LA GKANBE VNING OBSEltVillt. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1910. PAGE ITVI 1 ' I LOCALS I city ready ta make'UJ trlers'for. switches, etc, Ebe will also buy.comb IngB. A big line of switches, pull and many other things lire to be had. At room 34, Foley hotel. ' Bunion' Tru-Frult Chocolates. Hade Just right. Clean cotton rags wanted at The Ob- BerTer office. Old capers, one Hundred In ft ban- die, 25 cents at this office. Hotel ruie cards, trespassing cards, bouses for rent cards printed in red isd black. For sale cheap at The Ob server office. . v . . " The St. Peter's Guild will hold a fall ', rummage sale Thursday and Friday, ' the 13th and 14th of this month at the Alrdome. New goods and a larger as sortment than ever offered before. Re . member the place and date. Mrs. S. D. Vandecar;ls now In the THE ISIS -TONIGHT'S PROGRAM , '':.-:: From Tyranny to Liberty. ' . (Edison) The Sorrows of the Unfaithful. ..' (Blograph) The CaBtaways Return. How Jack Won His Bride. (Pathe) Vacuum carpet cleaning, taking up, sewing and laying. L. F. Billlnger, phones Red 5G2 and Red 141. Position wanted by man and wife as cook and helper. Camp preferred. Apple boxes In any Quantity, phones Farmers 4-x-2, Ind 21-A. Any quantity of apple boxes. Call the Summervllle Lumber Company. Phones Farmers 4-X-2. Ind. 21-A. Beautiful dishes, given to lady patrons of the matinee. See dis play in lobby. V WE ATTRACT TRADE WITH ' ' The new coffee Is again at Geddes grocery, 25c 35c and 40c. You can't be satisfied until you buy it. Only one place to get the health mush "Rolled Rye" and that is Geddes Grocery. . , . ' '; 4 ' The Ladles' Aid of the M. E. church will give a cooked food Bale Saturday Oct. 13, In the old Van Duyn building. Mme. Root Is at West's store demon strating her famous beauty, prepara- i plant Immense vlnvM Offer Haves te Expelled Churchum ! Portugal. Walla Walla, Wash., Oct. 14 One of the most orlque plans for publicity and increasing the population of the Walla Walla valley Is that Just brotch ed to the Commercial club, and taken up by the publicity deoartmen;. where by an effort w'll be made to brin? the monks and nuns expelled froir. Por tugal by the no'y foimed republic to this valley. Publicity Manager L. M. Bi-c-wn will write at once to the American consul at Lisbon to ge; information concern ing the best munner to go ah-ut this novel matter. There are several reasons why the publicity department would like to secure the friars. It is pointed out, for example, how tourists visit Cali fornia to look at the old missions. Mis sions In and around Walla Walla would add much to its plcturesqueness and it Is for this reason, as much as anything else, that the move is plan ned.' ' t- ; ' ;'-.' ! ' Then again, the wineries of Spain and Portugal, operated by the monks are everywhere famous. There is no place where grapes can be raised better than In the Walla Walla valley, and if. the .expelled churchmen are brought here, it Is' probable they would . A . 1 ' O O O WO O O OO O O OO O O O O 0 O O OO 0 O O O 00 v v i'luun. Complete line of hair goods. Call and see her. The Snodgrass grocery received to day another large shipment of Chase and Sanborn coffee with this shipment Snodgrass has bandied 1513 pounds of this one brand of coffee in. the past few months. Jap Stevens of the La Grande Bot tling Works is prepared to serve his patrons with OyBter Cocktails made from freBh Olympia Oysters receiv ed every day. Made with pure Cali fornia Ketchup,. Promp't - delivery td any part of the city. Phone Black 44L Our own interests are best ' served by providing our custCK ' mers with the best values in quality-style clothes. We offer you a line obtainable In no other store In this city the well known,- trustworthy Adler's Collegian Clothes. These are the most noteworthy style clothes of the country. They give you something more than good service. Snappy style and Individual character, so prized by careful dressers, ' are characteristic of this line yet undesirable extremes are carefully avoided. They are; clothes for best dressers. Suits and overcoats $15.00 to $30.00. We Carefully Fit