LA CKA'NpE EVENING UZEIlVEll. SATURDAY, OCTOBEfc i, 1910. PAOE FIYi: AOOOOOOOOOOOOO switches, etc She will also buy comV 2y j lugs. A big line of switches, puffs and La Grande and surrounding buyers.. , Q. G. and A. P. Conley of Cote are at the Foley today while transacting business In the city. o OOOO O O O O 00 O O 00 O O O O O v o o 5o o oooooooo LOCALS many other things are to be bad. At room 34, Foley hotel." Haradon's Tru-Fruit' ' Chocolate. Made J 11,1 right ' Old papers, one hundred In a T)un dle. 25 cents at this office. Hotel rule ccxds, trespassing cards, houses for rent cards printed In red and black. For sale cheap ax The Ob- serrer office. ... Mrs. S. D. Vaildecar i now In the Clean cotton rags wanted at The Ob server office. ' ' Position wanted by man and wife as cook and helper. Camp preferred. Nate Ardrey, piano tuner, telephone Newlin Stationery store. Apple boxes in any quantity, .phoneB Farmers 4-1-2," Ind 21-A.- John A. Rogers, manager, of the Brue Front saloon Is In North Powder today .looking after business matters. Earnest Thorsen who recently Bold his property in Seattle has gone to San Francisco to spend a few weeks Any quantity of apple boxes. Call the Summervllle Lumber Company. Phones Farmers 4-X-2, Ind. 21-A. . The new coffee is again at G'eddes grocery, 23c 35c and 40c. You can't be satisfied until you buy it The Frank Ralston family has re turned to live In La Grande after two years spent In Ontario. Vacuum carpet cleaning, taking' up, sewing and laying. L.. F. Billlnger, phones Red 562 and Red 141. city ready to make up orders for THE ISIS From ??rz-r ts. ltci'ty. ' .; (Edison) The Sorrows of the Unfaithful. . , ? (Blograph) The Castaways Return.1 How Jack Won His Bride. , (Pathe) Only one place to get the health mush "Rolled Rye" and that is Geddes Grocery. ' 1. W. Beach and wife of Imbler spent yesterday In the city. Mr. Bach is man ager of the Summervllle Lumber com pany and while In the city was mak ing arrangements for supplying ap ple growers with boxes which bis company' makes and has a large sup ply on hand. r ' , ' Beautiful dishes given, to lady patrons of the matinee. See dis play in lobby. -AMISSION -10c- r WE ATTRACT TRADE WITH Our own interests are bests served by providing our custo-J mers with the beat values in quality-style clothes.. We offer you a line obtainable in no other store in this city the well known, trustworthy Adler's Collegian Clothes. These are the most noteworthy style clothes of the country. They give you something more than good service. Snappy style and Individual character, so prized by careful dressers, are characteristic of this line yet undesirable extremes are carefully avoided. . They are s clothes for best dressers. Suits and overcoats 15.00 to $30.00. We Carefolly Fit You... - Our Interest does not end Belling you a suit we aim satisfy you In every particular. We take great pains, to help yon select a becoming garment that fits to perfection. , In to Ash . L. E. McXabb, district organizer for the Yeoman returned yesterday from Elgin where he has been looking over the field and reports that a homestead will be Instituted very shortly. - J. M. Henderson of Starbuck Wash., and mother, Mrs. Ellen E. Henderson arrived In the city this morning oh delayed No. 18 and are the guests o: Mrs. H. C. Grady; O ' v O A ' , ; PERSONALS. .A. OOvO vVvvvOvvv V V- Mr. and Mrs. E. Bonham of Perry were Saturday shoppers In the city today. v . ' ; ' ' . , . C. E. Suydam, the furniture dealer has on display In his show window, a beautiful line of painted and stamped dishes, also dinner Bets. These will go araoargain. Ford A. Ellis and wife, went to AUT eel this morning to participate In the farmers meet Mr. Ellis will deliver an address. N" . Miss Mary Grady of Chicago, a sis ter of Harry Grady, the popular con ductor, is visiting at the home of W, E. Pruitt, Pendleton East Oregonian. , George T. Cochran is home from a trip through his district as candidate for water superintendent. He reportB his prospects excellent all through the district which goes over to the CaB- cades. - W. E. McClure of Summervllle was In the city today. Mr. McClure for merly fanned the G. I. Wade ranch but In the future will farm the Woodell ranch near Imbler, Considering the dry season the crops have been very good says Mr. McClure. T. E. Drum of New York, M. B. Dav is of San Francisco, H. Cranky of St Xouls are registered at the Foley with their lines which are being shown to !'