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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1910)
7 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER )VEDNESDAy, OCTOBER 12, 1910. PAGE EIGHT STOREY 10 THE MO IP . THE e y i- I 4 ? ! f i r CITY TO! mm DILL ADDRESS LARGE AUDIENCE OX THE PROHIBITION QCESTIO.V "Prohibition Is not Temperance" Is Thome to be Discussed Tonight. - Pros and cons of local option and prohibition as heard from the rostrum will he commenced tonight in earnest when Hon. Sidney, Story, the disting uished Southern lecturer, whose .sub ject Is "Prohibition is not Temper ance," will, lecture, at the Steward op era house. The lecture commences at 8 o'clock and the well-known law maker, from New Orleans will doubt lessly be greeted by a large audience. The band will be out and every Indi cation points to a big crowd with the opening of the local option campaign. Several Important personages are to lecture on this subject dur,lng the coming two weeks, but those Interest ed cannot afford to miss tonight's lec ture. ." ' ' This Is a question for the people to riacldA on November elahth- haH a loons be licensed and well regulated or shall liquor be sold on the blind pig basis.. Mr. Story will argue this question In detail, and hU position on the much-mooted problem . will be clearly defined, and any person who may or may not have Jormed an opin ion on the question will no doubt be enlightened by what Mir. Story will say. For a time a movement was on foot today to have Mr, Storey and Mr. Wil son meet In a debate tonight, but the plan failed, for, tonight. The Home Rule., association had all Its plans made for an address but Mr. Storey did agree to meet Mr. Wilson here or .anywhere In a public debate as aoon as the present schedule of speeches was over, Teddy to Explain. Peoria, III, Oct. 12 Col. Roosevelt Is expected to do some explaining In his address here tonight before the Knights of Columbus, who are today celebrating Columbus day. The ex planation will give the Catholic mem bers of the order the Roosevelt version of the controversy resulting from the decision of the Colonel not to visit the Vatican because of the restrictions placed on his movements by Pope Plus, While here, the distinguished visitor will be the guest of Archbishop Fpalding. , , Tonight's meeting will be held In the Coliseum. Besides Col. Roosevelt, the list of speakers includes Burke Cochran of New York, Robert Kmmott Kane of St Louis and Robert Henry Little of Chicago. The committee has arrauged for over a thousand persons at the banquet which will proceed the speaking. Col. Roosevelt goes from this city to Indianapolis, where he will speak in behalf of Senator Beverldge. Want ads pay, one cent a woid. WE WANT YOUR ... t Laundry Work.:.:. . BOTH PHONES TWO WAGONS Cherry's New Laundry CHICAGO LECTURER TO ANSWER STOREY TOMORROW MGHT. , Local Opttonhts Praises Sir. Wilson's Ability as a Lectarer. Clarence True Wilson, the Chicago lecturer and preacher of prominence Is In La Grande today and Is to appear tomorrow night In this city, ans wering what Sidney Story may say to night. In ' speaking of Mr. Wilson's coming lecture, Rev. J. D. Gillilan of the local M. E. church said today: "Dr. Clarence True Wilson, a speak er of persuasive and logical eloquence will speak tomorrow evening In reply to Mr. Storey's address tonight. All the people should .hear both sides of this momentous question thoroughly discussed as every other issue of the campaign of 1910 palls before It." SENTENCED FOR CHARLES SMITH SERVING ONE MONTH IN COUNT! JAIL. Found Guilty of Stealing Clothes From Will Emmons at Union. Charles Smith, a man who was rec ently involved in a statutory charge filed by a woman of this city, was yes terday sentenced to thirty days In. the county pall for lerceny. The theft was alleged to have been made at Un ion when Will Emmons lost, some clothing. Smith was cought here two days ago and yesterday was tried and found guilty, He is serving his sen tence now. ' Drank and Disorderly Fine. Testerday was a banner day for the police department when a long string of fines were attached to drunks and disorderly prisoners. Only one was hauled up today and that was a man named Hendricks. Tour Last Chance. , If you haven't registered, be sure and do so this week. Only half the voters of La Grande have registered. The registration books will be open every evening in the rear of the Un ited , States National Bank building from seven to ten p. m. DO IT NOW. ADDITIONAL APPLE PRIZES. Spokane Fair Announces Additions That Will Interest the Growers. Spokane, Wash., Oct. 12 (Special) Chief interest at the third National Apple Show In Spoicane, the week of November 14, promises to center In the contests on carloads, In which the sweepstake of $1,000 In gold carries with It the world's championship. The Becond prize is $300 and a silver med al banner. It is expected there will be between 20 