel is sched uled for this afternoon and Walter Dlpley, alias Hurts, the fighter's slay er will be a witness. Dlpley explained why he fled after killing Stanley to day. He said, "I shot in self defense." Authorities don't believe his story, Ketchel's body will be taken to his 'home in Grand Rapids Michigan, .for burial. Who Is Champion Now. ' Chicago. Oct. 17 Just whom the title of the middle weight champion ship will fall on now that Ketchel is dead, 1b causing speculation among the sports. It appears that Billy Papke will gain It if Chicago fans have any thing to Bay. Sam Langford 'whom Ketchell dodged would be the logical BuccesBor but it is oeuevea ne nas grown out of the middle class. Paris, Oct. 17 This city la virtually : under martial law today, following bomb outrages, believed to be the ; result of the government's refusal to ) allow demonstrations of railroad ' strikers in the, Hols de Vlncenne. , One bomb partially wrecked the ; home of,M. Massard, director of la , Patrla, a. newspaper opposing the Btrlke. Several other bombs were ex- ploded elsewhere. ', - " , - The police have arrested 120 anar chists on suspicion. . - , ,V The leaders say there Is to be no let: up while the.,(overnment lamoking-, strinKenY' ifforts M .atOD Uhs ' bomb throwing, ltiia generally admitted that lives of thoBe opposing the strlka are in much danger. In view of the fact that the. strike was practically, be lieved settled in favor of the govern ment and railroad owners, the sudden . outburst of bomb and anarchistic acts has revived the report of an attack on the government by the labor for- ' ces of France before it ends. Executive Has Gained Considerably In . Weight During Yacatlon. LAST SERIES OF ARGUMENTS HEARD HERE THIS MORNING. Decision FoUowIng These Arguments Will be Final and Decisive. The final and decisive step on the part of several prominent business men of Union to prevent the Bchool director! at Union from building the new high school .was taken in thiB city this morning before Judge Kntfc leB. The" case has been heard several thnea. Restraining orders have been issued,1 and motions of various Borts have been argued at various times, but today's arguments were final, as far as the circuit court was concern ed and when a decision on the argu ments of today is handed down, the litigation will haa been taken through all the channels the circuit court al lows. Further litleation means the supreme court .',' FATHER OF JOHN TRIPPEER OF COYE GOES TO INDIANA, Ashland, Oct. 17 Mrs. Emma Stone Dormon' Is lodged in the city jau f.harzort with Rttemotln to kill her sister-in-law, Mrs. Lena Treatt by the use of dynamite cartridges, sec reted in holes bored in stove wood. She was married .recently to Dorman but he'moved back to the home of his sister; Mrs Treatt ' Two explosions in the stove wreck ed it and an examination showed dy namite in the wood. ' . Beverly, Oct. 17 Three thousand school - children waved good by to President Taft, who' in an autpmoblle started for New York today with Mrs. Taft and Helen, also as passengers. Taft will proceed directly to Wash ington to take up hns "duties which were allowed to lapse during his vaca tion at his summer home. , The president is heavier by several pounds than when he arrived here. The president 'remains at Washington until November 7. then he oes to Cincinnati to 'vote. He sails for Pan ama on Nov. 10. ' APPLE CROP IS ARGUE JOSEPH'S E While Ylsiting Son at Cove Indiana Pioneer is Stricken Down. J. E. Trippeer a pioneer resident of Purdue, Indiana, who has been visiting with his Bon, John Trippeer, of Cove, was this morning sent to his home in Indiana in charge of another son. W. E.. Trippeer. Mr. Trippeer is Buffering with paralysis. About nine weeks ago he arrived at Cove in nor mal health to visit hla son, and a week later was stricken down. For several weeks he hovered between life and death and today his request to be sent home was carried out At times he had limited use of his faculties, and partial use of his right limbs. The happy reunion, coming after twenty- seven years of absence! was particnl-1 I arly sorrowful in his culmination. LOCAL ODD FELLOWS HOSTS TO VISITING DELEGATES SUNDAY La Grande Odd Fellows were roy al hosts yesterday to about 200 dele gates from Southern Idaho to the Ida ho Grand Lodge at Sandpolnt. The special train carrying the officials and delegates arrived in La Grande at 2 o'clock and the local lodge had made arrangement for a brief, entertain ment of the visitors. The local band serenaded the guests, and the local hotels made special arrangements for providing dinner. ' Among the delegates were several Odd Fellows of prominence. The Grand Master, Mr. Phelps was present and addressed the delegates and local Odd Fellows briefly at the depot. Two of the Boverlgn grand lodge delegates were on the train. Another personage of unusual prom inence in Odd Fellow circles was Mr, Badly who was instrumental in or Japanese Battleship Starts Cruise. Toklo Oct 17 The training cruis ers Asama, Kasagl, with 149 cadets aboard sailed from Yokohua today for Cruise of the American coast of Paci fic ocean. They will go as far Bouth as Panama. Flics 850 Miles. .Paris, Oct 17 Having flown 350 miles in a little more than fifteen and a half hours, Henry Wynemalen, the Dutch aviator today completed his re turn to Paris from Brussels, carrying a passenger. He stopped twice enroute to Brussels. - ' "'' ' MOVING CARLOAD LEAVING LA EYERY DAY. GRANDE Potatoes Too Are Being Disposed of At a Dollar Per Sack. MOTION TO DISSOLVE INJUNCTION ; ' ARGUED HERE TODAY. Scenes in Joseph Water ; Squabble Move to La Grande Today. ' Grande Rondo's enormous apple crop is moving to the markets with great raDidlty. The Ramsey Ware house company, the principal local dealer, is Bending out carloads Just as fast as they can be packed and loaded and that is at least one dally. One of the big buys reported at the close of last week was the taking over by the Ramsey people of the J. S. Thron- Bon crop at Imbler and the Dlttehrandt crop at Summervllle. These crops- will be packed as quickly as possible and Join the' outgo'ng shipments. While there is no lull In the apple business, the local potato crop is also moving alon well. Twelve car loads have already been bought by the Ramsey conrftn and others are b'inir negotiated tv. While the crop 'm h-t the price f ; eond and the qua! V PotatoT ; now brlnc'ng It sny o '- Scenes In the Joseph municipal wat er plant litigation shifted to La Grande this afternoon when at 3 o'clock a motion brought by the city of Joseph, to dissolve the injunction against the city to restrain it from using the water from its new plant was argued before Judge Knowles. Attorney T. H. Crawford represents the Joseph Milling Company which secured the injunction some time ago, on grounds of prior rights." Attorney Runnells,of Joseph represents the city. F. D. Cully who is a prominent fig ure in the Joseph Milling company returned this morning from Lewlston where he studied an identical case and considerable evidence was gath ered by him wlch will be uaed In pre venting the dissolution of the re straining order. This i the all absorb 'ng topic in Joseph and much interest renters on the final' decision of the circuit cocrt. A I'