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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1910)
I; 1 :7 X I v : 4 - 'V i : PAGE SIX LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1910. n f f .-.... o- For Mple.Bossei PHONE YOUR ORDER TO THE n n u mam COMPANY '0 IMBLEK, OREGON PHONES v i BELL: FARMERS 4 x 2 ItiD. 21 A Notice of Meeting ot the Board of -; Eqaalltatlon. ' Notice is hereby given that the County Board of Equalization for Un ion County, Oregon, ' will attend at the Court Hoube at La Granue, Ore gon on Monday, October 18th, 1910, and publicly examine the assessment rolls, correct all errors In valuation, description of qualities of land, lots, or other property, as assessed by the County Assessor and it shall be the duty of all persons Interested to ap pear at the time and place given. All persons having grievances re garding the 1910 assessment may jap pear before such board and present their affidavit containing grounds of complaint. All such affidavits must be presented during the first week of the meeting of the boar'd. . T. A. RIXEHART. Assessor for Union County, Oregon. Dally Sept. 30 Oct. 17. , The George Palmer HTML DEPARTMENT We solicit your orders for Shingles, Rubberoid RooVng Deadening Felt, Building Paper. We are prepared to furnish and deliver materia?, ' . ' promptly;'. Phone Main 8. National Athletic Meet New Orleans, Oct. 14.--Tulane Uni versity field la today the scene of a gathering 'of athletes surpassing any previously held in the South. From the cities of the Pacific coast and the Atlantic seaboard and all the vast stretch of country between, the mod ern gladiators have come to the Cres cent City to pit their strength ' and speed and skill against each other in the national championships of the Amateur Athletic Union. All of the world-famous cracks of the Irish-American and New York nthletic clubs, the two great organiza tions of the nation's metropolis, are entered In today's games, and confi dently expect to make a showing that will leave all other cities far behind. Star college athletes from the great eastern and central western univer sities are here to compete against the southern talent. Heretofore the ath letes of the athletic clubs came in for nost of the attention, but the man agement of the present meet has made a successful effort to induce the col lege men to cast their lot against the dub performers. Pennsylvania, Cor nell, Michigan. Yale and a number are of other prominent Institutions represented. , , Only the events of lesser import ance are scheduled for today and the i big events of the meet will be pulled off tomorrow. Special interest at taches to the mile championship, in which Paull of Pennsylvania, Taylor, Mel Sheppard, Hedlund and Klvlat will come together. All have covered the distance around the 4:20 mark. It will not be surprising f the world s record Is lowered In this race. Bcrmnda Trolley War. HACK AND : Uptown office Main 720 VnwtVlrn Residence phone Main 25 AMBULANCE . lbussey 1 1 111 1 .' 1 ' ' .. " ' . I i ....i. . . ' U mm 0h. Bat phone Waters-Stanchfield Produce Co. -ntjl,! ; o; SWEETS and BONBONS QVBI1 (01 (6 Just suit the tastev NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE Hamilton, Bermuda, Oct. 14. This British colony in the midst of the sea Is agitated as never before. The onion and tourist crops are no longer the sole toplcB of conversation. The great qeustlon of the day Is whether or not Bermuda is to have a trolley system, and on this matter the population of the Colony Is split into bitterly war ring factions. Since Bermuda became a British colony 300 years ago, boats and ancient stages have served as the sole means of local transportation Now a Canadian company has-been or ganized to build a traction system connecting the towns of the island. Thousands of people here whites as wens as Diacus nave never seen a trolley car or railway train, and afre opposing the Innovation with almost a superstitious dread. An attempt was made some time ago to introduce automobiles into Bermuda, but the frightening of a horse by one of. the machines, causing an .accident, led to such public clamor that the local leg islature passed a law prohibiting the operation of motor cars in the colony. Complete equipment for resetting and repairing rubber buggy tires. ; ". LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FilZQERALD. Proprietor Complete Machine Shops and Foundry II T I " Jersey City to Celebrate.-. New York. Oct. 15 Jersey City will tomorrow begin a celebration of the founding of Bergen, a part of the present city, which will contln a magnificent scale through the com- lng week. Is iioW! on the Market Thia will be the moa t aightly addition of La rande' 1 ' The only addition to La" Grande wita building restrictions, i Tha lota are large nearlr full acre la each lot -aW afe going to set out some nice apple and cherry treea " on lot " , We are going to make the pricea reasonable, and moat far- orable terma. No Interest" No taxea.T ' Come to our office and look atthe -pUt.nhen get into our utomoblle and go see the prtiperf. La Grande Investment Co; - Owners; La Grande. Oregon 9 H 4 Want ada pay. one cent a word. '