You... ; Our interest does not end in selling you a suit we aim to. satisfy you In every particular. ' We take great pains, to help you, select a becoming garment that fits to perfection. ' 4 PERSONALS. City Recorder Ed. Cox is slightly Improved today after a short attack of La Grippe. J. W. White Is still in a precarious condition. His , physicians have little hope for his recovery. ?' ' ,' "" ' 1 G. S.,ReavIs of Enterprise Is at the Foley today while transacting business matters In La Grande. , lW . . C. F.' Hamilton, representing the Costaloa Rubber company Is in the city, stopping at the Sommer.' Rev. G. E. Hall, formerly of Pendle ton, will preach at the Baptist church at 11 a. m. next Sunday, October 16, Mrs.-sMorgan was registered at the Savoy today, having come down from her home In Kamela to do some shop ping..'.,',' : ' E. P. Stables of Telocaset was at the Savoy last night and returned home this morning on No. six. A. Raumagaw of North Powder reg istered at the FCVy last night while looking after business matters, in La Grande. Vi' -r'-v Edgar F. Averlll and wife and baby are registered at the Foley. Mr. Av- erill is city editor of the East Ore gonian. A. J. Stelnman of San. Francisco representing a large clothing house of that town is stopping at the Foley while looking after business matters In the city. L. B. Stearns of Cove who Is petit jury bailiff, leaves tomorrow for Washington points, Intending to visit at Pasoo and other cities in that sec tion of the state. George W. Webb, formerly State treasurer of Oregon, came over from La Grande this morning, where he bad been for a visit at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Jap Stevens. R J. Wels and V. B. Dingledine of Pasco are In the city today stopping at the Sommer. They are on their way to Joseph to look over the land re serves in view of taking up home steads. Mr. Weiss and Mr. Dingledine are relay operators In "the Pasco of fice o fthe Western Union. By order of the newly chosen presi dent of Portugal, all the monks and nuns are to be expelled from the coun try. As in the case of the Dominicans several years ago, they will come to America. , V. ' - j,-. -.' ? '.' Notice of Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given that the Co partnership existing by. and between Allen J. Webb and Lavon Zundell In conducting the business of the Grill formerly Spokane restaurant, has been this dayr dissolved by mutual consent, and Lavon Zundel retired. Allen J, Webb assumes all bills. and obliga tions due said co-partnership and will pay all outstanding bills against the same." ALLEN J. WEBB, LAVON ZUNDELL. V Ash Bros Clothiers andFurishers Notice of Street Improvement. To whom it may concern: Notice Is hereby given" that In pursuance of a resolution ' adopted by the Common Council of the City of La Grande, on the 5th day of August, 1909, creating Improvement District -No.. Land des ignating Adams avenue as such dis trict, and In pursuance of a resolu tion adopted by said Common Council on the 28th day of September, 1910, whereby said Council determined and declared its Intention to Improve , all that portion of Adams avenue, In Said Improvement district as hereinafter described, by laying thereon cement walks, the Council will, ten days af ter the service of this notice upon the owners of the property, affected and benefitted by such Improvement, or der that said above described Improve ment be made; that boundaries of said district to be so improved are as fol lows: All that portion of Adams ave nue from the west curb line of 4th street to the east , curb line of 1st street Notice is hereby furth er given that the council will levy a Bpeclal aBsesBment on all the property affected and. benefitted by such Improvement" for the purpose of paying for Buch Improvement. That the estimated cost of such improve ment Is the sum of $1800. That the Council will on the 26th day of Octo ber, 1910, meet at the Council chamber at the hour of 8 o'olock p. m. to con sider said estimated cost, and the levy of said assessment, when a bearing will be granted to any person feeling aggrieved by such assessment. La