PAGE TOO by , AERM0T0R WINDMILLS Redwood Tanks s John Vkll Adams Ave, LA GRANDE, - ORE CATARRH SUFFERERS. Good Things to Know. If you now own a Hypmel bard rubber inhaler, tbe Newlin Drug Co. wants you to know that they will tell you a bottle of HYOMEI' for only 60 cents. Remember this, all who suffer with catarrh a bottle of HYOMEI (pro nounce it Hlgh-o-me) is put up In a a .-.:, THE rump Pipe ADAKUA11V 112 1-2 acres, 5 acres bearing orchard, 75 acres under cultivation, 0 . room house, pantry, bath and closets; new; large barn, 60x90 feet; good condition; household furniture; 3 head horses, 3 cows, 1 year ling, 1 calf, 2 pigs, 1 wagon, 1 mower; 1 rake; one snlkey plow; 1 hand plow; 1 cultivator; 1 harrow; 2 lawn mowers; $80.00 sep arator and all other small tools on farm; 4 miles from La Grande; all for $12,000.00. Let me show, yon. t I C. J. BLACK The Real Estate Man Use ELECTRIC LIGHT Its Convenience and Economy will Surprise You Iff us tell you all about It EASTERN OREGON light and Power Company buying CooperVUnderWear and Dr. JaegeiP Big Line of Mackiriaws, Chamios-lined A Bargain--1 separate package and sold for 50 cents to accommodate the vast army of peo ple who already own a Hyomei inhal er. They will sell it to you at that price and give you the opportunity to begin at once to' rid yourself of vile catarrh and the snuffling, hawking uu yiUiug iuat go wicu lb . Many people through years of neg lect have let catarrh get a strong hold upon them. Some of these people un reasonably think that one bottle of HYOMEI ought to cure them. No matter how chronic your catarrh al troubles, HYOMEI is guaranteed bj the NEWLIN DRUG CO. to cure then if you give it half a chance. Just breathe it. that's all, and its healing, soothing antiseptic properties will make you feel better In a day. , .! If you own an inhaler get ft 50 cent bottle of HYOMEI today. If you do not own a Hyomei Inhaler, aak for a $1.00 outfit, which Includes inhaler. Oct, 10-21-31. ; l HIDDEN DANGERS. Nature Gives Timely Warnings That No La Grande Citizen Can Afford to Ignore. Danger Signal No. 1 comes from the kidney secretions. They will warn yoj when tbe kidneys are sick. Well kidneys excrete a tlear, amber fluid. Sick Kidneys send out a thin, pale and foamy," or a thick, red,' ill-smelling urine, full of sediment and Irregular . , . . s t European-Plan Only Rooms 60c to $1.60 First class Throughout, SAVOY HOTEL D. G. BRIGHOUX,' Proprietor. OHE BLOCK FROM DEPOt La Grande, Oregon lishy pay Rent 7 We loan you money to build, and jyou pay us as you would rent. R. OUVER. LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER ur-liiied " Overcoats 10 11 of passage. ,. - : Danger Signal No. 2 comes from the back. Back pains, dull and heavy, or sharp and acute, tell you of sick kid neys and warn you of the approach of dropsy, diabetes and Bright's disease. Doan's Kidney Pills 'cure sick kidneys and cure' them permanently. Here is proof in the statement of a nearby resident. John Torongo, Cracker St, Sump ter, Oregon, says: "Last spring my kidneys were disordered and I began to suffer from backache. I noticed that the kidney secretions were highly colored and painful in passage and I bus knew that my kidneys were at iault. The use of one box of Doan s Kidney Pills toned up my kl'dneys and caused the backache to cease. I am grateful to Doan's Kidney Pills for what they did for me." . ; ; For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents forthe United States. Remember . the name Doan's and take no other. . Dining Car Men to Meet Minneapolis, Minn., Oct 14. Prep arations have been made by the Amer ican Association of Dining Car Sup erintendents to hold the annual con vention of the organization in this city next week, whom questions per taining to the feeding of the American traveling public will be discussed. - PEOPLE Of OREGON Ills now UP TO YOU The popular COLONIST FARES will again be in effect between September 15th, and October 15, during which period tickets to La Grande will be on sale daily from CHICAGO at . . $33.00 ST. LOUIS , . . 32.00 OMAHA ;!:: , i 25.00 KANSAS CITY , . 25.00 ST. PAUL ... 