LA GKANDE EVENING OBSERVER. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 13. 1910. PAGE 'TTTVTZ ii niacle. km: i i 9 1 Bids will be received not later than Friday, October 14th at 4 o'clock, p. m., for the Tabernacle Building located at corner of Fifth and Spring Stsi, formerly used for union re ligious meeting and latsr purchased by the Union County Exposition Company, Bids will be received for buildmg, as it stands, or for the lumber, per thous and, torn down and piled on ground. Lease on ground expires November 1 and the lot must be vacated by that time. All bids should be sealed and left t LOCALS server office. Haradon's Tra-Frnlta Chocolates. Made Jut right Old papers, one hundred In a bun dle, 25 cents at this office. , . Girl for general house work for two. $5.00 per week. Inquire Henry & Carr. Hotel rule ccrda, trespassing cards, house for rent cards, printed In red and black. For sale cheap at The Ob- Tbe St Peter's Guild will hold a fall rummage sale Thursday and Friday, the 13th and 14th of this month at the Alrdome. New goods and a larger as sortment than ever offered before. Re member the place and date. . . tresslng cough. Better get a bottle today. It's guaranteed. Costs but 25 cents. The Newlln Drug Co. Clean cotton rags wanted at The Ob server office. . The next time yoU have a prescrip tion to be filled try our service. Your doctor will tell you that you are In sured purity and accuracy by coming to us. Newlln Drug Co. Just a few doses of our White Pine Cough Cure will rid you of that dis- You cant kiakat 0 I Jk C I WE LIKE KICKERS. WE BELIEVE KICKERS v, - - v . CLUBS SHOULD BE ORGAfilZED EVERy WHERE TO K.EEV THE TUBLIC FROM BEIiG IMTOSED Off, yOU ARE JUSTIFIED Iff KICKlffG Off HA TS AM) CLOTHES yOU BUy A TSOME STORES. "BUT yOU CAJTT KICK Of OUR GOODS BECAUSE WE CAHHy JUST OfE KIfD-THE BEST. COME: AfD SEE. COST MO-RE, BUT WORTH MORE. Mrs. S. D. Vandecar is now In the city ready, to make up orders for switches, etc. She will also buy comb ings. A big line of switches, puffs and many other things are to be had. At room 34, Foley hotel, a Vacuum carpet cleaning, taking up, sewing and laying. L. F. Billinger, phones Red 562 and Red 141. i F. A Choate or Summervllle will give a public sale on Saturday, Oct 29th at his farm one and one-half miles from Summervllle, consisting of live stock and farm machinery.. Position wanted by man and wife as cook and helper. Camp preferred. will give a cooked food sale Saturcay Oct. 13. la the old Van Duyn building. Notice of Dissolution of Partnership. Notice Is hereby given that the Co partnership existing by and between Allen J. Webb and La von Zundell In conducting the business of the Grill formerly Spokane .restaurant, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent, and Lavon Zundel retired. Allen J. Webb assumes all bills and obliga tions due said co-partnership and will pay all outstanding bills against the same. . . '. . ALLEN J. WEBB, LAVON ZUNDELL. THE SOWERWHAT WILL THE HARVEST.'. BE? - ' A cake Bale will be held Saturday at Lilly's hardware store. Christian Endeavor's of Christian Church will have charge. Apple boxes in any quantity, phones Farmers 4-X-2, Ind 21-A. Any quantity of apple boxes. Call the Summervllle Lumber Company. Phones Farmers 4-X-2, Ind. 21-A. The Royal Grocery and Bakery are putting on the market something en tirely new which is "Quince Honey and tho public is invited to come and get a tumbler of this dainty breakfast sweet The new coffee Is again at Geddes grocery, 25c 35c and 40c. You can't be satisfied until you buy it. ' Only one place to get the health mush "Rolled Rye" and that Is Geddes Grocery. The Ladies' Aid of the M. E. church ;AshBroa.:.gai,i THE ISIS -TONIGHT'S PROGRAM 6cene n Norway. Trouble of a Policeman, comedy. - (Pathe) V The Tout's Remembrance. A great racing scene. ' ' (Essanay) Pure Gold. (Kalem) Beautiful- dishes given to lady patrons of the matinee. See dis play In lobby. -AMISSIOK lire- WILSON SPEECH TONiGHT 0TIIER SIDE" WILL BE HEARD , THIS EVEMXG. Speech Will be Delivered on Street If ' Weathor Is Favorable. J The people who heard the eloquent orator from ; the Southland last ev ening will want to hear the eloquent Dr. Wilson this evening. He Vtll speak on the street, corner of De pot and Adams at 7:15 and at the Cen tral church of Christ. ' liUUHIilL SHUHI OF MEMBERS N Philadelphia Preu. PARIS HAIR STORE Full Line of Hair Goods. : HAIR ,: . -,r-,-. , . ; , DRESSING. ' Mrs. Ada Palmer Phone Main 731;- 209 Fir Street BOUTISE BCSIXESS TRANSACTED AT MEETING LAST NIGHT. One Important Petition Received Ce. ment Contract Awarded. With Mayor Meyers absent from the city, and Recorder Cox ill and unable to attend, council was forced to op erate short handed last evening, and though only a short session was held, considerable was transacted. Among the Important matters coming up was the awarding of a contract for the con struction of the cement side walk on Jefferson between Fir and Greenwood. C. T. Darley got the work. , ', Property owners between Adams and Washington west of Fir street pe titioned the' council to have the sew er system extended to the new thea tre building on Adams avenue. It was referred to the committee. Don't forget to register this week. 1 ' ' ' Wednes. 12-Thurs. 13 "UNCLETOM'S CABIN" A magnificent and Realistic production in motion pictures by the ' Vltigraph company of America v v ' part i ' A Serial Dramatization of "Anta Bollum" Dava from one of fthe most famous publications of American Literature. Unequaled for emotional, dramatic and varied situations; unapproachable in true characterization of peopl e who made a great epoch of Ameri can history. - PART II. ' . '.' Probably the most pictures quo part of the whole story, with one of the most pathetic scenes in all dramatic history the Death of f T.lfMn " . .. ' ' (' PART 'ill. . . . This part Ts filled1 with" thrilling . situations, bringing the ten- n sions. to the highest pitch of extreme interest that draws us toward 1 I the picture and makes us fe61 1 Ike grappling the villainous Legree )i and defending his defenseless victims. Our scorn goes out to the 'i one; our sympathy for the otherB. 1 ii i ALWAYS PICTURES THAT PLEASE