LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVES. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1910. PAG!' GSVEIT r fH IMPS MM '9 3- ADDITION to. 1A GRANDE' The most mstgnifi- .1 ever placed on the market in anyci'y : ' '.". , ..;.,,.... '. Five Blocks from the Busi ness Center of the City The ground lies beautifully and every lot is level and smooth. All lots to be improved with JCEMENT Sidewalks, Curbing and Parking and AH Streets Will Be Graded Positively the choicest bargains in CLOSE-IN property that can ever be offered in La Grande. The time to buy a Hdmesite if " N o w and Let it Grow In Value !! Prices will Advance November 1st Special inducements offered to the Quick Buyer and EASY TERMS will be given. This is a purely Restricted Residence District and is destined to be the fut ure High Class residential portion of the city. UST IMPORTANT CATHOLIC EY ENT FOR OVER A YEAR. Jiext Consistory Will Award Cardinal Caps to Many Foreigners. Rome, Oct. 14. It is expected that the next consistory will be held In cbout a month, and it will he the last for over a year, since no church tunc tiong are scheduled for 1911. Next year the Italian government will celebrate the semi-centennial of the united na tion, and the'Vatican will be kept in the background by the Pope, who con siders the celebration as In some meas ure an Insult to the church. It Is ad muted here that the church faces a crisis, owing to the rapid growth of rationalism In -the Latin nations. While Protestantism has made small gains In Catholic strongholds, agnos ticlsm and atheism, with antl-cleri-callsm as their political expression, - w -- -. - u - - fc... ' ents In Italy, Spain, France and Portu gal.! The Pope Is deeply grieved by the Ferrer demonstrations of yester day, when some of the greatest men of Europe Joined in expressions of antag onism, not only to Catholicism, but to all revealed religions. Close observers of religious affairs in Europe Bay that the time is not far distant when Catho lics and Protestants will have to Join forces if Christianity is to be pre served. Agnosticism, once the profes slon of the "Intellectuals" alone, has now found recognition in all classes of European society, from the work man to It Is whispered at least two monarchs. Although nominally an adherent of the church, King Victor Emmanuel is said to be in thorough tionalists, and so democratic are his economic Ideals that he is often called "the Socialist King." ; J Those slated to receive the red hat at the coming consistory are Mgr. Lu gari, Mgr. Blsletl, and Mgr. Gulstlnl, of Rome; Mgr. Bello, of Lisbon; Mgr. Delmonte, of Vienna; Mgr.'Amlette, of Paris; Fr.'Cormlser, head of the Dominicans, and Fr. Ehrle, librarian of the Vatican.' 1 SUGAR Cash Price Sugar $6.40; beet sugar $6.20. VEGETABLES New ' ry onions, 4c lb: green onions three bunches for 10 c tomatoes 10c lb.; cabbage 4c; green peppers 15c lb. FRUIT Ora&tM, 50o pr fossa; lemons 40c per dozen; bananas 40c per dot; t t. Cantaloupe, 10c and ISc; peaches 85c per doz; peaches 85c per box. . pluml 2c lb. Grapes, i lbs for 25c meats Hogs, uv weight, well finished, $9 cirt ; co wi, S 1-2 to 4c ; veal 4 to 4 l-2o ; mutton 4 to 6; chick ens, 12c; fries, 17c BARLEY Producers' price: rolled, $26; brewing,, $25. meat. $33 per ton. M I LLSTLTFS B ran d $23; shorts 4. v , : HAT Alfalfa, baled, . $16 ; timothy, baled, $20; mixed $18. FLOUR High patent, 5.60; family patent, $5.20; straight $4.80. Portland Slsriei. BUTTER Extra creamery, 85c; stora 22 1-2324 1-2. BUTTER FAT Delllver t. o. b. at Portland sw craa 12 1-2; ecu XV. EGGS Local, candled, 3029. POULTRY Mix chickens 18c 8c; fancy II cents; turkeys, alive 20 ft 21; pigeons iqusTs, $2.50; dres sed chickens, 1 .to 2" hlgixer t&in alive. BARLEY Producers trie, 1219; Feed 23.50; rolled 25.60 28.80, brew ln( 25. . . WHEAT Nominal trad, dab, 81 and 88; bluest em 88; William Val ley 80. Valley 97. MILLS TUFFS Soiling price Cran $22; mldling, 30; shorts, $24. chop II 25. .: FLOUR Old crop pataati. (SIS ft S 3&ust he Above Suspicion. Kidney and bladder ailments are so serious in their consequences, and if unchecked so often fatal that any rem edy offered for their cure must be above suspicion. Foley's Kidney Pills contain no harmful drugs, and have successfully stood a long and thorough test. Hill's Drug Store. ' u9nM Saidonnn nrra amm on9nfvi i i -1 i ii vlv SOI DJDaemaioaai - Iinxaailirr 'iimmi n wns 8 ja9t pus JI taw; Ja9up ou ej aiaqx eq j4aop 'auptpatn qStooa a;Xnq ci ;i u f uv n & i'i fl G H 1 MIC Z I V r": J mm A-Grcat Sacrifice in Household Furnishings of all Kinds! If you Want to Buy Now is tho ".Time. We will Sell Everything in' the Store at Cost Prices, for Cash Only. If You Want a Bar gain give Us a Call and Avoid the, Rush. it ydam Mti3 ADAMS AVE it 1"...' . jj ' ' 'J "" "" "" ."" " '"i-"'J-.yi II. .1 I... iii ,n i .... n -J That's What They All Say If you'd avoid a foolish fate, Drink "Sim-O'' aii vote 3'2'8 If you'd seeOregon stay free, Diink "Sam.0"Iand vote 3-4-3 Ifyc dhave business grow and thrive, Drine "Sam-0" and vote 3-4-5 It's Good For What Ails You ' ' "'"Jl!!! I .I...M.IHI.. I .,!.,., ,. .,, 1 " '" .MMiMMMmiMMh,..,, . . ' ' '' '" "J The famous Chicago lawyer and one of the country's greatest orators, will speak in LA GRANDE, at STEWARD'S OPERA HOUSE, Saturday Evening, Oct. X 5 ON th " The Curse of Prohibition Mr.Darrow's fame as a speaker is such that he needs no further introduction to tHe reading public. v His address is intensely interesting and one that every person in La Grande should hear i THE ADMISSION IS FREE f rHWtt t4444ttMM 44tt4 t