A f ll P, 1 lL'w . r w in i.i (i M i iUH" i m H ! vT ii . I VOL. XIV. L AGRANDE, UNION COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1910. 1 Number 29S I ( 111 I I I I 1 i I l .r v sr f i 'J 1 $' V nr. 11 2 1 I 4 FREI1CH STRIFE BE POLITICAL GENERAL IMPRESSION IS STRIKE. IS MOVEMENT TO UPSET T1IE f FRENCH GOVERNMENT. ' Reports From Farls to London Indl cate Railroad Strike Which Has Tied up the Entire Nation Is jnstl- traiea y a ; Broader irurpose man Mere Waje Questions Women Join Men In Surpassing1 " Sold : lers, '''""' ' '. '(." . Paris, Oct.-13 Blood .flowed freely In the streets of Paris today when t,he first real fight , between the strikers and soldiers was waged for more than , an hour. At least six men and two wo men were seriously hurt. It is report ed one soldier was killed. The strike is. even more effective to day than yesterday. The Northern ran four trains but did not attempt regu lar services. The Eastern and West- em lines made spasmodic efforts , to . resume traffic but failed. Armed men guarded the food trains. . Trains are moving this evening,' manned 'by soldiers of the engineering 5 1 corps. The first reserves has been -canned -to colors in "preparation to jaovlng ' trains. . f ' '.. -:::'' ; ' .'.' Many strikers are numbered amrtns the rese-res and many, responded to the call. Whether they will man trains as troops, which they refused to man as civilians, remains to be seen. Efforts to Overthrow Government. London, Oct. 13 A dispatch from Paris to the London Globe today says the railroad strike has developed In to a revolutionary struggle for the purpose of overthrowing the govern ment. Bloodshed and rioting will be Imminent and the scene is approxi mating the French Revolution. Blood Is expected . when the troops, half loval and half favorable to the "syn dicate" are ordered to suppress the demonstrations against the govern ment. Reports . from Paris say 300 men and' 'womeit engaged in a gun fight with the police today, when the police attempted to break up a meet ing of strike leaders at the office of the La Humanlte, a socialistic news paper. One woman and one soldier was reported killed and several wounded. " English Railroad Men, Grumble. With the approaching crisis In rail- way affairs in France, railway train men of England are showing notice able signs of unrest. Not long ago the country was threatened with a big tleup of transportation lines In ' many parts of England the men left their posts. Compromise measures however averted the' trouble. Traln . men however are not now satisfied either with the hours or wages and the attitude of French railway men re flects the stand here. Coal Production, New York, Oct 13 Figures Just completed by European authorities show that the United States Is far in the lead In the production and con sumption of coal. The figures are for the year 1909, and give the coal output of this country as approximately 390, 000,000 tons. The United Kingdom Is second with 263.000,000 tons; Germany third with 146,000,000 tons. France fourth with 36,000,000 tons and Bel gium fifth with 23,000.000 tons. The percentage pf Increase In coal produc tion over the previous year was also greatest In the United States. In both this country and the United Kingdom, however, the output for last year fell below that of 1907. The total coal pro duction of the world for the year as given was about 950,000,000 tons. 111 GDI BLOOD FLOWS IN STREETS OIL PROBING STARTS. Government Sends Assistant Secre tary to California to Investigate. Los AngeleB, Oct 13 Frank Pierce, assistant secretary of the In terior, Is In this city today' to begin the Investigation of the condition of Southern California oil fields 'where. It is reported alleged irregularities ejftst. It Is understood his investiga tion precedes federal activity this win ter. . , '. . . ', - INCREASE COAST ARTILLERY. Necessary for Coast Defense to Keep ' Artillery Near the Coast Washington, Oct. 13 In his annual report, just out, Brigadier General Murray, chief of the coast artillery, U. S. A. recommended an Increase lh coast artillery. He said It Is doubt less that Is may prove Invaluable In manning the coast defense In time of war, v , ... y , .'