and 25 entries In the competition, Ren II. Rice, secretary and manager of the show, announces these additional prizes on varieties.: WInesap First prize $2."0 and gold medal banner; second, $100 and silver medal banner. Rome Beauty First prize, $230 and gold banner: second, $100 and silver medal banner. Wagener First prize, $230 and gold medal banner; second $100 and silver medal banner. Mcintosh First prize, $230 and gold medal banner; second $100 and silver medal banner. Jonathan First prize, $230 and gold medal banner; second, $100 and all ver medal banner. Spltzenburg-rFlrst prize, $250 and gold medal banner; second, $100 and silver medal banner. Yellow Newtown First prize, $250 and gold medal banner; second $100 and silver medal banner. tor the best mixed carload of any standard winter varieties, each variety to consist of at least 50 boxes First prize $250 and gold medal banner second $100 and ellve,r medal ban ner. A solid silver trophy cup. valued at $500 is offered by the Chicago Asso ciation of Commerce to the exhibitor who scores highest on pack in the carload class. LARCENY r . 1 'ir --' "' " " ; ; Hoilafc I ' ' What better car can you want than a Chalmers ueaiers in .- at$i500. ... .,.' . POPF H A RTFOR O What more can you buy with any amount of money? vr Lu'k lrk 1 1 You could buy a seven-passenger car, or you could buy DFCDT CCC more power. That is all. If you want a seven-passenger Xj1i11ILjOj ' ; carj allright. As Tfoif more power, you can get it if you ' . . want to pay for it, but you do- not need it on any car not CHALMERS-DETROIT r8rretlfflve- - V 1 ; ' . j What more do you want, then, in& car, than you can nJ fJIinQON PAR get in the Chalmers? V anu nuuouiN , wuw would be pleased to have you call At ' " ': ' " ' '; : OUR GARAGE AND WE WILL BE WILLING TO Will Have a Demonstrator some time this month SHOW YOU THE GOOD QUALITIES. ; f TO CHEF SATURDAY STRONG SECOND TEAM MEETS FIRST. Annual Event In Local School History Will be Well Attended. . The first and second teams of. the La Grande high school will play foot ball at the ball park next Saturday. This game between the first and sec ond teams has become an annual ev ent and is rapidly gaining in popu larity. Two years ago the first team after a long and hard struggle, de feated the scrubs, as the second tear is termed, by a score of 2 to 0. This was pronounced by the spectators to have been one of the fastest games played on the local gridiron that year. Last year the first team secured four touchdowns against the second team. But this year the second team ap pears to be fully equal to the first e cept in weight. Many believe 'the scrubs will give the first team tv;s run of its life and as the contestants will alhave their friends on hand, the game will be unusually interest ing. The crowd too Is expected to be arge. , . : r-" Fast for Ilebrews. New York, Oct. 12 Devout Hebrews throughout the . world will begin the observance of Yom Klppur at sundown today, and for 24 hours will abstain from eating and drinking. , Good Roads for Alabama. , Birmingham, Ala., Oct. 12 To mako the highways of Alabama the best in the South is the object of a conven tlon opened here today by the Stat) Good Roads Association. Back to the Crind. School days! Oh, yes! Hot stuff And well enough For the Jay Who see them from far away Ami traces Only the high places Where he hit On his tlit ' From entrance time To the heights suhltme. Where on the rostrum proud ho stood And sawed wood Rltfht tn the public eye, High - . Above the common herd, And spoke the word H That, heeded, would set things right " On graduation night The petty troubles he forgets, Lets Them slip away Into forgetful ness. And lays no stress On the weary day. Now far away. When he almost went Into a decline Trying; to prove that four and three were nine. And, ny. Locating Baffin's bay . Is no snap If you can't find It on the map , And getting grammar right Is pure delight. Provide.! a pretty girl Is near To wnlsper In your ear If she can look ' In the hook When the teacher's eye is waicmng Jonnny Jones kill a fly. Tes. we praix School days Whon toward the haity past We cast A retrospective eye: but. lUt as not, It's different on the spot. -Ask tne- kid. , If your liver Is slnRglsh and out of tone, and vou feel dull, hi lions, constipated, take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets tonight before retiring and you will (eel all right in the morning. Huihor and Philosophy 9r VjtCAt M. SMITH PERT PARAGRAPHS. A NYBODY who can't understand our w&y of looking at things Is sure to have some sort of a kink In the run ning gear of his thought machine. The thinking people who don't tell what they think are often very kind to as thereby. , A man may be fond of a fool when It Is himself, but bates to be told of It Small troubles are the sort that other people have. If you want to know Just about how much ice you really cnt, get an esti mate from the