- .. , " " ' DR. M. MENDELSOHN FOS. Clothiers andFurishers DOCTOR OF OPTICS. PERMANENTLY LOCATED AT 1105 ADAMS AVE. FOLEY HOTEL BUILDING. I DO NOT BE MISLEAD, as there are no ettra charges for the exami nation of your eyes. One charge pays for examination, frames and glasses. The service and material are far su perior to any In the county. Dr. Men delsohn carries the best stock that can be had. in the country . HONEST WORK calls for . exper ience, skill, equipment, facilities, re sources and high moral business and professional purpose. Our 29 years of practice and experience, the complete ness of our equipment, the Immense stock we carry, the satisfaction we have given others, Is our guarantee to yon that we have ALL these quali fications, ' . , Dr. Mendelsohn Is indorsed by all the leading -oculists of the Pacific coast and by all the physicians of La Grande. : ' All broken glasses replaced while jon wait OFFICE HOURS 8:30 a. m. to 12 m to 5 p. m. and 7 to 8 p. m.' - Notice of Street Improvement To whom it may concerm NnH hereby given that In pursuance of a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of La Grande, on the 5th day of August, 1909, creating Improvement District No. 1 and des ignating Adams avenue as. such dis trict, and in pursuance of a resolu tion adopted by said Common Council on the 28th day of September, 1910, "whereby said Council determined and declared its intention ' to Improve all that portion of Adams avenue, in said Improvement district as hereinafter described, by laying thereon cement walks, the Council will, ten days af ter the service of this notice upon the owners of the property affected and benefitted by such Improvement, or der that said above described Improve ment be made; that boundaries of said district to be so improved are as fol lows: All that portion of Adams ave nue from the west curb line of 4th street to the east curb line of , 1st street. ' Notice is . hereby . furth er given ' that the council will levy a special assessment on all; the property affected and benefitted .by; such improvement for the purpose of paying for such Improvement That the estimated cost of such ' improve ment is the sum of $1800. That the Council will on the 26th day of Octo ber, 1910, meet at the Council chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m. to con sider said estimated cost, and the levy of said assessment, when a hearing wll be granted to any person feeling aggrieved by such assessment. La Grande, Oregon, Oct 13, 1910. CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE, OREGON," By D. E. COX, Recorder of the City of La Grande, . ' Oregon. ; ' : . , Oct 14 to 26. Victim of Drink Seeds Orrlne. Drink cunningly destroys the will power, and while the drunkard wants to do what you tell him, he wants a thousand times more the drink that he craves. Medical treatment Is neces sary. Orrlne will destroy the desire for liquor, so that the drink will not be missed and restores the patient to health. ' N . This remedy Is thoroughly scientific and Is so uniformly successful that it is sold with a registered guarantee to refund your money if It fails to effect a cure., Booklet on "How to Cure Drunkenness," free on request The Orrlne Co., 674 Orrlne Building, Wash ington, D. C. Sold in this city by Stlverthorn's Family Drug store. . Advertised Stock. One red cow branded P P on left Btiphel has one horn broken off; one black steer with white face branded F P on left stlphel; One Jersey cow branded T on left hip. Now in city pound. ' ' .. ' Snlclde and Harder. Everett, Wn Oct 15 His mind af fected because of Jealousy on account of the attention his beautiful wife attracted, Ernest Wlnkley, aged 80, shot and killed her and wounded Mrs. Pearl May fold his wife's sister and then made three unsuccessful attempts to kill himself. Both will probably die; When found Wlnkley had shot himself V in the bead and swallowed poison and slashed his wrist. He was lying across the corpse of his wife. oo AViiLL OO TRIMMED and UIITRIHI.1ED! f lSjftitilv Any StW Any Oode ''., f f J- ny Grade ' ; I It's you ive wish to please both . , ) I vl in Style and-price! ; y V.; LADIES' - .1 Auto Coat 8 U 'and 1 11 Boys' School Clothing Young Men's Clothing Men's Clothing. ' They all have that STYLISH LOOK, FIT and SHAPE f IpHHBHSBBHMMBHBVHHHBMBIBMSBBIBHMMHBHBBBWSBHBlBViMMBHBHk : THE GOIMW RULE CO. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOQOO OOOOOO It's Time for You To Harvest V The golden sheaves -or shekels-are ready, to gather in. Our facilities and organization are at your disposal for producing the printed matter that gets results. ' v Our ideas are yours, too, if you want them. We will see that your work is attractive that it is ready on timejust right in all ways. We do every kind of GOOD printing. WHITON'S PRINTERY 7 I ?XS 118 DEPOT STREET, LA GRANDE, OREGON Go and hear Clarence Darrow,the famous liquor orator, then come and listen to the answer by The Noted Temper ance Speaker . . . . : 8 of Berkeley. California: Hp c hnih Pntortaininn and fnw 6 p ful. Mr. DeKay will speak at the corner of Adams Avei f nue and Depot Street at 7 o'clock p. m., $ , (IF WEATHER PERMITS) and at CHRISTIAN CHURCH at 7:30 f BE SURE - and. HEAR HIM!