...,..,;'...., V Merger Cnse Ended. ' St. Paul,' Oct. 3 Arguments for the railroad in the Union Pacific merger caBe closed today with presentations of briefs of the Southern Pacific and Harriman '" interests. , Frank Kellogg for the government summed up the case which' lasted until lata this af ternoon. :. ''':'v, ' ' ' PROMISED GATES WILL HEAD WARFARE AGAINST STANDARD OIL CO. Bitterest Struggle In Years Predicted . ' fcy Money Men of East. : New York, Oct. 13 Financiers pre dict the most bitter struggle in years when the Texas Oil Company headed by John Gates, begins operations. An nouncement had just been made that Gates has' Just completed arrange ments for a fight against the Standard Oil. Gates Intends to undersell the oil' trust and has established thirty three stations in east for this pur pose. ' '' ;,r '' Jews Observe Fast Chicago, Oct. 13 Yom Klppur or the Day of Atonement, the holiest day in the Jewish calendar, Is being observed by the Jews of Chicago and the en tire country today. Since sundown last night the faithful adherents of Judaism have abstained from food and the fast will continue until the sun goes down tonight. -The. period of ab stinance has for Its real aim the ob servance of the reformed life. Today in the Jewish calendar Is the tenth day of the month Tlshri, of the year 5671. :.;v ; " v Yom Klppur Is the second of three great Jewish festivals falling In the month of October. New Year Day was celebrated on Oct. 4 and five days hence, on Oct. 18, the Feast of the Tab ernacle will be observed by Hebrews the world over. The observance of this feast, called In Hebrew, Succoth, con tinues for eight days, ending with the day of solemn assembly. STRAYED CATTLE RETURNED. While Rounding vp Stray Stock, Geo. Pierce Meets With Accident George Pierce, the cattleman, left this morning for North Powder with a bunch of live stock which belongs to John and Alex Shaw. The cattle had strayed over the mountains and Joined the Pierce herd. Mr. Pierce will brine : back some stock of his that has mingled with the Shaw herd. Mr. Pierce met with a severe Jolt yester day while rounding up the cattle. His , horse fell, giving him a severe shak ing. DIP II PIES OF GOAL OIL to departtS fwm ENGLAND MYSTERY i TOTTERING THRONE AT MADRID SEARS FATAL STAGE OF ITS V EXISTENCE. iieoh nnimniiiT Revolutions In Europe and AVars With Labor In France Precipitating Final .Attack on Alfonso's Throw Rmitl.' " ty Ready to Leave Spain at a Mo ment's Notice as LoyaI.Troops May .be Compelled to Surrender. . Madrid, Oct. 13 Great Industrial disturbances in Fiance, and unrest in Spain today threatens to precipi tate. the fall of the tottering throne of Alfonso XI II. Secret preparations are being made to, remove the royal 'family, to a point near the French frontier, presumably San Sabastihe. Officials 'deny any danger of uprising but it is known and admitted officially that the English fleet at Gibralter is ready to aid in protecting the Royal family should the revolution over throw the dynasty. It is believed the Spanish princes will be placed aboard the warship to rejoin the king and queen in England., ; . y. Troops AVnrring Constantly. " :'rAlai ming report's ' continue to come in from the outlying provinces through Becret channels of the revolutionists. Official messages however convey very little Information other than a con stant transfer, of troops. Official dis patches assign the movements of the troops is ' for "service In Morrocco" while many Southern garrisons have been transferred and some are really enroute to Africa. Reserves are tak ing their places and the northern gar risons where sedition Is strongest are not being disturbed. Terror's Anniversary Untimely. Barcelona, Oct, 13 The anniversary of the execution of Francesco Ferror, the noted Republican educator Is pass ing today In Spain with every mani festation of Martial laws. The entire army is under arms and the cities are crowded with troops . and reserves. Martial law was declared in this city where the outbreak Is most feared. It was here that Ferrer was executed last ' year wheri , the whole civilized world was shocked. 