v4 LA GRANDE EVENTING OBSERVER. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1910. PAGE THREE HEI6 DM IT Shoes lubbers ' Hosiery EL J J III II - '- UMIHH 0' $ U Buy II Li. t r : 4 v'..y v.-. it - '' r- - The Greatest Bargain Store in La Grande where your Dbl- ' 'V ..." . lars go the Farthest Ladies' hose, 25c retailer everywhere, our special orice VA:'; 20c ..It ; i inured hose, splendid value,gbing at v;t;T::'f,;:.,;''i,:v: .. -.--25c Men's black Lial hose, 1 25c y al, while they last 20c 300 pair 35c muleskin gloves to go at . V 25c, 'Ladies' 1 .50 driving gloves 125 Ladies 1.25 " ;;85 631.00 . 75 4 Ladies 5c hemstitched ihandkc'fs, for only 3c 25c Stovepipe, only H9c Fire shovel, good value 5c !$ 1.25 Lantern 95c : 1 - l ;av.-' PROGRAM COMPLETED FOR EXT SATURDAY'S MEETING. '"I-."- Several Prominent Speakers are on the Program ricnty of Sfoslc AUcel, Oct 14 (Spectal)-W. J. Case, secretary of the local farmers Union has announced the program In full which has been under preparation for some time and Is filled with treats In the musical and lecture line. The pro gram follows: ' 10. a. m. Song by the choir. Invocation Rev. H. S. Hamilton. Song by the choir. i Address: "What, the Union is and , What it Has Done. J. W. McAl- lster, Co. Pres. . , . ' - Song Jay Shaw. Address: "Education" by Rev. II. S ' Hamilton. . x 2. ui. umner. . : ' 1:30 p, m. Song by Mlsa Lena Mobs : and others. - Address: "Future Possibilities of the F. E. & C. U. of America." by Rev. Ford Ellis. ' . Song Mrs,- Nora Webb. ' Address: "Co-Operation" by Hon. George Cochran. ; Recital Mrs. Thos Wallslnger. ' Address. "Home Rule" by Hon. Chas. Cochran. . : Song America, bthe choir. Others have been Invited to take part Everybody come and bring your basket well filled and enjoy the day. Program will be In the new church. We are striving hard to deserve your shoe .trade MAY WE HAVE IT? SMITH WGEIEEM Shoemen Depot Street 75c Lantern 55c 65c granite coffee .pot 32c 75c granite water pail 5Qc 15c Lantern globe 10c French ;Flexibpne and W. T. xorsts, 75c up to $2;50 ,15c outing flarfl, yd. 11c 121-2cgingh,ms yd. 10c 15c hairnets 10c Bargain in . Blankets and Comforters : 65c Infants shoeS, only 45c 40c soft sole shoes 25c STUDEBAKER VAGOUS AND BUGGIES 1 SUPERIOR DRILLS Presbyterians at Pendleton. With about 100 visiting ministers and delegates In attendance the 20th annual meeting of the Synod of Ore gon will be .convened In "the First Presbyterian church In this city this evening at 7.30. The eesslons will continue over Sunday as 9:15, Sunday evening, is the scheduled hour for the closing of the meeting, relates the Pendleton East Oregonlan. It has been Just 20 years since the Bynod Mnet in Pendleton, the first annual meeting of the Synod of Ore gon as now constituted, having been held in this city. Prior to that time the Oregon Synod included Washing' ton and Idaho as well as this state. , The opening sermon will be deliv ered this evening by the Rev.' H.? N, Mount of Eugene, the retiring moder ator. Following the sermon will come the roll call, the election of the mod erator and the election of clerks. Dr. W. H. Bleakney Is mentioned for mod erator. The report of the committee on arrangements will , also be made this evening. " . I Several of the visiting ministers par tlclpated in a street meeting last ev euing In the interest of the prohlbltoS cause. Later they adjourned to the Baptist church, where a similar meet ing was held. we an rass iour uotncs or Clean Them On Short Notice. Elife Dying ajid Cleaning VJorlis t Mahaff6y Building ; 7 ; : v 1 ' ; 4 0 ; " Depot street Try a can of our QUALITY BAKING POWDER. Satisfaction or money back-SEE- OUR ' LAR3E . PREMIUMS Men's imderwear 1 .50 down to . V 1 25c Mrfs shirts 1 $1;75 ddvn to . . . 