Grande, Oregon, Oct. 13, 1910. CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE. OREGON, - V , By D. E. COX, Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon., 1 ' Oct 14 to 26. K: 't f ill -i :VA th nil I irrT r oolVl Lii m&t . Lf, 1 k O O S4 ' I As 4 IV, ...jJiDlES'L- - TRIMMED and UUTRILIMED! Any Stylel Tiny Modell Any Gradel you re ivsh fo pease both in Style and pricel 1 aiiorea ' suics AiitoiCdais and EWs ; Boys' School Clothing Young Meis - Clothing Men s Clothing They all have that &TYLISHLOOK, FIT and SHAPE THE-GOIM ,ivuu;.yw.i;;,4.;,J ... oooooooo WOOOOOOOO OOCOO When the digestion is all right, the action of the bowels regular, there is a natural crav ing and relish for food. When this is lack ing you may know thnt yon need a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They strengthen the digestive organs, im- .1 A,.. I 1.1. .1. - I .. prove uie ppeiii. oiiu vguiava n wmu. Notice of Street Improvement To whom It may concern : Notice is hereby given that In pursuance of a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of La Grande, Oref gon, on the 9th day of February, 1910, creating Improvement - District No. 19 and designating 6th Street, as such district, and in pursuance of a resolu tion adopted by said Common Council on the 28th day of September, 1910, whereby said Council determined and declared its Intention to Improve all that portion of 5th street in said im-. provement district as herinafter,ie walks, tho Council will, ten days after- the service of this notice upon the owners of the property affected and benefltri 1 by such improvement, order that salil above described im provement be made; that boundaries of said district to be so Improved are as foitms: All that t portion of 5th street. Trotu 'the east curb line of De pot street, to the north curb line of O avenue. Notice Is hereby further given that the Council will levy a special assessment on all the property affect ed and benefitted by such Improvement fof t he ptirprsQ of paying for such Im provement. That the estimated cost of Hnrh imnrovement is the sum of $843.50. That the Council will on'the: 2Gth day of October, 1910, meet at the Council chamber at the hour of 8. o'clock p. m. to consider said esti mated cost, and the levy of said as sessment, when a hearing will V be granted to any person feeling; -ag grieved by such assessment. Tj rirnnHn frp?nn. ( (Vt. 13. 1910. . CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE,- OREGON. f v , X By D. E. COX, Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon. ' -v ., . Oct 14 to 26. ; v scribed, . by thereon cement PARIS HAIR STORE : Mrs. Ada Palmer Phone Main ?3j Full Line of Hair Good,' Fi,R ORES .: f 11 .a (;. . W uo ana near Liarenre namu, e a.iw.f vwiiit anu uzHsn lo we answer G (SO. ii alio t y i J The Noted Temper ance Speaker . . . . Victim of Drink Keeds Orrlne. Drluk cunningly destroys the will power, and while the drunkard wants to do what you tell him, he wants a thousand times more the drink that he craves. 1 Medical .treatment is neces sary. Orrlne will destroy the desire for liquor, so that the drink will not Judd Geer, the Cove fruit grower be missed and, reBtores the patient to who is district commissioner of the health. state horticultural society has re turned from Portland where he at tended a meeting of that association. He reports a very Interesting series of seBBions of the officers and commis sioners. Sherman Reis also of Cove accompanied him. H I "I ttti 1 1 M II Want ads pay, one cent a word This remedy is thoroughly scientific and is bo .uniformly successful that It is sold with a registered guarantee to refund your money if it falls to effect a cure. Booklet on "How to Cure Drunkenness." free on request. The Orrlne Co., 674 Orrlne Building, Wash ington, D. C. Sold In this city by Silvertborn's Family Drug store. SS?7LfiJft Stains and force! i S " - " c"ay speax ai me corner of Rdams Ave. i t me and Depot Street at 7 o'clock n. m , "! r ' i r ta SUNDAY,: OCTOBER. 16 . r . ... . . . . . -(JF-WEATHER PERMITS) ' ' and af CHRISTIAN CHURCH at 7:30 A MUUXUlliXiu.ux , ....... ... - . BE SURE an HEAR Hlli 4