1 : ' SEARCH FOR BODIES CONTINUES IN BURNED AREA. i Worst Is Over In Minnesota and Got ernor Lcares Affairs to Militia. Winnipeg, Oct 13 Rain Is falling and the situation In Minnesota Is im proving. The crisis is passed. Govern or Eberhard said he would return to St Paul today, leaving the mllita officers in charge. Martial law, still prevails in a portion of the burned dis trict The, search for the bodies con tinues.' :' . . Popular Drummer Here. .' George T. Coyne, representing the "Tree FruIt'Vllne of chocolates and the much talked of Cherry Blossoms Is in the city and U stopping at the Fo ley.. ' ; ''', ',;,..' . . ''.';'. EIRE DISASTER 18 BODIES ARE IWIPHOVIME RECOVERED RAPIDLY 111! , SAN FRANCISCO WOMAN MAY BE ONE WHO LEADS TO ARREST OF REAL CULPRITS. FEAR BRIDLES HEfi TONGUE Bryce and Morris Were. at. her 'Home In San Francisco and Woman, Name . Unknown Cam Tlmr Th "crhenrd Conversations About' Dj na jnlte and Los Angeles While Men - Occupied Rooms In' Her Home. ' San Francisco, Oct. 13 Seeking for a mysterious woman, believed to hnve been a mutual; friend of the so called ; J. B. Bryce and Morris, suspected j of dynamiting the Los Angeles 'Times Ji .1 - ' . .1 ,'. ' uuicLiive' iwjay, oegan a systematic search of this "city. The information was furnished by Mrs. E. R. Ingersoll who told the police' that Bryce "was brought. .to her. home, at 3Co6 Twen-;' Hdfh atmcit tfS urn nisei affrt n f plosion by a woman, acquaintance. Ho engaged a room there shortly after wards and was Joined 'by Morris, She j overheard their conversation about dynamite and Los Angeles. She was afraid 'to tell until last night. . ' J y H-rt' Inroll id she leard ,-fci-' her life, The woman brought Bryce to j her home Is being sought. She un-'i doubtedly will lead to the men wanted If Mrs. Ingersoll's suspicions are cor rect. Mrs. Inngersoll said the men re ceived many telephone calls from men and women during their stay, Sept.4 to 14. v- SUSPECT IS RELEASED. Man Held at Sacramento on Suspicion of Blowing up Times Is Liberated Sacramento, Oct.-. 13 Authorities have released Wallace, the suspected Los Angeles dynamiters and assert they won't assist the Los Angeles police in searching for him! They as sert they are satisfied he had noth ing to do with the case. . Fine Percheon Colt Arrives. Lou' Stan ley today received a fine Percheron colt from the Ruby stables at Portland. This Is considered one of the best standard bred Percherons ever shipped Into this valley. TWENTY SIX FOUND THIS AFTER NOON SAY REPORTS. Officials of Company Refuse to Deny" . or Affirm the Report. Starkville, Oct. 13 Twenty six more bodies have been found in the depths of the mine which exploded Saturday according to a report reaching the surface this afternoon. The officials of the company neither affirm or deny It. This makes a total of 48 which have been found. . y , . ''.' House Wants Inquiry. Denver, Oct 3 The lower house of the state legislature today asked Governor Shaf roth to Investigate the Starkville disaster In which probab ly 60 miners lost their lives. It also requested an Investigation of the Col orado coal fields, generally. dumont Studies stars. Man AYuo First "Flew" Will no Lcji ger . Dabble with the Sport. ,. Paris, Oct. 13 Santos Dumont, thi first man to fly has quit the game fo; good. He has taken up astronomy as a fad and is building a gigantic cb servatory on the coast where he can study the stars. He said he took up aeronautics for sport and now that h has conquered the air It has lost aU excitement, so he will look elsewhen for, something new. AVIATOR DYING. Texas Man Meets With ' Fatal AccI- . dent While Starting Propeller. Amerill, Tex., Oct. 13 Aviator Thomas Benoist is dying today as a result of an. accident while starting his aeroplane, the propeller of which struck his head and fractured tho skull. . ; . , . : ; Rales arc Suspended. Washington, Oct. 13 The interstate commerce commission announced that the railroad rates Involved in the .trans-Missouri and' Illinois freight territorial agreement had agreed to uie commisBion s renuest for a sus- pension of a general rate increase un- til February 1 "OUST THE! IS COLONEL CAMPAIGNS FOR SENA TOR REVERIDGE OF INI). Refers to Lorlmer Bribery Scandal in " Stirring Speech at Danville. Danville,: 111., Oct. 13 Colonel Roosevelt's Bpeech here today was one round of denunciation for corrupt politicians and breakers of public faith, Speaking In connection with the Lorlmer bribery scandal, Roosevelt said: "Drive them out of office." ' . Senator Beveridge, of Indiana, Join ed the party here. Roosevelt speaks at several Indiana towns today In be half of Beveridge who is a candidate for