25.00 and from other cities correspond ingly low. These are Westbound, one-way fare only, but anyone here can PREPAY for relatives or Mends In the East, it desired. Consult your local railroad ag ent " - IS THE TIME to let the world know of our vaut resources and splendid opportun ities for HOME BUlLDINp. Write to everyone you know In the East. Send them good instruc tive printed matter, and tell them that the cost of getting here Is but HtUe more jan half the us. ual cost, and to call on a repre sentative nt th O. R. & N. Co., for nil 4.M.'r! Information, or address WM. McMURRAY General. Passenger Agent " PORTLAND. OREGON NOW FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1910. Vests, and SKeep-Iined Coats. V i Tanderbllt Horses Shown. ' ' , Louisville, Ky., Oct 14. Alfred 0. Vanderbilt's string of horses, jwWch 4ft5ftj5ik7ftiii&s sk- I NOW IS THE TIME TO" GET YOUR OLD lu -; you to to BAY & Laulirlower Celery Cabbage Imperial Tomatoes ass ) :f j S" .t i, fj Snotkr Just Received FreisK Lot Swifts Premium Haras Larg :- Also Winchester Bacon : - . s:'.' ' j j s. 'V,'- Pop Corn that will pop Full line Fruits andVegetables CITY: GROCERY and BAKERY - - n- - S, earner Imported Woolen i ' " ' ...... . , - '"." ,; 7 . ; have been shown here this week, will be shipped next week to Atlanta for the horse show to be held in the Geor gia capital. - y ; i . ;'t . f triv.n jrt,;'- nit rrj v y STOVE REUNED weather might cause g get a new one.5 1WEIFEI i - 5 bweet f otatoes Green Peppers Bananas Grapes Cranberries 1 1 -y.f.x Grocery r m O 0 O v O & O PE0FESSI03IAL DIBECTOET. 0 O 4 O V PDTSICIAXS AXD SUBGEOXS. ' N. MOIJTOR, M. D. Physician and , Surgeon. Corner Adams Ave. and Depot street Office, Main 68; Reel , dence 69.' ' . C H. UPTON, Ph. G. M. p. Physician and surgeon. ;- Special attention to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat . Office in La Grande National , Bank Build ing. Phones: Office Main t. Resi dence Main 32. j X A. L. RICHARDSON-PhysIclan and( Burgeon. Office Hous: 2 to S p. m. except Sunday. Sunday by appoint-: ments. Telephones: Office, Black;. 1362; Ind. 353; residence, Main 55; 1 ind. 312. . GEO. W. ZIMMERMAN Osteopath ' Physician. Sommer Bldg., Rooms 7, ! 8, 9 and 10. Phones: Home 1332, ' x-aviuc, Aiam t6, xtesiaence pnone, , Black 951. Successor to Dr. C. R Moore. .- . UK. M. F. MENDELSOHNs-DOCtOr Of, Optics. Spectacles and Eye Glasser Fitted and made to ordef. AllerA . m W" ll x . n w rom vi neiraciion uorreciea. hud Adams Ave. Foley Hotel 'Bldg. La . urande, Oregon. - . DR. H. L. UNDERWOOD and DRT DORA J. UNDERWOOD Office ov er Wright Drug store. Speoial at tention paid to diseases and sargery of the eye. ' , ' , r; PhonesOffice Main 22;, residence, " Main 728. - J. C. PRICE, D. M. D. Dentist Room 23, La Grande National Bank Build , lng. Phone Black 399. , , 1 DR. P. A. CHARLTON .Veterinary Sur geon. Office at Hill's Drug Store, La Grande. ' Residence phone, Red 701; Office phone. Black 1361; Indey pendent phone 63; both phones at residence.- ATT0S5ET8 .AT LAW. COCHRAN & COCHRAN Attorneys: Chas. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Coch ran. La Grande National Bank Bldg.. La Grande, Oregon. T. H. CRAWFORD Attorney at Law. Practices tn al Ithe courts of the State and United States. Office In La Grande National Bank Bldg., La. : Grande, Oregon. D. W. C. NELSON Mining Engineer. Baker City, Oregon. rroiessionai Elocutionist Miss Katherine P, Mitchell, gradu- j ate and post graduate in Oratory and ' English. Cumnock crn university, Chicago, 11U Private and closs work. Elocution, Oratoryi Dramatic work. Physical Culture, Tu- . uiu wiuc, mngusn literature ani ComposIUon. Phone Black 33L 140J N. Avenue. ' , i ' Be sure and takes bottle of ChamberlsiJs Colin, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy wife you when starting on your trip this summer. It cannot be obtained on hnml the, train r steamers. Changes of water and climate often cause tudden attacks of diarrhoea, aid m ts wn w o prepareOi The Kind It Was. "Walter, this chuck steak I la like wood." "Tea. sah. Dat am wt etsak."-Cev eland Plata Desist.