inan who doesn't like you. The disturber of the peace la the one who always gets attention. " If yon don't like to do it, don't make the mistake of thinking that yon do It well. The man who doesn't enjoy being; ashamed of himself is likely to keep ont of touch with questionable things. No 84f Conceit , "I am going to do one thing to make people bap- py." "Are you?" ' "I am . deter mined upon It" i "What is It?" "L1t -to a great age." (."Huh". Nothing conceited about your "No; Just think how happy they finally shuffler' will all be when I Married a Count. "Why are you looking so downcast. Ethel?" "I have a lot of domestic unhappl- ness, Maud." "Have you?" . "Yes, and I -hear that you have the same." . "Not quite the same." "Nor "No; mine la foreign.' Som Compliment. "How deep are the falls?" asked the Inquisitive woman. .,'.' 'I don't know, madam; I never fell over them," 'I should think there would be an easier way than that for a muscular person like yourself to find out." "How would you suggest?' "You might swim up them." No Handicap. going to the beaches "Are you tb summer." "No. my deah fellah." "Aren't you?" "No.". "Why not?" "Deah me! Don't you know I come of an old and aristocratic family V "Oh. well they won't hold that against you there!" Cautious. The price that we the storeman pay Is high enough. It's safe to say. Be does not aim to lose, we hope, A million on a cake of soap. ... Cold Storage. "You say he is a very religions man?" "Very." "I never noticed any religion about him." "Didn't your "No; I wonder where be keeps It" At the church." ? f Jap Was Operated On. ' A local member of the Japanese colony underwent an operation at the hospital last evening wherein one 'of his eyes was removed by Doctor Hall. The young man has been ailing for some time and the removal was nec essary. However it was not ."Frank" Freight Bate Hearing. Washington, Oct. ,12 Proposed ad vances in railroad freight rates in classification territory, that section of the country east of the Mississippi and north of the Ohio were taken up for consideration today by the Inter state Commerce Commission. A pre liminary hearing of the case was held '4 Advertising GIRL WANTED inquire at-Observer office or at 1616 4th street. WANTED Wood haulers. Inquire at the brick yard. 3t TO TRADE Model F. Ford touring car will trade for real estate. Smith's Garage. 4t FOR SALE 7 room bouse, modern in every respect, good barn, corner lot 60x120, 1108 Penn Ave. Inquire R. E. Smith at Smith and Green's. FOR SALE OR TRADE 10 acre apple orchard in Frultdale, quarter mile from school, trees 12 years old, will trade for city property, easy terms. Inquire of R. E. Smith at Smith & Greene's. FOR SALE A baby cab cheap. Red 462.. . . : FOR SALE Dining table, one car pet, one rug, heating stove. 1314 Jack son ave. FOR SALE Thirty-thirty , Savage rifle and .38 caliber Colts revolver. Phone Black 272. ' ' ". '"' FOUND Silver watch on fair grounds. Owner can have' same by calling at this office and paying the expense. ' WANTED Position by experienced bookkeeper, can furnuish bank refer ence or will take several small sets of books. Write what you have, stat ing salary.' Address H. C. F. care Ob server office. Don't forget to register this week. Co Jo ICIassitkdt General Contractor of Cement Worlc Plain and Re-enforced Concrete THE SIDEWALKS BARLEY reoently in New York City. . .Representatives of the railroads al lege that the increases are absolutsly necessary to the preservation of the financial stability of the lines involv ed, and that failure to sanction the rate advance would speedily result in placing several systems In the hands of receivers. ?- Organizations of railroad employes favor, the, proposed new rates, alleg ing that they would be the first to suf fer if the roads were forced to ad-v-t a policy of retrenchment. Various organizations of shippers are on hand to oppose the increases. The necessity of paying dividends on watered stock, allege the shippers,' is the real reason for the increases. They declare that the present rates would ifford big dividends upon an hon-.-st capitalisation. When the disrestion "is all rich t. the action of the bowels regular7ther is a natural crav ing and relish for food. W hen this is lack ing you may know that you need a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They strengthen the digestive organs, im prove the appetite and vgulate the bowels. We are always pleased to see you, more especially when per fume is wanted, . because we know we can suit you. We carry an adequate line of all the latest and best odors pn-t fumes that have and deserve a reputation. ' ,The art of perfume maklrg has reached a high state of develop ment and the most perce: odors are here for jou choos. - See the dainty cntglass botttes with the flower In the perfume. PRICES ALWAYS ABLE. REASON. Drag Company THE RELIABLE DRUGGISTS. MAKES STAND WE WEAR ... I . Delicate Perfumes WRIGHT 1 r 1