re-election. : ' ' Roosevelt Wants Commission. Ederburg, Oct. 13 Roosevelt here this afternoon spoke In favor of a tar iff commission and urged the re-election of Beveridge. '. Roosevelt said the people are in favor of a tariff which equalizes the coBt of production in this country and abroad and in order to bring this about the tariff commission Is neces sary, "The ' difference between( the cost of production at home and abroad cannot be ascertained by dickering and log rolling among the special in terests whom tariff directly affects," said the Colonel. SUPERINTENDENTS CHANGED. White Is Sent to Twin Falls to As sume Superlntendency There. ; Dan White and wife left last night for Twlnn Falls, Idaho, where Mr. White will superintend the Warren Construction Co's. work in that city. Mr. White has been superintendent of the work in this city and It is regret ted very much by a large number of friends that Mr. and Mrs. White were Bent to another field. Mr. L. D. Sulll van, formerly with the Halley, Ida., work, will superintend, the remainder of the La Grande construction. COFFEE HOME SOLD. i i . Wilson Agency Disposes of Local Property to Spokane Woman. , Mrs. Lampert of Spokane has pur chased tho J. E. Coffey residence, cor ner First and Grandy and Intends to make her future home there. The sale was negotiated by tho J. EV Wilson Realty agency. mm '? .;' '""" :,'' .""' '-"'' TUFT HEADY TO IHSPEGT THE CUE: RUMORS OF GRAFT SAID TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SUDDEN DECISION TO GO. Gencral Belief that Charges of a Syn t ilicat Graft Ahnnt h a-; In Tanama, are Responsible for YIs It by the President Taft Wants to Visit Place at First Hand to Lenrtt Graft's Nature., . ; 'Beverly, Ov. 13 Following a con-,' ference with Col. Goothala, chief en gineer of the Panama 'canal. President, Taft. this afternoon decided to tisit ; the Panama canal soon. The announ cement revives the rumors of alleged , graft a syndicate, is about to start " operations wub In the canal one. Taft will first go to Cincinnati to vote , and later board a warship at Charles- , ton for the Isthmus. k According to the story coming from ' the Panama one ' of the syndicate " schemes to graft was to charge mono- " rolistic prices for coal to ships pass ing .through"1 the canal. It is believed Taft liUends . learn . first hand whether1 sucli a scheme is in existence. . Methodist Lay Preachers. . New Haven, Conn., Oct.; 13 What promises to be one of the most inter esting gatherings ever -held in New Haven was opened today by the Na tional Association of Methodist Local or Lay Preachers. Church workers from coast to coast are here and two prominent English Wesleyan . lay preachers, the Rev. John Tearle, and the Rev.' Thomas Rowbotham are , among the speakers on the program. The" sessions will continue dally for two or three weeks. . To 'Forestall Taft. New York, Oct. 13 It Is statedhere that the big new issue of Harriman road stocks has for Us object the fore stalling of President Tftft's newly appointed commission on railroad stocks and bonds. Should the findings of the commission result in drastic legislation, relative to future Issues of railroad securities, the present ac tion would be decidedly beneficial to the road. : ' v.'- - - ' '' " '( Athletes In New Orleans. New' Orleans, ,Oct. 13 Athletes from a score of cities are gathering ln-the southern metropolis today for the national championships of tho Amateur Athletic Union, which begin tomorrow and will continue through. Saturday; The large representation from the New York -clubs renders it practically certain that that city will lead In the number of points. LUND TO BUILD HOME. Helsom Addition to See Hew House wo tp at unce. Chris Lund has purchased through the La Grande Investment Company,' lots 1, 2 ,3 and 4 Block 4 Helaom's ad dition, formerly owned by B. A. Men- ham. Mr. Lund now has lumber on the ground and a house Is under course of construction. Mr. Lund works for the George Palmer Lumber Co. eo these lots makes a very desirable location, for hta home. ... ,. Webb Bays the GrllL , Lavon Zundel today retired from ac tive relations with the firm owning the Grill, formerly known as the Spo kane cafe. Mr. Zundel has been trou bled with 111 health and Is forced to retire from the business.- Mr. Webb will conduct the business alone here after. .. . .'','