50c .-y:l''..Jfe-il .. ' 5: A i - . .liNX'-w.-AA KJi 1318 Adams Ave & Fir St Dysentery Is a dangerous diaeane but can Diarrhoea l'eniedy bus been successfully used in nine epidemics of dysentery. It has never lcen known to mil. Jt Is equally val iiauio lor children ana intuitu, mid when re dured ivith water and cwectcned, it is plena vu v '.o iu;;e. v They Btzr Investigation - Ye are Agenfs Doube Guzntntee -w ' :- lull Dire ctory of . the Fratem of La Grande, Oregon A. F. Sc A M. La Grande Lodge No. 41, A. F; & A. M. holds regular meet ings first and third Saturdays at 7:30 p. m. , ' . - ' 'v' ' JOHN S. HODGIN, W. M. A. C. WILLIAMS, Secretary. B. P. O. E. La Grande Lodge No. 433 meets each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Elk's dub, corner of De pot Btreet arrd Washington avenue. VtolUng brothers are cordially in vited to attend. r , v DR. G. L. DIGGERS, Ex Rul. HUGH McCALL, Rec. Sec. . REBEKAHS Crystal Lodge No. 60 meets every evening In the I. O. O. F. hall. All visiting members are Invited to attend. r MISS ANNA ALEXANDER, N. O. MRS. JENNIE M. SMITH, Sec. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Red Croi Lodge No. 27 meets' every Monday night In Castle hall, (old Elk'a hall.) A' Pythian welcome to all visiting , Knights. " ; JESS PAUL. c. c. . R. L. LINCOLN, M. of R. ft S. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD La 'Grande'Lodge No. 169 W. O. W. meeta everf second and fourth Tuea ' day In the month. All visiting mem bers welcome. .' i ; 7 r NEW ACKLE3, C C. J. H. KEENLY. Clrk. Try This for Catarrb. Get a HYOMEI (pronounce it Hlgn o-me) outfit today. Pour a few drops from the bottle Into the Inhaler that comes With each outfit, and breathe it in four or five times a day. - Immediately you will know that HY' OMEI soothes and heals tha Inflamed and Irritated membrane. But HYOMEI does more than soothe and heal; it kills the germs, those pert severing pests that are at the root of all catarrhal conditions..' : ' ' "Last year I suffered terribly with; catarrh. I used one bottle of HY6- MEI, and my catarrh was better."-- Miss Helen McNair, Loyalton, Cal. ; A complete HYOMEI outfit, Includ ing a bottle of HYOMEI, a hard rubber pocket Inhaler and simple Instructions for use, costs only $1.00. If you now own a HYOMEI inhaler, you can get an extra bottle of HYOMEI for only 60 cents at The Newlln Drugr Store, and druggists everywhere. Guaranteed to cure catarrh, croup, asthma and sors throat, or money back. Oct 14-24 No. 4. ' M..W. A. La Grande Camp No. 7703 meets every Monday in the month at the I. O. O. F. haUl All visiting neighbors are cordially invited to ' attend. 1. R. SIOOK. C p. B. COX, Clerk. O. E. S. Hope Chapter No. 13, O. E.1 C. holds stated commualcatloas th second and fourth , Wednesdays ot each month. Visiting members cor dially invited. ' MARY A. WARNICK, Sec. PAUUNB EDERLEE, W.M. WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT Grandsj , Bonds Circle No. 47 , meets every first 'and third Thursday evenings. In the month at the I. O. O. F, balL All visiting members are welcome. . OHLOQ ROBINSON, G. M. UZZIB ELLSWORTH, Clerk. Vv.v:,' :''y;y'ry SEE ;LA GHAflDES LEADING JEWELER ft '.' W.l . . Ji . A At. I S - 1 M ' . wnen in nees oi i anjuuag ta wiucaea, ciociui jeweirr, v cut glass, hand pain ted China, or any other article carried VjL by a first class Jewel ry. store, Investigate our prices before buying and you wills ave' money, and be sure of securing X first quality goods. , If your eyes trouble you, have them fitted by an optl- ' -O clan of experience. V ' : - ' Ounsilte the V. 8. Lsnd Office. Aiams Ave. r ; r yr